
SELF-ESTEEM:Building process of self-esteem, Self-esteem and public image

<< UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION STYLES:Modeling communication style, Sociability continuum
BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE:The importance of self-confidence and self-efficacy, Balanced Self-Confidence: >>
Human Relations­ MGMT611
Lesson 15
Love thyself and self-esteem
"Love thy neighbors" is one of the world's best-known human relations principles. Yet most people forget
that the phrase ends as you those last two words are the foundation for accomplishing the first three. When
you maintain your self-esteem, you feel confident and free to express yourself without being overly
concerned with others' reactions; you work to fulfill your needs for achievement, strength, recognition,
independence and appreciation -- to reach your greatest potential. If you maintain low self-esteem, you are
plagued by doubts and anxieties that limit your ability to achieve success.
Self-esteem: "Appreciating my own worth and importance and having the character to be accountable for
myself and to act responsibly towards others." Self-esteem can be thought of as the sum of self-confidence
and self-respect." There is no value judgment more important to man -- no matter more decisive in the
psychological development and motivation -- than the estimate he passed on himself."
Measure of self-esteem
Your measure of self-esteem is always a matter of degree. Your self-esteem reflects what you think and feel
about yourself, not what someone else thinks or feels about you, even though you are always reevaluating
yourself in light of others' comments about your behavior. Self esteem includes the personality traits you
believe you have, such as honesty, creativity, assertiveness, flexibility, and many more. Genuine self-esteem
is not expressed by self- glorification at the expense of others or by the attempt to diminish others so as to
elevate you.
Building process of self-esteem
"A child's life is a piece of paper on which every passer-by leaves a mark. Parents do not teach their
children self-esteem. But they do shape it with positive and negative messages.
ˇ  Bad boy! Bad girl!
You are great!
ˇ  You're so lazy!
You can do anything!
ˇ  You'll never learn.
You're a fast learner!
ˇ  What's wrong with you?
Next time you'll do better.
ˇ  Why can't you be more like..?
I like you just the way you are.
ˇ  It's your entire fault.
I know you did your best.
Childhood and self-esteem
Parental discipline is one way of telling children that parents care about them and what they do. When
someone cares about you, you tend to think more positively about yourself. The self-esteem formed in
childhood lays the foundation of your attitudes toward work, your future success, your personal abilities,
and the roles you play.
Media and self-esteem
The media play a strong part in how adolescents see themselves. The beautiful people featured on TV and
movies lead adolescents to use these unrealistic images to measure their own attributes and lifestyles. It is
easy to feel deficient in comparison. Instead of seeing who you really are, you see who you are not and
continually reinforce that negative image with your own inner thoughts, often referred to as self-talk.
Formative years of self-esteem
ˇ  The ages of twelve and eighteen are among the most crucial in developing and consolidating your
feelings about yourself. During these years, you are moving away from the close bond between
parent and child; and are attempting to establish ideals of independence and achievement
ˇ  You must also deal with physical changes; relationships with peer groups; an emerging, often
confusing identity; and the loss of childhood and the assumption of some adult responsibilities.
Human Relations­ MGMT611
ˇ  Is it any wonder that your self-esteem seemed to change not only day by day but also hour by hour?
Self-esteem and public image
ˇ  "First-rate people hire first-rate people. Second- rate people hire third-rate people." Individuals
with secure self-esteem realize that in helping others succeed, they benefit themselves as well.
ˇ  Acceptance of others is a good indication that you accept yourself.
ˇ  "People take you at the value you put on yourself. If you believe in your own power, other people
will believe you and treat you with the respect you've provided for yourself."
Hope and self-esteem
ˇ  Improving the person's physical image seemed to create an entirely new individual.
ˇ  In the legend, the king longs for an ideal wife. Because no mortal woman meets his expectations, he
fashions a statue of his ideal woman out of ivory and eventually falls in love with his creation. His
desire to make the statue his wife is so intense that his belief brings it to life.
ˇ  "When a doctor can instill some measure of hope, the healing process sometimes starts even before
treatment begins."
Mentors are peopling who have been where you want to go in your career and who are willing to act as your
guide and friend. They take you under your wings and show you how to get to the next step in your career.
They act as sponsors, teachers, supervisors, and coaches.
ˇ  Self-esteem is just like a driver of a car or a captain of a ship. It can take you to a glorious
destination or it can destroy any one's future. Self-esteem is a sum total of self-confidence and self-
ˇ  Self-confidence is a product of gaining and using knowledge to do things. If you do most of the
things successfully, you gain confidence and as a result, the self-worth of yours increases.
Activity: Thinking and learning about yourself
Can you recall two or three people from your childhood or adolescence who had a positive effect
on your self-esteem? What did these people say or do? Were there any who had a negative effect on
you? What did they say or do?
Identify at least two people who you feel exhibit the characteristics of people with high self-esteem.
Explain what behaviors helped you identify them.
Table of Contents:
  1. HUMAN RELATIONS:Some Guidelines for Effective Human Relations, Communication has 3meanings
  2. CULTURE AND PERSONALITY:Definition of sub culture, Definition of Personality, Types of Persons
  4. PERCEPTION AND INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR:Three concepts of personality, Bias in Perception
  5. PERCEPTION AND GROUP BEHAVIOR:Characteristics of Groups, Individual and Group Behavior
  6. ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR:Types of Attitudes, Steps to turn attitude into action
  7. PERSONAL MOTIVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT:Needs and Motivation, Self-discipline and motivation
  8. SOLVING PROBLEMS SKILLFULLY:Problem solving and cognition, Ways to solve problems
  9. CREATIVITY IN PROBLEM SOLVING:Barriers to creativity, Tips to solve problems creatively
  10. HANDLING PERSONAL ISSUES:Self-Defeating Behaviour, Positive attitude to tackle personal problems
  12. COMMUNICATION AND HUMAN RELATIONS:Process of communication, Improving gender barriers to communication
  13. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION:To improve listening skills, Types of organizational communication
  14. UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION STYLES:Modeling communication style, Sociability continuum
  15. SELF-ESTEEM:Building process of self-esteem, Self-esteem and public image
  16. BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE:The importance of self-confidence and self-efficacy, Balanced Self-Confidence:
  17. BECOMING A LEADER-1:Assessing leadership role, Traits and Characteristics of Effective Leaders
  18. BECOMING A LEADER-II:Theories of leadership, Developing leadership potential
  19. GLOBALIZATION AND CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES:Religious Values and Bicultural Identities
  20. IMPROVING CROSS-CULTURAL COMPETENCE:Strategies to improve cross-cultural relations, More steps to improve Cultural Relations
  21. BUILDING GOOD RELATIONS WITH MANAGERS:Impressing your manager, Coping with a problem manager
  22. BUILDING GOOD RELATIONS WITH CO-WORKERS:Make Co-workers feel important, Maintain Honest and Open Relationships
  23. BUILDING GOOD RELATIONS WITH CUSTOMERS:Salesperson Represents the Business, Approaching the Customer, Excuses vs. Objections
  24. CHOOSING A CAREER-1:Ten Myths about Choosing a Career, Attitude toward and Perceptions about Myself
  25. CHOOSING A CAREER-II:Choosing a career and developing a portfolio Career, Suggestions for career Preparation
  26. FINDING A JOB:Targeting your job search, The Internet and Résumé Database Services, Extreme Job Hunting
  27. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESUME:Major types of resumes, Electronic Submission of the Résumé
  28. IMPROVING INTERVIEW SKILLS:Successful interview, Knowing the employer or Organization
  29. IMPROVING WORK HABITS-1:Reasons of procrastination, Techniques for Reducing Procrastination
  30. IMPROVING WORK HABITS-2:Developing the proper attitudes and values, Time-management techniques
  32. TAKING CONTROL OF YOURSELF:Develop Outstanding Interpersonal Skills, Business etiquettes
  33. EXERTING CONTROL ON OUTSIDE ENVIRONMENT:Important communication tip, Exerting control over the outside world
  34. MANAGING PERSONAL FINANCES-1:Your personal financial plan, Steps in budget making
  35. MANAGING PERSONAL FINANCES-2:Basic investment principles, Tolerance for Investment Risks, Types of investments
  36. ACHIEVING HAPPINESS-1:Finding happiness and enhancing your personal life, The key to happiness
  37. ACHIEVING HAPPINESS-2:The Five Principles of Psychological Functioning, Your mind and Happiness
  38. ACHIEVING HAPPINESS-3:Need for intimacy, Working out issues with relationships
  39. APATHY AND ITS REMEDIES:Let us try to understand the various definitions of apathy, Coping strategies for apathy
  40. ENHANCING PERSONAL ETHICS-1:Influence of Culture, Common ethical problems
  41. ENHANCING PERSONAL ETHICS-2:Common ethical problems, Guidelines for Behaving Ethically
  42. HELPING OTHERS GROW:Being a Nurturing, Positive Person, A list of mentoring behaviour, Coaching skills and techniques
  43. REVIEW-I:What is a Human Relation?, Meanings of Communication, Two types of stress, Some personal problem, Communication style
  44. REVIEW-II:Steps to build self-confidence, Globalization, Building Good Relations with Co-workers, Good work habits
  45. REVIEW-III:New model of career advancement, Choosing your investment, Tactics for Dealing with Difficult People