

COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT:Socio- Cultural Factor, The Individual and the Group >>
Introduction to Psychology ­PSY101
Lesson 10
"The process of growth and differentiation"
Development refers to the progressive changes in size, shape, and function during the life of an
organism by which its genetic potentials (genotype) are translated into functioning mature systems
(phenotype). Most modern philosophical outlooks would consider that development of some kind
or other characterizes all things, in both the physical and biological worlds.
Developmental Psychology
The branch of psychology that studies how growth and physiological/ psychological/ social
changes take place over the life span
Also called Life-span Psychology, it is concerned with the changes in cognitive, motivational, psycho-
physiological, and social functioning that occur throughout the human life span. During the 19th and early
20th centuries, developmental psychologists were concerned primarily with child psychology.
Human Development
Biological sense: progressive change in size, shape, and function, of the body during the life span;
the genetic potentials are translated into functioning adult systems
Psychological sense: the ways by which physical, cognitive and psychosocial characteristics
change over life span; such development is complex, systematic, and age- related
Developmental changes can be quantitative and easy to measure such as height and weight and
the expansion of vocabulary
Developmental changes can be qualitative i.e., changes in kinds that are more complex and
involve "leaps" in functioning. these distinguish a crawling baby from a walking child, a non-
verbal child from a talking child, self- absorbed adolescent from a mature adult
Psychological changes include the growth of:
·  Learning
·  Cognition
·  Intelligence
·  Emotional maturity
·  Creativity
·  Sociability
·  Morality...and much more
These small leaps are based upon small series of steps that we continue to take throughout our life span
Issues of Interest to Developmental Psychologists
Is development continuous or discontinuous?
Some psychologists believed that human functioning does not undergo fundamental changes but instead
changes gradually in its efficiency and working capacity; initially a child spoke a few words but gradually
these words become longer and more complicated, increasing the child's ability to remember and use them
in sentences.
Other psychologists maintain that changes in development reflect psychological processes that mediate
human functioning. These are qualitatively unique stages, in which the evolution of one stage may depend
on the traits of the preceding stages. e.g. Roger Brown, psychologist, maintains that in the process of
language acquisition, a child progresses systematically in five steps or stages. Each stage has its own set of
rules and skills from which a higher level of language acquisition takes place.
Introduction to Psychology ­PSY101
Jean Piaget maintained that cognitive development occurs in a series of steps in which the child acquires
and uses unique sets of cognitive processes that allow the child to think in identifiable ways.
Is development general or specific?
·  Many aspects of functioning show simultaneous changes; a co-occurrence of change in different
·  Changes occur in specific areas of functioning that do not occur in other level of functioning.
·  Development may remain isolated in specific domains.e.g. Video game mastery in young boys
Is development stable or changing?
In some respects development is stable and stays there for very long, whereas in some ways it keeps
Temporal aspect: degree of stability or change across the lifespan
Situational aspect: degree of stability or change across a wide variety of experiences.e.g. Aggressive
behavior in children
Humans active or passive beings?
Psychologists maintain that humans are active recipients as well as participants in their course of
development. Man seeks to understand the strategies that he can adopt in order to influence development
Jean Piaget emphasized the active participation of the child in acquiring cognitive skills__ acquisition of
knowledge and ability to use it effectively.
Some philosophers believed that humans are passive beings whose development is entirely dependent on
the environmental stimuli/ forces. These conditions may be internal i.e. food, water, companionship etc or
external i.e. previously experienced reward or punishment
These psychologists tend to view differences in the patterns of development in which an individual is
exposed to different environmental situations
Nature versus Nurture
Nature means hereditary influences.
Nurture refers to environmental influences, in child development.
Once, it was assumed that these were significant forces that operated independently of each
In the 17th century the French philosopher René Descartes set out views which held that
people possess certain inborn ideas that are long lasting and color people's approach to the
The British philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, on the other hand, took a more
empirical approach and emphasized the role of experience as fully contributing to behavioral
Since the days of Descates, Hobbes, and Locke, the empirical "nature" approach has led to a
lot of debate; many followers and many opponents.
Mid to late 1800's, through to the early 1900's the nature approach was the sole standpoint;
consistent with the scientific discoveries of the role of inheritance and natural selection by
Mendel and Darwin
The psychological argument developed later; Francis Galton "Hereditary Genius" (1869); "gifted
individuals" tended to come from families, which had other gifted individuals. He went on to
analyze biographical dictionaries and encyclopedias, and became convinced that talent in science,
professions, and the arts, ran in families.
Galton went even further arguing that it would be "quite practicable to produce a high gifted race
of men by judicious marriages during several consecutive generations".
Eugenics: "the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or repair the racial
qualities of future generations, either physically or mentally."
For Galton
"What Nature does blindly, slowly, and ruthlessly, man may do providently, quickly, and
"Intelligence must be bred, not trained".
Introduction to Psychology ­PSY101
Such arguments have had massive social consequences and have been used to support
apartheid policies, sterilization programs, and other acts of withholding basic human rights
from minority groups
The later scientists, especially the behaviorists contested such an approach and advocated the role and
significance of environmental influences
Prevalent Approach
Both influences are essential and are mutually influential. The role of interaction between
heredity and environment together is important. e.g., how a child responds to parenting--an
environmental influence--is partly determined by the child's temperament and other inherited
The environment influences how hereditary characteristics develop and are expressed e.g.
increase in average height during the last century because of improved nutrition and medical
Even though many features of personality are based on inherited temperament, the family
environment is an important influence on a child's personality development.
A child with a difficult or unpredictable temperament can develop positively in a warm and
loving family environment.
Intelligence is an inherited feature but the way it is utilized largely depends on the
environmental conditions.
Characteristics with Strong Genetic Components
Physical Characteristics
Intellectual Characteristics
Emotional Characteristics and Disorders
Physical Characteristics
Tone of voice
Blood Pressure
Tooth decay
Athletic ability
Firmness of hand shake
Age of death
Activity level
Intellectual Characteristics
Ability as measured on intelligence test
Age of language acquisition
Reading disability
Mental retardation
Emotional Characteristics and Disorders
Introduction to Psychology ­PSY101
Prenatal Environmental Influences
Mother's nutrition and emotional state
Illness of mother
Mother's use of drugs
Birth complications
Studies to Determine the Relative Importance of Nature or Nurture
i.  Twin Studies
·  Studies making use of twins, identical or fraternal...reared apart and reared together
·  The case of Gerald Levey and Mark Newman, twins reared apart, who had not seen each other before:
When method, both were bald, 6 and a half feet tall, volunteer fire fighters, 250 pounds in weight, had
droopy moustaches, wearing key rings on right side of their belts, liked to wear aviator style dark
glasses; both had interest in similar subjects, had jobs in the supermarket, and liked tall, slender
women with long hair; had similar hobbies, liked Chinese food and same drinks; showed similar
mannerism, laugh similarly, and loved to fight fire
Twin Studies with Monozygotic Twins
Twins reared apart: Same genes-different environment
Twins reared together: Same genes-same environment
Twins reared
Twin Studies with Monozygotic Twins
Twins reared
Twins reared
Reared together:
Same genes-same
c Twins
Twin Studies with Dizygotic Twins
a. Twins reared apart: Different genes-different environment
b. Twins reared together: Different genes-same environment
Twin Studies with Dizygotic Twins
Twins Reared
Twins Reared
Reared apart:
Reared together:
Different genes-
Different genes-same
different environment
Fraternal/ Dizygotic
Introduction to Psychology ­PSY101
i.  Adoption Studies
Children with different sets of genes, brought up by same parents...in same environment.
ii. Consanguinity Studies
Study of as many blood relatives as possible of a particular family; these study the extent to which
certain features/ characteristics are shared.
iii. Selective Breeding of Traits in Animals
Certain characteristics are cultivated in animals (running in a maze, aggression, obesity etc) and if it is
transmitted on to the next generation then that trait is partly inherited. These findings are then
generalized to humans.... although its validity is doubtful
Research on Nature- Nurture, Focusing on Environmental Issues
Research looking for possible environmental causes for certain traits/ behaviors
These include prenatal studies, and studies involving manipulation of the environmental factors e.g.
nutrition, exercise, drugs, pollution etc
These involve comparing actual history: surveys etc.
Limitations of Nature-Nurture Research
o  Ethical considerations in research with humans
o  Not all animal research can be applied to humans
The best solution probably is the ex-post facto/ retrospective studies
Heredity and Physical Development
Researchers believe that although environment exerts an important influence on human development,
physical traits are the ones more evidently influenced by heredity. Personality and intellectual characteristics
are also affected by it
Mechanism of Heredity: Transmission of Genetic Characteristics
The process begins from the moment of conception; a sperm from the father unites with the ovum/
egg of the mother to form zygote, a single-cell/one-celled product, containing the complete genetic
package for the one to be born much later
The zygote contains 23 pairs of chromosomes
Each sperm and ovum contains 23 chromosomes that are tiny rod- shaped particles containing
genetic/ heredity information.
·  Genetic/ heredity information is packed in the genes.
·  Genes: parts of chromosome that
are the transmitters of inheritance.
·  Genes
characteristics of the new being,
either individually or in combination
Genes may be dominant or recessive; a
dominant gene means that its characteristics will
dominate those of the recessive one e.g. if father
has brown eyes and mother has black eyes, and
if the father's genes dominate then the baby will
have brown eyes.
o  Each zygote's 46 chromosomes contain
about 30,000 segments strung along its
Introduction to Psychology ­PSY101
beads i.e., "genes"
Genes, made up of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA,) determine all our heredity
Prenatal Stages
EMBRYO: A developed zygote with a heart, a brain and other organs.
Fetus: A developing child; 9 weeks after conception till birth.
Determination of the Sex of the Embryo
A combination of chromosomes from the parents determines sex.
An XX pair means a female will be born An XY pair means a male will be born.
The mother's sex chromosome is always and `X' but the father may be either `X' or `Y'. If X
chromosome is being contributed by the father's side then the new being has to be a female;
and if the father is contributing a `Y' chromosome then the new being is going to be a male
Genotype and Phenotype
Genotype: genetic composition of a person.
Phenotype: observable characteristics.
The characteristics that can be observed and seen, make up our "phenotype". They may not
always be the same e.g. person may have brown eyes (phenotype) but carry genes for both
brown and blue eyes (genotype) __ dominant gene is brown
o  This difference in color is due to the fact that genes come in alternative forms called "Alleles"
(alternative forms of a gene). When alleles are identical, a person is homozygous for a trait; when
alleles are dissimilar the person is heterozygous
Patterns of Transmission of Characteristics
i. Homozygous and Heterozygous
When the person inherits identical alleles he is said to be "homozygous" (possessing two identical alleles
for a trait). When he inherits two different alleles then the person is "heterozygous" (possessing two
different alleles for a trait).
Example: when a person is homozygous for brown eyes then he will transmit only genes for brown
eyes to his offspring and if heterozygous for blue and brown eyes then although dominant one is
brown, but he will transfer his both alleles to his offspring.
a. Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
·  Patterns of inheritance in which a specific gene is dominant; if it is inherited; it manifests
itself in the person.
b. Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
Patterns of inheritance in which trait appears only if a person inherits two genes for it, one
from each parent. If the person inherits only one gene for a trait, it will not appear in a person
but may be passed on to his children.
ii. Multi- Factorial Inheritance
·  Patterns of inheritance in which a trait is expressed either by a combination of several genes or
through the interaction of genes with environmental factors.
·  More complicated combination of genes or an interaction between genetic predispositions and
environmental factors that bring them out.
·  Some characteristics follows one of these patterns, other genes another.
Introduction to Psychology ­PSY101
Hair type (curly or straight) is either autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive, baldness is sex-
linked; height and weight are probably multi- factorial.
Some diseases and birth defect are inherited according to these patterns. Most prominent examples are:
Achondroplasia: a kind of dwarfism that is inherited by autosomal dominance.
Tay- Sachs disease: body's inability to break down fat; results into death by 3-4 years of age
Huntington's disease: 99.9% correlation between having the identified gene and the disease.
The blood- clotting disorder hemophilia is a sex- linked condition.
Spina bifida: a defect in the closure of the vertebral canal, that is believed to be the condition
transmitted by sex- linked inheritance
The process of development continues throughout the life span
While considering aspects of development, individuality and interactions are the key terms in understanding
it. All beings bring their unique genetic package into this world and have unique sets of experiences too.
An individual's strengths, abilities, and predispositions are affected by the influence of environment. These
influences make a person act in ways that elicit new experiences
Table of Contents:
  1. WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY?:Theoretical perspectives of psychology
  3. SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT:Biological Approach, Psychodynamic Approach
  4. PERSPECTIVE/MODEL/APPROACH:Narcosis, Chemotherapy
  5. THE PSYCHODYNAMIC APPROACH/ MODEL:Psychic Determinism, Preconscious
  6. BEHAVIORAL APPROACH:Behaviorist Analysis, Basic Terminology, Basic Terminology
  8. RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY (I):Scientific Nature of Psychology
  9. RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY (II):Experimental Research
  11. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT:Socio- Cultural Factor, The Individual and the Group
  12. NERVOUS SYSTEM (1):Biological Bases of Behavior, Terminal Buttons
  13. NERVOUS SYSTEM (2):Membranes of the Brain, Association Areas, Spinal Cord
  14. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM:Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Dwarfism
  15. SENSATION:The Human Eye, Cornea, Sclera, Pupil, Iris, Lens
  16. HEARING (AUDITION) AND BALANCE:The Outer Ear, Auditory Canal
  17. PERCEPTION I:Max Wertheimer, Figure and Ground, Law of Closure
  18. PERCEPTION II:Depth Perception, Relative Height, Linear Perspective
  19. ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS:Electroencephalogram, Hypnosis
  20. LEARNING:Motor Learning, Problem Solving, Basic Terminology, Conditioning
  21. OPERANT CONDITIONING:Negative Rein forcer, Punishment, No reinforcement
  22. COGNITIVE APPROACH:Approach to Learning, Observational Learning
  23. MEMORY I:Functions of Memory, Encoding and Recoding, Retrieval
  24. MEMORY II:Long-Term Memory, Declarative Memory, Procedural Memory
  25. MEMORY III:Memory Disorders/Dysfunctions, Amnesia, Dementia
  26. SECONDARY/ LEARNT/ PSYCHOLOGICAL MOTIVES:Curiosity, Need for affiliation
  27. EMOTIONS I:Defining Emotions, Behavioral component, Cognitive component
  28. EMOTIONS II:Respiratory Changes, Pupillometrics, Glandular Responses
  29. COGNITION AND THINKING:Cognitive Psychology, Mental Images, Concepts
  31. PERSONALITY I:Definition of Personality, Theories of Personality
  32. PERSONALITY II:Surface traits, Source Traits, For learning theorists, Albert Bandura
  33. PERSONALITY III:Assessment of Personality, Interview, Behavioral Assessment
  34. INTELLIGENCE:The History of Measurement of Intelligence, Later Revisions
  35. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY:Plato, Aristotle, Asclepiades, In The Middle Ages
  36. ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR I:Medical Perspective, Psychodynamic Perspective
  37. ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR II:Hypochondriasis, Conversion Disorders, Causes include
  38. PSYCHOTHERAPY I:Psychotherapeutic Orientations, Clinical Psychologists
  39. PSYCHOTHERAPY II:Behavior Modification, Shaping, Humanistic Therapies
  40. POPULAR AREAS OF PSYCHOLOGY:ABC MODEL, Factors affecting attitude change
  41. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY:Understanding Health, Observational Learning
  42. INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY:‘Hard’ Criteria and ‘Soft’ Criteria
  43. CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY:Focus of Interest, Consumer Psychologist
  44. SPORT PSYCHOLOGY:Some Research Findings, Arousal level
  45. FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY:Origin and History of Forensic Psychology