
Introduction to Templates:Template syntax, Stack and Stash as templates

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16: Introduction to
Inheritance and composition provide a way to reuse
object code. The template feature in C++ provides
a way to reuse source code.
Although C++ templates are a general-purpose programming tool,
when they were introduced in the language, they seemed to
discourage the use of object-based container-class hierarchies
(demonstrated at the end of Chapter 15). For example, the Standard
C++ containers and algorithms (explained in two chapters of
Volume 2 of this book, downloadable from ) are
built exclusively with templates and are relatively easy for the
programmer to use.
This chapter not only demonstrates the basics of templates, it is also
an introduction to containers, which are fundamental components
of object-oriented programming and are almost completely realized
through the containers in the Standard C++ Library. You'll see that
this book has been using container examples ­ the Stash and Stack
­ throughout, precisely to get you comfortable with containers; in
this chapter the concept of the iterator will also be added. Although
containers are ideal examples for use with templates, in Volume 2
(which has an advanced templates chapter) you'll learn that there
are many other uses for templates as well.
Suppose you want to create a stack, as we have been doing
throughout the book. This stack class will hold ints, to keep it
//: C16:IntStack.cpp
// Simple integer stack
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class IntStack {
enum { ssize = 100 };
int stack[ssize];
int top;
Thinking in C++
IntStack() : top(0) {}
void push(int i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
int pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
int main() {
IntStack is;
// Add some Fibonacci numbers, for interest:
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// Pop & print them:
for(int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
cout << is.pop() << endl;
} ///:~
The class IntStackis a trivial example of a push-down stack. For
simplicity it has been created here with a fixed size, but you can
also modify it to automatically expand by allocating memory off
the heap, as in the Stack class that has been examined throughout
the book.
main( ) adds some integers to the stack, and pops them off again.
To make the example more interesting, the integers are created
with the fibonacci( )function, which generates the traditional
rabbit-reproduction numbers. Here is the header file that declares
the function:
//: C16:fibonacci.h
// Fibonacci number generator
int fibonacci(int n); ///:~
Here's the implementation:
//: C16:fibonacci.cpp {O}
#include "../require.h"
16: Introduction to Templates
int fibonacci(int n) {
const int sz = 100;
require(n < sz);
static int f[sz]; // Initialized to zero
f[0] = f[1] = 1;
// Scan for unfilled array elements:
int i;
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++)
if(f[i] == 0) break;
while(i <= n) {
f[i] = f[i-1] + f[i-2];
return f[n];
} ///:~
This is a fairly efficient implementation, because it never generates
the numbers more than once. It uses a static array of int, and relies
on the fact that the compiler will initialize a static array to zero. The
first for loop moves the index i to where the first array element is
zero, then a while loop adds Fibonacci numbers to the array until
the desired element is reached. But notice that if the Fibonacci
numbers through element n are already initialized, it skips the
while loop altogether.
The need for containers
Obviously, an integer stack isn't a crucial tool. The real need for
containers comes when you start making objects on the heap using
new and destroying them with delete. In the general programming
problem, you don't know how many objects you're going to need
while you're writing the program. For example, in an air-traffic
control system you don't want to limit the number of planes your
system can handle. You don't want the program to abort just
because you exceed some number. In a computer-aided design
system, you're dealing with lots of shapes, but only the user
determines (at runtime) exactly how many shapes you're going to
need. Once you notice this tendency, you'll discover lots of
examples in your own programming situations.
Thinking in C++
C programmers who rely on virtual memory to handle their
"memory management" often find the idea of new, delete, and
container classes disturbing. Apparently, one practice in C is to
create a huge global array, larger than anything the program would
appear to need. This may not require much thought (or awareness
of malloc( )and free( )), but it produces programs that don't port
well and that hide subtle bugs.
In addition, if you create a huge global array of objects in C++, the
constructor and destructor overhead can slow things down
significantly. The C++ approach works much better: When you
need an object, create it with new, and put its pointer in a
container. Later on, fish it out and do something to it. This way,
you create only the objects you absolutely need. And usually you
don't have all the initialization conditions available at the start-up
of the program. new allows you to wait until something happens in
the environment before you can actually create the object.
So in the most common situation, you'll make a container that
holds pointers to some objects of interest. You will create those
objects using new and put the resulting pointer in the container
(potentially upcasting it in the process), pulling it out later when
you want to do something with the object. This technique produces
the most flexible, general sort of program.
Overview of templates
Now a problem arises. You have an IntStack which holds integers.
But you want a stack that holds shapes or aircraft or plants or
something else. Reinventing your source code every time doesn't
seem like a very intelligent approach with a language that touts
reusability. There must be a better way.
There are three techniques for source code reuse in this situation:
the C way, presented here for contrast; the Smalltalk approach,
which significantly affected C++; and the C++ approach: templates.
16: Introduction to Templates
The C solution Of course you're trying to get away from the C
approach because it's messy and error prone and completely
inelegant. In this approach, you copy the source code for a Stack
and make modifications by hand, introducing new errors in the
process. This is certainly not a very productive technique.
The Smalltalk solutionSmalltalk (and Java, following its example)
took a simple and straightforward approach: You want to reuse
code, so use inheritance. To implement this, each container class
holds items of the generic base class Object (similar to the example
at the end of Chapter 15). But because the library in Smalltalk is of
such fundamental importance, you don't ever create a class from
scratch. Instead, you must always inherit it from an existing class.
You find a class as close as possible to the one you want, inherit
from it, and make a few changes. Obviously, this is a benefit
because it minimizes your effort (and explains why you spend a lot
of time learning the class library before becoming an effective
Smalltalk programmer).
But it also means that all classes in Smalltalk end up being part of a
single inheritance tree. You must inherit from a branch of this tree
when creating a new class. Most of the tree is already there (it's the
Smalltalk class library), and at the root of the tree is a class called
Object ­ the same class that each Smalltalk container holds.
This is a neat trick because it means that every class in the Smalltalk
(and Java1) class hierarchy is derived from Object, so every class
can be held in every container (including that container itself). This
type of single-tree hierarchy based on a fundamental generic type
(often named Object, which is also the case in Java) is referred to as
an "object-based hierarchy." You may have heard this term and
assumed it was some new fundamental concept in OOP, like
polymorphism. It simply refers to a class hierarchy with Object (or
1 With the exception, in Java, of the primitive data types. These were made non-
Objects for efficiency.
Thinking in C++
some similar name) at its root and container classes that hold
Because the Smalltalk class library had a much longer history and
experience behind it than did C++, and because the original C++
compilers had no container class libraries, it seemed like a good
idea to duplicate the Smalltalk library in C++. This was done as an
experiment with an early C++ implementation2, and because it
represented a significant body of code, many people began using it.
In the process of trying to use the container classes, they discovered
a problem.
The problem was that in Smalltalk (and most other OOP languages
that I know of), all classes are automatically derived from a single
hierarchy, but this isn't true in C++. You might have your nice
object-based hierarchy with its container classes, but then you
might buy a set of shape classes or aircraft classes from another
vendor who didn't use that hierarchy. (For one thing, using that
hierarchy imposes overhead, which C programmers eschew.) How
do you insert a separate class tree into the container class in your
object-based hierarchy? Here's what the problem looks like:
(Not derived
from Object)
(Holds pointers
to Objects)
Because C++ supports multiple independent hierarchies,
Smalltalk's object-based hierarchy does not work so well.
The solution seemed obvious. If you can have many inheritance
hierarchies, then you should be able to inherit from more than one
2 The OOPS library, by Keith Gorlen while he was at NIH.
16: Introduction to Templates
class: Multiple inheritance will solve the problem. So you do the
following (a similar example was given at the end of Chapter 15):
Now OShape has Shape's characteristics and behaviors, but
because it is also derived from Object it can be placed in Container
The extra inheritance into OCircle, OSquare, etc. is necessary so
that those classes can be upcast into OShape and thus retain the
correct behavior. You can see that things are rapidly getting messy.
Compiler vendors invented and included their own object-based
container-class hierarchies, most of which have since been replaced
by template versions. You can argue that multiple inheritance is
needed for solving general programming problems, but you'll see
in Volume 2 of this book that its complexity is best avoided except
in special cases.
The template solution
Although an object-based hierarchy with multiple inheritance is
conceptually straightforward, it turns out to be painful to use. In
his original book3 Stroustrup demonstrated what he considered a
preferable alternative to the object-based hierarchy. Container
classes were created as large preprocessor macros with arguments
that could be substituted with your desired type. When you
3 The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup (1st edition, Addison-Wesley,
Thinking in C++
wanted to create a container to hold a particular type, you made a
couple of macro calls.
Unfortunately, this approach was confused by all the existing
Smalltalk literature and programming experience, and it was a bit
unwieldy. Basically, nobody got it.
In the meantime, Stroustrup and the C++ team at Bell Labs had
modified his original macro approach, simplifying it and moving it
from the domain of the preprocessor into the compiler. This new
code-substitution device is called a template , and it represents a
completely different way to reuse code. Instead of reusing object
code, as with inheritance and composition, a template reuses source
code. The container no longer holds a generic base class called
Object, but instead it holds an unspecified parameter. When you
use a template, the parameter is substituted by the compiler, much
like the old macro approach, but cleaner and easier to use.
Now, instead of worrying about inheritance or composition when
you want to use a container class, you take the template version of
the container and stamp out a specific version for your particular
problem, like this:
The compiler does the work for you, and you end up with exactly
the container you need to do your job, rather than an unwieldy
inheritance hierarchy. In C++, the template implements the concept
of a parameterized type. Another benefit of the template approach is
that the novice programmer who may be unfamiliar or
4 The inspiration for templates appears to be ADA generics.
16: Introduction to Templates
uncomfortable with inheritance can still use canned container
classes right away (as we've been doing with vector throughout the
Template syntax
The templatekeyword tells the compiler that the class definition
that follows will manipulate one or more unspecified types. At the
time the actual class code is generated from the template, those
types must be specified so that the compiler can substitute them.
To demonstrate the syntax, here's a small example that produces a
bounds-checked array:
//: C16:Array.cpp
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Array {
enum { size = 100 };
T A[size];
T& operator[](int index) {
require(index >= 0 && index < size,
"Index out of range");
return A[index];
int main() {
Array<int> ia;
Array<float> fa;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
ia[i] = i * i;
fa[i] = float(i) * 1.414;
for(int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
cout << j << ": " << ia[j]
<< ", " << fa[j] << endl;
Thinking in C++
} ///:~
You can see that it looks like a normal class except for the line
template<class T>
which says that T is the substitution parameter, and that it
represents a type name. Also, you see T used everywhere in the
class where you would normally see the specific type the container
In Array, elements are inserted and extracted with the same
function: the overloaded operator [ ]. It returns a reference, so it
can be used on both sides of an equal sign (that is, as both an lvalue
and an rvalue). Notice that if the index is out of bounds, the
require( )function is used to print a message. Since operator[]is an
inline, you could use this approach to guarantee that no array-
bounds violations occur, then remove the require( )for the
shipping code.
In main( ), you can see how easy it is to create Arrays that hold
different types of objects. When you say
Array<int> ia;
Array<float> fa;
the compiler expands the Array template (this is called
instantiation) twice, to create two new generated classes, which you
can think of as Array_intand Array_float (Different compilers
may decorate the names in different ways.) These are classes just
like the ones you would have produced if you had performed the
substitution by hand, except that the compiler creates them for you
as you define the objects ia and fa. Also note that duplicate class
definitions are either avoided by the compiler or merged by the
16: Introduction to Templates
Non-inline function definitions
Of course, there are times when you'll want to have non-inline
member function definitions. In this case, the compiler needs to see
the templatedeclaration before the member function definition.
Here's the example above, modified to show the non-inline
member definition:
//: C16:Array2.cpp
// Non-inline template definition
#include "../require.h"
template<class T>
class Array {
enum { size = 100 };
T A[size];
T& operator[](int index);
template<class T>
T& Array<T>::operator[](int index) {
require(index >= 0 && index < size,
"Index out of range");
return A[index];
int main() {
Array<float> fa;
fa[0] = 1.414;
} ///:~
Any reference to a template's class name must be accompanied by
its template argument list, as in Array<T>::operator[]You can
imagine that internally, the class name is being decorated with the
arguments in the template argument list to produce a unique class
name identifier for each template instantiation.
Header files
Even if you create non-inline function definitions, you'll usually
want to put all declarations and definitions for a template into a
header file. This may seem to violate the normal header file rule of
Thinking in C++
"Don't put in anything that allocates storage," (which prevents
multiple definition errors at link time), but template definitions are
special. Anything preceded by template<...>means the compiler
won't allocate storage for it at that point, but will instead wait until
it's told to (by a template instantiation), and that somewhere in the
compiler and linker there's a mechanism for removing multiple
definitions of an identical template. So you'll almost always put the
entire template declaration and definition in the header file, for ease
of use.
There are times when you may need to place the template
definitions in a separate cpp file to satisfy special needs (for
example, forcing template instantiations to exist in only a single
Windows dll file). Most compilers have some mechanism to allow
this; you'll have to investigate your particular compiler's
documentation to use it.
Some people feel that putting all of the source code for your
implementation in a header file makes it possible for people to steal
and modify your code if they buy a library from you. This might be
an issue, but it probably depends on the way you look at the
problem: Are they buying a product or a service? If it's a product,
then you have to do everything you can to protect it, and probably
you don't want to give source code, just compiled code. But many
people see software as a service, and even more than that, a
subscription service. The customer wants your expertise, they want
you to continue maintaining this piece of reusable code so that they
don't have to ­ so they can focus on getting their job done. I
personally think most customers will treat you as a valuable
resource and will not want to jeopardize their relationship with
you. As for the few who want to steal rather than buy or do original
work, they probably can't keep up with you anyway.
IntStack as a template
Here is the container and iterator from IntStack.cpp implemented
as a generic container class using templates:
16: Introduction to Templates
//: C16:StackTemplate.h
// Simple stack template
#include "../require.h"
template<class T>
class StackTemplate {
enum { ssize = 100 };
T stack[ssize];
int top;
StackTemplate() : top(0) {}
void push(const T& i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
T pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
int size() { return top; }
#endif // STACKTEMPLATE_H ///:~
Notice that a template makes certain assumptions about the objects
it is holding. For example, StackTemplateassumes there is some
sort of assignment operation for T inside the push( ) function. You
could say that a template "implies an interface" for the types it is
capable of holding.
Another way to say this is that templates provide a kind of weak
typing mechanism for C++, which is ordinarily a strongly-typed
language. Instead of insisting that an object be of some exact type in
order to be acceptable, weak typing requires only that the member
functions that it wants to call are available for a particular object.
Thus, weakly-typed code can be applied to any object that can
Thinking in C++
accept those member function calls, and is thus much more
Here's the revised example to test the template:
//: C16:StackTemplateTest.cpp
// Test simple stack template
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "StackTemplate.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
StackTemplate<int> is;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
for(int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
cout << is.pop() << endl;
ifstream in("StackTemplateTest.cpp");
assure(in, "StackTemplateTest.cpp");
string line;
StackTemplate<string> strings;
while(getline(in, line))
while(strings.size() > 0)
cout << strings.pop() << endl;
} ///:~
The only difference is in the creation of is. Inside the template
argument list you specify the type of object the stack and iterator
should hold. To demonstrate the genericness of the template, a
StackTemplateis also created to hold string. This is tested by
reading in lines from the source-code file.
5 All methods in both Smalltalk and Python are weakly typed, and so those
languages do not need a template mechanism. In effect, you get templates without
16: Introduction to Templates
Constants in templates
Template arguments are not restricted to class types; you can also
use built-in types. The values of these arguments then become
compile-time constants for that particular instantiation of the
template. You can even use default values for these arguments. The
following example allows you to set the size of the Array class
during instantiation, but also provides a default value:
//: C16:Array3.cpp
// Built-in types as template arguments
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<class T, int size = 100>
class Array {
T array[size];
T& operator[](int index) {
require(index >= 0 && index < size,
"Index out of range");
return array[index];
int length() const { return size; }
class Number {
float f;
Number(float ff = 0.0f) : f(ff)
Number& operator=(const Number&
n) {
f = n.f;
return *this;
operator float() const { return
f; }
friend ostream&
operator<<(ostream& os, const
Number& x) {
return os << x.f;
template<class T, int size = 20>
Thinking in C++
class Holder {
Array<T, size>* np;
Holder() : np(0) {}
T& operator[](int i) {
require(0 <= i && i < size);
if(!np) np = new Array<T, size>;
return np->operator[](i);
int length() const { return size; }
~Holder() { delete np; }
int main() {
for(int i = 0;
i < 20; i++)
h[i] = i;
for(int j = 0;
j < 20; j++)
cout << h[j]
<< endl;
} ///:~
As before, Array is a checked array of objects and prevents you
from indexing out of bounds. The class Holder is much like Array
except that it has a pointer to an Array instead of an embedded
object of type Array. This pointer is not initialized in the
constructor; the initialization is delayed until the first access. This is
called lazy initialization; you might use a technique like this if you
are creating a lot of objects, but not accessing them all, and want to
save storage.
You'll notice that the size value in both templates is never stored
internally in the class, but it is used as if it were a data member
inside the member functions.
Stack and Stash
as templates
The recurring "ownership" problems with the Stash and Stack
container classes that have been revisited throughout this book
come from the fact that these containers haven't been able to know
16: Introduction to Templates
exactly what types they hold. The nearest they've come is the Stack
"container of Object" that was seen at the end of Chapter 15 in
If the client programmer doesn't explicitly remove all the pointers
to objects that are held in the container, then the container should
be able to correctly delete those pointers. That is to say, the
container "owns" any objects that haven't been removed, and is
thus responsible for cleaning them up. The snag has been that
cleanup requires knowing the type of the object, and creating a
generic container class requires not knowing the type of the object.
With templates, however, we can write code that doesn't know the
type of the object, and easily instantiate a new version of that
container for every type that we want to contain. The individual
instantiated containers do know the type of objects they hold and
can thus call the correct destructor (assuming, in the typical case
where polymorphism is involved, that a virtual destructor has been
For the Stack this turns out to be quite simple since all of the
member functions can be reasonably inlined:
//: C16:TStack.h
// The Stack as a template
#ifndef TSTACK_H
#define TSTACK_H
template<class T>
class Stack {
struct Link {
T* data;
Link* next;
Link(T* dat, Link* nxt):
data(dat), next(nxt) {}
}* head;
Stack() : head(0) {}
delete pop();
Thinking in C++
void push(T* dat) {
head = new Link(dat, head);
T* peek() const {
return head ? head->data : 0;
T* pop(){
if(head == 0) return 0;
T* result = head->data;
Link* oldHead = head;
head = head->next;
delete oldHead;
return result;
#endif // TSTACK_H ///:~
If you compare this to the OStack.hexample at the end of Chapter
15, you will see that Stack is virtually identical, except that Object
has been replaced with T. The test program is also nearly identical,
except that the necessity for multiply-inheriting from string and
Object (and even the need for Object itself) has been eliminated.
Now there is no MyStringclass to announce its destruction, so a
small new class is added to show a Stack container cleaning up its
//: C16:TStackTest.cpp
//{T} TStackTest.cpp
#include "TStack.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class X {
virtual ~X() { cout << "~X " << endl; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
requireArgs(argc, 1); // File name is argument
16: Introduction to Templates
ifstream in(argv[1]);
assure(in, argv[1]);
Stack<string> textlines;
string line;
// Read file and store lines in the Stack:
while(getline(in, line))
textlines.push(new string(line));
// Pop some lines from the stack:
string* s;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if((s = (string*)textlines.pop())==0) break;
cout << *s << endl;
delete s;
} // The destructor deletes the other strings.
// Show that correct destruction happens:
Stack<X> xx;
for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
xx.push(new X);
} ///:~
The destructor for X is virtual, not because it's necessary here, but
because xx could later be used to hold objects derived from X.
Notice how easy it is to create different kinds of Stacks for string
and for X. Because of the template, you get the best of both worlds:
the ease of use of the Stack class along with proper cleanup.
Templatized pointer Stash
Reorganizing the PStash code into a template isn't quite so simple
because there are a number of member functions that should not be
inlined. However, as a template those function definitions still
belong in the header file (the compiler and linker take care of any
multiple definition problems). The code looks quite similar to the
ordinary PStash except that you'll notice the size of the increment
(used by inflate( ) has been templatized as a non-class parameter
with a default value, so that the increment size can be modified at
the point of instantiation (notice that this means that the increment
size is fixed; you may also argue that the increment size should be
changeable throughout the lifetime of the object):
Thinking in C++
//: C16:TPStash.h
#ifndef TPSTASH_H
#define TPSTASH_H
template<class T, int incr = 10>
class PStash {
int quantity; // Number of storage spaces
int next; // Next empty space
T** storage;
void inflate(int increase = incr);
PStash() : quantity(0), next(0), storage(0) {}
int add(T* element);
T* operator[](int index) const; // Fetch
// Remove the reference from this PStash:
T* remove(int index);
// Number of elements in Stash:
int count() const { return next; }
template<class T, int incr>
int PStash<T, incr>::add(T* element) {
if(next >= quantity)
storage[next++] = element;
return(next - 1); // Index number
// Ownership of remaining pointers:
template<class T, int incr>
PStash<T, incr>::~PStash() {
for(int i = 0; i < next; i++) {
delete storage[i]; // Null pointers OK
storage[i] = 0; // Just to be safe
delete []storage;
template<class T, int incr>
T* PStash<T, incr>::operator[](int index) const {
require(index >= 0,
"PStash::operator[] index negative");
if(index >= next)
return 0; // To indicate the end
16: Introduction to Templates
require(storage[index] != 0,
"PStash::operator[] returned null pointer");
// Produce pointer to desired element:
return storage[index];
template<class T, int incr>
T* PStash<T, incr>::remove(int index) {
// operator[] performs validity checks:
T* v = operator[](index);
// "Remove" the pointer:
if(v != 0) storage[index] = 0;
return v;
template<class T, int incr>
void PStash<T, incr>::inflate(int increase) {
const int psz = sizeof(T*);
T** st = new T*[quantity + increase];
memset(st, 0, (quantity + increase) * psz);
memcpy(st, storage, quantity * psz);
quantity += increase;
delete []storage; // Old storage
storage = st; // Point to new memory
#endif // TPSTASH_H ///:~
The default increment size used here is small to guarantee that calls
to inflate( )occur. This way we can make sure it works correctly.
To test the ownership control of the templatized PStash, the
following class will report creations and destructions of itself, and
also guarantee that all objects that have been created were also
destroyed. AutoCounterwill allow only objects of its type to be
created on the stack:
//: C16:AutoCounter.h
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <set> // Standard C++ Library container
#include <string>
Thinking in C++
class AutoCounter {
static int count;
int id;
class CleanupCheck {
std::set<AutoCounter*> trace;
void add(AutoCounter* ap) {
void remove(AutoCounter* ap) {
require(trace.erase(ap) == 1,
"Attempt to delete AutoCounter twice");
~CleanupCheck() {
std::cout << "~CleanupCheck()"<< std::endl;
require(trace.size() == 0,
"All AutoCounter objects not cleaned up");
static CleanupCheck verifier;
AutoCounter() : id(count++) {
verifier.add(this); // Register itself
std::cout << "created[" << id << "]"
<< std::endl;
// Prevent assignment and copy-construction:
AutoCounter(const AutoCounter&);
void operator=(const AutoCounter&);
// You can only create objects with this:
static AutoCounter* create() {
return new AutoCounter();
~AutoCounter() {
std::cout << "destroying[" << id
<< "]" << std::endl;
// Print both objects and pointers:
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os, const AutoCounter& ac){
return os << "AutoCounter " << ac.id;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
16: Introduction to Templates
std::ostream& os, const AutoCounter* ac){
return os << "AutoCounter " << ac->id;
#endif // AUTOCOUNTER_H ///:~
The AutoCounterclass does two things. First, it sequentially
numbers each instance of AutoCounter the value of this number is
kept in id, and the number is generated using the static data
member count.
Second, and more complex, a static instance (called verifier of the
nested class CleanupCheckkeeps track of all of the AutoCounter
objects that are created and destroyed, and reports back to you if
you don't clean all of them up (i.e. if there is a memory leak). This
behavior is accomplished using a set class from the Standard C++
Library, which is a wonderful example of how well-designed
templates can make life easy (you can learn about all the containers
in the Standard C++ Library in Volume 2 of this book, available
The set class is templatized on the type that it holds; here it is
instantiated to hold AutoCounterpointers. A set will allow only
one instance of each distinct object to be added; in add( ) you can
see this take place with the set::insert( )function. insert( )actually
informs you with its return value if you're trying to add something
that's already been added; however, since object addresses are
being added we can rely on C++'s guarantee that all objects have
unique addresses.
In remove( ) set::erase( )is used to remove an AutoCounter
pointer from the set. The return value tells you how many instances
of the element were removed; in our case we only expect zero or
one. If the value is zero, however, it means this object was already
deleted from the set and you're trying to delete it a second time,
which is a programming error that will be reported through
require( )
Thinking in C++
The destructor for CleanupCheckdoes a final check by making
sure that the size of the set is zero ­ this means that all of the objects
have been properly cleaned up. If it's not zero, you have a memory
leak, which is reported through require( )
The constructor and destructor for AutoCounterregister and
unregister themselves with the verifierobject. Notice that the
constructor, copy-constructor, and assignment operator are private,
so the only way for you to create an object is with the static create( )
member function ­ this is a simple example of a factory, and it
guarantees that all objects are created on the heap, so verifierwill
not get confused over assignments and copy-constructions.
Since all of the member functions have been inlined, the only
reason for the implementation file is to contain the static data
member definitions:
//: C16:AutoCounter.cpp {O}
// Definition of static class members
#include "AutoCounter.h"
AutoCounter::CleanupCheck AutoCounter::verifier;
int AutoCounter::count = 0;
With AutoCounterin hand, we can now test the facilities of the
PStash. The following example not only shows that the PStash
destructor cleans up all the objects that it currently owns, but it also
demonstrates how the AutoCounterclass detects objects that
haven't been cleaned up:
//: C16:TPStashTest.cpp
//{L} AutoCounter
#include "AutoCounter.h"
#include "TPStash.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
PStash<AutoCounter> acStash;
16: Introduction to Templates
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << "Removing 5 manually:" << endl;
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
delete acStash.remove(j);
cout << "Remove two without deleting them:"
<< endl;
// ... to generate the cleanup error message.
cout << acStash.remove(5) << endl;
cout << acStash.remove(6) << endl;
cout << "The destructor cleans up the rest:"
<< endl;
// Repeat the test from earlier chapters:
ifstream in("TPStashTest.cpp");
assure(in, "TPStashTest.cpp");
PStash<string> stringStash;
string line;
while(getline(in, line))
stringStash.add(new string(line));
// Print out the strings:
for(int u = 0; stringStash[u]; u++)
cout << "stringStash[" << u << "] = "
<< *stringStash[u] << endl;
} ///:~
When AutoCounterelements 5 and 6 are removed from the
PStash, they become the responsibility of the caller, but since the
caller never cleans them up they cause memory leaks, which are
then detected by AutoCounterat run time.
When you run the program, you'll see that the error message isn't
as specific as it could be. If you use the scheme presented in
AutoCounterto discover memory leaks in your own system, you
will probably want to have it print out more detailed information
about the objects that haven't been cleaned up. Volume 2 of this
book shows more sophisticated ways to do this.
Turning ownership on and off
Let's return to the ownership problem. Containers that hold objects
by value don't usually worry about ownership because they clearly
Thinking in C++
own the objects they contain. But if your container holds pointers
(which is more common with C++, especially with polymorphism),
then it's very likely those pointers may also be used somewhere
else in the program, and you don't necessarily want to delete the
object because then the other pointers in the program would be
referencing a destroyed object. To prevent this from happening,
you must consider ownership when designing and using a
Many programs are much simpler than this, and don't encounter
the ownership problem: One container holds pointers to objects
that are used only by that container. In this case ownership is very
straightforward: The container owns its objects.
The best approach to handling the ownership problem is to give the
client programmer a choice. This is often accomplished by a
constructor argument that defaults to indicating ownership (the
simplest case). In addition there may be "get" and "set" functions
to view and modify the ownership of the container. If the container
has functions to remove an object, the ownership state usually
affects that removal, so you may also find options to control
destruction in the removal function. You could conceivably add
ownership data for every element in the container, so each position
would know whether it needed to be destroyed; this is a variant of
reference counting, except that the container and not the object
knows the number of references pointing to an object.
//: C16:OwnerStack.h
// Stack with runtime conrollable ownership
template<class T> class Stack {
struct Link {
T* data;
Link* next;
Link(T* dat, Link* nxt)
: data(dat), next(nxt) {}
}* head;
16: Introduction to Templates
bool own;
Stack(bool own = true) : head(0), own(own) {}
void push(T* dat) {
head = new Link(dat,head);
T* peek() const {
return head ? head->data : 0;
T* pop();
bool owns() const { return own; }
void owns(bool newownership) {
own = newownership;
// Auto-type conversion: true if not empty:
operator bool() const { return head != 0; }
template<class T> T* Stack<T>::pop() {
if(head == 0) return 0;
T* result = head->data;
Link* oldHead = head;
head = head->next;
delete oldHead;
return result;
template<class T> Stack<T>::~Stack() {
if(!own) return;
delete pop();
#endif // OWNERSTACK_H ///:~
The default behavior is for the container to destroy its objects but
you can change this by either modifying the constructor argument
or using the owns( ) read/write member functions.
As with most templates you're likely to see, the entire
implementation is contained in the header file. Here's a small test
that exercises the ownership abilities:
Thinking in C++
//: C16:OwnerStackTest.cpp
//{L} AutoCounter
#include "AutoCounter.h"
#include "OwnerStack.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
Stack<AutoCounter> ac; // Ownership on
Stack<AutoCounter> ac2(false); // Turn it off
AutoCounter* ap;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ap = AutoCounter::create();
if(i % 2 == 0)
cout << ac2.pop() << endl;
// No destruction necessary since
// ac "owns" all the objects
} ///:~
The ac2 object doesn't own the objects you put into it, thus ac is the
"master" container which takes responsibility for ownership. If,
partway through the lifetime of a container, you want to change
whether a container owns its objects, you can do so using owns( ).
It would also be possible to change the granularity of the
ownership so that it is on an object-by-object basis, but that will
probably make the solution to the ownership problem more
complex than the problem.
Holding objects by value
Actually creating a copy of the objects inside a generic container is
a complex problem if you don't have templates. With templates,
16: Introduction to Templates
things are relatively simple ­ you just say that you are holding
objects rather than pointers:
//: C16:ValueStack.h
// Holding objects by value in a Stack
#include "../require.h"
template<class T, int ssize = 100>
class Stack {
// Default constructor performs object
// initialization for each element in array:
T stack[ssize];
int top;
Stack() : top(0) {}
// Copy-constructor copies object into array:
void push(const T& x) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = x;
T peek() const { return stack[top]; }
// Object still exists when you pop it;
// it just isn't available anymore:
T pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
#endif // VALUESTACK_H ///:~
The copy constructor for the contained objects does most of the
work by passing and returning the objects by value. Inside push( ),
storage of the object onto the Stack array is accomplished with
T::operator= To guarantee that it works, a class called SelfCounter
keeps track of object creations and copy-constructions:
//: C16:SelfCounter.h
#include "ValueStack.h"
#include <iostream>
Thinking in C++
class SelfCounter {
static int counter;
int id;
SelfCounter() : id(counter++) {
std::cout << "Created: " << id << std::endl;
SelfCounter(const SelfCounter& rv) : id(rv.id){
std::cout << "Copied: " << id << std::endl;
SelfCounter operator=(const SelfCounter& rv) {
std::cout << "Assigned " << rv.id << " to "
<< id << std::endl;
return *this;
~SelfCounter() {
std::cout << "Destroyed: "<< id << std::endl;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os, const SelfCounter& sc){
return os << "SelfCounter: " << sc.id;
#endif // SELFCOUNTER_H ///:~
//: C16:SelfCounter.cpp {O}
#include "SelfCounter.h"
int SelfCounter::counter = 0; ///:~
//: C16:ValueStackTest.cpp
//{L} SelfCounter
#include "ValueStack.h"
#include "SelfCounter.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
Stack<SelfCounter> sc;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// OK to peek(), result is a temporary:
cout << sc.peek() << endl;
for(int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
cout << sc.pop() << endl;
16: Introduction to Templates
} ///:~
When a Stack container is created, the default constructor of the
contained object is called for each object in the array. You'll initially
see 100 SelfCounterobjects created for no apparent reason, but this
is just the array initialization. This can be a bit expensive, but
there's no way around it in a simple design like this. An even more
complex situation arises if you make the Stack more general by
allowing the size to grow dynamically, because in the
implementation shown above this would involve creating a new
(larger) array, copying the old array to the new, and destroying the
old array (this is, in fact, what the Standard C++ Library vector
class does).
Introducing iterators
An iterator is an object that moves through a container of other
objects and selects them one at a time, without providing direct
access to the implementation of that container. Iterators provide a
standard way to access elements, whether or not a container
provides a way to access the elements directly. You will see
iterators used most often in association with container classes, and
iterators are a fundamental concept in the design and use of the
Standard C++ containers, which are fully described in Volume 2 of
this book (downloadable from ). An iterator is
also a kind of design pattern, which is the subject of a chapter in
Volume 2.
In many ways, an iterator is a "smart pointer," and in fact you'll
notice that iterators usually mimic most pointer operations. Unlike
a pointer, however, the iterator is designed to be safe, so you're
much less likely to do the equivalent of walking off the end of an
array (or if you do, you find out about it more easily).
Consider the first example in this chapter. Here it is with a simple
iterator added:
Thinking in C++
//: C16:IterIntStack.cpp
// Simple integer stack with iterators
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class IntStack {
enum { ssize = 100 };
int stack[ssize];
int top;
IntStack() : top(0) {}
void push(int i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
int pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
friend class IntStackIter;
// An iterator is like a "smart" pointer:
class IntStackIter {
IntStack& s;
int index;
IntStackIter(IntStack& is) : s(is), index(0) {}
int operator++() { // Prefix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[++index];
int operator++(int) { // Postfix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[index++];
int main() {
IntStack is;
16: Introduction to Templates
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// Traverse with an iterator:
IntStackIter it(is);
for(int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
cout << it++ << endl;
} ///:~
The IntStackIterhas been created to work only with an IntStack
Notice that IntStackIteris a friend of IntStack which gives it
access to all the private elements of IntStack
Like a pointer, IntStackIter job is to move through an IntStack
and retrieve values. In this simple example, the IntStackItercan
move only forward (using both the pre- and postfix forms of the
operator++ However, there is no boundary to the way an iterator
can be defined, other than those imposed by the constraints of the
container it works with. It is perfectly acceptable (within the limits
of the underlying container) for an iterator to move around in any
way within its associated container and to cause the contained
values to be modified.
It is customary that an iterator is created with a constructor that
attaches it to a single container object, and that the iterator is not
attached to a different container during its lifetime. (Iterators are
usually small and cheap, so you can easily make another one.)
With the iterator, you can traverse the elements of the stack without
popping them, just as a pointer can move through the elements of
an array. However, the iterator knows the underlying structure of
the stack and how to traverse the elements, so even though you are
moving through them by pretending to "increment a pointer,"
what's going on underneath is more involved. That's the key to the
iterator: It is abstracting the complicated process of moving from
one container element to the next into something that looks like a
pointer. The goal is for every iterator in your program to have the
same interface so that any code that uses the iterator doesn't care
what it's pointing to ­ it just knows that it can reposition all
Thinking in C++
iterators the same way, so the container that the iterator points to is
unimportant. In this way you can write more generic code. All of
the containers and algorithms in the Standard C++ Library are
based on this principle of iterators.
To aid in making things more generic, it would be nice to be able to
say "every container has an associated class called iterator but
this will typically cause naming problems. The solution is to add a
nested iteratorclass to each container (notice that in this case,
"iterator begins with a lowercase letter so that it conforms to the
style of the Standard C++ Library). Here is IterIntStack.cpp
with a
nested iterator
//: C16:NestedIterator.cpp
// Nesting an iterator inside the container
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class IntStack {
enum { ssize = 100 };
int stack[ssize];
int top;
IntStack() : top(0) {}
void push(int i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
int pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
class iterator;
friend class iterator;
class iterator {
IntStack& s;
int index;
16: Introduction to Templates
iterator(IntStack& is) : s(is), index(0) {}
// To create the "end sentinel" iterator:
iterator(IntStack& is, bool)
: s(is), index(s.top) {}
int current() const { return s.stack[index]; }
int operator++() { // Prefix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[++index];
int operator++(int) { // Postfix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[index++];
// Jump an iterator forward
iterator& operator+=(int amount) {
require(index + amount < s.top,
"IntStack::iterator::operator+=() "
"tried to move out of bounds");
index += amount;
return *this;
// To see if you're at the end:
bool operator==(const iterator& rv) const {
return index == rv.index;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rv) const {
return index != rv.index;
friend ostream&
operator<<(ostream& os, const iterator& it) {
return os << it.current();
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); }
// Create the "end sentinel":
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, true);}
int main() {
IntStack is;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
cout << "Traverse the whole IntStack\n";
Thinking in C++
IntStack::iterator it = is.begin();
while(it != is.end())
cout << it++ << endl;
cout << "Traverse a portion of the IntStack\n";
start = is.begin(), end = is.begin();
start += 5, end += 15;
cout << "start = " << start << endl;
cout << "end = " << end << endl;
while(start != end)
cout << start++ << endl;
} ///:~
When making a nested friend class, you must go through the
process of first declaring the name of the class, then declaring it as a
friend, then defining the class. Otherwise, the compiler will get
Some new twists have been added to the iterator. The current( )
member function produces the element in the container that the
iterator is currently selecting. You can "jump" an iterator forward
by an arbitrary number of elements using operator+= Also, you'll
see two overloaded operators: == and != that will compare one
iterator with another. These can compare any two
IntStack::iterator but they are primarily intended as a test to see if
the iterator is at the end of a sequence in the same way that the
"real" Standard C++ Library iterators do. The idea is that two
iterators define a range, including the first element pointed to by
the first iterator and up to but not including the last element
pointed to by the second iterator. So if you want to move through
the range defined by the two iterators, you say something like this:
while(start != end)
cout << start++ << endl;
where start and end are the two iterators in the range. Note that the
end iterator, which we often refer to as the end sentinel, is not
dereferenced and is there only to tell you that you're at the end of
the sequence. Thus it represents "one past the end."
16: Introduction to Templates
Much of the time you'll want to move through the entire sequence
in a container, so the container needs some way to produce the
iterators indicating the beginning of the sequence and the end
sentinel. Here, as in the Standard C++ Library, these iterators are
produced by the container member functions begin( )and end( ).
begin( )uses the first iteratorconstructor that defaults to pointing
at the beginning of the container (this is the first element pushed on
the stack). However, a second constructor, used by end( ), is
necessary to create the end sentinel iterator Being "at the end"
means pointing to the top of the stack, because top always indicates
the next available ­ but unused ­ space on the stack. This iterator
constructor takes a second argument of type bool, which is a
dummy to distinguish the two constructors.
The Fibonacci numbers are used again to fill the IntStackin
main( ), and iterator are used to move through the whole IntStack
and also within a narrowed range of the sequence.
The next step, of course, is to make the code general by
templatizing it on the type that it holds, so that instead of being
forced to hold only ints you can hold any type:
//: C16:IterStackTemplate.h
// Simple stack template with nested iterator
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
template<class T, int ssize = 100>
class StackTemplate {
T stack[ssize];
int top;
StackTemplate() : top(0) {}
void push(const T& i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
T pop() {
Thinking in C++
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
class iterator; // Declaration required
friend class iterator; // Make it a friend
class iterator { // Now define it
StackTemplate& s;
int index;
iterator(StackTemplate& st): s(st),index(0){}
// To create the "end sentinel" iterator:
iterator(StackTemplate& st, bool)
: s(st), index(s.top) {}
T operator*() const { return s.stack[index];}
T operator++() { // Prefix form
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[++index];
T operator++(int) { // Postfix form
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[index++];
// Jump an iterator forward
iterator& operator+=(int amount) {
require(index + amount < s.top,
" StackTemplate::iterator::operator+=() "
"tried to move out of bounds");
index += amount;
return *this;
// To see if you're at the end:
bool operator==(const iterator& rv) const {
return index == rv.index;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rv) const {
return index != rv.index;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os, const iterator& it) {
return os << *it;
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); }
16: Introduction to Templates
// Create the "end sentinel":
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, true);}
You can see that the transformation from a regular class to a
templateis reasonably transparent. This approach of first creating
and debugging an ordinary class, then making it into a template, is
generally considered to be easier than creating the template from
Notice that instead of just saying:
friend iterator; // Make it a friend
This code has:
friend class iterator; // Make it a friend
This is important because the name "iterator" is already in scope,
from an included file.
Instead of the current( )member function, the iteratorhas an
operator*to select the current element, which makes the iterator
look more like a pointer and is a common practice.
Here's the revised example to test the template:
//: C16:IterStackTemplateTest.cpp
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "IterStackTemplate.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
StackTemplate<int> is;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// Traverse with an iterator:
Thinking in C++
cout << "Traverse the whole StackTemplate\n";
StackTemplate<int>::iterator it = is.begin();
while(it != is.end())
cout << it++ << endl;
cout << "Traverse a portion\n";
start = is.begin(), end = is.begin();
start += 5, end += 15;
cout << "start = " << start << endl;
cout << "end = " << end << endl;
while(start != end)
cout << start++ << endl;
ifstream in("IterStackTemplateTest.cpp");
assure(in, "IterStackTemplateTest.cpp");
string line;
StackTemplate<string> strings;
while(getline(in, line))
sb = strings.begin(), se = strings.end();
while(sb != se)
cout << sb++ << endl;
} ///:~
The first use of the iterator just marches it from beginning to end
(and shows that the end sentinel works properly). In the second
usage, you can see how iterators allow you to easily specify a range
of elements (the containers and iterators in the Standard C++
Library use this concept of ranges almost everywhere). The
overloaded operator+=moves the start and end iterators to
positions in the middle of the range of the elements in is, and these
elements are printed out. Notice in the output that the end sentinel
is not included in the range, thus it can be one past the end of the
range to let you know you've passed the end ­ but you don't
dereference the end sentinel, or else you can end up dereferencing a
null pointer. (I've put guarding in the StackTemplate::iteratorbut
in the Standard C++ Library containers and iterators there is no
such code ­ for efficiency reasons ­ so you must pay attention.)
16: Introduction to Templates
Lastly, to verify that the StackTemplateworks with class objects,
one is instantiated for string and filled with the lines from the
source-code file, which are then printed out.
Stack with iterators
We can repeat the process with the dynamically-sized Stack class
that has been used as an example throughout the book. Here's the
Stack class with a nested iterator folded into the mix:
//: C16:TStack2.h
// Templatized Stack with nested iterator
#ifndef TSTACK2_H
#define TSTACK2_H
template<class T> class Stack {
struct Link {
T* data;
Link* next;
Link(T* dat, Link* nxt)
: data(dat), next(nxt) {}
}* head;
Stack() : head(0) {}
void push(T* dat) {
head = new Link(dat, head);
T* peek() const {
return head ? head->data : 0;
T* pop();
// Nested iterator class:
class iterator; // Declaration required
friend class iterator; // Make it a friend
class iterator { // Now define it
Stack::Link* p;
iterator(const Stack<T>& tl) : p(tl.head) {}
// Copy-constructor:
iterator(const iterator& tl) : p(tl.p) {}
// The end sentinel iterator:
iterator() : p(0) {}
Thinking in C++
// operator++ returns boolean indicating end:
bool operator++() {
p = p->next;
else p = 0; // Indicates end of list
return bool(p);
bool operator++(int) { return operator++(); }
T* current() const {
if(!p) return 0;
return p->data;
// Pointer dereference operator:
T* operator->() const {
require(p != 0,
"PStack::iterator::operator->returns 0");
return current();
T* operator*() const { return current(); }
// bool conversion for conditional test:
operator bool() const { return bool(p); }
// Comparison to test for end:
bool operator==(const iterator&) const {
return p == 0;
bool operator!=(const iterator&) const {
return p != 0;
iterator begin() const {
return iterator(*this);
iterator end() const { return iterator(); }
template<class T> Stack<T>::~Stack() {
delete pop();
template<class T> T* Stack<T>::pop() {
if(head == 0) return 0;
T* result = head->data;
Link* oldHead = head;
head = head->next;
16: Introduction to Templates
delete oldHead;
return result;
#endif // TSTACK2_H ///:~
You'll also notice the class has been changed to support ownership,
which works now because the class knows the exact type (or at
least the base type, which will work assuming virtual destructors
are used). The default is for the container to destroy its objects but
you are responsible for any pointers that you pop( ).
The iterator is simple, and physically very small ­ the size of a
single pointer. When you create an iterator it's initialized to the
head of the linked list, and you can only increment it forward
through the list. If you want to start over at the beginning, you
create a new iterator, and if you want to remember a spot in the list,
you create a new iterator from the existing iterator pointing at that
spot (using the iterator's copy-constructor).
To call functions for the object referred to by the iterator, you can
use the current( )function, the operator* or the pointer dereference
operator->(a common sight in iterators). The latter has an
implementation that looks identical to current( )because it returns a
pointer to the current object, but is different because the pointer
dereference operator performs the extra levels of dereferencing (see
Chapter 12).
The iteratorclass follows the form you saw in the prior example.
class iteratoris nested inside the container class, it contains
constructors to create both an iterator pointing at an element in the
container and an "end sentinel" iterator, and the container class has
the begin( )and end( ) methods to produce these iterators. (When
you learn the more about the Standard C++ Library, you'll see that
the names iterator begin( ) and end( ) that are used here were
clearly lifted standard container classes. At the end of this chapter,
you'll see that this enables these container classes to be used as if
they were Standard C++ Library container classes.)
Thinking in C++
The entire implementation is contained in the header file, so there's
no separate cpp file. Here's a small test that exercises the iterator:
//: C16:TStack2Test.cpp
#include "TStack2.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream file("TStack2Test.cpp");
assure(file, "TStack2Test.cpp");
Stack<string> textlines;
// Read file and store lines in the Stack:
string line;
while(getline(file, line))
textlines.push(new string(line));
int i = 0;
// Use iterator to print lines from the list:
Stack<string>::iterator it = textlines.begin();
Stack<string>::iterator* it2 = 0;
while(it != textlines.end()) {
cout << it->c_str() << endl;
if(++i == 10) // Remember 10th line
it2 = new Stack<string>::iterator(it);
cout << (*it2)->c_str() << endl;
delete it2;
} ///:~
A Stack is instantiated to hold string objects and filled with lines
from a file. Then an iterator is created and used to move through
the sequence. The tenth line is remembered by copy-constructing a
second iterator from the first; later this line is printed and the
iterator ­ created dynamically ­ is destroyed. Here, dynamic object
creation is used to control the lifetime of the object.
16: Introduction to Templates
PStash with iterators
For most container classes it makes sense to have an iterator. Here's
an iterator added to the PStash class:
//: C16:TPStash2.h
// Templatized PStash with nested iterator
#ifndef TPSTASH2_H
#define TPSTASH2_H
#include "../require.h"
#include <cstdlib>
template<class T, int incr = 20>
class PStash {
int quantity;
int next;
T** storage;
void inflate(int increase = incr);
PStash() : quantity(0), storage(0), next(0) {}
int add(T* element);
T* operator[](int index) const;
T* remove(int index);
int count() const { return next; }
// Nested iterator class:
class iterator; // Declaration required
friend class iterator; // Make it a friend
class iterator { // Now define it
PStash& ps;
int index;
iterator(PStash& pStash)
: ps(pStash), index(0) {}
// To create the end sentinel:
iterator(PStash& pStash, bool)
: ps(pStash), index(ps.next) {}
// Copy-constructor:
iterator(const iterator& rv)
: ps(rv.ps), index(rv.index) {}
iterator& operator=(const iterator& rv) {
ps = rv.ps;
index = rv.index;
return *this;
Thinking in C++
iterator& operator++() {
require(++index <= ps.next,
"PStash::iterator::operator++ "
"moves index out of bounds");
return *this;
iterator& operator++(int) {
return operator++();
iterator& operator--() {
require(--index >= 0,
"PStash::iterator::operator-- "
"moves index out of bounds");
return *this;
iterator& operator--(int) {
return operator--();
// Jump interator forward or backward:
iterator& operator+=(int amount) {
require(index + amount < ps.next &&
index + amount >= 0,
"PStash::iterator::operator+= "
"attempt to index out of bounds");
index += amount;
return *this;
iterator& operator-=(int amount) {
require(index - amount < ps.next &&
index - amount >= 0,
"PStash::iterator::operator-= "
"attempt to index out of bounds");
index -= amount;
return *this;
// Create a new iterator that's moved forward
iterator operator+(int amount) const {
iterator ret(*this);
ret += amount; // op+= does bounds check
return ret;
T* current() const {
return ps.storage[index];
16: Introduction to Templates
T* operator*() const { return current(); }
T* operator->() const {
require(ps.storage[index] != 0,
"PStash::iterator::operator->returns 0");
return current();
// Remove the current element:
T* remove(){
return ps.remove(index);
// Comparison tests for end:
bool operator==(const iterator& rv) const {
return index == rv.index;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rv) const {
return index != rv.index;
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); }
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, true);}
// Destruction of contained objects:
template<class T, int incr>
PStash<T, incr>::~PStash() {
for(int i = 0; i < next; i++) {
delete storage[i]; // Null pointers OK
storage[i] = 0; // Just to be safe
delete []storage;
template<class T, int incr>
int PStash<T, incr>::add(T* element) {
if(next >= quantity)
storage[next++] = element;
return(next - 1); // Index number
template<class T, int incr> inline
T* PStash<T, incr>::operator[](int index) const {
require(index >= 0,
"PStash::operator[] index negative");
if(index >= next)
Thinking in C++
return 0; // To indicate the end
require(storage[index] != 0,
"PStash::operator[] returned null pointer");
return storage[index];
template<class T, int incr>
T* PStash<T, incr>::remove(int index) {
// operator[] performs validity checks:
T* v = operator[](index);
// "Remove" the pointer:
storage[index] = 0;
return v;
template<class T, int incr>
void PStash<T, incr>::inflate(int increase) {
const int tsz = sizeof(T*);
T** st = new T*[quantity + increase];
memset(st, 0, (quantity + increase) * tsz);
memcpy(st, storage, quantity * tsz);
quantity += increase;
delete []storage; // Old storage
storage = st; // Point to new memory
#endif // TPSTASH2_H ///:~
Most of this file is a fairly straightforward translation of both the
previous PStash and the nested iteratorinto a template. This time,
however, the operators return references to the current iterator,
which is the more typical and flexible approach to take.
The destructor calls delete for all contained pointers, and because
the type is captured by the template, proper destruction will take
place. You should be aware that if the container holds pointers to a
base-class type, that type should have a virtual destructor to ensure
proper cleanup of derived objects whose addresses have been
upcast when placing them in the container.
The PStash::iteratorfollows the iterator model of bonding to a
single container object for its lifetime. In addition, the copy-
constructor allows you to make a new iterator pointing at the same
16: Introduction to Templates
location as the existing iterator that you create it from, effectively
making a bookmark into the container. The operator+=and
operator-=member functions allow you to move an iterator by a
number of spots, while respecting the boundaries of the container.
The overloaded increment and decrement operators move the
iterator by one place. The operator+produces a new iterator that's
moved forward by the amount of the addend. As in the previous
example, the pointer dereference operators are used to operate on
the element the iterator is referring to, and remove( )destroys the
current object by calling the container's remove( )
The same kind of code as before (a la the Standard C++ Library
containers) is used for creating the end sentinel: a second
constructor, the container's end( ) member function, and
operator==and operator!=for comparison.
The following example creates and tests two different kinds of
Stash objects, one for a new class called Int that announces its
construction and destruction and one that holds objects of the
Standard library string class.
//: C16:TPStash2Test.cpp
#include "TPStash2.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Int {
int i;
Int(int ii = 0) : i(ii) {
cout << ">" << i << ' ';
~Int() { cout << "~" << i << ' '; }
operator int() const { return i; }
friend ostream&
operator<<(ostream& os, const Int& x) {
return os << "Int: " << x.i;
Thinking in C++
friend ostream&
operator<<(ostream& os, const Int* x) {
return os << "Int: " << x->i;
int main() {
{ // To force destructor call
PStash<Int> ints;
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
ints.add(new Int(i));
cout << endl;
PStash<Int>::iterator it = ints.begin();
it += 5;
PStash<Int>::iterator it2 = it + 10;
for(; it != it2; it++)
delete it.remove(); // Default removal
cout << endl;
for(it = ints.begin();it != ints.end();it++)
if(*it) // Remove() causes "holes"
cout << *it << endl;
} // "ints" destructor called here
cout << "\n-------------------\n";
ifstream in("TPStash2Test.cpp");
assure(in, "TPStash2Test.cpp");
// Instantiate for String:
PStash<string> strings;
string line;
while(getline(in, line))
strings.add(new string(line));
PStash<string>::iterator sit = strings.begin();
for(; sit != strings.end(); sit++)
cout << **sit << endl;
sit = strings.begin();
int n = 26;
sit += n;
for(; sit != strings.end(); sit++)
cout << n++ << ": " << **sit << endl;
} ///:~
For convenience, Int has an associated ostream operator<<  both
an Int& and an Int*.
16: Introduction to Templates
The first block of code in main( ) is surrounded by braces to force
the destruction of the PStash<Int>and thus the automatic cleanup
by that destructor. A range of elements is removed and deleted by
hand to show that the PStash cleans up the rest.
For both instances of PStash, an iterator is created and used to
move through the container. Notice the elegance produced by
using these constructs; you aren't assailed with the implementation
details of using an array. You tell the container and iterator objects
what to do, not how. This makes the solution easier to
conceptualize, to build, and to modify.
Why iterators?
Up until now you've seen the mechanics of iterators, but
understanding why they are so important takes a more complex
It's common to see polymorphism, dynamic object creation, and
containers used together in a true object-oriented program.
Containers and dynamic object creation solve the problem of not
knowing how many or what type of objects you'll need. And if the
container is configured to hold pointers to base-class objects, an
upcast occurs every time you put a derived-class pointer into the
container (with the associated code organization and extensibility
benefits). As the final code in Volume 1 of this book, this example
will also pull together various aspects of everything you've learned
so far ­ if you can follow this example, then you're ready for
Volume 2.
Suppose you are creating a program that allows the user to edit and
produce different kinds of drawings. Each drawing is an object that
contains a collection of Shape objects:
//: C16:Shape.h
#ifndef SHAPE_H
#define SHAPE_H
Thinking in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Shape {
virtual void draw() = 0;
virtual void erase() = 0;
virtual ~Shape() {}
class Circle : public Shape {
Circle() {}
~Circle() { std::cout << "Circle::~Circle\n"; }
void draw() { std::cout << "Circle::draw\n";}
void erase() { std::cout << "Circle::erase\n";}
class Square : public Shape {
Square() {}
~Square() { std::cout << "Square::~Square\n"; }
void draw() { std::cout << "Square::draw\n";}
void erase() { std::cout << "Square::erase\n";}
class Line : public Shape {
Line() {}
~Line() { std::cout << "Line::~Line\n"; }
void draw() { std::cout << "Line::draw\n";}
void erase() { std::cout << "Line::erase\n";}
#endif // SHAPE_H ///:~
This uses the classic structure of virtual functions in the base class
that are overridden in the derived class. Notice that the Shape class
includes a virtual destructor, something you should automatically
add to any class with virtual functions. If a container holds pointers
or references to Shape objects, then when the virtual destructors
are called for those objects everything will be properly cleaned up.
16: Introduction to Templates
Each different type of drawing in the following example makes use
of a different kind of templatized container class: the PStash and
Stack that have been defined in this chapter, and the vector class
from the Standard C++ Library. The "use"' of the containers is
extremely simple, and in general inheritance might not be the best
approach (composition could make more sense), but in this case
inheritance is a simple approach and it doesn't detract from the
point made in the example.
//: C16:Drawing.cpp
#include <vector> // Uses Standard vector too!
#include "TPStash2.h"
#include "TStack2.h"
#include "Shape.h"
using namespace std;
// A Drawing is primarily a container of Shapes:
class Drawing : public PStash<Shape> {
~Drawing() { cout << "~Drawing" << endl; }
// A Plan is a different container of Shapes:
class Plan : public Stack<Shape> {
~Plan() { cout << "~Plan" << endl; }
// A Schematic is a different container of Shapes:
class Schematic : public vector<Shape*> {
~Schematic() { cout << "~Schematic" << endl; }
// A function template:
template<class Iter>
void drawAll(Iter start, Iter end) {
while(start != end) {
Thinking in C++
int main() {
// Each type of container has
// a different interface:
Drawing d;
d.add(new Circle);
d.add(new Square);
d.add(new Line);
Plan p;
p.push(new Line);
p.push(new Square);
p.push(new Circle);
Schematic s;
s.push_back(new Square);
s.push_back(new Circle);
s.push_back(new Line);
Shape* sarray[] = {
new Circle, new Square, new Line
// The iterators and the template function
// allow them to be treated generically:
cout << "Drawing d:" << endl;
drawAll(d.begin(), d.end());
cout << "Plan p:" << endl;
drawAll(p.begin(), p.end());
cout << "Schematic s:" << endl;
drawAll(s.begin(), s.end());
cout << "Array sarray:" << endl;
// Even works with array pointers:
sarray + sizeof(sarray)/sizeof(*sarray));
cout << "End of main" << endl;
} ///:~
The different types of containers all hold pointers to Shape and
pointers to upcast objects of classes derived from Shape. However,
because of polymorphism, the proper behavior still occurs when
the virtual functions are called.
Note that sarray, the array of Shape*, can also be thought of as a
16: Introduction to Templates
Function templates
In drawAll( )you see something new. So far in this chapter, we
have been using only class templates, which instantiate new classes
based on one or more type parameters. However, you can as easily
create function templates, which create new functions based on type
parameters. The reason you create a function template is the same
reason you use for a class template: You're trying to create generic
code, and you do this by delaying the specification of one or more
types. You just want to say that these type parameters support
certain operations, not exactly what types they are.
The function template drawAll( )can be thought of as an algorithm
(and this is what most of the function templates in the Standard
C++ Library are called). It just says how to do something given
iterators describing a range of elements, as long as these iterators
can be dereferenced, incremented, and compared. These are exactly
the kind of iterators we have been developing in this chapter, and
also ­ not coincidentally ­ the kind of iterators that are produced by
the containers in the Standard C++ Library, evidenced by the use of
vector in this example.
We'd also like drawAll( )to be a generic algorithm, so that the
containers can be any type at all and we don't have to write a new
version of the algorithm for each different type of container. Here's
where function templates are essential, because they automatically
generate the specific code for each different type of container. But
without the extra indirection provided by the iterators, this
genericness wouldn't be possible. That's why iterators are
important; they allow you to write general-purpose code that
involves containers without knowing the underlying structure of
the container. (Notice that, in C++, iterators and generic algorithms
require function templates in order to work.)
You can see the proof of this in main( ), since drawAll( )works
unchanged with each different type of container. And even more
interesting, drawAll( )also works with pointers to the beginning
Thinking in C++
and end of the array sarray. This ability to treat arrays as containers
is integral to the design of the Standard C++ Library, whose
algorithms look much like drawAll( )
Because container class templates are rarely subject to the
inheritance and upcasting you see with "ordinary" classes, you'll
almost never see virtual functions in container classes. Container
class reuse is implemented with templates, not with inheritance.
Container classes are an essential part of object-oriented
programming. They are another way to simplify and hide the
details of a program and to speed the process of program
development. In addition, they provide a great deal of safety and
flexibility by replacing the primitive arrays and relatively crude
data structure techniques found in C.
Because the client programmer needs containers, it's essential that
they be easy to use. This is where the templatecomes in. With
templates the syntax for source-code reuse (as opposed to object-
code reuse provided by inheritance and composition) becomes
trivial enough for the novice user. In fact, reusing code with
templates is notably easier than inheritance and composition.
Although you've learned about creating container and iterator
classes in this book, in practice it's much more expedient to learn
the containers and iterators in the Standard C++ Library, since you
can expect them to be available with every compiler. As you will
see in Volume 2 of this book (downloadable from
), the containers and algorithms in the Standard
C++ Library will virtually always fulfill your needs so you don't
have to create new ones yourself.
The issues involved with container-class design have been touched
upon in this chapter, but you may have gathered that they can go
16: Introduction to Templates
much further. A complicated container-class library may cover all
sorts of additional issues, including multithreading, persistence
and garbage collection.
Solutions to selected exercises can be found in the electronic document The Thinking in C++ Annotated
Solution Guide, available for a small fee from .
Implement the inheritance hierarchy in the OShape
diagram in this chapter.
Modify the result of Exercise 1 from Chapter 15 to use the
Stack and iteratorin TStack2.hinstead of an array of
Shape pointers. Add destructors to the class hierarchy so
you can see that the Shape objects are destroyed when
the Stack goes out of scope.
Modify TPStash.hso that the increment value used by
inflate( )can be changed throughout the lifetime of a
particular container object.
Modify TPStash.hso that the increment value used by
inflate( )automatically resizes itself to reduce the
number of times it needs to be called. For example, each
time it is called it could double the increment value for
use in the next call. Demonstrate this functionality by
reporting whenever an inflate( )is called, and write test
code in main( ).
Templatize the fibonacci( )function on the type of value
that it produces (so it can produce long, float, etc. instead
of just int).
Using the Standard C++ Library vector as an underlying
implementation, create a Set template class that accepts
only one of each type of object that you put into it. Make
a nested iteratorclass that supports the "end sentinel"
concept in this chapter. Write test code for your Set in
main( ), and then substitute the Standard C++ Library set
template to verify that the behavior is correct.
Thinking in C++
Modify AutoCounter.hso that it can be used as a
member object inside any class whose creation and
destruction you want to trace. Add a string member to
hold the name of the class. Test this tool inside a class of
your own.
Create a version of OwnerStack.hthat uses a Standard
C++ Library vector as its underlying implementation.
You may need to look up some of the member functions
of vector in order to do this (or just look at the <vector>
header file).
Modify ValueStack.hso that it dynamically expands as
you push( ) more objects and it runs out of space. Change
ValueStackTest.cpp test the new functionality.
Repeat Exercise 9 but use a Standard C++ Library vector
as the internal implementation of the ValueStack Notice
how much easier this is.
Modify ValueStackTest.cpp that it uses a Standard
C++ Library vector instead of a Stack in main( ). Notice
the run-time behavior: Does the vector automatically
create a bunch of default objects when it is created?
Modify TStack2.hso that it uses a Standard C++ Library
vector as its underlying implementation. Make sure that
you don't change the interface, so that TStack2Test.cpp
works unchanged.
Repeat Exercise 12 using a Standard C++ Library stack
instead of a vector (you may need to look up information
about the stack, or hunt through the <stack> header file).
Modify TPStash2.hso that it uses a Standard C++
Library vector as its underlying implementation. Make
sure that you don't change the interface, so that
works unchanged.
In IterIntStack.cppmodify IntStackIterto give it an
"end sentinel" constructor, and add operator==and
operator!= In main( ), use an iterator to move through
16: Introduction to Templates
the elements of the container until you reach the end
Using TStack2.h TPStash2.h and Shape.h, instantiate
Stack and PStash containers for Shape*, fill them each
with an assortment of upcast Shape pointers, then use
iterators to move through each container and call draw( )
for each object.
Templatize the Int class in TPStash2Test.cpp  that it
holds any type of object (feel free to change the name of
the class to something more appropriate).
Templatize the IntArrayclass in
from Chapter 12,
templatizing both the type of object that is contained and
the size of the internal array.
Turn ObjContainerin NestedSmartPointer.cpp
Chapter 12 into a template. Test it with two different
Modify C15:OStack.hand C15:OStackTest.cpp
templatizing class Stackso that it automatically multiply
inherits from the contained class and from Object. The
generated Stack should accept and produce only pointers
of the contained type.
Repeat Exercise 20 using vector instead of Stack.
Inherit a class StringVectorfrom vector<void*>and
redefine the push_back( )and operator[]member
functions to accept and produce only string* (and
perform the proper casting). Now create a template that
will automatically make a container class to do the same
thing for pointers to any type. This technique is often
used to reduce code bloat from too many template
In TPStash2.h add and test an operator-to
PStash::iteratorfollowing the logic of operator+
In Drawing.cpp add and test a function template to call
erase( )member functions.
Thinking in C++
(Advanced) Modify the Stack class in TStack2.hto allow
full granularity of ownership: Add a flag to each link
indicating whether that link owns the object it points to,
and support this information in the push( ) function and
destructor. Add member functions to read and change
the ownership for each link.
(Advanced) Modify PointerToMemberOperator.cpp
from Chapter 12 so that the FunctionObjectand
operator->*are templatized to work with any return type
(for operator->* you'll have to use member templates,
described in Volume 2). Add and test support for zero,
one and two arguments in Dog member functions.
16: Introduction to Templates