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Theory and Practice of Counseling - PSY632
Lesson 43
·  The emergence of both communities counseling and consulting came as a result of the final report
of the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health in 1961 and Community Mental Health
Centers Act of 1963. As a result of the mental health center legislation, helping professionals were
encouraged to move toward more developmental and preventive interventions and away from
remedial interventions. Major changes proposed by the legislation included the construction of
2,000 community mental health centers and the gradual reduction and elimination of the
overcrowded state mental hospitals.
·  The Commission on Mental Health developed a formula that encompassed most mental health
Organic factors + Stress
Incidence =
Coping skills + Self-esteem + Support groups
The incidence of mental disorders in an individual is equivalent to the presence of difficult life
circumstances over available resources and strengths. Problems occur whenever the numerator is
greater than the denominator. Effective efforts to alter factors in the numerator or denominator
alter incidence at the other side of the equation. This is rooted in the public health tradition in
which incidence of a physical disease is reduced either by increasing the resistance of the host
(strengthening the factors in the denominator) or by reducing or eliminating the noxious agent
(reducing factors in the numerator).
Community Counseling
Community counseling is a multifaceted approach combining direct and indirect services to help
community members live more effectively and to prevent the problems most frequently faced by
those who use the services.
Their interventions are aimed primarily at populations who are most in need of mental health
services and usually most excluded from receiving them, such as ethnic minorities and the poor and
elderly. Community counselors' strategies reach out to the community and include:
Identifying and working with groups who are at risk for certain problems such as substance
abuse; poor health; physical, emotional, and learning disabilities; poverty; and emotional and
physical abuse in order to reduce their incidence.
They also attempt to empower and increase the amount of coping skills of their target
populations through:
Client advocacy
Political involvement such as influencing policy makers.
Different Forms of community counseling
The following are some of the ways counselors work to meet the mental health needs of the community:
Substance Abuse Counseling
Theory and Practice of Counseling - PSY632
Gerontological Counseling
Health Counseling
Rehabilitation Counseling
Crises/and Disaster Counseling
Client Advocacy
Substance Abuse Counseling
Substance abuse includes the abuse of all drugs, including alcohol. The definition even includes foods
such as sugar when the foods are used to alter a person's mood or psychological state, usually for the
purpose of avoiding dealing with difficult situations.
Detoxification and medical treatment
In many cases the problem may be so severe that detoxification is necessary, preferably under
medical supervision. Medication may also need to be provided as part of a treatment plan.
Group and family counseling approaches
In most cases of substance abuse, medical treatment alone is not sufficient; generally many types of
counseling services are offered. These services include group and family counseling, both of which
may be extremely important in helping a person decide to change an undesirable behavior pattern
and then to maintain the new behavior. Groups like psychodrama and marathon sessions are quite
popular. The group leader establishes rules, screens and prepares members for admission, educates
clients about drugs, and tries to ensure that the group norms are followed. The support of the
group allows for individual resolution to give up alcohol or other drugs.
Supplemented by support groups
For the best results, counseling is usually supplemented by support groups, such as Alcoholics
Anonymous or Overeaters Anonymous, to help maintain the desired behavior for life. Exercise and
relaxation programs are often prescribed to improve physical well-being and establish positive
An area of specialization related to substance abuse counseling is working with the adult children of
alcoholics (ACOAs). Alcohol abuse causes problems for the abusers and their immediate families
and also for the adult children of the abusers regardless of whether they drink themselves. Having
been part of a dysfunctional family has left the ACOAs with deficiencies in coping and in
relationship skills that have a significant impact on their personal and emotional development.
Counseling processes include working with grief and shame and helping clients learn to accept
themselves, express their needs, and have fun without guilt.
·  Interventions might include instructional lectures, discussions, deep analytic explorations, hypnosis,
and confrontation.
Substance abuse counselors often participate in specialized programs and in some cases can receive
special certification as drug and alcohol abuse counselors.
Theory and Practice of Counseling - PSY632
Gerontological Counseling
Another area of growth in the counseling field is gerontological counseling, the counseling of older
citizens. In a survey of counseling education in USA, Daniel and Weikel (1983) found that the
primary trend identified was an increase in gerontological counseling as a specialty.
This movement toward working more with the older members of society was highlighted in 1988,
when the Association for Adult Development and Aging (AADA) became a division of ACA.
In 1900, life expectancy was 49 years; today it is 76 in USA and in 60s in Pakistan. Schlosberg
(1995) pointed out that the life expectancy is expected to continue to inch up slowly and in the next
20 to 30 years we will probably see more people between 100 and 110 years of age. This is more
likely in the developed countries because of the developments rapidly taking place in the medical
field. With the increasing number of people living longer, there has been a corresponding increase
in interest in working with the aged in a variety of settings, such as community centers, retirement
centers, nursing homes, and hospice programs.
Health Counseling
Another major speciality area for trained counselors is health counseling. "Health counseling uses
the skills of the counselor to help clients make the kind of lifestyle changes that enhance their
physical health" (Lewis et al., 1993).
Rejecting the medical model that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disease, Thoreson and
Eagleston (1985) prescribe an educational model that emphasizes training people to think, make
decisions, and solve problems. These skills are considered necessary for the ongoing prevention of
disease and the maintenance of wellness. Such an approach requires an educated, informed public.
Skilled counselors may be employed in a variety to settings to work with health-related issues of
men, women, and children of all racial and ethnic groups to ensure that these skills are learned. This
area includes the concept of wholistic counseling, an approach that looks at the total person and
works to integrate the physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of a person's life.
Uses and Techniques?
Health professionals work with current cases and strive to prevent future occurrences through
encouraging community education, starting AIDS support groups, establishing hotlines, and
counseling AIDS' victims and their families. Research into a number of areas has produced results
indicating that some chronic diseases are not as inevitable as once feared. These diseases include
lung cancer, heart disease, and adult-onset diabetes.
Rehabilitation Counseling
Rehabilitation counselors are specialists who help clients with disabilities overcome deficits in their
skills. Disabilities can manifest themselves in many different ways. Even though a major objective
of a rehabilitation counselor is to help a client learn to cope with specific mental or physical
disability, such as deafness, the full goal is wholistic in nature: to help the client become fully
functioning in all areas in spite of any disability or limitation.
In addition to its applicability to clients with physical disabilities such as blindness or loss of a leg,
rehabilitation counseling is necessary for prisoners after release from prison, for psychiatric patients
after release from mental hospitals, and for people with developmental disabilities. Much substance
abuse counseling might be considered rehabilitative. People who have lost their jobs after many
years of employment also need to go through a rehabilitative process. Many companies and unions
Theory and Practice of Counseling - PSY632
have established counseling programs for workers who have lost their jobs as a result of plant
closings or downsizing.
In USA, certification as a certified rehabilitation counselor (CRC) can be attained through the
American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA), a division of ACA.
Crises/and Disaster Counseling
Many counselors have responded to events that devastate communities, such as storms, floods,
fires, earthquakes, and riots.
On a smaller scale, counselors regularly become involved in local crises, such as working with the
victims of a school bus accident or of a shooting at a fast food restaurant. Crisis intervention
research shows that if interventions are made quickly by helping professionals when these events
occur, those affected will recover quickly.
One fast intervention of psychological first aid is critical incident stress management (CISM). It was
originally developed in USA to treat public service workers exposed to extreme levels of trauma.
Currently it has found widespread application in a variety of settings for treating anyone exposed to
natural or manmade disasters.
Client Advocacy
Often counselors engage in client advocacy for those who do not have the awareness or resources
themselves or who are disenfranchised, such as rape and child abuse victims, oppressed minorities,
neglected elderly populations, and homeless persons, such as rape and child abuse victims,
oppressed minorities, neglected elderly populations, and homeless persons.
Consultation involves one person (the client) who has a problem with a person, group,
organization, or community but lacks the knowledge or skill for its solution and who turns to
another (the consultant), a specialist who has the requisite ability to aid in the problem's solution.
The consultant's goals are to help consultees deal with their current work problems and to provide
information or teach skills that help them to deal effectively with similar problems in the future.
Types of Consultation
Client-Centered Case Consultation
In client-centered or clinical consultation, a referral is made to a specialist who provides direct service
to the client. The service may be in the form of an examination and diagnosis with recommendations
for treatment, or the specialist may take over full responsibility for subsequent treatment of the client.
For example, a counselor may refer a client to a psychiatrist for a medical evaluation and the possible
need for drug therapy.
Consultee-Centered Case Consultation
In consultee-centered case consultation, the consultant works with the consultee's difficulties in dealing
with a particular client or groups of clients. The consultant may work to resolve a specific problem that
the consultee is having with a client, expand the consultee's overall skill in dealing with a particular type
of client, or improve the consultee's skills in general. In each instance, the focus of the consultant is on
the consultee's work and would rarely, if ever, involve firsthand service to a primary client. Because the
consullee is directly involved, there is a distinct advantage in this approach. Consultees may learn
information and skills that will allow them to work effectively with similar clients in the future without
the help of consultants. The consultant's roles include being an educator and a facilitator, for example, a
counselor working with a teacher on classroom management skills is a consultant.
Theory and Practice of Counseling - PSY632
Program-Centered Administrative Consultation
In program-centered consultation, the focus is on working with a specific program or organizational
structure and not on the consultee's difficulties with the program or structure. For instance, a
consultant might be employed to make recommendations to a college counseling center that is
contemplating making programmatic changes. Professionals performing this type of consultation are
often referred to as organizational consultants and are concerned with organizational development
Consultee-Centered Administrative Consultation
In consultee-centered administrative consultation, the consultee's difficulties in working with a program
or organization form the primary objective; the various components of the program or organization are
secondary. For example, a consultant might work directly with an administrator on leadership or
management skills.
Consulting Skills in Business & Industry
Human Resource Development (HRD)
HRD consists of a process by which the employees of an organization are helped, in a continuous,
planned way, to acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with
their present or expected future roles.
Career Development Programs
Business organizations do not deliberately remain static, and working from within an HRD framework,
employees are not expected to either. Career development has been defined as a process of human
development that involves self-investigation, learning, information gathering, decision making and
change on the part of the individual. The basic philosophy of providing for career planning is based on
the belief that employees who arc working satisfactorily within their career goals and expectations are
more likely to be productive. A few developmental programs are as under:
Training and Education
Training includes making assessment of employee's needs as far as knowledge and skills are required.
This objective can be achieved by providing instructional material and conducting training sessions.
Organizational development (OD)
OD specialist works to maintain a psychological climate within the company that is conducive to
high productivity. Experts help organization to deal absenteeism, low production, or interpersonal
Employee assisted programs (EAPs)
To help employees who may have personal difficulties that could be interfering with their
productivity on the job. Personal difficulties could include money, marriage, or substance abuse.
The recent focus of employee assistance has shifted from intervention to prevention.
Quality of work-life programs
Focus on making the place in which employees spend 40 hours or so a week a generally positive
and attractive environment; experts work on improving physical conditions, plan recreational
facilities, fringe benefit packages, health and medical benefits, to help develop the sense of
belonging, and loyalty to the company, that in the long run benefits all.
Table of Contents:
  1. INTRODUCTION:Counseling Journals, Definitions of Counseling
  3. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1900-1909:Frank Parson, Psychopathic Hospitals
  4. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND:Recent Trends in Counseling
  5. GOALS & ACTIVITIES GOALS OF COUNSELING:Facilitating Behavior Change
  7. ETHICAL & LEGAL ISSUES IN COUNSELING:Keeping Relationships Professional
  8. EFFECTIVE COUNSELOR:Personal Characteristics Model
  9. EFFECTIVE COUNSELOR:Humanism, People Orientation, Intellectual Curiosity
  10. EFFECTIVE COUNSELOR:Cultural Bias in Theory and Practice, Stress and Burnout
  11. COUNSELING SKILLS:Microskills, Body Language & Movement, Paralinguistics
  14. LISTENING & UNDERSTANDING SKILLS:Barriers to an Accepting Attitude
  15. LISTENING & UNDERSTANDING SKILLS:Suggestive Questions,
  16. LISTENING & UNDERSTANDING SKILLS:Tips for Paraphrasing, Summarizing Skills
  17. INFLUENCING SKILLS:Basic Listening Sequence (BLS), Interpretation/ Reframing
  18. FOCUSING & CHALLENGING SKILLS:Focused and Selective Attention, Family focus
  19. COUNSELING PROCESS:Link to the Previous Lecture
  20. COUNSELING PROCESS:The Initial Session, Counselor-initiated, Advice Giving
  21. COUNSELING PROCESS:Transference & Counter-transference
  24. CLASSICAL PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH:Psychic Determination, Anxiety
  25. NEO-FREUDIANS:Strengths, Weaknesses, NEO-FREUDIANS, Family Constellation
  26. NEO-FREUDIANS:Task setting, Composition of Personality, The Shadow
  27. NEO-FREUDIANS:Ten Neurotic Needs, Modes of Experiencing
  28. CLIENT-CENTERED APPROACH:Background of his approach, Techniques
  29. GESTALT THERAPY:Fritz Perls, Causes of Human Difficulties
  30. GESTALT THERAPY:Role of the Counselor, Assessment
  31. EXISTENTIAL THERAPY:Rollo May, Role of Counselor, Logotherapy
  34. TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS:Eric Berne, The child ego state, Transactional Analysis
  35. BEHAVIORAL APPROACHES:Respondent Learning, Social Learning Theory
  36. BEHAVIORAL APPROACHES:Use of reinforcers, Maintenance, Extinction
  37. REALITY THERAPY:Role of the Counselor, Strengths, Limitations
  38. GROUPS IN COUNSELING:Major benefits, Traditional & Historical Groups
  39. GROUPS IN COUNSELING:Humanistic Groups, Gestalt Groups
  40. MARRIAGE & FAMILY COUNSELING:Systems Theory, Postwar changes
  41. MARRIAGE & FAMILY COUNSELING:Concepts Related to Circular Causality
  42. CAREER COUNSELING:Situational Approaches, Decision Theory
  44. DIAGNOSIS & ASSESSMENT:Assessment Techniques, Observation
  45. FINAL OVERVIEW:Ethical issues, Influencing skills, Counseling Approaches