
Hiding the Implementation:C++ access control, Handle classes

<< Data Abstraction:The basic object, Abstract data typing, Header file etiquette
Initialization & Cleanup:Guaranteed cleanup with the destructor, Aggregate initialization >>
5: Hiding the
A typical C library contains a struct and some
associated functions to act on that struct. So far,
you've seen how C++ takes functions that are
conceptually associated and makes them literally
associated by
putting the function declarations inside the scope of the struct,
changing the way functions are called for the struct, eliminating the
passing of the structure address as the first argument, and adding a
new type name to the program (so you don't have to create a
typedef for the struct tag).
These are all convenient ­ they help you organize your code and
make it easier to write and read. However, there are other
important issues when making libraries easier in C++, especially
the issues of safety and control. This chapter looks at the subject of
boundaries in structures.
Setting limits
In any relationship it's important to have boundaries that are
respected by all parties involved. When you create a library, you
establish a relationship with the client programmer who uses that
library to build an application or another library.
In a C struct, as with most things in C, there are no rules. Client
programmers can do anything they want with that struct, and
there's no way to force any particular behaviors. For example, even
though you saw in the last chapter the importance of the functions
named initialize( )and cleanup( ) the client programmer has the
option not to call those functions. (We'll look at a better approach
in the next chapter.) And even though you would really prefer that
the client programmer not directly manipulate some of the
members of your struct, in C there's no way to prevent it.
Everything's naked to the world.
There are two reasons for controlling access to members. The first is
to keep the client programmer's hands off tools they shouldn't
touch, tools that are necessary for the internal machinations of the
data type, but not part of the interface the client programmer needs
to solve their particular problems. This is actually a service to client
Thinking in C++
programmers because they can easily see what's important to them
and what they can ignore.
The second reason for access control is to allow the library designer
to change the internal workings of the structure without worrying
about how it will affect the client programmer. In the Stack
example in the last chapter, you might want to allocate the storage
in big chunks, for speed, rather than creating new storage each time
an element is added. If the interface and implementation are clearly
separated and protected, you can accomplish this and require only
a relink by the client programmer.
C++ access control
C++ introduces three new keywords to set the boundaries in a
structure: public, private, and protected Their use and meaning
are remarkably straightforward. These access specifiers are used only
in a structure declaration, and they change the boundary for all the
declarations that follow them. Whenever you use an access
specifier, it must be followed by a colon.
public means all member declarations that follow are available to
everyone. public members are like struct members. For example,
the following struct declarations are identical:
//: C05:Public.cpp
// Public is just like C's struct
struct A {
int i;
char j;
float f;
void func();
void A::func() {}
struct B {
5: Hiding the Implementation
int i;
char j;
float f;
void func();
void B::func() {}
int main() {
A a; B b;
a.i = b.i = 1;
a.j = b.j = 'c';
a.f = b.f = 3.14159;
} ///:~
The private keyword, on the other hand, means that no one can
access that member except you, the creator of the type, inside
function members of that type. private is a brick wall between you
and the client programmer; if someone tries to access a private
member, they'll get a compile-time error. In struct Bin the example
above, you may want to make portions of the representation (that
is, the data members) hidden, accessible only to you:
//: C05:Private.cpp
// Setting the boundary
struct B {
char j;
float f;
int i;
void func();
void B::func() {
i = 0;
j = '0';
f = 0.0;
Thinking in C++
int main() {
B b;
b.i = 1;
// OK, public
//!  b.j = '1';  // Illegal, private
//!  b.f = 1.0;  // Illegal, private
} ///:~
Although func( ) can access any member of B (because func( ) is a
member of B, thus automatically granting it permission), an
ordinary global function like main( ) cannot. Of course, neither can
member functions of other structures. Only the functions that are
clearly stated in the structure declaration (the "contract") can have
access to private members.
There is no required order for access specifiers, and they may
appear more than once. They affect all the members declared after
them and before the next access specifier.
The last access specifier is protected protectedacts just like
private, with one exception that we can't really talk about right
now: "Inherited" structures (which cannot access private members)
are granted access to protectedmembers. This will become clearer
in Chapter 14 when inheritance is introduced. For current
purposes, consider protectedto be just like private.
What if you want to explicitly grant access to a function that isn't a
member of the current structure? This is accomplished by declaring
that function a friend inside the structure declaration. It's important
that the friend declaration occurs inside the structure declaration
because you (and the compiler) must be able to read the structure
declaration and see every rule about the size and behavior of that
data type. And a very important rule in any relationship is, "Who
can access my private implementation?"
5: Hiding the Implementation
The class controls which code has access to its members. There's no
magic way to "break in" from the outside if you aren't a friend;
you can't declare a new class and say, "Hi, I'm a friend of Bob!"
and expect to see the private and protectedmembers of Bob.
You can declare a global function as a friend, and you can also
declare a member function of another structure, or even an entire
structure, as a friend. Here's an example :
//: C05:Friend.cpp
// Friend allows special access
// Declaration (incomplete type specification):
struct X;
struct Y {
void f(X*);
struct X { // Definition
int i;
void initialize();
friend void g(X*, int); // Global friend
friend void Y::f(X*);  // Struct member friend
friend struct Z; // Entire struct is a friend
friend void h();
void X::initialize() {
i = 0;
void g(X* x, int i) {
x->i = i;
void Y::f(X* x) {
x->i = 47;
struct Z {
Thinking in C++
int j;
void initialize();
void g(X* x);
void Z::initialize() {
j = 99;
void Z::g(X* x) {
x->i += j;
void h() {
X x;
x.i = 100; // Direct data manipulation
int main() {
X x;
Z z;
} ///:~
struct Yhas a member function f( ) that will modify an object of
type X. This is a bit of a conundrum because the C++ compiler
requires you to declare everything before you can refer to it, so
struct Ymust be declared before its member Y::f(X*)can be
declared as a friend in struct X But for Y::f(X*)to be declared,
struct Xmust be declared first!
Here's the solution. Notice that Y::f(X*)takes the address of an X
object. This is critical because the compiler always knows how to
pass an address, which is of a fixed size regardless of the object
being passed, even if it doesn't have full information about the size
of the type. If you try to pass the whole object, however, the
compiler must see the entire structure definition of X, to know the
size and how to pass it, before it allows you to declare a function
such as Y::g(X).
5: Hiding the Implementation
By passing the address of an X, the compiler allows you to make an
incomplete type specification of X prior to declaring Y::f(X*) This is
accomplished in the declaration:
struct X;
This declaration simply tells the compiler there's a struct by that
name, so it's OK to refer to it as long as you don't require any more
knowledge than the name.
Now, in struct X the function Y::f(X*)can be declared as a friend
with no problem. If you tried to declare it before the compiler had
seen the full specification for Y, it would have given you an error.
This is a safety feature to ensure consistency and eliminate bugs.
Notice the two other friend functions. The first declares an
ordinary global function g( ) as a friend. But g( ) has not been
previously declared at the global scope! It turns out that friend can
be used this way to simultaneously declare the function and give it
friend status. This extends to entire structures:
friend struct Z;
is an incomplete type specification for Z, and it gives the entire
structure friend status.
Nested friends
Making a structure nested doesn't automatically give it access to
private members. To accomplish this, you must follow a particular
form: first, declare (without defining) the nested structure, then
declare it as a friend, and finally define the structure. The structure
definition must be separate from the friend declaration, otherwise
it would be seen by the compiler as a non-member. Here's an
//: C05:NestFriend.cpp
// Nested friends
#include <iostream>
Thinking in C++
#include <cstring> // memset()
using namespace std;
const int sz = 20;
struct Holder {
int a[sz];
void initialize();
struct Pointer;
friend Pointer;
struct Pointer {
Holder* h;
int* p;
void initialize(Holder* h);
// Move around in the array:
void next();
void previous();
void top();
void end();
// Access values:
int read();
void set(int i);
void Holder::initialize() {
memset(a, 0, sz * sizeof(int));
void Holder::Pointer::initialize(Holder* rv) {
h = rv;
p = rv->a;
void Holder::Pointer::next() {
if(p < &(h->a[sz - 1])) p++;
void Holder::Pointer::previous() {
if(p > &(h->a[0])) p--;
5: Hiding the Implementation
void Holder::Pointer::top() {
p = &(h->a[0]);
void Holder::Pointer::end() {
p = &(h->a[sz - 1]);
int Holder::Pointer::read() {
return *p;
void Holder::Pointer::set(int i) {
*p = i;
int main() {
Holder h;
Holder::Pointer hp, hp2;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
for(i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
cout << "hp = " << hp.read()
<< ", hp2 = " << hp2.read() << endl;
} ///:~
Once Pointer is declared, it is granted access to the private
members of Holder by saying:
friend Pointer;
Thinking in C++
The struct Holdercontains an array of ints and the Pointer allows
you to access them. Because Pointer is strongly associated with
Holder, it's sensible to make it a member structure of Holder. But
because Pointer is a separate class from Holder, you can make
more than one of them in main( ) and use them to select different
parts of the array. Pointer is a structure instead of a raw C pointer,
so you can guarantee that it will always safely point inside the
The Standard C library function memset( )(in <cstring> is used
for convenience in the program above. It sets all memory starting at
a particular address (the first argument) to a particular value (the
second argument) for n bytes past the starting address (n is the
third argument). Of course, you could have simply used a loop to
iterate through all the memory, but memset( )is available, well-
tested (so it's less likely you'll introduce an error), and probably
more efficient than if you coded it by hand.
Is it pure?
The class definition gives you an audit trail, so you can see from
looking at the class which functions have permission to modify the
private parts of the class. If a function is a friend, it means that it
isn't a member, but you want to give permission to modify private
data anyway, and it must be listed in the class definition so
everyone can see that it's one of the privileged functions.
C++ is a hybrid object-oriented language, not a pure one, and
friend was added to get around practical problems that crop up.
It's fine to point out that this makes the language less "pure,"
because C++ is designed to be pragmatic, not to aspire to an
abstract ideal.
5: Hiding the Implementation
Object layout
Chapter 4 stated that a struct written for a C compiler and later
compiled with C++ would be unchanged. This referred primarily
to the object layout of the struct, that is, where the storage for the
individual variables is positioned in the memory allocated for the
object. If the C++ compiler changed the layout of C structs, then
any C code you wrote that inadvisably took advantage of
knowledge of the positions of variables in the struct would break.
When you start using access specifiers, however, you've moved
completely into the C++ realm, and things change a bit. Within a
particular "access block" (a group of declarations delimited by
access specifiers), the variables are guaranteed to be laid out
contiguously, as in C. However, the access blocks may not appear
in the object in the order that you declare them. Although the
compiler will usually lay the blocks out exactly as you see them,
there is no rule about it, because a particular machine architecture
and/or operating environment may have explicit support for
private and protectedthat might require those blocks to be placed
in special memory locations. The language specification doesn't
want to restrict this kind of advantage.
Access specifiers are part of the structure and don't affect the
objects created from the structure. All of the access specification
information disappears before the program is run; generally this
happens during compilation. In a running program, objects become
"regions of storage" and nothing more. If you really want to, you
can break all the rules and access the memory directly, as you can
in C. C++ is not designed to prevent you from doing unwise things.
It just provides you with a much easier, highly desirable
In general, it's not a good idea to depend on anything that's
implementation-specific when you're writing a program. When
you must have implementation-specific dependencies, encapsulate
Thinking in C++
them inside a structure so that any porting changes are focused in
one place.
The class
Access control is often referred to as implementation hiding.
Including functions within structures (often referred to as
encapsulation1) produces a data type with characteristics and
behaviors, but access control puts boundaries within that data type,
for two important reasons. The first is to establish what the client
programmers can and can't use. You can build your internal
mechanisms into the structure without worrying that client
programmers will think that these mechanisms are part of the
interface they should be using.
This feeds directly into the second reason, which is to separate the
interface from the implementation. If the structure is used in a set
of programs, but the client programmers can't do anything but
send messages to the public interface, then you can change
anything that's private without requiring modifications to their
Encapsulation and access control, taken together, invent something
more than a C struct. We're now in the world of object-oriented
programming, where a structure is describing a class of objects as
you would describe a class of fishes or a class of birds: Any object
belonging to this class will share these characteristics and
behaviors. That's what the structure declaration has become, a
description of the way all objects of this type will look and act.
In the original OOP language, Simula-67, the keyword class was
used to describe a new data type. This apparently inspired
Stroustrup to choose the same keyword for C++, to emphasize that
1 As noted before, sometimes access control is referred to as encapsulation.
5: Hiding the Implementation
this was the focal point of the whole language: the creation of new
data types that are more than just C structs with functions. This
certainly seems like adequate justification for a new keyword.
However, the use of class in C++ comes close to being an
unnecessary keyword. It's identical to the struct keyword in
absolutely every way except one: class defaults to private, whereas
struct defaults to public. Here are two structures that produce the
same result:
//: C05:Class.cpp
// Similarity of struct and class
struct A {
int i, j, k;
int f();
void g();
int A::f() {
return i + j + k;
void A::g() {
i = j = k = 0;
// Identical results are produced with:
class B {
int i, j, k;
int f();
void g();
int B::f() {
return i + j + k;
void B::g() {
Thinking in C++
i = j = k = 0;
int main() {
A a;
B b;
a.f(); a.g();
b.f(); b.g();
} ///:~
The class is the fundamental OOP concept in C++. It is one of the
keywords that will not be set in bold in this book ­ it becomes
annoying with a word repeated as often as "class." The shift to
classes is so important that I suspect Stroustrup's preference would
have been to throw struct out altogether, but the need for
backwards compatibility with C wouldn't allow that.
Many people prefer a style of creating classes that is more struct-
like than class-like, because you override the "default-to-private"
behavior of the class by starting out with public elements:
class X {
void interface_function();
void private_function();
int internal_representation;
The logic behind this is that it makes more sense for the reader to
see the members of interest first, then they can ignore anything that
says private. Indeed, the only reasons all the other members must
be declared in the class at all are so the compiler knows how big the
objects are and can allocate them properly, and so it can guarantee
The examples in this book, however, will put the private members
first, like this:
class X {
void private_function();
5: Hiding the Implementation
int internal_representation;
void interface_function();
Some people even go to the trouble of decorating their own private
class Y {
void f();
int mX;  // "Self-decorated" name
Because mX is already hidden in the scope of Y, the m (for
"member") is unnecessary. However, in projects with many global
variables (something you should strive to avoid, but which is
sometimes inevitable in existing projects), it is helpful to be able to
distinguish inside a member function definition which data is
global and which is a member.
Modifying Stash to use access control
It makes sense to take the examples from Chapter 4 and modify
them to use classes and access control. Notice how the client
programmer portion of the interface is now clearly distinguished,
so there's no possibility of client programmers accidentally
manipulating a part of the class that they shouldn't.
//: C05:Stash.h
// Converted to use access control
#ifndef STASH_H
#define STASH_H
class Stash {
int size;
// Size of each space
int quantity;  // Number of storage spaces
int next;
// Next empty space
// Dynamically allocated array of bytes:
unsigned char* storage;
void inflate(int increase);
Thinking in C++
void initialize(int size);
void cleanup();
int add(void* element);
void* fetch(int index);
int count();
#endif // STASH_H ///:~
The inflate( )function has been made private because it is used
only by the add( ) function and is thus part of the underlying
implementation, not the interface. This means that, sometime later,
you can change the underlying implementation to use a different
system for memory management.
Other than the name of the include file, the header above is the
only thing that's been changed for this example. The
implementation file and test file are the same.
Modifying Stack to use access control
As a second example, here's the Stack turned into a class. Now the
nested data structure is private, which is nice because it ensures
that the client programmer will neither have to look at it nor be
able to depend on the internal representation of the Stack:
//: C05:Stack2.h
// Nested structs via linked list
#ifndef STACK2_H
#define STACK2_H
class Stack {
struct Link {
void* data;
Link* next;
void initialize(void* dat, Link* nxt);
}* head;
void initialize();
void push(void* dat);
void* peek();
void* pop();
5: Hiding the Implementation
void cleanup();
#endif // STACK2_H ///:~
As before, the implementation doesn't change and so it is not
repeated here. The test, too, is identical. The only thing that's been
changed is the robustness of the class interface. The real value of
access control is to prevent you from crossing boundaries during
development. In fact, the compiler is the only thing that knows
about the protection level of class members. There is no access
control information mangled into the member name that carries
through to the linker. All the protection checking is done by the
compiler; it has vanished by runtime.
Notice that the interface presented to the client programmer is now
truly that of a push-down stack. It happens to be implemented as a
linked list, but you can change that without affecting what the
client programmer interacts with, or (more importantly) a single
line of client code.
Handle classes
Access control in C++ allows you to separate interface from
implementation, but the implementation hiding is only partial. The
compiler must still see the declarations for all parts of an object in
order to create and manipulate it properly. You could imagine a
programming language that requires only the public interface of an
object and allows the private implementation to be hidden, but C++
performs type checking statically (at compile time) as much as
possible. This means that you'll learn as early as possible if there's
an error. It also means that your program is more efficient.
However, including the private implementation has two effects: the
implementation is visible even if you can't easily access it, and it
can cause needless recompilation.
Thinking in C++
Hiding the implementation
Some projects cannot afford to have their implementation visible to
the client programmer. It may show strategic information in a
library header file that the company doesn't want available to
competitors. You may be working on a system where security is an
issue ­ an encryption algorithm, for example ­ and you don't want
to expose any clues in a header file that might help people to crack
the code. Or you may be putting your library in a "hostile"
environment, where the programmers will directly access the
private components anyway, using pointers and casting. In all
these situations, it's valuable to have the actual structure compiled
inside an implementation file rather than exposed in a header file.
Reducing recompilation
The project manager in your programming environment will cause
a recompilation of a file if that file is touched (that is, modified) or if
another file it's dependent upon ­ that is, an included header file ­
is touched. This means that any time you make a change to a class,
whether it's to the public interface or to the private member
declarations, you'll force a recompilation of anything that includes
that header file. This is often referred to as the fragile base-class
problem. For a large project in its early stages this can be very
unwieldy because the underlying implementation may change
often; if the project is very big, the time for compiles can prohibit
rapid turnaround.
The technique to solve this is sometimes called handle classes or the
"Cheshire cat"2 ­ everything about the implementation disappears
except for a single pointer, the "smile." The pointer refers to a
structure whose definition is in the implementation file along with
all the member function definitions. Thus, as long as the interface is
2 This name is attributed to John Carolan, one of the early pioneers in C++, and of
course, Lewis Carroll. This technique can also be seen as a form of the "bridge"
design pattern, described in Volume 2.
5: Hiding the Implementation
unchanged, the header file is untouched. The implementation can
change at will, and only the implementation file needs to be
recompiled and relinked with the project.
Here's a simple example demonstrating the technique. The header
file contains only the public interface and a single pointer of an
incompletely specified class:
//: C05:Handle.h
// Handle classes
#ifndef HANDLE_H
#define HANDLE_H
class Handle {
struct Cheshire; // Class declaration only
Cheshire* smile;
void initialize();
void cleanup();
int read();
void change(int);
#endif // HANDLE_H ///:~
This is all the client programmer is able to see. The line
struct Cheshire;
is an incomplete type specification or a class declaration (A class
definition includes the body of the class.) It tells the compiler that
Cheshireis a structure name, but it doesn't give any details about
the struct. This is only enough information to create a pointer to the
struct; you can't create an object until the structure body has been
provided. In this technique, that structure body is hidden away in
the implementation file:
//: C05:Handle.cpp {O}
// Handle implementation
#include "Handle.h"
#include "../require.h"
// Define Handle's implementation:
Thinking in C++
struct Handle::Cheshire {
int i;
void Handle::initialize() {
smile = new Cheshire;
smile->i = 0;
void Handle::cleanup() {
delete smile;
int Handle::read() {
return smile->i;
void Handle::change(int x) {
smile->i = x;
} ///:~
Cheshireis a nested structure, so it must be defined with scope
struct Handle::Cheshire {
In Handle::initialize(,)storage is allocated for a Cheshire
structure, and in Handle::cleanup( )
this storage is released. This
storage is used in lieu of all the data elements you'd normally put
into the private section of the class. When you compile Handle.cpp
this structure definition is hidden away in the object file where no
one can see it. If you change the elements of Cheshire the only file
that must be recompiled is Handle.cppbecause the header file is
The use of Handle is like the use of any class: include the header,
create objects, and send messages.
//: C05:UseHandle.cpp
//{L} Handle
// Use the Handle class
#include "Handle.h"
5: Hiding the Implementation
int main() {
Handle u;
} ///:~
The only thing the client programmer can access is the public
interface, so as long as the implementation is the only thing that
changes, the file above never needs recompilation. Thus, although
this isn't perfect implementation hiding, it's a big improvement.
Access control in C++ gives valuable control to the creator of a
class. The users of the class can clearly see exactly what they can
use and what to ignore. More important, though, is the ability to
ensure that no client programmer becomes dependent on any part
of the underlying implementation of a class. If you know this as the
creator of the class, you can change the underlying implementation
with the knowledge that no client programmer will be affected by
the changes because they can't access that part of the class.
When you have the ability to change the underlying
implementation, you can not only improve your design at some
later time, but you also have the freedom to make mistakes. No
matter how carefully you plan and design, you'll make mistakes.
Knowing that it's relatively safe to make these mistakes means
you'll be more experimental, you'll learn faster, and you'll finish
your project sooner.
The public interface to a class is what the client programmer does
see, so that is the most important part of the class to get "right"
during analysis and design. But even that allows you some leeway
for change. If you don't get the interface right the first time, you can
Thinking in C++
add more functions, as long as you don't remove any that client
programmers have already used in their code.
Solutions to selected exercises can be found in the electronic document The Thinking in C++ Annotated
Solution Guide, available for a small fee from .
Create a class with public, private, and protecteddata
members and function members. Create an object of this
class and see what kind of compiler messages you get
when you try to access all the class members.
Write a struct called Lib that contains three string objects
a, b, and c. In main( ) create a Lib object called x and
assign to x.a, x.b, and x.c. Print out the values. Now
replace a, b, and c with an array of string s[3] Show that
your code in main( ) breaks as a result of the change.
Now create a class called Libc, with private string
objects a, b, and c, and member functions seta( ), geta( ),
setb( ), getb( ), setc( ), and getc( ) to set and get the
values. Write main( ) as before. Now change the private
string objects a, b, and c to a private array of string s[3]
Show that the code in main( ) does not break as a result
of the change.
Create a class and a global friend function that
manipulates the private data in the class.
Write two classes, each of which has a member function
that takes a pointer to an object of the other class. Create
instances of both objects in main( ) and call the
aforementioned member function in each class.
Create three classes. The first class contains private data,
and grants friendship to the entire second class and to a
member function of the third class. In main( ),
demonstrate that all of these work correctly.
Create a Hen class. Inside this, nest a Nest class. Inside
Nest, place an Egg class. Each class should have a
5: Hiding the Implementation
display( )member function. In main( ), create an instance
of each class and call the display( )function for each one.
Modify Exercise 6 so that Nest and Egg each contain
private data. Grant friendship to allow the enclosing
classes access to this private data.
Create a class with data members distributed among
numerous public, private,and protectedsections. Add a
member function showMap( )that prints the names of
each of these data members and their addresses. If
possible, compile and run this program on more than one
compiler and/or computer and/or operating system to
see if there are layout differences in the object.
Copy the implementation and test files for Stash in
Chapter 4 so that you can compile and test Stash.h in this
Place objects of the Hen class from Exercise 6 in a Stash.
Fetch them out and print them (if you have not already
done so, you will need to add Hen::print( ).
Copy the implementation and test files for Stack in
Chapter 4 so that you can compile and test Stack2.hin
this chapter.
Place objects of the Hen class from Exercise 6 in a Stack.
Fetch them out and print them (if you have not already
done so, you will need to add Hen::print( ).
Modify Cheshirein Handle.cpp and verify that your
project manager recompiles and relinks only this file, but
doesn't recompile UseHandle.cpp
Create a StackOfIntclass (a stack that holds ints) using
the "Cheshire cat" technique that hides the low-level data
structure you use to store the elements in a class called
StackImp Implement two versions of StackImp one
that uses a fixed-length array of int, and one that uses a
vector<int> Have a preset maximum size for the stack so
you don't have to worry about expanding the array in
the first version. Note that the StackOfInt.hclass doesn't
have to change with StackImp
Thinking in C++