
PATTERN RECOGNITION (CONTINUED):Neural Networks, Patterns of connections

PATTERN RECOGNITION (CONTINUED):Effects of Sentence Context >>
Cognitive Psychology ­ PSY 504
Lesson 21
Neural Networks
This model is also called PDP's or Parallel Distributed Processing. McClelland and Rumelhart
(1981) made a pattern recognition network. It solves the paradox of bottom-up versus top-down.
McClelland and Rumelhart implemented this network to model our use of word structure to
facilitate recognition of individual letters. In this model, individual features are combined to form
letters and individual letters are combined to form words. This is connectionist model. It depends
heavily on excitatory and inhibitory activation process. Activation spreads from the features to
excite the letters and form the letters to excite the words. Alternative letters and words inhibit
each other. Activation can also spread down from the words to excite the component letters. In
this way a word can support the activation of a letter and hence promote its recognition. In such a
system, activation will tend to accumulate at one word and it will repress the activations of other
words through inhibition. The dominant word will support the activation of its component letters,
and these letters will repress the activation of alternatives letters. The word superiority effect is
due to the support a word gives to its component letters. The computation proposed by
McClelland and Rumelhart's interactive activation model is extremely complex, as is the
computation of any model that stimulates neural processing. This process helps us in
understanding how neural processing underlies pattern recognition. The figure of this model is
given below.
This is the part of pattern-recognition network proposed by McClelland and Rumelhart to perform
word recognition by performing calculation on neural activation values. Connections with
arrowheads indicate excitatory connections from the source to the head. Connections with
rounded heads indicate inhibitory connections from the source to the head. This net is making
Cognitive Psychology ­ PSY 504
This is simpler version of neural network. This diagram is showing a word WORK. At one level
there is feature detector. Feature detectors are being not showed. At another level there are letter
detectors. We recognize W because of features. O R and K are recognized. All words activate
because of letters. Four words of WORK are activated. These three words are competitors in
word recognition. WORK is recognizing by four letters. This is parallel distributor processing
model. This is also called neural network model of pattern recognition model. This is called neural
network because there is an abstract concept or quantity that called nodes.
Neural Networks
Neural networks is consisted on
Learning consists of re-adjustment of weights
Nodes are a set of processing units. Nodes should not be confused with neurons. Nodes are hard
ware level description. Nodes are represented by features, letters and words in the interactive
activation model. They can acquire different levels of activation. All boxes in above diagram are
nodes. Lines are links. Nodes are connected through these lines.
Patterns of connections
Nodes are connected to each other by excitatory or inhibitory connections that differ in strength.
Another important concept is activation rules. These specify how a node combines its excitatory
and inhibitory inputs with its current state of activation.
Cognitive Psychology ­ PSY 504
Excitatory connections
These are those connections that make other nodes active. Those nodes are connected
with excitatory connections they are active or charged.
Inhibitory connections
Those connections that make other nodes relax and switch off.
Because of these connections the neural network exists.
State of Activation
Nodes can be activated to various degrees. We become conscious of nodes that are activated
above a threshold level of conscious awareness. We become aware of letter K in the word
WORK when it receives enough excitatory influences from feature and word levels.
A Learning Rule
Learning generally occurs by changing the weights of the excitatory and inhibitory connections
between the nodes. The Learning rule specifies how to make these changes in the weights.
Initial weights
Re-adjustment of weights
PDP and learning
The Learning component is the most important feature of a neural network model because it
enables the network to improve its performance. In a lab in California a computer learns how to
speak by reading and re-reading simple English sentences ­ improving from its own mistakes.
PDP and its significance
Parallel processing models have improved computer functioning. That has made super
computers. Super computers are called parallel computers. Multiple processors that
communicate with each other work faster than serial processing computers. The paradoxes are
resolved. Like forests are seen at the same time as the trees. Words are seen at the same time
as the letters. Context helps in object perception; object perception helps in perception of context.
Table of Contents:
  1. INTRODUCTION:Historical Background
  3. COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY:Brains of Dead People, The Neuron
  5. COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (CONTINUED):Hubel & Wiesel, Sensory Memory
  7. ATTENTION:Single-mindedness, In Shadowing Paradigm, Attention and meaning
  8. ATTENTION (continued):Implications, Treisman’s Model, Norman’s Model
  9. ATTENTION (continued):Capacity Models, Arousal, Multimode Theory
  10. ATTENTION:Subsidiary Task, Capacity Theory, Reaction Time & Accuracy, Implications
  12. AUTOMATICITY (continued):Experiment, Implications, Task interference
  13. AUTOMATICITY (continued):Predicting flight performance, Thought suppression
  14. PATTERN RECOGNITION:Template Matching Models, Human flexibility
  15. PATTERN RECOGNITION:Implications, Phonemes, Voicing, Place of articulation
  16. PATTERN RECOGNITION (continued):Adaptation paradigm
  17. PATTERN RECOGNITION (continued):Gestalt Theory of Perception
  18. PATTERN RECOGNITION (continued):Queen Elizabeth’s vase, Palmer (1977)
  19. OBJECT PERCEPTION (continued):Segmentation, Recognition of object
  20. ATTENTION & PATTERN RECOGNITION:Word Superiority Effect
  21. PATTERN RECOGNITION (CONTINUED):Neural Networks, Patterns of connections
  22. PATTERN RECOGNITION (CONTINUED):Effects of Sentence Context
  23. MEMORY:Short Term Working Memory, Atkinson & Shiffrin Model
  24. MEMORY:Rate of forgetting, Size of memory set
  25. Memory:Activation in a network, Magic number 7, Chunking
  26. Memory:Chunking, Individual differences in chunking
  27. MEMORY:THE NATURE OF FORGETTING, Release from PI, Central Executive
  28. Memory:Atkinson & Shiffrin Model, Long Term Memory, Different kinds of LTM
  29. Memory:Spread of Activation, Associative Priming, Implications, More Priming
  30. Memory:Interference, The Critical Assumption, Limited capacity
  31. Memory:Interference, Historical Memories, Recall versus Recognition
  32. Memory:Are forgotten memories lost forever?
  33. Memory:Recognition of lost memories, Representation of knowledge
  34. Memory:Benefits of Categorization, Levels of Categories
  35. Memory:Prototype, Rosch and Colleagues, Experiments of Stephen Read
  36. Memory:Schema Theory, A European Solution, Generalization hierarchies
  37. Memory:Superset Schemas, Part hierarchy, Slots Have More Schemas
  38. MEMORY:Representation of knowledge (continued), Memory for stories
  39. Memory:Representation of knowledge, PQ4R Method, Elaboration
  40. Memory:Study Methods, Analyze Story Structure, Use Multiple Modalities
  41. Memory:Mental Imagery, More evidence, Kosslyn yet again, Image Comparison
  42. Mental Imagery:Eidetic Imagery, Eidetic Psychotherapy, Hot and cold imagery
  43. Language and thought:Productivity & Regularity, Linguistic Intuition
  44. Cognitive development:Assimilation, Accommodation, Stage Theory
  45. Cognitive Development:Gender Identity, Learning Mathematics, Sensory Memory