
Difference between distributed computing and computer networks

<< Performance of I/O Subsystems, Server Utilization, Asynchronous I/O and operating system
Physical Media, Shared Medium, Switched Medium, Network Topologies, Seven-layer OSI Model >>
Advanced Computer Architecture-CS501
Advanced Computer Architecture
Lecture No. 43
Reading Material
Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan
Computer Systems Design and Architecture
Patterson, D.A. and Hennessy, J.L.
Chapter 8
Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach
Introduction to computer network
Difference between distributed computing and computer networks
Classification of networks
Interconnectivity in WAN
Performance Issues
Effective bandwidth versus Message size
Physical Media
Introduction to Computer Networks
A computer architect should know about computer networks because of the two main
1. Connectivity
Connection of components with in a single computer follows the same principles used for
the connection of different computers. It is important for the computer architect to know
about connectivity for better sharing of bandwidth
Sharing of resources
Consider a lab with 50 computers and 2 printers using a network, all these 50 computers
can share these 2 printers.
A set of rules followed by different components in a network. These rules may be defined
for hardware and software.
It is a computer with a modem, LAN card and other network interfaces. Hosts are also
called nodes or end points. Each node is a combination of hardware and software and all
nodes are interconnected by means of some physical media.
Difference between Distributed Computing and Computer Networks
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Advanced Computer Architecture-CS501
In distributed computing, all elements which are interconnected operate under one
operating system. To a user, it appears as a virtual uni-processor system.
In a computer network, the user has to specify and log in on a specific machine. Each
machine on the network has a specific address. Different machines communicate by
using the network which exists among them.
Classification of Networks
We can classify a network based on the following two parameters:
·  The number and type of machines to be interconnected
·  The distance between these machines
Based on these two parameters, we have the following type of networks:
SAN (System/Storage Area Network)
It refers to a cluster of machines where large disk arrays are present. Typical distances
could be tens of meters.
LAN (Local Area Network)
It refers to the interconnection of machines in a building or a campus. Distances could be
in Kilometers.
WAN (Wide Area Network)
It refers to the interconnection between LANs.
Interconnectivity in WAN
Two methods are used to interconnect WANs:
1. Circuit switching
It is normally used in a telephone exchange. It is not an efficient way.
2. Packet switching
A block (an appropriate number of bits) of data is called a packet. Transfer of data in
the form packets through different paths in a network is called packet switching.
Additional bits are usually associated with each packet. These bits contain
information about the packet. These additional bits are of two types: header and
trailer. As an example, a packet may have the form shown below:
If we use a 1- bit header, we may have the following protocol:
Header = 0, it means it is a request
Header = 0, Reply
By reading these header bits, a machine becomes able to receive data or supply data.
To transfer data by using packets through hardware is very difficult. So all the transfer is
done by using software. By using more number of bits, in a header, we can send more
messages. For example if n bits are used as header then 2n is the number of messages that
can be transmitted over a network by using a single header.
For a 2 bit header: we may have 4 types of messages:
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00= Request
01= Reply
10= Acknowledge request
11= Acknowledge reply
Error detection
The trailer can be used for error detection. In the above example, a 4 bit checksum can be
used to detect any error in the packet. The errors in the message could be due to the long
distance transmission. If the error is found in some message, then this message will be
repeated. For a reliable data transmission, bit error rate should be minimum.
Software steps for sending a message:
Copy data to the operating system buffer.
Calculate the checksum, include in trailer and star timer.
Send data to the hardware for transmission.
Software steps for message reception:
Copy data to the operating system buffer.
Calculate the checksum; if same, send acknowledge and copy data to the user area
otherwise discard the message.
Response of the sender to acknowledgment:
If acknowledgment arrives, release copy of message from the system buffer.
When timer expires, resend data and restart the time.
Performance Issues
1. Bandwidth
It is the maximum rate at which data could be transmitted through networks. It is
measured in bits/sec.
2. Latency
In a LAN, latency (or delay) is very low, but in a WAN, it is significant and this is
due to the switches, routers and other components in the network
3. Time of flight
It is the time for first bit of the message to arrive at the receiver including delays.
Time of the flight increases as the distance between the two machines increases.
4. Transmission time
The time for the message to pass through the network, not including the time of
5. Transport latency
Transport latency= time of flight + transmission time
6. Sender overhead
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It is the time for the processor to inject message in to the network.
7. Receiver overhead
It is the time for the processor to pull the message from the network.
8. Total latency
Total latency = Sender overhead + Time of flight + Message size/Bandwidth + Receiver
9. Effective bandwidth
Effective bandwidth = Message size/Actual Bandwidth
Actual bandwidth may be larger than the effective bandwidth.
Assume a network with a bandwidth of 1500Mbits/sec. It has a sending overhead of
100µsec and a receiving overhead of 120µsec. Assume two machines connected together.
It is required to send a 15,000 byte message from one machine to the other (including
header), and the message format allows 15, 00 bytes in a single message. Calculate the
total latency to send the message from one machine to another assuming they are 20m
apart (as in a SAN). Next, perform the same calculation but assume the machines are
700m apart (as in a LAN). Finally, assume they are 1000Km apart (as in a WAN).
Assume that signals propagate at 66% of the speed of light in a conductor, and that the
speed of light is 300,000Km/sec.
By using the assumption, we get:
Distance between two machines in Km
Time of flight = --------------------------------------------------
2/3 x 300,000Km/sec
Total Latency = Sender overhead + Time of flight + Message size/bandwidth
+ Receiver overhead
For SAN:
Total latency = 100µsec
+ (0.020Km/(2/3 x 300,000Km/sec))
+ 15,000bytes/ 1500Mbits/sec
+ 120µsec
= 100µsec + 0.1µsec + 80µsec + 120µsec
= 300.1µsec
Total latency = 100µsec
+ (0.7Km/(2/3 x 300,000Km/sec))
+ 15,000bytes/ 1500Mbits/sec + 120µsec
= 100µsec + 3.5µsec + 80µsec + 120µsec
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= 303.1µsec
Total latency = 100µsec
+ (1000Km/(2/3 x 300,000Km/sec))
+ 15,000bytes/ 1500Mbits/sec
+ 120µsec
= 100µsec + 5000µsec + 80µsec + 120µsec
= 5300µsec
Effective bandwidth versus Message size
Effective bandwidth is always less than the raw bandwidth. If the effective bandwidth is
closer to the raw bandwidth, the size of the message will be larger. If the message size is
larger then network will be more effective.
If large number of the messages are present then a queue will be formed, and the user has
to face delay. To minimize the delay, it is better to use packets of small size.
Physical Media
Twisted pair does not provide good quality of transmission and has less bandwidth. To
get high performance and larger bandwidth, we use co-axial cable. For increased
performance, better performance, we use fiber optic cables, which are usually made of
glass. Data transmits through the fiber in the form of light pulses. Photo diodes and
sensors are used to produce and receive electronic pulses.
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Table of Contents:
  1. Computer Architecture, Organization and Design
  2. Foundations of Computer Architecture, RISC and CISC
  3. Measures of Performance SRC Features and Instruction Formats
  4. ISA, Instruction Formats, Coding and Hand Assembly
  5. Reverse Assembly, SRC in the form of RTL
  6. RTL to Describe the SRC, Register Transfer using Digital Logic Circuits
  7. Thinking Process for ISA Design
  8. Introduction to the ISA of the FALCON-A and Examples
  9. Behavioral Register Transfer Language for FALCON-A, The EAGLE
  10. The FALCON-E, Instruction Set Architecture Comparison
  11. CISC microprocessor:The Motorola MC68000, RISC Architecture:The SPARC
  12. Design Process, Uni-Bus implementation for the SRC, Structural RTL for the SRC instructions
  13. Structural RTL Description of the SRC and FALCON-A
  14. External FALCON-A CPU Interface
  15. Logic Design for the Uni-bus SRC, Control Signals Generation in SRC
  16. Control Unit, 2-Bus Implementation of the SRC Data Path
  17. 3-bus implementation for the SRC, Machine Exceptions, Reset
  18. SRC Exception Processing Mechanism, Pipelining, Pipeline Design
  19. Adapting SRC instructions for Pipelined, Control Signals
  20. SRC, RTL, Data Dependence Distance, Forwarding, Compiler Solution to Hazards
  21. Data Forwarding Hardware, Superscalar, VLIW Architecture
  22. Microprogramming, General Microcoded Controller, Horizontal and Vertical Schemes
  23. I/O Subsystems, Components, Memory Mapped vs Isolated, Serial and Parallel Transfers
  24. Designing Parallel Input Output Ports, SAD, NUXI, Address Decoder , Delay Interval
  25. Designing a Parallel Input Port, Memory Mapped Input Output Ports, wrap around, Data Bus Multiplexing
  26. Programmed Input Output for FALCON-A and SRC
  27. Programmed Input Output Driver for SRC, Input Output
  28. Comparison of Interrupt driven Input Output and Polling
  29. Preparing source files for FALSIM, FALCON-A assembly language techniques
  30. Nested Interrupts, Interrupt Mask, DMA
  31. Direct Memory Access - DMA
  32. Semiconductor Memory vs Hard Disk, Mechanical Delays and Flash Memory
  33. Hard Drive Technologies
  34. Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit - ALSU, Radix Conversion, Fixed Point Numbers
  35. Overflow, Implementations of the adder, Unsigned and Signed Multiplication
  36. NxN Crossbar Design for Barrel Rotator, IEEE Floating-Point, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
  37. CPU to Memory Interface, Static RAM, One two Dimensional Memory Cells, Matrix and Tree Decoders
  38. Memory Modules, Read Only Memory, ROM, Cache
  39. Cache Organization and Functions, Cache Controller Logic, Cache Strategies
  40. Virtual Memory Organization
  41. DRAM, Pipelining, Pre-charging and Parallelism, Hit Rate and Miss Rate, Access Time, Cache
  42. Performance of I/O Subsystems, Server Utilization, Asynchronous I/O and operating system
  43. Difference between distributed computing and computer networks
  44. Physical Media, Shared Medium, Switched Medium, Network Topologies, Seven-layer OSI Model