
Basic Neurochemistry:Major Neurotransmitters, Mesolimbic, Metabolic degradation

<< Basic Neurochemistry:Changes in ionic gates, The direct method, Methods of Locating NT
Basic Neurochemistry:Norepinephrine/ Noradrenaline, NA synthesis, Noadrenergic Pathways >>
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
Basic Neurochemistry
To familiarize the students with the
Various NT and their role in the modulation of behaviors
Classification  of  Neurotransmitters.  Monoamines:  Catechoalimnes
acetylcholine, amino acid, and Peptide
Neurotransmitters role in modulation of behaviors and Aberration
Drugs and Behavior:
Classification of Psychopharmacological substances
Behavioral correlates, Treatment:
Mechanism of synaptic transmission
Major Neurotransmitters:
Catecholamines: Dopamine
Dopamine (DA) a major catecholaminergic neurtotranmitter was discovered by Udenfriend in 1964.
This is the first step in the synthesis chain of the Adrenergic ( also known as Epinephrine) and
Noradrenergic (also known as Norepinephrine) NT systems, however, this was the last to be given the
status of an NT, because DA was thought to be only an intermediatary step in the synthesis of
Norepinephrine. Dopamine has been found to have a major influence on behavior, especially motor
behavior and schizophrenia. These chemical are also found in the body, in the adrenal glands and used
in the sympathetic action in emotional states; however, whatever is produced in the body cannot cross
the blood-brain barrier to get into the brain. The brain is very well protected (as you have seen in the last
module). In order to keep the environment sterilized, the brain manufactures all the chemicals it needs
from the precursors (the first compound in the chain, which can then be acted upon by enzymes). The
precursors are taken in from the blood circulation.
The Synthesis chain of DA, NE and E begins with tyrosine (we will discuss this in detail later.
DA has two types of receptors in the brain the D1 and D2
D1.are linked to the stimulation of the adenylate cyclase. These are present in thew Corpus Straitum and
the Butrypheneones (a class of drugs known as neuroleptics, anitpsychotics) are weak antagonist for
these receptors.
D2. These are linked to the inhibition of adenylate cyclase. These are present in the pituitary and the
Corpus striatum. The Butryphenones are potent antagonists for these receptors
DA Pathways: There are three major pathways of this system
1. The Nigrostriatal DA system. This is largest and longest bundle of fibers of neurons containing DA.
This is a major tract which has 80% of brain's Dopamine It originates in the Zona Compacta of
Substantia Nigra and sends projections to the Corpus Striatum. The degeneration of this systems leads to
Parkinson's disease (a major motor disorder in which voluntary movements become increasingly
difficult and there are only some stereotypic movements seen). This is also involved in schizophrenia.
Reduced levels of DA in this system lead to Parkinson's disease and increased levels lead to
schizophrenic symtoms.
2. Mesolimbic: This is a medially located diffuse (wide spread out projections) systems. This system
sends out nerve fibers which go out to the forebrain areas such as frontal cortical area, the cingulated
cortex, the amygdale and the septum. As the names implies this is involved with the limbic system
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
(emotional system). The anti psychotics drugs act here to reduce the apathy and lack of affect
(emotional content) which is characteristic of schizophrenia.
3. Tuberoinfundibular: This is also known as the hypothlamic ­hypophyseal connection. It originates
from arcuate and periventricular regions of hypothalamus, and there are very short fibres which end up
in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary. This appears to play a role in the hormonal controls and
Dopamine is also found in other areas in the brain
Synthesis Pathway.  As a rule it must be remembered that the brain manufactures its own
neurochemicals including Dopamine from the precursor taken in from the blood supply (circulatory
1. Phylalanine which is taken in from food and is immediately hydroxylated (add a hydroxyl molecule)
by the enzyme phylalanine hydroxylase to convert to Tyrosine
2. Tyrosine: tyrosine is then immediately hydroxylated by tyrosine hydroxylase. This is known as the
rate limiting step (and is sensitive to pharamoclogical manipulations), we can control the amount of DA
(as well as NE, and E) manufactured in the systems. This hydroxylation leads to the formation of DOPA
3. Dopa: This is similar to a drug known as L-Dopa, effective in the treatment of Parkinson's. Dopa is
then decarboxylated (removal of the carboxyl molecule) by the enzyme dopa decarboxylase, to form
4. Metabolic degradation:
a) Dopamine is then metabolized by Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) which converts monoamines to
aldehydes to make them inactive. Monoamine oxidase is not specific for dopamine, but acts on all mono
amines NE, E, and serotonin. This is found in the presynaptic region.
b) COMT- catechol O methyl transferase, acts to transfer the methyl from the catechol molecule to
deactivate it. This is found in the synaptic cleft as well as the presynaptic areas
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
Pharmacological interventions: Step where DA synthesis pathway can be blocked or altered
It is clear that pharmaceutical substances/ drugs act in the central nervous systems through the
neurchemical systems.
Agonists: are drugs that copy / mimic the action of the neurotransmitter or have similar effect as the NT
or have an excitatory effect on the NT systems.
Antagonists: are drugs that block, inhibits or in any way opposes the action of the NT.
Drugs: or exogenously administered substances can affect the NT pathway at various levels
a) They can act directly on neurons containing the NT
b) They can act on various points of the synthesis pathway the pre-post receptor site
c) They can act on the inactivating enzymes in the cleft or within the presynaptic area.
Steps where drugs can interact in the synthesis pathway
Step 1. This is first step in the precursor transportation pathway within the neuron. Phenlalanine has to
be hydroxylated to form tyrosine which would then be available for the synthesis into DA. However,
this conversion can be blocked as in the case of the genetic disorder PKU (phenylketunuria) where
Phenylalanine is build up and transforms into toxics which damage the brain cell. The PKU buildup
blocks the transport of both tyrosine and tryptophan in the brain. Therefore no tyrosine, no DA!
Step 2: This is where the enzymatic synthesis of Dopamine begins. Tyrosine is the first amino acid in
the chain of metabolism of catecholamines and is the most susceptible to blockade. The hydroxylation
action can be blocked by A-Methyl Para Tyrosine (AMPT) which methylates the tyrosine (instead of
hydroxylation). This reduces the level of Tyrosine available, which then leads to reduced Dopamine,
Norepinephrine and, Epinephrine. AMPT is effective in reducing catecholamine levels in the brain.
Step 3: Conversion of DOPA into dopamine by dopa decarboxylase can be blocked by a false enzyme
A-methyl dopa. This enzyme competes for DOPA and uses it so that it cannot be converted in the
correct form in order to become dopamine
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
Step 4: Storage vesicles: The storage vesicles are packed with Dopamine. Reserpine, a drug
manufactured from Rauwolfia Alkaloids is classified as a major and long lasting tranquilizer. Reserpine
ruptures all vesicles irreversibly and the contents get spilled out into the presynaptic area where they get
deactivated if they do not get out into the synaptic cleft. These vesicles cannot be repaired till new
vesicles are manufactured; therefore no DA molecules can store. Another drug, Tetrabenazine also
opens up the vesicles and blocks reuptake of DA into the vesicles. However, this is not irreversible as
the vesicles are not ruptured only opened up.
Step 5. This is where the release of the Nt for the presynaptic ending, and the reuptake back form the
synaptic cleft can be blocked. The drug Amphetamine (a stimulant) releases and blocks the reuptake of
DA for a prolonged agonistic action. Similarly, Cocaine (another stimulant, and street drug) and
Tricyclic group of antidepressant also block reuptake of DA, NE
Step 6. Action within the neuron, axonal ending and the synaptic cleft. The deactivation process can
be blocked by drugs which block action of MAO. The drug Pargyline, and MAOI, can increase amount
of DA available by blocking the deaminating process (blocking the blocker!).
Step 7. The post receptor site-can also be blocked or stimulated. Apomorphine is a DA receptor
stimulant at pre and post receptor sites and thereby increases the levels of DA available for action.
Haloperidol which is a potent antipsychotic drug is a DA blocking agent.
Therefore drugs can be used to modify the action of the neurochemcicals at the various sites of synthesis
DA and Behaviors
The behaviors that are affected or modulated by the DA systems would be discussed in details
Dopamine and Motor Activities:
SN and Corpus Striatum. The Dopaminergic Nigrostrial system is atypical in the CNS format that SN
fibers do not cross over to the contralteal hemispheres i.e. they remain on the same side of the brain.
This system innervates the extrapyramidal structures (the basal ganglia) which controls motor behavior
at the sub cortical level.
A) Damage to SN leads to Parkinson's disease. This was first discovered by pathologists who reported
that the SN of Parkinson's patients was pale as compared to normal brains. The dopaminergic neurons
in Substantia Nigra have dark pigmentation; therefore the pale SN indicates damage to the DA neurons.
Thus, reduced levels of DA in SN leads to Parkinson's symptoms.
Logically it can be assumed that if we inject dopamine in these patients we should see a reduction in
Parkinson's symptoms. This is exactly what happens if we increase levels of Dopamine by injecting
Dopa (or L-Dopa) in SN.
B) Evidence that rats injected with 6-OHDA a toxic agent which selectively damages only the DA
pathways and neurons by retrograde transmission, exhibit the same symptoms as in Parkinson's
(rigidity, tremor, etc). This also indicates that DA is involved in Parkinson' as well as motor behavior
C) If DA levels are increased in animals or humans by injections of L-Dopa, it leads to stereotypic
(repetitive) motor behavior. The stereotypic behavior is a symptom of higher than normal levels of DA
in the brain. In rats we see repeated running back and forth, or grooming their faces with their paws or
any other motor activity. Stereotypic behavior is also seen in human Parkinson's patients who are
treated with high doses of L-Dopa. Furthermore, apomorphine and amphetamine (both strong agonists
of DA) at high enough doses lead to stereotypic behaviors.
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
D) Injections of Haloperidol& Chloropromazine (anti psychotic drugs which block DA activity) block
the stereotypy induced by the amphetamine injections. This means the following:
Increase DA by amphetamine-> Stereotypy,
Block DA.by Haloperidol-> Reduce Amphetamine induced stereotypy
E) Unilateral lesions of 6-OHDA lesions lead to a symmetry in body postures that is the body becomes
lopsided. The body turns from the side with high DA to the side with low DA. This lopsided body
posture is exaggerated by amphetamine and apomorphine (Ungerstedt et al, Najam 1980). So if we
lesion the right side, the body turns from left to right (right side has lost its DA) On the other hand,
unilateral electrical stimulation in the intact brain also lead to same kind of body asymmetry. If we
stimulate the right side, then the posture would be lopsided from right to left. The body Postural
asymmetry is from side with more DA to the side with lesser DA
F) Bilateral Lesions with 6-OHDA lead to a compelte reduction of DA in the brain. Animals with
bilateral lesions do not eat, (aphagia) drink (adipsia), and cannot survive. They recover feeding only is
Dopamine and Depression
It is very well researched that Antidepressants such as Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)
and the Tricyclics both increase the levels of DA
Alpha methyl para tyrosine (AMPT) if injected reduces both the NA, DA levels in the brain. If
we then inject MOAI, there is reduced effectiveness of the anti depressives effect of MAOI.
This indicates that some levels of DA is needed in the brain (However, evidence indicates that
these have greater interaction with NA than DA (Desipramine an antidepressant has no effect on
DA neurons, and Tricyclics also greater interaction with NA).
Dopamine and hyperactivity
Hyperactivity is due to increased levels of dopamine in the brain. This is also seen with injections of
Amphetamine and apomorphine.
The market drug "speed" is actually amphetamine, which users take to feel tireless and increased
energy and euphoria (I can conquer the world feeling!)
Dopamine and Schizophrenia
There is strong evidence that DA is involved in Schizophrenia.
a) Drugs which are effective in treatment of schizophrenic symptoms are strong DA blockers. The more
effective the drug is as a DA blocker, the greater would be its anti ­psychotic potency/efficacy in
treating the symptoms.
b) The greater the efficacy of treatment (reducing DA) the greater the side effect of extrapyramidal
symptoms (Parkinson's like tremor, rigidity). The extrapyramidal symptoms such as body tremors
appear because DA is decreased postsynaptically. The DA synapses are blocked by these
antipsychotic drugs such as Phenothiazines (largectil and haloperidol: haldol)
c) The patients of Parkinsons when treated with L-Dopa start exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia- as
a side effect of the treatment
e) Chronic users of amphetamine end up with symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
Therefore DA is important in a wide range of behaviors, from motor activity to schizophrenia
1. Kalat J.W (1998) Biological Psychology Brooks/ Cole Publishing
2. Carlson N.R. (2005) Foundations of Physiological Psychology Allyn and Bacon, Boston
3. Pinel, John P.J. (2003) Biopsychology (5th edition) Allyn and Bacon Singapore
4 Bloom F, Nelson and Lazerson (2001), Behavioral Neuroscience: Brain, Mind and Behaviors (3rd
edition) Worth Publishers New York
5. Bridgeman, B (1988) The Biology of Behaviour and Mind. John Wiley and Sons New York
6. Brown,T.S. and Wallace.(1980) P.M Physiological Psychology
Academic Press New York
7. Seigel, G.J. (Ed. in chief) Agranoff, B.W, Albers W.R. and Molinoff, P.B. (Eds) (1989) Basic
Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
8. Cooper,J.R, F.E Bloom,and R.H Roth (1996) Biochemcial basis of neuropharmacology 7th Edition,
9. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and behavior
(Additional references for the module: Iversen and Iversen, Gazzaniga, Bloom, and handouts)
Note: References 2, 3, 4, 7 more closely followed in addition to the references cited in text.
Table of Contents:
  1. INTRODUCTION:Descriptive, Experimental and/ or Natural Studies
  2. BRIEF HISTORICAL REVIEW:Roots of Behavioural Neurosciences
  4. RESEARCH IN BEHAVIOURAL NEUROSCIENCES:Animal Subjects, Experimental Method
  8. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Fixed Pattern, Proteins, Genotype, Phenotypic
  9. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Mendelian Genetics, DNA, Sex Influenced Traits
  10. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Genetic Basis of behavior, In breeding
  11. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Hybrid vigor, Chromosomal Abnormalities
  12. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Behavioral Characteristics, Alcoholism
  18. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:Teratology studies, Aristotle
  19. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:Stages of development, Neurulation
  20. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:Cell competition, Synaptic Rearrangement
  21. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:The issues still remain
  24. Basic Neuroanatomy:Brain and spinal cord, Glial cells, Oligodendrocytes
  25. Basic Neuroanatomy:Neuron Structure, Cell Soma, Cytoplasm, Nucleolus
  26. Basic Neuroanatomy:Control of molecules, Electrical charges, Proximal-distal
  27. Basic Neuroanatomy:Telencephalon, Mesencephalon. Myelencephalon
  28. Basic Neuroanatomy:Tegmentum, Substantia Nigra, MID BRAIN areas
  29. Basic Neuroanatomy:Diencephalon, Hypothalmus, Telencephalon, Frontal Lobe
  30. Basic Neurochemistry:Neurochemicals, Neuromodulator, Synaptic cleft
  31. Basic Neurochemistry:Changes in ionic gates, The direct method, Methods of Locating NT
  32. Basic Neurochemistry:Major Neurotransmitters, Mesolimbic, Metabolic degradation
  33. Basic Neurochemistry:Norepinephrine/ Noradrenaline, NA synthesis, Noadrenergic Pathways
  34. Basic Neurochemistry:NA and Feeding, NE and self stimulation: ICS
  35. Basic Neurochemistry:5HT and Behaviors, Serotonin and sleep, Other behaviours
  36. Basic Neurochemistry:ACH and Behaviors, Arousal, Drinking, Sham rage and attack
  37. Brain and Motivational States:Homeostasis, Temperature Regulation, Ectotherms
  38. Brain and Motivational States:Biological Rhythms, Circadian rhythms, Hunger/Feeding
  39. Brain and Motivational States:Gastric factors, Lipostatic theory, Neural Control of feeding
  40. Brain and Motivational States:Resting metabolic state, Individual differences
  41. Brain and Motivational States:Sleep and Dreams, Characteristics of sleep
  42. Higher Order Brain functions:Brain correlates, Language, Speech Comprehension
  43. Higher Order Brain functions:Aphasia and Dyslexia, Aphasias related to speech
  44. Higher Order Brain Functions:Principle of Mass Action, Long-term memory
  45. Higher Order Brain Functions:Brain correlates, Handedness, Frontal lobe