
Basic Neurochemistry:Changes in ionic gates, The direct method, Methods of Locating NT

<< Basic Neurochemistry:Neurochemicals, Neuromodulator, Synaptic cleft
Basic Neurochemistry:Major Neurotransmitters, Mesolimbic, Metabolic degradation >>
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
Basic Neurochemistry
To familiarize the students with the
Various NT and their role in the modulation of behaviors
Classification  of  Neurotransmitters.  Monoamines:  Catechoalimnes
acetylcholine, amino acid, and Peptide
Neurotransmitters role in modulation of behaviors and Aberration
Drugs and Behavior:
Classification of Psychopharmacological substances
Behavioral correlates, Treatment:
Mechanism of synaptic transmission
Neurotransmitters: synaptic transmission
Synaptic transmission can be divided into several clear cut and major steps­ these are relatively
independent, however each one step has to occur before the next one can take place
1. Synthesis of the NT and storage in the synaptic vesicles. As we have learnt earlier that the
synaptic vesicles are storage containers where NT is protected from the deactivating enzymes, thus
the synaptic vesicles protect NT from degradation by enzymes in cytoplasm. These vesicles are also
the safe transporters of the NT. Where do they come from? The synaptic vesicles are manufactured
from proteins in the cytoplasm of the cell body by the Golgi apparatus. These then travel down
towards the axonal endings to the synaptic buttons. The packaging for Peptides group of NTs
(which are short chains of amino acids) takes place in the Cisternas in the synaptic buttons (button
or bead like bulbous ends). For the Non-Peptide class of NTs, the packaging into vesicles is carried
out within the cytoplasm, before they are transported down to the axonal synaptic buttons. The
material can be transported in two different directions by the axonal transport system, the
anterograde transport and the retrograde transport.
The Anterograde (forward) axonal transport is a fast track transport mechanism which
moves materials out from the cell body, through the microtubules towards synaptic ending.
The synaptic vesicles go through this rapid system traveling very fast speed of 400
millimiteres per day. (It is like driving in the fast lane). This is known as the fast
anterograde transport.
When materials and synaptic vesicles ooze along the axon in the cytoplasm at a very slow
speed of less than 10 millimeters per day, they use the slow anterograde transport
2. Release of the Neurotransmitter: When the action potential reaches the presynaptic ending it is
translated into a chemical message (remember the neuronsa can communicate in both systems). The
arrival of the action potentials translated using the calcium gated channels. The process is as
follows: The action potential arrives at the terminal button; it leads to the opening of the Calcium
channels. This allows the calcium to get into the button and to trigger the release of the
neurotransmitter. If calcium is reduced in the extracellular space then the amount of NT is also
reduced, and it the extracellular Calcium is increased the amount of NT released is also increased.
Release is identified to occur through a process called exocytosis.
a) The NT vesicles move out towards the terminal to empty contents into the synaptic cleft,
b) The NT vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane, at contact the membrane opens up and NT
molecules are released into the cleft.
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
c) The vesicle merges as part of the pre synaptic membrane, and the ruptureor the break in the
membrane eventually mends
Generation of the post synaptic potential: this means action at the receiving end at the post
synaptic potential after the NT molecule is received. When the NT molecule crosses over the
synaptic cleft (it is like crossing over a river full of alligators!) and gets transferred to post
synaptic membrane for action. There are several processes which would now take plce at the post
receptor sites
a) Binding of NT molecules to post receptor site. All molecules released would rush to reach
and enter the postreceptor sites, the entry requires that they must connect or "bind" chemically
with the membrane site (a receptor protein). The membrane is very specialized with a particular
configuration therefore only those which resemble that shape and chemical composition would
bind these sites. This means the gates would open to allow only specific molecules to enter
b) Changes in ionic gates: The NT molecule leads to changes in the chemically gated ionic
channels in the receptor membrane for further action either through the direct or the indirect
i) The direct method: The binding of the NT to a receptor can directly open or close the
chemically gated channels in the areas surrounding the membrane (to make it more permeable) or
ii) a series of chemical changes can take place in the molecules in the cytoplasm which can bring
about a change in the status of the of the chemically gated ions channels of the postreceptor site.
These changes take place in chemicals/molecules (2nd messenger, Cyclic Adenosine
MonoPhosphate which is involved in conversion of Adenosine triphosphate to CAMP through
enzymes. Note: the Cycic AMP is needed for the energy in the cell for action). The second method
uses classof molecules which are called the 2nd messenger (because they are the ones which
intervenes the messages and translate further action). The effect of CAMP is brief...
Action in the Post Receptor membrane: In the post synaptic membrane, there are two kinds of
actions that can take place, either an excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) or an Inhibitory
post synaptic potential (IPSP'). The EPSP's generate an action potential in the post synaptic
membrane,and the IPSP's inhibit ongoing activity in the cell membrane. Both of these actions
depend on a) the type of NT involved, i.e. some NT's are classified as excitatory NT's and some
are classified as inhibitory ( such as GABA), and , b) the site at which the action is taking place.
The NT action may be excitatory at some sites and inhibitory at other sites, as some NT is
excitatory at one site and inhibitory at another.
Inactivation of the NT: What happens to an NT if it is released from the vesicles
a) It cannot stay in the neuron, or in the cleft,
b) It cannot keep activating the post synaptic membrane (otherwise one single dose of amphetamine
stimulant can last a life time!!!),
c) It cannot continue to stay in the cleft and keep the site full of molecules. This would clutter the cleft
and the sites. The NT has to be removed or degraded so that the systems remain efficient and
There are two well documented processes by which neurotransmitters are deactivated:
Reuptake: By this mechanism the NT can return to the presynaptic areas and be taken in for
recycling and use. The reuptake processes allows the presynaptic area to reuptake and absorb
the molecules back. These are then repackaged into the vesicles and used
Deactivating: The active chemical state or composition of the NT is deactivated by chemicals/
enzymes which are specialized to do this job. These enzymes locate free floating unprotected
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
NT molecules in the synaptic cleft (and also in the presynaptic areas) to degrade them and then
so that they are excreted out of the cleft. Imagine that these are like the little Pac men running
after the little molecules.
6. Recycling of the vesicular membrane: The vesicles which had ruptured are recycled. When many
synaptic vesicles release molecules after fusing with the presynaptic membrane and the process of
exocytosis, the terminal button gets swollen with so many left over vesicles. Then the pieces of excess
are broken off and returned to cytoplasm. There these may be used again as packaging material in one
of the following forms;
a) They may be filled with non-peptide NT by the cisternas.
b) They may be sent back to the cell body by the retrograde transport (traveling at the rate of 200
millimeters per day.
c) They may be refilled with NT by the golgi bodies in the cell soma
d) They may be broken down and molecules recycled.
Methods of Locating NT:
Apart from the many given techniques of neuroanatomical tracing the following techniques are
especially used for the NT localization identifying their sites and their projections.
1. Histoflouresence Technique: This was developed by Falck and Hillarp around the early
1960's. In this technique the monoamine group of NT's when exposed to formalin fixative
glow when exposed under a flourecent light. This technique was useful in locating the various
monoamines, their sites, their systems. However, this is none specialized as it does not
differentiate between various NT within the class of monoamines.
2. .Receptor Binding Autoradiography: The NT are radiolabelled with a radio active isotope
(Hydrogen3 or carbon3) Then the neural tissue is exposed to the labeled ligand (molecule that
binds to a target). We can also inject this directly into the brain and expose the slices for a
longer period after decapitating the animal head and slicing the brain tissues. The slices are
exposed to a photographic plate which reacts to radioactivity and high radio active areas show
up in the plates.
3. Monoclonal Antibodies: These involve immunocytochemistry procedures. Just as the
lymphocytes secrete antibodies, and hybrid lymphocytes and bone marrow cells secrete
antibodies and subdivide. We can use this same process to identify antibodies for particular
proteins (remember all NTs are chains of amino acids). Specific monoclonal antibodies are
developed and injected and they identify specific regions and target proteins.
4. Microiontophoresis (push pull cannulae). This procedure analyzes the chemicals being
released within the synapse. The response of the postsynaptic sites is monitored using a double
barreled pipette. The tip of the inner pipette (contains saline) is inserted into the postsynaptic
membrane to record intracellular voltage. Weak current when passed to stimulate the neuronal
ending leads to a discharge which is then pulled out for analysis, and also checked at the
oscilloscope for EPSP's or IPSP's
Major Neurotransmitters:
There are a large number of neurochemicals which have been classified as neurotransmitters; there are
six (6) major groups, and within each group there are several independent neurotransmitters which have
specific actions. These major groups are as follows:
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
1. Amino acids: These are neurotransmitters which are formed from chains of amino acids, the
basis of proteins. In this group the major NT's are Glutamate, Gamma aminobutyric acid
(GABA), Glycine (gly), and aspirate. This is the largest group with relatively quick acting
synaptic connections. Glutamate is excitatory, while GABA is known as the inhibitory
2. Monoamines I: Catecholamines: This group of neurotransmitters is synthesized from a single
amino acid; therefore this is called mono (single) amine. The monoamines modulate a wide
range of behaviors. The neurons of monoamines have little bulbous bead-like knobs throughout
the length of the axons, through which the NT appear to seep out. This particular group of
Monoaminesis called catecholamines because they have one catechol group. The
catecholamines are Dopamine, Norepinephrine (also known as Noradrenaline) and Epinephrine
also known as Adrenaline.
3. Monoamines: Indoleamine: This also belongs to the monoamine group, but has a different
structure attached to the amine group, the indoleacetic acid. The Indoleamine NT is known as
4. Soluble gases: These are small molecule NT. These follow a different mechanism of
transmission. Since they are lipid soluble they diffuse through the cell membrane into the
extracellular space to pass into the other cells. They work through 2nd messengers and break
down immediately after action. Nitric acid and Carbon dioxide are two which have been
discovered so far.
5. Acetylcholine: a small molecule transmitter,one of its kind--there are no other NT's in this
group. This is the only NT which works on the neuromuscular joints
6. Neuropeptides: a large number of peptides (chain of 5 molecules) floating around in the
brain- and are possible candidates for NT status. Among the well known are the brain opioids,
the Endorphins ( large molecules) and enkaphalins ( small molecules), the pituitary peptides,
Substance P and many others
Neurological Basis of Behavior (PSY - 610)
1. Kalat J.W (1998) Biological Psychology Brooks/ Cole Publishing
2. Carlson N.R. (2005) Foundations of Physiological Psychology Allyn and Bacon, Boston
3. Pinel, John P.J. (2003) Biopsychology (5th edition) Allyn and Bacon Singapore
4 Bloom F, Nelson and Lazerson (2001), Behavioral Neuroscience: Brain, Mind and Behaviors (3rd
edition) Worth Publishers New York
5. Bridgeman, B (1988) The Biology of Behaviour and Mind. John Wiley and Sons New York
6. Brown, T.S. and Wallace.(1980) P.M Physiological Psychology
Academic Press New York
7. Seigel, G.J. (Ed. in chief) Agranoff, B.W, Albers W.R. and Molinoff, P.B. (Eds) (1989) Basic
Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
8. Cooper, J.R, F.E Bloom,and R.H Roth Biochemcial basis of neuropharmacology 5th Edition, OUP
Pharmacology, Biochemcistray and behavior
(Additional references for the module: Iversen and Iversen, Gazzaniga, Bloom, and handouts)
Note: References 2, 3, 4, 7 more closely followed in addition to the references cited in text.
Table of Contents:
  1. INTRODUCTION:Descriptive, Experimental and/ or Natural Studies
  2. BRIEF HISTORICAL REVIEW:Roots of Behavioural Neurosciences
  4. RESEARCH IN BEHAVIOURAL NEUROSCIENCES:Animal Subjects, Experimental Method
  8. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Fixed Pattern, Proteins, Genotype, Phenotypic
  9. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Mendelian Genetics, DNA, Sex Influenced Traits
  10. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Genetic Basis of behavior, In breeding
  11. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Hybrid vigor, Chromosomal Abnormalities
  12. GENES AND EXPERIENCE:Behavioral Characteristics, Alcoholism
  18. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:Teratology studies, Aristotle
  19. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:Stages of development, Neurulation
  20. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:Cell competition, Synaptic Rearrangement
  21. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:The issues still remain
  24. Basic Neuroanatomy:Brain and spinal cord, Glial cells, Oligodendrocytes
  25. Basic Neuroanatomy:Neuron Structure, Cell Soma, Cytoplasm, Nucleolus
  26. Basic Neuroanatomy:Control of molecules, Electrical charges, Proximal-distal
  27. Basic Neuroanatomy:Telencephalon, Mesencephalon. Myelencephalon
  28. Basic Neuroanatomy:Tegmentum, Substantia Nigra, MID BRAIN areas
  29. Basic Neuroanatomy:Diencephalon, Hypothalmus, Telencephalon, Frontal Lobe
  30. Basic Neurochemistry:Neurochemicals, Neuromodulator, Synaptic cleft
  31. Basic Neurochemistry:Changes in ionic gates, The direct method, Methods of Locating NT
  32. Basic Neurochemistry:Major Neurotransmitters, Mesolimbic, Metabolic degradation
  33. Basic Neurochemistry:Norepinephrine/ Noradrenaline, NA synthesis, Noadrenergic Pathways
  34. Basic Neurochemistry:NA and Feeding, NE and self stimulation: ICS
  35. Basic Neurochemistry:5HT and Behaviors, Serotonin and sleep, Other behaviours
  36. Basic Neurochemistry:ACH and Behaviors, Arousal, Drinking, Sham rage and attack
  37. Brain and Motivational States:Homeostasis, Temperature Regulation, Ectotherms
  38. Brain and Motivational States:Biological Rhythms, Circadian rhythms, Hunger/Feeding
  39. Brain and Motivational States:Gastric factors, Lipostatic theory, Neural Control of feeding
  40. Brain and Motivational States:Resting metabolic state, Individual differences
  41. Brain and Motivational States:Sleep and Dreams, Characteristics of sleep
  42. Higher Order Brain functions:Brain correlates, Language, Speech Comprehension
  43. Higher Order Brain functions:Aphasia and Dyslexia, Aphasias related to speech
  44. Higher Order Brain Functions:Principle of Mass Action, Long-term memory
  45. Higher Order Brain Functions:Brain correlates, Handedness, Frontal lobe