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class MyJavaClass {
public int aValue;
public void divByTwo() { aValue /= 2; }
public class UseObjects {
private native void
changeObject(MyJavaClass obj);
static {
// Linux hack, if you can't get your library
// path set in your environment:
// System.load(
public static void main(String[] args) {
UseObjects app = new UseObjects();
MyJavaClass anObj = new MyJavaClass();
anObj.aValue = 2;
System.out.println("Java: " + anObj.aValue);
} ///:~
After compiling the code and running javah, you can implement the
native method. In the example below, once the field and method ID are
obtained, they are accessed through JNI functions.
//: appendixb:UseObjImpl.cpp
//# Tested with VC++ & BC++. Include path must
//# be adjusted to find the JNI headers. See
//# the makefile for this chapter (in the
//# downloadable source code) for an example.
#include <jni.h>
JNIEnv* env, jobject, jobject obj) {
jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(
cls, "aValue", "I");
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
Thinking in Java
cls, "divByTwo", "()V");
int value = env->GetIntField(obj, fid);
printf("Native: %d\n", value);
env->SetIntField(obj, fid, 6);
env->CallVoidMethod(obj, mid);
value = env->GetIntField(obj, fid);
printf("Native: %d\n", value);
} ///:~
Ignoring the "this" equivalent, the C++ function receives a jobject, which
is the native side of the Java object reference we pass from the Java code.
We simply read aValue, print it out, change the value, call the object's
divByTwo( ) method, and print the value out again.
To access a Java field or method, you must first obtain its identifier using
GetFieldID( ) for fields and GetMethodID( ) for methods. These
functions take the class object, a string containing the element name, and
a string that gives type information: the data type of the field, or signature
information for a method (details can be found in the JNI
documentation). These functions return an identifier that you use to
access the element. This approach might seem convoluted, but your native
method has no knowledge of the internal layout of the Java object.
Instead, it must access fields and methods through indexes returned by
the JVM. This allows different JVMs to implement different internal
object layouts with no impact on your native methods.
If you run the Java program, you'll see that the object that's passed from
the Java side is manipulated by your native method. But what exactly is
passed? A pointer or a Java reference? And what is the garbage collector
doing during native method calls?
The garbage collector continues to operate during native method
execution, but it's guaranteed that your objects will not be garbage-
collected during a native method call. To ensure this, local references are
created before, and destroyed right after, the native method call. Since
their lifetime wraps the call, you know that the objects will be valid
throughout the native method call.
Since these references are created and subsequently destroyed every time
the function is called, you cannot make local copies in your native
Appendix B: The Java Native Interface (JNI)
methods, in static variables. If you want a reference that lasts across
function invocations, you need a global reference. Global references are
not created by the JVM, but the programmer can make a global reference
out of a local one by calling specific JNI functions. When you create a
global reference, you become responsible for the lifetime of the referenced
object. The global reference (and the object it refers to) will be in memory
until the programmer explicitly frees the reference with the appropriate
JNI function. It's similar to malloc( ) and free( ) in C.
JNI and Java exceptions
With JNI, Java exceptions can be thrown, caught, printed, and rethrown
just as they are inside a Java program. But it's up to the programmer to
call dedicated JNI functions to deal with exceptions. Here are the JNI
functions for exception handling:
Throw( )
Throws an existing exception object. Used in native methods to rethrow
an exception.
ThrowNew( )
Generates a new exception object and throws it.
ExceptionOccurred( )
Determines if an exception was thrown and not yet cleared.
ExceptionDescribe( )
Prints an exception and the stack trace.
ExceptionClear( )
Clears a pending exception.
FatalError( )
Raises a fatal error. Does not return.
Among these, you can't ignore ExceptionOccurred( ) and
ExceptionClear( ). Most JNI functions can generate exceptions, and
there is no language feature that you can use in place of a Java try block,
so you must call ExceptionOccurred( ) after each JNI function call to
see if an exception was thrown. If you detect an exception, you may
Thinking in Java
choose to handle it (and possibly rethrow it). You must make certain,
however, that the exception is eventually cleared. This can be done in your
function using ExceptionClear( ) or in some other function if the
exception is rethrown, but it must be done.
You must ensure that the exception is cleared, because otherwise the
results will be unpredictable if you call a JNI function while an exception
is pending. There are few JNI functions that are safe to call during an
exception; among these, of course, are all the exception handling
JNI and threading
Since Java is a multithreaded language, several threads can call a native
method concurrently. (The native method might be suspended in the
middle of its operation when a second thread calls it.) It's entirely up to
the programmer to guarantee that the native call is thread-safe; i.e., it
does not modify shared data in an unmonitored way. Basically, you have
two options: declare the native method as synchronized, or implement
some other strategy within the native method to ensure correct,
concurrent data manipulation.
Also, you should never pass the JNIEnv pointer across threads, since the
internal structure it points to is allocated on a per-thread basis and
contains information that makes sense only in that particular thread.
Using a preexisting code
The easiest way to implement JNI native methods is to start writing
native method prototypes in a Java class, compile that class, and run the
.class file through javah. But what if you have a large, preexisting code
base that you want to call from Java? Renaming all the functions in your
DLLs to match the JNI name mangling convention is not a viable
solution. The best approach is to write a wrapper DLL "outside" your
original code base. The Java code calls functions in this new DLL, which
in turn calls your original DLL functions. This solution is not just a work-
Appendix B: The Java Native Interface (JNI)
around; in most cases you must do this anyway because you must call JNI
functions on the object references before you can use them.
Additional information
You can find further introductory material, including a C (rather than
C++) example and discussion of Microsoft issues, in Appendix A of the
first edition of this book, which can be found on the CD ROM bound in
with this book, or in a free download from . More
extensive information is available at java.sun.com (in the search engine,
select "training & tutorials" for keywords "native methods"). Chapter 11 of
Core Java 2, Volume II, by Horstmann & Cornell (Prentice-Hall, 2000)
gives excellent coverage of native methods.
Thinking in Java
C: Java
This appendix contains suggestions to help guide you in
performing low-level program design, and in writing code.
Naturally, these are guidelines and not rules. The idea is to use them as
inspirations, and to remember that there are occasional situations where
you need to bend or break a rule.
Elegance always pays off. In the short term it might seem like it
takes much longer to come up with a truly graceful solution to a
problem, but when it works the first time and easily adapts to new
situations instead of requiring hours, days, or months of struggle,
you'll see the rewards (even if no one can measure them). Not only
does it give you a program that's easier to build and debug, but it's
also easier to understand and maintain, and that's where the
financial value lies. This point can take some experience to
understand, because it can appear that you're not being productive
while you're making a piece of code elegant. Resist the urge to
hurry; it will only slow you down.
First make it work, then make it fast. This is true even if you
are certain that a piece of code is really important and that it will be
a principal bottleneck in your system. Don't do it. Get the system
going first with as simple a design as possible. Then if it isn't going
fast enough, profile it. You'll almost always discover that "your"
bottleneck isn't the problem. Save your time for the really
important stuff.
Remember the "divide and conquer" principle. If the
problem you're looking at is too confusing, try to imagine what the
basic operation of the program would be, given the existence of a
magic "piece" that handles the hard parts. That "piece" is an
object--write the code that uses the object, then look at the object
and encapsulate its hard parts into other objects, etc.
Separate the class creator from the class user (client
programmer). The class user is the "customer" and doesn't need
or want to know what's going on behind the scenes of the class. The
class creator must be the expert in class design and write the class
so that it can be used by the most novice programmer possible, yet
still work robustly in the application. Library use will be easy only if
it's transparent.
When you create a class, attempt to make your names so
clear that comments are unnecessary. Your goal should be to
make the client programmer's interface conceptually simple. To
this end, use method overloading when appropriate to create an
intuitive, easy-to-use interface.
Your analysis and design must produce, at minimum, the
classes in your system, their public interfaces, and their
relationships to other classes, especially base classes. If
your design methodology produces more than that, ask yourself if
all the pieces produced by that methodology have value over the
lifetime of the program. If they do not, maintaining them will cost
you. Members of development teams tend not to maintain anything
that does not contribute to their productivity; this is a fact of life
that many design methods don't account for.
Automate everything. Write the test code first (before you write
the class), and keep it with the class. Automate the running of your
tests through a makefile or similar tool. This way, any changes can
be automatically verified by running the test code, and you'll
immediately discover errors. Because you know that you have the
safety net of your test framework, you will be bolder about making
Thinking in Java
sweeping changes when you discover the need. Remember that the
greatest improvements in languages come from the built-in testing
provided by type checking, exception handling, etc., but those
features take you only so far. You must go the rest of the way in
creating a robust system by filling in the tests that verify features
that are specific to your class or program.
Write the test code first (before you write the class) in
order to verify that your class design is complete. If you
can't write test code, you don't know what your class looks like. In
addition, the act of writing the test code will often flush out
additional features or constraints that you need in the class--these
features or constraints don't always appear during analysis and
design. Tests also provide example code showing how your class
can be used.
All software design problems can be simplified by
introducing an extra level of conceptual indirection. This
fundamental rule of software engineering1 is the basis of
abstraction, the primary feature of object-oriented programming.
An indirection should have a meaning (in concert with
guideline 9). This meaning can be something as simple as "putting
commonly used code in a single method." If you add levels of
indirection (abstraction, encapsulation, etc.) that don't have
meaning, it can be as bad as not having adequate indirection.
Make classes as atomic as possible. Give each class a single,
clear purpose. If your classes or your system design grows too
complicated, break complex classes into simpler ones. The most
obvious indicator of this is sheer size: if a class is big, chances are
it's doing too much and should be broken up.
Clues to suggest redesign of a class are:
1) A complicated switch statement: consider using polymorphism.
2) A large number of methods that cover broadly different types of
operations: consider using several classes.
1 Explained to me by Andrew Koenig.
Appendix C: Java Programming Guidelines
3) A large number of member variables that concern broadly
different characteristics: consider using several classes.
Watch for long argument lists. Method calls then become
difficult to write, read, and maintain. Instead, try to move the
method to a class where it is (more) appropriate, and/or pass
objects in as arguments.
Don't repeat yourself. If a piece of code is recurring in many
methods in derived classes, put that code into a single method in
the base class and call it from the derived-class methods. Not only
do you save code space, you provide for easy propagation of
changes. Sometimes the discovery of this common code will add
valuable functionality to your interface.
Watch for switch statements or chained if-else clauses.
This is typically an indicator of type-check coding, which means
you are choosing what code to execute based on some kind of type
information (the exact type may not be obvious at first). You can
usually replace this kind of code with inheritance and
polymorphism; a polymorphic method call will perform the type
checking for you, and allow for more reliable and easier
From a design standpoint, look for and separate things
that change from things that stay the same. That is, search
for the elements in a system that you might want to change without
forcing a redesign, then encapsulate those elements in classes. You
can learn significantly more about this concept in Thinking in
Patterns with Java, downloadable at .
Don't extend fundamental functionality by subclassing. If
an interface element is essential to a class it should be in the base
class, not added during derivation. If you're adding methods by
inheriting, perhaps you should rethink the design.
Less is more. Start with a minimal interface to a class, as small
and simple as you need to solve the problem at hand, but don't try
to anticipate all the ways that your class might be used. As the class
is used, you'll discover ways you must expand the interface.
Thinking in Java
However, once a class is in use you cannot shrink the interface
without disturbing client code. If you need to add more methods,
that's fine; it won't disturb code, other than forcing recompiles. But
even if new methods replace the functionality of old ones, leave the
existing interface alone (you can combine the functionality in the
underlying implementation if you want). If you need to expand the
interface of an existing method by adding more arguments, create
an overloaded method with the new arguments; this way you won't
disturb any existing calls to the existing method.
Read your classes aloud to make sure they're logical. Refer
to the relationship between a base class and derived class as "is-a"
and member objects as "has-a."
When deciding between inheritance and composition, ask
if you need to upcast to the base type. If not, prefer
composition (member objects) to inheritance. This can eliminate
the perceived need for multiple base types. If you inherit, users will
think they are supposed to upcast.
Use data members for variation in value and method
overriding for variation in behavior. That is, if you find a
class that uses state variables along with methods that switch
behavior based on those variables, you should probably redesign it
to express the differences in behavior within subclasses and
overridden methods.
Watch for overloading. A method should not conditionally
execute code based on the value of an argument. In this case, you
should create two or more overloaded methods instead.
Use exception hierarchies--preferably derived from specific
appropriate classes in the standard Java exception hierarchy. The
person catching the exceptions can then catch the specific types of
exceptions, followed by the base type. If you add new derived
exceptions, existing client code will still catch the exception
through the base type.
Sometimes simple aggregation does the job. A "passenger
comfort system" on an airline consists of disconnected elements:
Appendix C: Java Programming Guidelines
seat, air conditioning, video, etc., and yet you need to create many
of these in a plane. Do you make private members and build a
whole new interface? No--in this case, the components are also
part of the public interface, so you should create public member
objects. Those objects have their own private implementations,
which are still safe. Be aware that simple aggregation is not a
solution to be used often, but it does happen.
Consider the perspective of the client programmer and
the person maintaining the code. Design your class to be as
obvious as possible to use. Anticipate the kind of changes that will
be made, and design your class so that those changes will be easy.
Watch out for "giant object syndrome." This is often an
affliction of procedural programmers who are new to OOP and who
end up writing a procedural program and sticking it inside one or
two giant objects. With the exception of application frameworks,
objects represent concepts in your application, not the application.
If you must do something ugly, at least localize the
ugliness inside a class.
If you must do something nonportable, make an
abstraction for that service and localize it within a class.
This extra level of indirection prevents the nonportability from
being distributed throughout your program. (This idiom is
embodied in the Bridge Pattern).
Objects should not simply hold some data. They should also
have well-defined behaviors. (Occasionally, "data objects" are
appropriate, but only when used expressly to package and
transport a group of items when a generalized container is
Choose composition first when creating new classes from
existing classes. You should only used inheritance if it is
required by your design. If you use inheritance where composition
will work, your designs will become needlessly complicated.
Use inheritance and method overriding to express
differences in behavior, and fields to express variations in
Thinking in Java
state. An extreme example of what not to do is inheriting different
classes to represent colors instead of using a "color" field.
Watch out for variance. Two semantically different objects may
have identical actions, or responsibilities, and there is a natural
temptation to try to make one a subclass of the other just to benefit
from inheritance. This is called variance, but there's no real
justification to force a superclass/subclass relationship where it
doesn't exist. A better solution is to create a general base class that
produces an interface for both as derived classes--it requires a bit
more space, but you still benefit from inheritance, and will
probably make an important discovery about the design.
Watch out for limitation during inheritance. The clearest
designs add new capabilities to inherited ones. A suspicious design
removes old capabilities during inheritance without adding new
ones. But rules are made to be broken, and if you are working from
an old class library, it may be more efficient to restrict an existing
class in its subclass than it would be to restructure the hierarchy so
your new class fits in where it should, above the old class.
Use design patterns to eliminate "naked functionality."
That is, if only one object of your class should be created, don't bolt
ahead to the application and write a comment "Make only one of
these." Wrap it in a singleton. If you have a lot of messy code in
your main program that creates your objects, look for a creational
pattern like a factory method in which you can encapsulate that
creation. Eliminating "naked functionality" will not only make your
code much easier to understand and maintain, it will also make it
more bulletproof against the well-intentioned maintainers that
come after you.
Watch out for "analysis paralysis." Remember that you must
usually move forward in a project before you know everything, and
that often the best and fastest way to learn about some of your
unknown factors is to go to the next step rather than trying to
figure it out in your head. You can't know the solution until you
have the solution. Java has built-in firewalls; let them work for
Appendix C: Java Programming Guidelines
you. Your mistakes in a class or set of classes won't destroy the
integrity of the whole system.
When you think you've got a good analysis, design, or
implementation, do a walkthrough. Bring someone in from
outside your group--this doesn't have to be a consultant, but can be
someone from another group within your company. Reviewing
your work with a fresh pair of eyes can reveal problems at a stage
when it's much easier to fix them, and more than pays for the time
and money "lost" to the walkthrough process.
In general, follow the Sun coding conventions. These are
available at
java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/index.html (the code in this book
follows these conventions as much as I was able). These are used
for what constitutes arguably the largest body of code that the
largest number of Java programmers will be exposed to. If you
doggedly stick to the coding style you've always used, you will make
it harder for your reader. Whatever coding conventions you decide
on, ensure they are consistent throughout the project. There is a
free tool to automatically reformat Java code at:
Whatever coding style you use, it really does make a
difference if your team (and even better, your company)
standardizes on it. This means to the point that everyone
considers it fair game to fix someone else's coding style if it doesn't
conform. The value of standardization is that it takes less brain
cycles to parse the code, so that you can focus more on what the
code means.
Follow standard capitalization rules. Capitalize the first letter
of class names. The first letter of fields, methods, and objects
(references) should be lowercase. All identifiers should run their
words together, and capitalize the first letter of all intermediate
words. For example:
Thinking in Java
Capitalize all the letters of static final primitive identifiers that
have constant initializers in their definitions. This indicates they
are compile-time constants.
Packages are a special case--they are all lowercase letters, even
for intermediate words. The domain extension (com, org, net, edu,
etc.) should also be lowercase. (This was a change between Java 1.1
and Java 2.)
Don't create your own "decorated" private data member
names. This is usually seen in the form of prepended underscores
and characters. Hungarian notation is the worst example of this,
where you attach extra characters that indicate data type, use,
location, etc., as if you were writing assembly language and the
compiler provided no extra assistance at all. These notations are
confusing, difficult to read, and unpleasant to enforce and
maintain. Let classes and packages do the name scoping for you.
Follow a "canonical form" when creating a class for general-
purpose use. Include definitions for equals( ), hashCode( ),
toString( ), clone( ) (implement Cloneable), and implement
Comparable and Serializable.
Use the JavaBeans "get," "set," and "is" naming
conventions for methods that read and change private fields,
even if you don't think you're making a JavaBean at the time. Not
only does it make it easy to use your class as a Bean, but it's a
standard way to name these kinds of methods and so will be more
easily understood by the reader.
For each class you create, consider including a static
public test( ) that contains code to test that class. You don't
need to remove the test code to use the class in a project, and if you
make any changes you can easily rerun the tests. This code also
provides examples of how to use your class.
Sometimes you need to inherit in order to access
protected members of the base class. This can lead to a
perceived need for multiple base types. If you don't need to upcast,
first derive a new class to perform the protected access. Then make
Appendix C: Java Programming Guidelines
that new class a member object inside any class that needs to use it,
rather than inheriting.
Avoid the use of final methods for efficiency purposes.
Use final only when the program is running, but not fast enough,
and your profiler has shown you that a method invocation is the
If two classes are associated with each other in some
functional way (such as containers and iterators), try to
make one an inner class of the other. This not only
emphasizes the association between the classes, but it allows the
class name to be reused within a single package by nesting it within
another class. The Java containers library does this by defining an
inner Iterator class inside each container class, thereby providing
the containers with a common interface. The other reason you'll
want to use an inner class is as part of the private
implementation. Here, the inner class beneficial for
implementation hiding rather than the class association and
prevention of namespace pollution noted above.
Anytime you notice classes that appear to have high
coupling with each other, consider the coding and
maintenance improvements you might get by using inner
classes. The use of inner classes will not uncouple the classes, but
rather make the coupling explicit and more convenient.
Don't fall prey to premature optimization. This way lies
madness. In particular, don't worry about writing (or avoiding)
native methods, making some methods final, or tweaking code to
be efficient when you are first constructing the system. Your
primary goal should be to prove the design, unless the design
requires a certain efficiency.
Keep scopes as small as possible so the visibility and
lifetime of your objects are as small as possible. This
reduces the chance of using an object in the wrong context and
hiding a difficult-to-find bug. For example, suppose you have a
container and a piece of code that iterates through it. If you copy
that code to use with a new container, you may accidentally end up
Thinking in Java
using the size of the old container as the upper bound of the new
one. If, however, the old container is out of scope, the error will be
caught at compile-time.
Use the containers in the standard Java library. Become
proficient with their use and you'll greatly increase your
productivity. Prefer ArrayList for sequences, HashSet for sets,
HashMap for associative arrays, and LinkedList for stacks
(rather than Stack) and queues.
For a program to be robust, each component must be
robust. Use all the tools provided by Java: access control,
exceptions, type checking, and so on, in each class you create. That
way you can safely move to the next level of abstraction when
building your system.
Prefer compile-time errors to run-time errors. Try to
handle an error as close to the point of its occurrence as possible.
Prefer dealing with the error at that point to throwing an exception.
Catch any exceptions in the nearest handler that has enough
information to deal with them. Do what you can with the exception
at the current level; if that doesn't solve the problem, rethrow the
Watch for long method definitions. Methods should be brief,
functional units that describe and implement a discrete part of a
class interface. A method that is long and complicated is difficult
and expensive to maintain, and is probably trying to do too much
all by itself. If you see such a method, it indicates that, at the least,
it should be broken up into multiple methods. It may also suggest
the creation of a new class. Small methods will also foster reuse
within your class. (Sometimes methods must be large, but they
should still do just one thing.)
Keep things as "private as possible." Once you publicize an
aspect of your library (a method, a class, a field), you can never
take it out. If you do, you'll wreck somebody's existing code, forcing
them to rewrite and redesign. If you publicize only what you must,
you can change everything else with impunity, and since designs
tend to evolve this is an important freedom. In this way,
Appendix C: Java Programming Guidelines
implementation changes will have minimal impact on derived
classes. Privacy is especially important when dealing with
multithreading--only private fields can be protected against un-
synchronized use.
Use comments liberally, and use the javadoc comment-
documentation syntax to produce your program
documentation. However, the comments should add geniune
meaning to the code; comments that only reiterate what the code is
clearly expressing are annoying. Note that the typical verbose detail
of Java class and method names reduce the need for as many
Avoid using "magic numbers"--which are numbers hard-
wired into code. These are a nightmare if you need to change them,
since you never know if "100" means "the array size" or "something
else entirely." Instead, create a constant with a descriptive name
and use the constant identifier throughout your program. This
makes the program easier to understand and much easier to
When creating constructors, consider exceptions. In the
best case, the constructor won't do anything that throws an
exception. In the next-best scenario, the class will be composed and
inherited from robust classes only, so they will need no cleanup if
an exception is thrown. Otherwise, you must clean up composed
classes inside a finally clause. If a constructor must fail, the
appropriate action is to throw an exception, so the caller doesn't
continue blindly, thinking that the object was created correctly.
If your class requires any cleanup when the client
programmer is finished with the object, place the cleanup
code in a single, well-defined method--with a name like
cleanup( ) that clearly suggests its purpose. In addition, place a
boolean flag in the class to indicate whether the object has been
cleaned up so that finalize( ) can check for "the death condition"
(see Chapter 4).
The responsibility of finalize( ) can only be to verify "the
death condition" of an object for debugging. (See Chapter
Thinking in Java
4.) In special cases, it might be needed to release memory that
would not otherwise be released by the garbage collector. Since the
garbage collector might not get called for your object, you cannot
use finalize( ) to perform necessary cleanup. For that you must
create your own "cleanup" method. In the finalize( ) method for
the class, check to make sure that the object has been cleaned up
and throw a class derived from RuntimeException if it hasn't, to
indicate a programming error. Before relying on such a scheme,
ensure that finalize( ) works on your system. (You might need to
call System.gc( ) to ensure this behavior.)
If an object must be cleaned up (other than by garbage
collection) within a particular scope, use the following
approach: Initialize the object and, if successful, immediately
enter a try block with a finally clause that performs the cleanup.
When overriding finalize( ) during inheritance,
remember to call super.finalize( ). (This is not necessary if
Object is your immediate superclass.) You should call
super.finalize( ) as the final act of your overridden finalize( )
rather than the first, to ensure that base-class components are still
valid if you need them.
When you are creating a fixed-size container of objects,
transfer them to an array--especially if you're returning this
container from a method. This way you get the benefit of the
array's compile-time type checking, and the recipient of the array
might not need to cast the objects in the array in order to use them.
Note that the base-class of the containers library,
java.util.Collection, has two toArray( ) methods to accomplish
Choose interfaces over abstract classes. If you know
something is going to be a base class, your first choice should be to
make it an interface, and only if you're forced to have method
definitions or member variables should you change it to an
abstract class. An interface talks about what the client wants to
do, while a class tends to focus on (or allow) implementation
Appendix C: Java Programming Guidelines
Inside constructors, do only what is necessary to set the
object into the proper state. Actively avoid calling other
methods (except for final methods) since those methods can be
overridden by someone else to produce unexpected results during
construction. (See Chapter 7 for details.) Smaller, simpler
constructors are less likely to throw exceptions or cause problems.
To avoid a highly frustrating experience, make sure that
there is only one unpackaged class of each name
anywhere in your classpath. Otherwise, the compiler can find
the identically-named other class first, and report error messages
that make no sense. If you suspect that you are having a classpath
problem, try looking for .class files with the same names at each of
the starting points in your classpath. Ideally, put all your classes
within packages.
Watch out for accidental overloading. If you attempt to
override a base-class method and you don't quite get the spelling
right, you'll end up adding a new method rather than overriding an
existing method. However, this is perfectly legal, so you won't get
any error message from the compiler or run-time system--your
code simply won't work correctly.
Watch out for premature optimization. First make it work,
then make it fast--but only if you must, and only if it's proven that
there is a performance bottleneck in a particular section of your
code. Unless you have used a profiler to discover a bottleneck, you
will probably be wasting your time. The hidden cost of performance
tweaks is that your code becomes less understandable and
Remember that code is read much more than it is written.
Clean designs make for easy-to-understand programs, but
comments, detailed explanations, and examples are invaluable.
They will help both you and everyone who comes after you. If
nothing else, the frustration of trying to ferret out useful
information from the online Java documentation should convince
Thinking in Java
D: Resources
The JDK from java.sun.com. Even if you choose to use a third-party
development environment, it's always a good idea to have the JDK on
hand in case you come up against what might be a compiler error. The
JDK is the touchstone, and if there is a bug in it, chances are it will be
The HTML Java documentation from java.sun.com. I have never
found a reference book on the standard Java libraries that wasn't out of
date or missing information. Although the HTML documentation from
Sun is shot-through with small bugs and is sometimes unusably terse, all
the classes and methods are at least there. People are sometimes
uncomfortable at first using an online resource rather than a printed
book, but it's worth your while to get over this and open the HTML docs
first, so you can at least get the big picture. If you can't figure it out at that
point, then reach for the printed books.
Thinking in Java, 1st Edition. Available as fully-indexed, color-
syntax-highlighted HTML on the CD ROM bound in with this book, or as
a free download from . Includes older material and
material that was not considered interesting enough to carry through to
the 2nd edition.
Core Java 2, by Horstmann & Cornell, Volume I--Fundamentals
(Prentice-Hall, 1999). Volume II--Advanced Features, 2000. Huge,
comprehensive, and the first place I go when I'm hunting for answers. The
book I recommend when you've completed Thinking in Java and need to
cast a bigger net.
Java in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference, 2nd Edition, by
David Flanagan (O'Reilly, 1997). A compact summary of the online Java
documentation. Personally, I prefer to browse the docs from java.sun.com
online, especially since they change so often. However, many folks still
like printed documentation and this fits the bill; it also provides more
discussion than the online documents.
The Java Class Libraries: An Annotated Reference, by Patrick
Chan and Rosanna Lee (Addison-Wesley, 1997). What the online
reference should have been: enough description to make it usable. One of
the technical reviewers for Thinking in Java said, "If I had only one Java
book, this would be it (well, in addition to yours, of course)." I'm not as
thrilled with it as he is. It's big, it's expensive, and the quality of the
examples doesn't satisfy me. But it's a place to look when you're stuck and
it seems to have more depth (and sheer size) than Java in a Nutshell.
Java Network Programming, by Elliotte Rusty Harold (O'Reilly,
1997). I didn't begin to understand Java networking until I found this
book. I also find his Web site, Café au Lait, to be a stimulating,
opinionated, and up-to-date perspective on Java developments,
unencumbered by allegiances to any vendors. His regular updates keep up
with fast-changing news about Java. See metalab.unc.edu/javafaq/.
JDBC Database Access with Java, by Hamilton, Cattell & Fisher
(Addison-Wesley, 1997). If you know nothing about SQL and databases,
this is a nice, gentle introduction. It also contains some of the details as
well as an "annotated reference" to the API (again, what the online
reference should have been). The drawback, as with all books in The Java
Series ("The ONLY Books Authorized by JavaSoft") is that it's been
whitewashed so that it says only wonderful things about Java--you won't
find out about any dark corners in this series.
Java Programming with CORBA, by Andreas Vogel & Keith Duddy
(John Wiley & Sons, 1997). A serious treatment of the subject with code
examples for three Java ORBs (Visibroker, Orbix, Joe).
Design Patterns, by Gamma, Helm, Johnson & Vlissides (Addison-
Wesley, 1995). The seminal book that started the patterns movement in
Thinking in Java
Practical Algorithms for Programmers, by Binstock & Rex
(Addison-Wesley, 1995). The algorithms are in C, so they're fairly easy to
translate into Java. Each algorithm is thoroughly explained.
Analysis & design
Extreme Programming Explained, by Kent Beck (Addison-Wesley,
2000). I love this book. Yes, I tend to take a radical approach to things but
I've always felt that there could be a much different, much better program
development process, and I think XP comes pretty darn close. The only
book that has had a similar impact on me was PeopleWare (described
below), which talks primarily about the environment and dealing with
corporate culture. Extreme Programming Explained talks about
programming, and turns most things, even recent "findings," on their ear.
They even go so far as to say that pictures are OK as long as you don't
spend too much time on them and are willing to throw them away. (You'll
notice that this book does not have the "UML stamp of approval" on its
cover.) I could see deciding whether to work for a company based solely
on whether they used XP. Small book, small chapters, effortless to read,
exciting to think about. You start imagining yourself working in such an
atmosphere and it brings visions of a whole new world.
UML Distilled, 2nd Edition, by Martin Fowler (Addison-Wesley,
2000). When you first encounter UML, it is daunting because there are so
many diagrams and details. According to Fowler, most of this stuff is
unnecessary so he cuts through to the essentials. For most projects, you
only need to know a few diagramming tools, and Fowler's goal is to come
up with a good design rather than worry about all the artifacts of getting
there. A nice, thin, readable book; the first one you should get if you need
to understand UML.
UML Toolkit, by Hans-Erik Eriksson & Magnus Penker, (John Wiley &
Sons, 1997). Explains UML and how to use it, and has a case study in
Java. An accompanying CD ROM contains the Java code and a cut-down
version of Rational Rose. An excellent introduction to UML and how to
use it to build a real system.
The Unified Software Development Process, by Ivar Jacobsen,
Grady Booch, and James Rumbaugh (Addison-Wesley, 1999). I went in
fully prepared to dislike this book. It seemed to have all the makings of a
Appendix D: Resources
boring college text. I was pleasantly surprised--only pockets of the book
contain explanations that seem as if those concepts aren't clear to the
authors. The bulk of the book is not only clear, but enjoyable. And best of
all, the process makes a lot of practical sense. It's not Extreme
Programming (and does not have their clarity about testing) but it's also
part of the UML juggernaut--even if you can't get XP adopted, most
people have climbed aboard the "UML is good" bandwagon (regardless of
their actual level of experience with it) and so you can probably get it
adopted. I think this book should be the flagship of UML, and the one you
can read after Fowler's UML Distilled when you want more detail.
Before you choose any method, it's helpful to gain perspective from those
who are not trying to sell one. It's easy to adopt a method without really
understanding what you want out of it or what it will do for you. Others
are using it, which seems a compelling reason. However, humans have a
strange little psychological quirk: If they want to believe something will
solve their problems, they'll try it. (This is experimentation, which is
good.) But if it doesn't solve their problems, they may redouble their
efforts and begin to announce loudly what a great thing they've
discovered. (This is denial, which is not good.) The assumption here may
be that if you can get other people in the same boat, you won't be lonely,
even if it's going nowhere (or sinking).
This is not to suggest that all methodologies go nowhere, but that you
should be armed to the teeth with mental tools that help you stay in
experimentation mode ("It's not working; let's try something else") and
out of denial mode ("No, that's not really a problem. Everything's
wonderful, we don't need to change"). I think the following books, read
before you choose a method, will provide you with these tools.
Software Creativity, by Robert Glass (Prentice-Hall, 1995). This is the
best book I've seen that discusses perspective on the whole methodology
issue. It's a collection of short essays and papers that Glass has written
and sometimes acquired (P.J. Plauger is one contributor), reflecting his
many years of thinking and study on the subject. They're entertaining and
only long enough to say what's necessary; he doesn't ramble and bore you.
He's not just blowing smoke, either; there are hundreds of references to
other papers and studies. All programmers and managers should read this
book before wading into the methodology mire.
Thinking in Java
Software Runaways: Monumental Software Disasters, by
Robert Glass (Prentice-Hall, 1997). The great thing about this book is that
it brings to the forefront what we don't talk about: how many projects not
only fail, but fail spectacularly. I find that most of us still think "That can't
happen to me" (or "That can't happen again"), and I think this puts us at
a disadvantage. By keeping in mind that things can always go wrong,
you're in a much better position to make them go right.
Peopleware, 2nd Edition, by Tom Demarco and Timothy Lister (Dorset
House, 1999). Although they have backgrounds in software development,
this book is about projects and teams in general. But the focus is on the
people and their needs, rather than the technology and its needs. They
talk about creating an environment where people will be happy and
productive, rather than deciding what rules those people should follow to
be adequate components of a machine. This latter attitude, I think, is the
biggest contributor to programmers smiling and nodding when XYZ
method is adopted and then quietly doing whatever they've always done.
Complexity, by M. Mitchell Waldrop (Simon & Schuster, 1992). This
chronicles the coming together of a group of scientists from different
disciplines in Santa Fe, New Mexico, to discuss real problems that their
individual disciplines couldn't solve (the stock market in economics, the
initial formation of life in biology, why people do what they do in
sociology, etc.). By crossing physics, economics, chemistry, math,
computer science, sociology, and others, a multidisciplinary approach to
these problems is developing. But more important, a different way of
thinking about these ultra-complex problems is emerging: Away from
mathematical determinism and the illusion that you can write an equation
that predicts all behavior, and toward first observing and looking for a
pattern and trying to emulate that pattern by any means possible. (The
book chronicles, for example, the emergence of genetic algorithms.) This
kind of thinking, I believe, is useful as we observe ways to manage more
and more complex software projects.
Learning Python, by Mark Lutz and David Ascher (O'Reilly, 1999). A
nice programmer's introduction to what is rapidly becoming my favorite
language, an excellent companion to Java. The book includes an
Appendix D: Resources
introduction to JPython, which allows you to combine Java and Python in
a single program (the JPython interpreter is compiled to pure Java
bytecodes, so there is nothing special you need to add to accomplish this).
This language union promises great possibilities.
My own list of books
Listed in order of publication. Not all of these are currently available.
Computer Interfacing with Pascal & C, (Self-published via the
Eisys imprint, 1988. Only available via ). An
introduction to electronics from back when CP/M was still king and DOS
was an upstart. I used high-level languages and often the parallel port of
the computer to drive various electronic projects. Adapted from my
columns in the first and best magazine I wrote for, Micro Cornucopia. (To
paraphrase Larry O'Brien, long-time editor of Software Development
Magazine: the best computer magazine ever published--they even had
plans for building a robot in a flower pot!) Alas, Micro C became lost long
before the Internet appeared. Creating this book was an extremely
satisfying publishing experience.
Using C++, (Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1989). One of the first books out on
C++. This is out of print and replaced by its second edition, the renamed
C++ Inside & Out.
C++ Inside & Out, (Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1993). As noted, actually
the 2nd edition of Using C++. The C++ in this book is reasonably
accurate, but it's circa 1992 and Thinking in C++ is intended to replace it.
You can find out more about this book and download the source code at
Thinking in C++, 1st Edition, (Prentice-Hall, 1995).
Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition, Volume 1, (Prentice-Hall, 2000).
Downloadable from .
Black Belt C++, the Master's Collection, Bruce Eckel, editor (M&T
Books, 1994). Out of print. A collection of chapters by various C++
luminaries based on their presentations in the C++ track at the Software
Development Conference, which I chaired. The cover on this book
stimulated me to gain control over all future cover designs.
Thinking in Java
Thinking in Java, 1st Edition, (Prentice-Hall, 1998). The first edition
of this book won the Software Development Magazine Productivity
Award, the Java Developer's Journal Editor's Choice Award, and the
JavaWorld Reader's Choice Award for best book. Downloadable from
Appendix D: Resources
Please note that some names will be duplicated in
capitalized form. Following Java style, the capitalized
names refer to Java classes, while lowercase names refer
to a general concept.
access: class · 263; control · 243, 267;
- · 139
inner classes & access rights · 376;
! · 143
package access and friendly · 255;
!= · 141; operator · 1025
specifiers · 36, 243, 255; within a
& · 146
directory, via the default package · 257
&& · 143
action command · 765
&= · 147
ActionEvent · 766, 814
@deprecated · 128
ActionListener · 712
[ ]: indexing operator [ ] · 231
actor, in use cases · 77
^ · 146
adapters: listener adapters · 729
^= · 147
add( ), ArrayList · 450
| · 146
addActionListener( ) · 811, 857
|| · 143
addChangeListener · 771
|= · 147
addition · 137
`+': operator + for String · 1054
addListener · 722
+ · 139
addXXXListener( ) · 723
< · 141
Adler32 · 608
<< · 147
aggregate array initialization · 231
<<= · 147
aggregation · 37
<= · 141
aliasing · 136; and String · 1054; during a
== · 141; operator · 1025; vs. equals( ) · 645
method call · 1014
> · 141
align · 697
>= · 141
alphabetic vs. lexicographic sorting · 436
>> · 147
AlreadyBoundException · 978
>>= · 147
analysis: and design, object-oriented · 71;
paralysis · 72; requirements analysis · 75
AND: bitwise · 154; logical (&&) · 143
anonymous inner class · 370, 576, 709,
875; and constructors · 375
abstract: class · 326; inheriting from an
anonymous inner class, and table-driven
abstract class · 326; vs. interface · 356
code · 502
abstract keyword · 327
applet · 692; advantages for client/server
Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) · 689
systems · 693; align · 697; and packages
AbstractButton · 734
· 699; archive tag, for HTML and JAR
abstraction · 30
files · 793; classpath · 699; codebase ·
AbstractSequentialList · 502
697; combined applets and applications
AbstractSet · 461
· 700; displaying a Web page from
accept( ) · 909
within an applet · 923; name · 697;
packaging applets in a JAR file to
base class · 260, 275, 315; abstract base
optimize loading · 793; parameter · 697;
class · 326; base-class interface · 320;
placing inside a Web page · 695;
constructor · 332; constructors and
restrictions · 692
exceptions · 281; initialization · 278
Applet: combined with application · 839;
Basic: Microsoft Visual Basic · 800
initialization parameters · 839
basic concepts of object-oriented
appletviewer · 698
programming (OOP) · 29
application: application builder · 800;
BASIC language · 92
application framework · 394; combined
BasicArrowButton · 735
applets and applications · 700;
beanbox Bean testing tool · 817
combined with Applet · 839; windowed
BeanInfo: custom BeanInfo · 818
applications · 700
Beans: and Borland's Delphi · 800; and
application framework, and applets · 694
Microsoft's Visual Basic · 800; and
archive tag, for HTML and JAR files · 793
multithreading · 854; application
argument: constructor · 193; final · 298,
builder · 800; beanbox Bean testing tool
577; passing a reference into a method ·
· 817; bound properties · 818;
1014; variable argument lists (unknown
component · 801; constrained
quantity and type of arguments) · 235
properties · 818; custom BeanInfo · 818;
array · 407; associative array · 477;
custom property editor · 818; custom
associative array, Map · 442; bounds
property sheet · 818; events · 801;
checking · 232; comparing arrays · 431;
EventSetDescriptors · 808;
copying an array · 429; dynamic
FeatureDescriptor · 818; getBeanInfo( )
aggregate initialization syntax · 412;
· 805; getEventSetDescriptors( ) · 808;
element comparisons · 431; first-class
getMethodDescriptors( ) · 808;
objects · 409; initialization · 231; length
getName( ) · 808;
· 232, 409; multidimensional · 236; of
getPropertyDescriptors( ) · 808;
objects · 409; of primitives · 409; return
getPropertyType( ) · 808;
an array · 413
getReadMethod( ) · 808;
ArrayList · 456, 463, 467, 500, 505; add( )
getWriteMethod( ) · 808; indexed
· 450; and deep copying · 1030; get( ) ·
property · 818; Introspector · 805; JAR
450, 456; size( ) · 451; type-conscious
files for packaging · 816; manifest file ·
ArrayList · 454; used with HashMap ·
816; Method · 808; MethodDescriptors ·
808; naming convention · 802;
Arrays class, container utility · 415
properties · 801; PropertyChangeEvent ·
Arrays.asList( ) · 519
818; PropertyDescriptors · 808;
Arrays.binarySearch( ) · 437
ProptertyVetoException · 818; reflection
Arrays.fill( ) · 428
· 801, 804; Serializable · 814; visual
assigning objects · 134
programming · 800
assignment · 134
Beck, Kent · 1093
associative array · 439, 477
Bill Joy · 141
associative arrays (Maps) · 442
binary: numbers · 156; operators · 146
auto-decrement operator · 139
binary numbers, printing · 150
auto-increment operator · 139
binarySearch( ) · 437
automatic type conversion · 273
bind( ) · 976
available( ) · 598
binding: dynamic binding · 316; dynamic,
late, or run-time binding · 311; early ·
45; late · 45; late binding · 316; method
call binding · 315; run-time binding ·
bag · 440
BitSet · 522
base: types · 39
bitwise: AND · 154; AND operator (&) ·
base 16 · 156
146; EXCLUSIVE OR XOR (^) · 146;
base 8 · 156
double to integral, truncation · 186;
NOT ~ · 146; operators · 146; OR · 154;
operators · 154
OR operator (|) · 146
catch: catching an exception · 534;
bitwise copy · 1024
catching any exception · 543; keyword ·
blank final · 297
blocking: and available( ) · 598; and
CD ROM for book · 20
threads · 859; on I/O · 869
CGI: Common-Gateway Interface · 948
Booch, Grady · 1093
change: vector of change · 397
book: errors, reporting · 23; updates of the
CharArrayReader · 590
book · 22
CharArrayWriter · 590
boolean: operators that won't work with
check box · 748
boolean · 141
CheckedInputStream · 606
Boolean · 169; algebra · 146; and casting ·
CheckedOutputStream · 606
155; vs. C and C++ · 144
Checksum · 608
BorderLayout · 713
class · 32, 262; abstract class · 326; access ·
Borland · 820; Delphi · 800
263; anonymous inner · 709;
bound properties · 818
anonymous inner class · 370, 576, 875;
bounds checking, array · 232
anonymous inner class and constructors
Box, for BoxLayout · 718
· 375; base class · 260, 275, 315; browser
BoxLayout · 717
· 263; class hierarchies and exception
break keyword · 175
handling · 567; class literal · 664, 669;
browser: class browser · 263
creators · 35; defining the interface · 88;
BufferedInputStream · 586
derived class · 315; equivalence, and
BufferedOutputStream · 588
instanceof/isInstance( ) · 672; final
BufferedReader · 563, 591, 597
classes · 301; inheritance diagrams ·
BufferedWriter · 591, 599
293; inheriting from an abstract class ·
business objects/logic · 796
326; inheriting from inner classes · 384;
button: creating your own · 730; radio
initialization & class loading · 304;
button · 750
initialization of data members · 220;
button, Swing · 706
initializing members at point of
ButtonGroup · 736, 750
definition · 221; initializing the base
buttons · 734
class · 278; inner class · 365; inner class
ByteArrayInputStream · 582
nesting within any arbitrary scope · 372;
ByteArrayOutputStream · 583
inner classes · 799; inner classes &
access rights · 376; inner classes and
overriding · 385; inner classes and super
· 385; inner classes and Swing · 722;
inner classes and upcasting · 368; inner
C/C++, interfacing with · 1065
classes in methods & scopes · 370; inner
C++ · 141; copy constructor · 1042;
classes, identifiers and .class files · 387;
Standard Container Library aka STL ·
instance of · 31; intializing the derived
440; strategies for transition to · 93;
class · 278; keyword · 38; loading · 305;
templates · 455; vector class, vs. array
member initialization · 273; multiply-
and ArrayList · 408; why it succeeds · 91
nested · 383; order of initialization ·
callback · 432, 575, 708
223; private inner classes · 397; public
callbacks: and inner classes · 391
class, and compilation units · 245; read-
capacity, of a HashMap or HashSet · 491
only classes · 1047; referring to the
capitalization: Java capitalization style
outer class object in an inner class · 381;
source-code checking tool · 645; of
static inner classes · 379; style of
package names · 116
creating classes · 262; subobject · 278
case statement · 183
Class · 737; Class object · 633, 662, 848;
cast · 47, 201, 661; and containers · 450;
forName( ) · 664, 727; getClass( ) · 544;
and primitive types · 170; from float or
compareTo( ), in java.lang.Comparable ·
getConstructors( ) · 681; getInterfaces( )
· 676; getMethods( ) · 681; getName( ) ·
comparing arrays · 431
677; getSuperclass( ) · 676; isInstance ·
compilation unit · 245
671; isInterface( ) · 677; newInstance( ) ·
compile-time constant · 294
676; printInfo( ) · 677; RTTI using the
compiling a Java program · 121
Class object · 674
component, and JavaBeans · 801
Class object · 227
composition · 37, 271; and cloning · 1027;
ClassCastException · 345, 666
and design · 340; and dynamic behavior
classpath · 248, 699; and rmic · 979
change · 341; choosing composition vs.
class-responsibility-collaboration (CRC)
inheritance · 288; combining
cards · 79
composition & inheritance · 281; vs.
cleanup: and garbage collector · 283;
inheritance · 294, 642
performing · 209; with finally · 554
compression: compression library · 606
cleanup, guaranteeing with finalize( ) · 214
concept, high · 75
client programmer · 35; vs. library creator ·
ConcurrentModificationException · 515
conditional operator · 151
client, network · 907
conference, Software Development
clipboard: system clipboard · 790
Conference · 10
clone( ) · 1021; and composition · 1027;
Console: Swing display framework in
and inheritance · 1034; Object.clone( ) ·
com.bruceeckel.swing · 702
1025; removing/turning off cloneability
console input · 597
· 1036; super.clone( ) · 1025, 1041;
const, in C++ · 1053
supporting cloning in derived classes ·
constant: compile-time constant · 294;
folding · 294; groups of constant values ·
Cloneable interface · 1022
359; implicit constants, and String ·
CloneNotSupportedException · 1024
close( ) · 597
constrained properties · 818
closure, and inner classes · 391
constructor · 191; and anonymous inner
code: calling non-Java code · 1065; coding
classes · 370; and exception handling ·
standards · 22, 1077; organization · 255;
562; and exceptions · 561; and finally ·
re-use · 271
562; and overloading · 194; and
codebase · 697
polymorphism · 330; arguments · 193;
Collection · 440
base-class constructor · 332; base-class
collection class · 407
constructors and exceptions · 281;
Collections · 511
behavior of polymorphic methods inside
Collections.enumeration( ) · 520
constructors · 337; C++ copy
Collections.fill( ) · 443
constructor · 1042; calling base-class
Collections.reverseOrder() · 434
constructors with arguments · 280;
collision: name · 250
calling from other constructors · 205;
collisions, during hashing · 488
default · 202; default constructors · 196;
com.bruceeckel.swing · 703
initialization during inheritance and
combo box · 751
composition · 281; name · 192; no-arg
comma operator · 152, 175
constructors · 196; order of constructor
Command Pattern · 575
calls with inheritance · 330; return value
comments: and embedded documentation
· 193; static construction clause · 228;
· 122
synthesized default constructor access ·
common interface · 325
common pitfalls when using operators ·
Constructor: for reflection · 678
consulting & mentoring provided by Bruce
Common-Gateway Interface (CGI) · 948
Eckel · 23
Comparable · 432, 475
Comparator · 434, 475
deep copy · 1020, 1027; and ArrayList ·
container: class · 407, 439; of primitives ·
1030; using serialization to perform
deep copying · 1032
container classes, utilities for · 444
default constructor · 196, 202;
continue keyword · 175
synthesizing a default constructor · 279
control: access · 36
default constructor, access the same as the
control framework, and inner classes · 394
class · 681
controlling access · 267
default keyword, in a switch statement ·
conversion: automatic · 273; narrowing
conversion · 155, 201; widening
default package · 257
conversion · 155
DefaultMutableTreeNode · 784
cookies: and JSP · 971
defaultReadObject( ) · 629
cookies, and servlets · 955
DefaultTreeModel · 784
copy: deep copy · 1020; shallow copy ·
defaultWriteObject( ) · 629
DeflaterOutputStream · 606
copying an array · 429
Delphi, from Borland · 800
CORBA · 980
Demarco, Tom · 1095
costs, startup · 95
dequeue · 440
coupling · 537
derived: derived class · 315; derived class,
CRC, class-responsibility-collaboration
initializing · 278; types · 39
cards · 79
design · 342; adding more methods to a
CRC32 · 608
design · 268; analysis and design,
createStatement( ) · 930
object-oriented · 71; and composition ·
critical section, and synchronized block ·
340; and inheritance · 339; and
mistakes · 268; five stages of object
design · 82; library design · 243; of
object hierarchies · 307; patterns · 86,
design patterns · 266; decorator · 585;
daemon threads · 840
singleton · 266
data: final · 294; primitive data types and
destroy( ) · 877
use with operators · 159; static
destructor · 208, 209, 554; Java doesn't
initialization · 225
have one · 283
data type: equivalence to class · 33
development, incremental · 291
database: flat-file database · 932; Java
diagram: inheritance · 47; use case · 77
DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) · 927;
diagram, class inheritance diagrams · 293
relational database · 933; URL · 928
dialog box · 771
DatabaseMetaData · 938
dialog, file · 776
DataFlavor · 792
dialog, tabbed · 755
Datagram · 923; User Datagram Protocol
dictionary · 477
(UDP) · 923
digital signing · 692
DataInput · 593
directory: and packages · 254; creating
DataInputStream · 586, 591, 597, 599
directories and paths · 578; lister · 574
DataOutput · 593
display framework, for Swing · 702
DataOutputStream · 588, 592, 599
dispose( ) · 772
dead, Thread · 859
division · 137
deadlock, multithreading · 865, 872
documentation: comments & embedded
death condition, and finalize( ) · 214
documentation · 122
decorator design pattern · 585
Domain Name System (DNS) · 905
decoupling: via polymorphism · 46
dotted quad · 905
decoupling through polymorphism · 311
double, literal value marker (D) · 156
decrement operator · 139
do-while · 173
543; changing the point of origin of the
downcast · 293, 343, 666; type-safe
exception · 547; class hierarchies · 567;
downcast in run-time type identification
constructors · 562; creating your own ·
· 665
537; design issues · 565; Error class ·
Drawing lines in Swing · 768
549; Exception class · 549; exception
drop-down list · 751
handler · 535; exception handling · 531;
dynamic: behavior change with
exception matching · 566;
composition · 341; binding · 311, 316
FileNotFoundException · 565;
dynamic aggregate initialization syntax for
fillInStackTrace( ) · 545; finally · 552;
arrays · 412
guarded region · 535; handler · 532;
handling · 283; losing an exception,
pitfall · 557; NullPointerException · 550;
printStackTrace( ) · 545; restrictions ·
558; re-throwing an exception · 545;
early binding · 45, 315
RuntimeException · 550; specification ·
East, BorderLayout · 713
542; termination vs. resumption · 536;
editor, creating one using the Swing
Throwable · 543; throwing an exception
JTextPane · 747
· 533; try · 554; try block · 535; typical
efficiency: and arrays · 408; and final ·
uses of exceptions · 568
302; and threads · 828; when using the
exceptional condition · 532
synchronized keyword · 853
exceptions: and JNI · 1074
EJB · 990
executeQuery( ) · 930
elegance, in programming · 87
Exponential notation · 156
else keyword · 171
extending a class during inheritance · 41
encapsulation · 261
extends · 260, 277, 342; and interface ·
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) · 990
359; keyword · 275
enum, groups of constant values in C &
extensible: program · 320
C++ · 359
extension: pure inheritance vs. extension ·
Enumeration · 520
equals( ) · 142, 475; and hashed data
extension, sign · 147
structures · 485; overriding for
extension, zero · 147
HashMap · 484; vs. == · 645
Externalizable · 620; alternative approach
equivalence: == · 141; object equivalence ·
to using · 626
Extreme Programming (XP) · 88, 1093
error: handling with exceptions · 531;
recovery · 568; reporting errors in book
· 23; standard error stream · 538
event: event-driven system · 394;
JavaBeans · 801; multicast · 796;
multicast event and JavaBeans · 854;
fail fast containers · 515
responding to a Swing event · 707;
false · 143
Swing event model · 794; unicast · 796
FeatureDescriptor · 818
event listener · 722; order of execution ·
Field, for reflection · 678
fields, initializing fields in interfaces · 361
event model, Swing · 722
FIFO · 472
event-driven programming · 707
file: characteristics of files · 578; File.list( )
events and listeners · 723
· 574; incomplete output files, errors
EventSetDescriptors · 808
and flushing · 599; JAR file · 245
evolution, in program development · 85
File · 582, 592, 655; class · 574
exception: and base-class constructors ·
file dialogs · 776
281; and constructors · 561; and
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) · 699
inheritance · 558, 566; catching an
FileDescriptor · 582
exception · 534; catching any exception ·
FileInputReader · 597
FileInputStream · 582
FilenameFilter · 574, 653
FileNotFoundException · 565
garbage collection · 207, 210, 333; and
FileOutputStream · 583
cleanup · 283; and native method
FileReader · 563, 590
execution · 1073; forcing finalization ·
FileWriter · 590, 599
286; how the collector works · 215;
fillInStackTrace( ) · 545
order of object reclamation · 286;
FilterInputStream · 582
reachable objects · 495; setting
FilterOutputStream · 583
references to null to allow cleanup · 397
FilterReader · 591
generator · 443
FilterWriter · 591
generator object, to fill arrays and
final · 350; and efficiency · 302; and
containers · 416
private · 299; and static · 294; argument
get( ), ArrayList · 450, 456
· 298, 577; blank finals · 297; classes ·
get( ), HashMap · 481
301; data · 294; keyword · 294; method ·
getBeanInfo( ) · 805
316; methods · 299, 339; static
getBytes( ) · 598
primitives · 296; with object references ·
getClass( ) · 544, 674
getConstructor( ) · 737
finalize( ) · 207, 566; and inheritance ·
getConstructors( ) · 681
333; and super · 335; calling directly ·
getContentPane( ) · 695
210; order of finalization of objects · 336
getContents( ) · 792
finally · 283, 286; and constructors · 562;
getEventSetDescriptors( ) · 808
keyword · 552; pitfall · 557
getFloat( ) · 930
finding .class files during loading · 247
getInputStream( ) · 909
flat-file database · 932
getInt( ) · 930
flavor, clipboard · 790
getInterfaces( ) · 676
float, literal value marker(F) · 156
getMethodDescriptors( ) · 808
floating point: true and false · 144
getMethods( ) · 681
FlowLayout · 714
getModel( ) · 784
flushing output files · 599
getName( ) · 677, 808
focus traversal · 691
getOutputStream( ) · 909
folding, constant · 294
getPriority( ) · 878
for keyword · 173
getPropertyDescriptors( ) · 808
forName( ) · 664, 727
getPropertyType( ) · 808
getReadMethod( ) · 808
forward referencing · 222
getSelectedValues( ) · 753
Fowler, Martin · 72, 85, 1093
getState( ) · 765
framework: application framework and
getString( ) · 930
applets · 694; control framework and
getSuperclass( ) · 676
inner classes · 394
getTransferData( ) · 792
friendly · 243, 368; and interface · 350;
getTransferDataFlavors( ) · 792
and protected · 290; less accessible than
getWriteMethod( ) · 808
protected · 335
Glass, Robert · 1094
FTP: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) · 699
glue, in BoxLayout · 717
function: member function · 35; overriding
goto: lack of goto in Java · 177
· 42
graphical user interface (GUI) · 394, 689
functor · 575
graphics · 776
Graphics · 768
greater than (>) · 141
greater than or equal to (>=) · 141
GridBagLayout · 716
GridLayout · 715, 894
CheckedInputStream · 606;
guarded region, in exception handling ·
CheckedOutputStream · 606; close( ) ·
597; compression library · 606; console
GUI: graphical user interface · 394, 689
input · 597; controlling the process of
GUI builders · 690
serialization · 619; DataInput · 593;
guidelines: object development · 83
DataInputStream · 586, 591, 597, 599;
guidelines, coding standards · 1077
DataOutput · 593; DataOutputStream ·
GZIPInputStream · 606
588, 592, 599; DeflaterOutputStream ·
GZIPOutputStream · 606
606; directory lister · 574; directory,
creating directories and paths · 578;
Externalizable · 620; File · 582, 592,
655; File class · 574; File.list( ) · 574;
FileDescriptor · 582; FileInputReader ·
handler, exception · 535
597; FileInputStream · 582;
hardware devices, interfacing with · 1065
FilenameFilter · 574, 653;
has-a · 37
FileOutputStream · 583; FileReader ·
has-a relationship, composition · 289
563, 590; FileWriter · 590, 599;
hash code · 477, 488
FilterInputStream · 582;
hash function · 488
FilterOutputStream · 583; FilterReader ·
hashCode( ) · 473, 477; and hashed data
591; FilterWriter · 591; from standard
structures · 485; issues when writing ·
input · 602; GZIPInputStream · 606;
492; overriding for HashMap · 484
GZIPOutputStream · 606;
hashing · 485; external chaining · 488;
InflaterInputStream · 606; input · 581;
perfect hashing function · 488
InputStream · 581, 913;
HashMap · 476, 500, 733; used with
InputStreamReader · 589, 590, 913;
ArrayList · 652
internationalization · 590; library · 573;
HashSet · 473, 506
lightweight persistence · 613;
Hashtable · 510, 521
LineNumberInputStream · 586;
hasNext( ), Iterator · 457
LineNumberReader · 591; mark( ) · 593;
Hexadecimal · 156
mkdirs( ) · 580; nextToken( ) · 654;
hiding: implementation · 35
ObjectOutputStream · 614; output · 581;
hiding, implementation · 261
OutputStream · 581, 583, 913;
high concept · 75
OutputStreamWriter · 589, 590, 913;
HTML · 948; name · 839; param · 839;
pipe · 581; piped stream · 869; piped
value · 839
streams · 602; PipedInputStream · 582;
HTML on Swing components · 779
PipedOutputStream · 582, 583;
PipedReader · 590; PipedWriter · 590;
PrintStream · 588; PrintWriter · 591,
599, 913; pushBack( ) · 654;
PushbackInputStream · 586;
I/O: and threads, blocking · 860;
PushBackReader · 591;
available( ) · 598; blocking on I/O · 869;
RandomAccessFile · 592, 593, 599;
blocking, and available( ) · 598;
read( ) · 581; readChar( ) · 600;
BufferedInputStream · 586;
readDouble( ) · 600; Reader · 581, 589,
BufferedOutputStream · 588;
590, 913; readExternal( ) · 620;
BufferedReader · 563, 591, 597;
readLine( ) · 565, 591, 599, 600, 603;
BufferedWriter · 591, 599;
readObject( ) · 614; redirecting standard
ByteArrayInputStream · 582;
I/O · 604; renameTo( ) · 580; reset( ) ·
ByteArrayOutputStream · 583;
593; seek( ) · 593, 601;
characteristics of files · 578;
SequenceInputStream · 582, 592;
CharArrayReader · 590;
Serializable · 620; setErr(PrintStream) ·
CharArrayWriter · 590;
604; setIn(InputStream) · 604;
vs composition · 642; vs. composition ·
setOut(PrintStream) · 604;
StreamTokenizer · 591, 639, 653, 682;
initial capacity, of a HashMap or HashSet ·
StringBuffer · 582;
StringBufferInputStream · 582;
initialization: and class loading · 304;
StringReader · 590, 597; StringWriter ·
array initialization · 231; base class ·
590; System.err · 602; System.in · 597,
278; class member · 273; constructor
602; System.out · 602; transient · 624;
initialization during inheritance and
typical I/O configurations · 594;
composition · 281; initializing class
Unicode · 590; write( ) · 581;
members at point of definition · 221;
writeBytes( ) · 600; writeChars( ) · 600;
initializing with the constructor · 191;
writeDouble( ) · 600; writeExternal( ) ·
instance initialization · 229, 375;
620; writeObject( ) · 614; Writer · 581,
member initializers · 332; non-static
589, 590, 913; ZipEntry · 610;
instance initialization · 229; of class
ZipInputStream · 606;
data members · 220; of method
ZipOutputStream · 606
variables · 220; order of initialization ·
Icon · 738
223, 338; static · 306; with inheritance ·
IDL · 982
idltojava · 984
inizialization: lazy · 273
if-else statement · 151, 171
inline method calls · 299
IllegalMonitorStateException · 866
inner class · 365, 799; access rights · 376;
ImageIcon · 738
and super · 385; and overriding · 385;
immutable objects · 1047
and control frameworks · 394; and
implementation · 34; and interface · 288,
Swing · 722; and upcasting · 368;
350; and interface, separating · 36; and
anonymous · 709; anonymous inner
interface, separation · 262; hiding · 35,
class · 576, 875; anonymous inner class
261, 368; separation of interface and
and constructors · 375; anonymous, and
implementation · 722
table-driven code · 502; callback · 391;
implements keyword · 350
closure · 391; hidden reference to the
import keyword · 244
object of the enclosing class · 378;
increment operator · 139
identifiers and .class files · 387; in
incremental development · 291
methods & scopes · 370; inheriting from
indexed property · 818
inner classes · 384; nesting within any
indexing operator [ ] · 231
arbitrary scope · 372; private · 833;
indexOf( ): String · 576, 681
private inner classes · 397; referring to
InflaterInputStream · 606
the outer class object · 381; static inner
inheritance · 38, 260, 271, 275, 311; and
classes · 379
cloning · 1034; and final · 302; and
input: console input · 597
finalize( ) · 333; and synchronized · 858;
InputStream · 581, 913
choosing composition vs. inheritance ·
InputStreamReader · 589, 590, 913
288; class inheritance diagrams · 293;
insertNodeInto( ) · 784
combining composition & inheritance ·
instance: instance initialization · 375; non-
281; designing with inheritance · 339;
static instance initialization · 229
diagram · 47; extending a class during ·
instance of a class · 31
41; extending interfaces with
instanceof: dynamic instanceof · 671;
inheritance · 358; from an abstract class
keyword · 666
· 326; from inner classes · 384;
Integer: parseInt( ) · 776
inheritance and method overloading vs.
Integer wrapper class · 233
overriding · 286; initialization with
interface: and implementation, separation
inheritance · 304; multiple inheritance
· 262; and inheritance · 358; base-class
in C++ and Java · 354; pure inheritance
interface · 320; Cloneable interface used
vs. extension · 341; specialization · 289;
as a flag · 1022; common interface · 325;
library · 440; public Java seminars · 11;
defining the class · 88; for an object ·
versions · 22
32; graphical user interface (GUI) · 394,
Java 1.1: I/O streams · 589
689; implementation, separation of · 36;
Java AWT · 689
initializing fields in interfaces · 361;
Java Foundation Classes (JFC/Swing) ·
keyword · 349; nesting interfaces within
classes and other interfaces · 362;
Java operators · 133
private, as nested interfaces · 364;
Java programs, running from the
Runnable · 836; separation of interface
Windows Explorer · 705
and implementation · 722; upcasting to
Java Server Pages (JSP) · 960
an interface · 353; user · 78; vs. abstract
Java Virtual Machine · 662
· 356; vs. implemenation · 288
JavaBeans: see Beans · 800
Interface Definition Language (IDL) · 982
javac · 121
interfaces: name collisions when
javah · 1067
combining interfaces · 356
JButton · 738
interfacing with hardware devices · 1065
JButton, Swing · 706
internationalization, in I/O library · 590
JCheckBox · 738, 748
Internet: Internet Protocol · 905; Internet
JCheckboxMenuItem · 765
Service Provider (ISP) · 699
JCheckBoxMenuItem · 760
interrupt( ) · 873
JComboBox · 751
InterruptedException · 827
JComponent · 740, 768
intranet · 693; and applets · 693
JDBC: createStatement( ) · 930; database
Introspector · 805
URL · 928; DatabaseMetaData · 938;
IP (Internet Protocol) · 905
executeQuery( ) · 930; flat-file database
is-a · 341; relationship, inheritance · 289;
· 932; getFloat( ) · 930; getInt( ) · 930;
relationship, inheritance & upcasting ·
getString( ) · 930; Java DataBase
292; vs. is-like-a relationships · 42
Connectivity · 927; join · 932; relational
isDaemon( ) · 840
database · 933; ResultSet · 930; SQL
isDataFlavorSupported( ) · 792
stored procedures · 935; Statement ·
isInstance · 671
930; Structured Query Language (SQL)
isInterface( ) · 677
· 927
is-like-a · 342
JDialog · 771; menus · 759
ISP (Internet Service Provider) · 699
JDK: downloading and installing · 121
iteration, in program development · 84
JFC: Java Foundation Classes
iterator · 456
(JFC/Swing) · 689
Iterator · 456, 463, 500; hasNext( ) · 457;
JFileChooser · 776
next( ) · 457
JFrame · 704, 713; menus · 759
iterator( ) · 463
Jini · 1003
JIT: Just-In Time compilers · 98
JLabel · 695, 743
JList · 753
JMenu · 759, 765
Jacobsen, Ivar · 1093
JMenuBar · 759, 766
JApplet · 713; menus · 759
JMenuItem · 738, 759, 765, 766, 768
JAR · 816; archive tag, for HTML and JAR
JNI functions · 1069
files · 793; file · 245; jar files and
JNICALL · 1068
classpath · 249; packaging applets to
JNIEnv · 1069
optimize loading · 793
JAR utility · 611
join · 932
Java · 99; and pointers · 1013; and set-top
JOptionPane · 756
boxes · 146; capitalization style source-
JPanel · 713, 736, 768, 894
code checking tool · 645; compiling and
JPopupMenu · 766
running a program · 121; containers
list boxes · 753
JProgressBar · 781
listener adapters · 729
JRadioButton · 738, 750
listener classes · 799
JScrollPane · 712, 744, 755, 784
listener interfaces · 728
JSlider · 781
listeners and events · 723
JSP · 960
Lister, Timothy · 1095
JTabbedPane · 755
ListIterator · 467
JTable · 784
literal: class literal · 664, 669; double · 156;
JTextArea · 711, 790
float · 156; long · 156; values · 155
JTextField · 708, 740
load factor, of a HashMap or HashSet · 491
JTextPane · 747
loading: .class files · 247; initialization &
JToggleButton · 736
class loading · 304; loding a class · 305
JTree · 781
local loopback IP address · 907
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) · 662
localhost · 907; and RMI · 977
lock, for multithreading · 848
logarithms: natural logarithms · 156
logical: AND · 154; operator and short-
circuiting · 144; operators · 143; OR ·
keyboard navigation, and Swing · 691
keyboard shortcuts · 765
long, literal value marker (L) · 156
keySet( ) · 511
Look & Feel: Pluggable · 787
keywords: class · 32, 38
lvalue · 134
Koenig, Andrew · 1079
main( ) · 277
label · 178
maintenance, program · 85
labeled break · 178
management obstacles · 95
labeled continue · 178
manifest file, for JAR files · 611, 816
late binding · 45, 311, 316
map · 477
layout: controlling layout with layout
Map · 408, 439, 440, 476, 508
managers · 712
Map.Entry · 486
lazy inizialization · 273
mark( ) · 593
left-shift operator (<<) · 147
Math.random( ) · 480; values produced by
length, array member · 232
· 186
length, for arrays · 409
mathematical operators · 137
less than (<) · 141
max( ) · 512
less than or equal to (<=) · 141
member: member function · 35; object · 37
lexicographic vs. alphabetic sorting · 436
member initializers · 332
library: creator, vs. client programmer ·
memory exhaustion, solution via
243; design · 243; use · 244
References · 495
LIFO · 471
mentoring: and training · 95, 96
lightweight: Swing components · 691
menu: JPopupMenu · 766
lightweight persistence · 613
menus: JDialog, JApplet, JFrame · 759
LineNumberInputStream · 586
message box, in Swing · 756
LineNumberReader · 591
message, sending · 33
linked list · 440
meta-class · 662
LinkedList · 467, 472, 505
method: adding more methods to a design
list: drop-down list · 751
· 268; aliasing during a method call ·
List · 408, 439, 440, 467, 753; sorting and
1014; aliasing during method calls · 136;
searching · 511
behavior of polymorphic methods inside
name, HTML keyword · 839
constructors · 337; distinguishing
Naming: bind( ) · 976; rebind( ) · 978;
overloaded methods · 196; final · 316,
unbind( ) · 978
339; final methods · 299; initialization
narrowing conversion · 155, 170, 201
of method variables · 220; inline
native method interface (NMI) in Java 1.0
method calls · 299; inner classes in
· 1065
methods & scopes · 370; lookup tool ·
natural logarithms · 156
724; method call binding · 315;
nesting interfaces · 362
overloading · 194; passing a reference
network programming · 904; accept( ) ·
into a method · 1014; polymorphic
909; client · 907; Common-Gateway
method call · 311; private · 339;
Interface (CGI) · 948; datagrams · 923;
protected methods · 290; recursive ·
dedicated connection · 917; displaying a
459; static · 206; synchronized method
Web page from within an applet · 923;
and blocking · 860
DNS (Domain Name System) · 905;
Method · 808; for reflection · 678
dotted quad · 905; getInputStream( ) ·
MethodDescriptors · 808
909; getOutputStream( ) · 909; HTML ·
methodology, analysis and design · 71
948; identifying machines · 905;
Meyers, Scott · 35
Internet Protocol (IP) · 905; Java
Microsoft · 820; Visual Basic · 800
DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) · 927;
min( ) · 512
local loopback IP address · 907;
mission statement · 75
localhost · 907; multithreading · 917;
mistakes, and design · 268
port · 908; reliable protocol · 923;
mkdirs( ) · 580
server · 907; serving multiple clients ·
mnemonics (keyboard shortcuts) · 765
917; showDocument( ) · 924; Socket ·
modulus · 137
915; stream-based sockets · 923; testing
monitor, for multithreading · 848
programs without a network · 907;
multicast · 814; event, and JavaBeans ·
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ·
854; multicast events · 796
923; unreliable protocol · 923; URL ·
multidimensional arrays · 236
925; User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ·
Multimedia CD ROM for book · 20
multiparadigm programming · 31
new operator · 207; and primitives, array ·
multiple inheritance, in C++ and Java ·
newInstance( ) · 737; reflection · 676
multiplication · 137
next( ), Iterator · 457
multiply-nested class · 383
nextToken( ) · 654
MultiStringMap · 652
NMI: Java 1.0 native method interface ·
multitasking · 825
multithreading · 825, 917; and containers ·
no-arg: constructors · 196
514; and JavaBeans · 854; blocking ·
non-Java code, calling · 1065
859; deadlock · 865; deciding what
North, BorderLayout · 713
methods to synchronize · 858;
NOT: logical (!) · 143
drawbacks · 899; Runnable · 891;
not equivalent (!=) · 141
servlets · 954; when to use it · 899
notify( ) · 860
multi-tiered systems · 796
notifyAll( ) · 860
notifyListeners( ) · 858
null · 107, 411; garbage collection, allowing
cleanup · 397
NullPointerException · 550
name · 697; clash · 244; collisions · 250;
numbers, binary · 156
creating unique package names · 247;
spaces · 244
name collisions when combining interfaces
· 356
141; shift · 147; ternary · 151; unary · 139,
optional methods, in the Java 2 containers
object · 31; aliasing · 136; arrays are first-
· 516
class objects · 409; assigning objects by
OR · 154; (||) · 143
copying references · 134; assignment
order: of constructor calls with inheritance
and reference copying · 134; business
· 330; of finalization of objects · 336; of
object/logic · 796; Class object · 633,
initialization · 223, 304, 338
662, 848; creation · 192; equals( )
organization, code · 255
method · 142; equivalence · 141;
OutputStream · 581, 583, 913
equivalence vs reference equivalence ·
OutputStreamWriter · 589, 590, 913
142; final · 295; five stages of object
overflow: and primitive types · 169
design · 82; guidelines for object
overloading: and constructors · 194;
development · 83; immutable objects ·
distinguishing overloaded methods ·
1047; interface to · 32; lock, for
196; lack of name hiding during
multithreading · 848; member · 37;
inheritance · 286; method overloading ·
object-oriented programming · 660;
194; on return values · 202; operator +
order of finalization of objects · 336;
and += overloading for String · 277;
process of creation · 227; reference
operator overloading · 153; operator
equivalence vs. object equivalence ·
overloading for String · 1054;
1025; serialization · 613; web of objects ·
overloading vs. overriding · 286; vs.
614, 1020
overriding · 324
Object · 408; clone( ) · 1021, 1025;
overriding: and inner classes · 385;
getClass( ) · 674; hashCode( ) · 477;
function · 42; overloading vs. overriding
standard root class, default inheritance
· 286; vs. overloading · 324
from · 275; wait( ) and notify( ) methods
· 866
object-oriented: analysis and design · 71;
basic concepts of object-oriented
programming (OOP) · 29
package · 244; access, and friendly · 255;
ObjectOutputStream · 614
and applets · 699; and directory
obstacles, management · 95
structure · 254; creating unique package
Octal · 156
names · 247; default package · 257;
ODBC · 928
names, capitalization · 116; visibility,
OMG · 981
friendly · 368
ones complement operator · 146
paintComponent( ) · 768, 776
OOP · 262; analysis and design · 71; basic
Painting on a JPanel in Swing · 768
characteristics · 31; basic concepts of
pair programming · 90
object-oriented programming · 29;
paralysis, analysis · 72
protocol · 350; Simula programming
param, HTML keyword · 839
language · 32; substitutability · 31
parameter, applet · 697
operator · 133; + and += overloading for
parameterized type · 455
String · 277; +, for String · 1054; == and
parseInt( ) · 776
!= · 1025; binary · 146; bitwise · 146;
pass: pass by value · 1018; passing a
casting · 154; comma · 152; comma
reference into a method · 1014
operator · 175; common pitfalls · 153;
Pattern: Command Pattern · 575
indexing operator [ ] · 231; logical · 143;
patterns, design · 86, 94
logical operators and short-circuiting ·
patterns, design patterns · 266
144; ones-complement · 146; operator
perfect hashing function · 488
overloading for String · 1054;
performance: and final · 302
overloading · 153; precedence · 134;
performance issues · 96
precedence mnemonic · 158; relational ·
Perl programming language · 705
programming: basic concepts of object-
persistence · 630; lightweight persistence ·
oriented programming (OOP) · 29;
coding standards · 1077; event-driven
PhantomReference · 495
programming · 707; Extreme
pipe · 581
Programming (XP) · 88, 1093; in the
piped stream · 869
large · 92; multiparadigm · 31; object-
piped streams · 602
oriented · 660; pair · 90
PipedInputStream · 582
progress bar · 780
PipedOutputStream · 582, 583
promotion: of primitive types · 169; type
PipedReader · 590
promotion · 157
PipedWriter · 590
Properties · 652
planning, software development · 74
property · 801; bound properties · 818;
Plauger, P.J. · 1094
constrained properties · 818; custom
Pluggable Look & Feel · 787
property editor · 818; custom property
pointer: Java exclusion of pointers · 391
sheet · 818; indexed property · 818
pointers, and Java · 1013
PropertyChangeEvent · 818
polymorphism · 44, 311, 346, 660, 685;
PropertyDescriptors · 808
and constructors · 330; behavior of
ProptertyVetoException · 818
polymorphic methods inside
protected · 36, 243, 255, 260, 290; and
constructors · 337
friendly · 290; is also friendly · 261;
port · 908
more accessible than friendly · 335; use
portability in C, C++ and Java · 158
in clone( ) · 1021
position, absolute, when laying out Swing
protocol · 350; unreliable protocol · 923
components · 716
prototyping: rapid · 86
precedence: operator precedence
public · 36, 243, 255, 256; and interface ·
mnemonic · 158
350; class, and compilation units · 245
prerequisites, for this book · 29
pure: substitution · 42
primitive: comparison · 142; containers of
pure inheritance, vs. extension · 341
primitives · 412; data types, and use
pure substitution · 342
with operators · 159; dealing with the
pushBack( ) · 654
immutability of primitive wrapper
PushbackInputStream · 586
classes · 1047; final · 294; final static
PushBackReader · 591
primitives · 296; initialization of class
put( ), HashMap · 481
data members · 220; wrappers · 481
Python · 81, 99
primitive types · 105
printInfo( ) · 677
printing arrays · 417
println( ) · 458
printStackTrace( ) · 543, 545
PrintStream · 588
queue · 440, 472
PrintWriter · 591, 599, 913
priority: default priority for a Thread
group · 882; thread · 877
private · 36, 243, 255, 258, 290, 848;
illusion of overriding private methods ·
RAD (Rapid Application Development) ·
299; inner class · 833; inner classes ·
397; interfaces, when nested · 364;
radio button · 750
methods · 339
random number generator, values
problem space · 30, 291
produced by · 186
process, and threading · 825
random( ) · 480
program: maintenance · 85
RandomAccessFile · 592, 593, 599
programmer, client · 35
rapid prototyping · 86
RMI: AlreadyBoundException · 978; and
reachable objects and garbage collection ·
CORBA · 989; bind( ) · 976; localhost ·
977; rebind( ) · 978; Remote · 974;
read( ) · 581
remote interface · 974; Remote Method
readChar( ) · 600
Invocation · 973; remote object registry ·
readDouble( ) · 600
976; RemoteException · 974, 980; rmic ·
Reader · 581, 589, 590, 869, 913
979; rmic and classpath · 979;
readExternal( ) · 620
rmiregistry · 976; RMISecurityManager
reading from standard input · 602
· 976; Serializable arguments · 978;
readLine( ) · 565, 591, 599, 600, 603
skeleton · 978; stub · 978; TCP/IP · 977;
readObject( ) · 614; with Serializable · 627
unbind( ) · 978; UnicastRemoteObject ·
rebind( ) · 978
recursion, unintended via toString() · 459
rmic · 979
redirecting standard I/O · 604
rmiregistry · 976
refactoring · 85
RMISecurityManager · 976
reference: assigning objects by copying
rollover · 740
references · 134; equivalence vs object
RTTI: and cloning · 1025; cast · 661; Class ·
equivalence · 142; final · 295; finding
737; Class object · 662;
exact type of a base reference · 662; null
ClassCastException · 666; Constructor ·
· 107; reference equivalence vs. object
678; difference between RTTI and
equivalence · 1025
reflection · 679; downcast · 666; Field ·
Reference, from java.lang.ref · 495
678; getConstructor( ) · 737; instanceof
referencing, forward referencing · 222
keyword · 666; isInstance · 671; meta-
reflection · 677, 678, 724, 804; and Beans ·
class · 662; Method · 678;
801; difference between RTTI and
newInstance( ) · 737; reflection · 677;
reflection · 679
run-time type identification (RTTI) ·
reflection example · 736
344; type-safe downcast · 665; using the
registry: remote object registry · 976
Class object · 674
relational: database · 933; operators · 141
Rumbaugh, James · 1093
reliable protocol · 923
runFinalizersOnExit( ) · 335
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) · 973
Runnable · 891; interface · 836; Thread ·
RemoteException · 980
removeActionListener( ) · 812, 857
running a Java program · 121
removeXXXListener( ) · 723
run-time binding · 316; polymorphism ·
renameTo( ) · 580
reporting errors in book · 23
run-time type identification: (RTTI) · 344;
request, in OOP · 33
misuse · 685; shape example · 659;
requirements analysis · 75
when to use it · 685
reset( ) · 593
RuntimeException · 408, 550
ResultSet · 930
rvalue · 134
resume( ) · 860, 864; and deadlocks · 873;
deprecation in Java 2 · 875
resumption, termination vs. resumption,
exception handling · 536
re-throwing an exception · 545
return: an array · 413; constructor return
safety, and applet restrictions · 692
value · 193; overloading on return value
scenario · 77
· 202
scheduling · 79
reusability · 37
scope: inner class nesting within any
reuse · 83; code reuse · 271; existing class
arbitrary scope · 372; inner classes in
libraries · 94; reusable code · 800
methods & scopes · 370; use case · 84
right-shift operator (>>) · 147
scrolling in Swing · 712
searching: sorting and searching Lists · 511
signed two's complement · 151
searching an array · 437
Simula programming language · 32
section, critical section and synchronized
Simula-67 · 262
block · 852
sine wave · 768
seek( ) · 593, 601
singleton: design pattern · 266
seminars: public Java seminars · 11;
size( ), ArrayList · 451
training, provided by Bruce Eckel · 23
Size, of a HashMap or HashSet · 491
sending a message · 33
sizeof( ): lack of in Java · 158
separating business logic from UI logic ·
skeleton, RMI · 978
sleep( ) · 827, 846, 860, 862
separation of interface and
slider · 780
implementation · 36, 262, 722
Smalltalk · 31, 207
SequenceInputStream · 582, 592
Socket · 915
Serializable · 613, 620, 625, 637, 814;
sockets, stream-based · 923
readObject( ) · 627; writeObject( ) · 627
SoftReference · 495
serialization: and object storage · 630; and
software: development methodology · 72
transient · 624; controlling the process
Software Development Conference · 10
of serialization · 619;
solution space · 30
defaultReadObject( ) · 629;
sorting · 431; and searching Lists · 511
defaultWriteObject( ) · 629; RMI
source code copyright notice · 20
arguments · 978; to perform deep
South, BorderLayout · 713
copying · 1032; Versioning · 630
space: problem · 30; solution · 30
server · 907
specialization · 289
servlet · 948; multithreading · 954;
specification: system specification · 75
running servlets with Tomcat · 960;
specification, exception · 542
session tracking · 955
specifier: access specifiers · 36, 243, 255
session: and JSP · 969
SQL: stored procedures · 935; Structured
session tracking, with servlets · 955
Query Language · 927
Set · 408, 439, 440, 473, 506
Stack · 471, 521
setActionCommand( ) · 765
standard input: Reading from standard
setBorder( ) · 743
input · 602
setContents( ) · 792
standards: coding standards · 22, 1077
setDaemon( ) · 840
startup costs · 95
setDefaultCloseOperation( ) · 704
stateChanged( ) · 771
setErr(PrintStream) · 604
statement: mission · 75
setIcon( ) · 740
Statement · 930
setIn(InputStream) · 604
static · 350; and final · 294; block · 228;
setLayout( ) · 713
clause · 664; construction clause · 228;
setMnemonic( ) · 765
data initialization · 225; final static
setOut(PrintStream) · 604
primitives · 296; initialization · 306;
setPriority( ) · 878
inner classes · 379; keyword · 206;
setToolTipText( ) · 740
method · 206; synchronized static · 848
shallow copy · 1019, 1027
STL: C++ · 440
shape: example · 39, 316; example, and
stop( ): and deadlocks · 873; deprecation
run-time type identification · 659
in Java 2 · 873
shift operators · 147
stored procedures in SQL · 935
short-circuit, and logical operators · 144
stream, I/O · 581
shortcut, keyboard · 765
stream-based sockets · 923
show( ) · 773
StreamTokenizer · 591, 639, 653, 682
showDocument( ) · 924
String: automatic type conversion · 454;
shuffle( ) · 512
class methods · 1052; concatenation
side effect · 133, 141, 202, 1016
with operator + · 153; immutability ·
sign extension · 147
1052; indexOf( ) · 576, 681;
table-driven code, and anonymous inner
lexicographic vs. alphabetic sorting ·
classes · 502
436; methods · 1056; operator + · 454;
TCP, Transmission Control Protocol · 923
Operator + · 153; operator + and +=
TCP/IP, and RMI · 977
overloading · 277; toString( ) · 272, 452
template: in C++ · 455
StringBuffer · 582; methods · 1058
termination vs. resumption, exception
StringBufferInputStream · 582
handling · 536
ternary operator · 151
StringReader · 590, 597
StringSelection · 792
testing: automated · 89; Extreme
StringTokenizer · 642
Programming (XP) · 88; unit testing ·
StringWriter · 590
testing techniques · 381
struts, in BoxLayout · 717
stub, RMI · 978
this keyword · 203
style of creating classes · 262
Thread · 825, 827; and JavaBeans · 854;
and Runnable · 891; blocked · 859;
subobject · 278, 288
combined with main class · 834;
substitutability, in OOP · 31
daemon threads · 840; dead · 859;
substitution: principle · 42
deadlock · 872; deciding what methods
subtraction · 137
to synchronize · 858; destroy( ) · 877;
super · 280; and finalize( ) · 335; and inner
classes · 385
drawbacks · 899; getPriority( ) · 878;
super keyword · 278
I/O and threads, blocking · 860;
super.clone( ) · 1021, 1025, 1041
interrupt( ) · 873; isDaemon( ) · 840;
superclass · 278
new Thread · 859; notify( ) · 860;
suspend( ) · 860, 864; and deadlocks · 873;
notifyAll( ) · 860; order of execution of
deprecation in Java 2 · 875
threads · 831; priority · 877; properly
Swing · 689
suspending & resuming · 874; resume( )
Swing component examples · 734
· 860, 864; resume( ) , deprecation in
Swing components, using HTML with ·
Java 2 · 875; resume( ), and deadlocks ·
873; run( ) · 829; Runnable · 859;
Runnable interface · 836; setDaemon( )
Swing event model · 722, 794
switch keyword · 183
· 840; setPriority( ) · 878; sharing
limited resources · 842; sleep( ) · 846,
synchronized · 59, 848; and inheritance ·
858; and wait( ) & notify( ) · 866;
860, 862; start( ) · 830; states · 859;
containers · 514; deciding what methods
stop( ) , deprecation in Java 2 · 873;
to synchronize · 858; efficiency · 853;
stop( ), and deadlocks · 873; stopping ·
873; suspend( ) · 860, 864; suspend( ) ,
method, and blocking · 860; static ·
848; synchronized block · 852
deprecation in Java 2 · 875; suspend( ),
and deadlocks · 873; synchronized
system clipboard · 790
method and blocking · 860; thread
system specification · 75
System.arraycopy( ) · 429
group · 882; thread group, default
priority · 882; threads and efficiency ·
System.err · 538, 602
System.gc( ) · 213
828; wait( ) · 860, 866; when they can
System.in · 597, 602
be suspended · 847; when to use threads
System.out · 602
· 899; yield( ) · 860
System.out.println( ) · 458
throw keyword · 534
Throwable · 547; base class for Exception ·
System.runFinalization( ) · 213
throwing an exception · 533
time-critical code sections · 1065
toArray( ) · 511
token · 639
tabbed dialog · 755
Tokenizing · 639
table · 784
updates of the book · 22
Tomcat, standard servlet container · 960
URL · 925
tool tips · 740
use case · 76; iteration · 84; scope · 84
TooManyListenersException · 796, 814
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) · 923
toString( ) · 272, 452, 458, 500
user interface · 78; and threads, for
training · 93; and mentoring · 95, 96
responsiveness · 831; responsive, with
training seminars provided by Bruce Eckel
threading · 826
· 23
Transferable · 792
transient keyword · 624
translation unit · 245
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) · 923
tree · 781
value: preventing change at run-time · 294
TreeMap · 476, 510, 642
value, HTML keyword · 839
TreeSet · 473, 506
variable: defining a variable · 174;
true · 143
initialization of method variables · 220;
try · 286, 554; try block in exceptions · 535
variable argument lists (unknown
two's complement, signed · 151
quantity and type of arguments) · 235
type: base · 39; data type equivalence to
vector: of change · 86
class · 33; derived · 39; finding exact
Vector · 505, 519, 521
type of a base reference · 662;
vector of change · 397
parameterized type · 455; primitive ·
versioning, serialization · 630
105; primitive data types and use with
versions of Java · 22
operators · 159; type checking and
visibility, package visibility, (friendly) ·
arrays · 408; type safety in Java · 154;
type-safe downcast in run-time type
visual: programming · 800
identification · 665; weak typing · 45
Visual Basic, Microsoft · 800
TYPE field, for primitive class literals · 665
visual programming environments · 690
type safe sets of constants · 361
type-conscious ArrayList · 454
wait( ) · 860, 866
Waldrop, M. Mitchell · 1095
UDP, User Datagram Protocol · 923
weak: weakly typed language · 45
UML · 81; indicating composition · 37;
WeakHashMap · 498
Unified Modeling Language · 35, 1093
WeakReference · 495
unary: minus (-) · 139; operator · 146;
Web: displaying a Web page from within
operators · 139; plus (+) · 139
an applet · 923; placing an applet inside
unbind( ) · 978
a Web page · 695; safety, and applet
unicast · 814; unicast events · 796
restrictions · 692
UnicastRemoteObject · 974
web of objects · 614, 1020
Unicode · 590
West, BorderLayout · 713
Unified Modeling Language (UML) · 35,
while · 172
widening conversion · 155
unit testing · 277
wild-card · 73
unmodifiable, making a Collection or Map
WindowAdapter · 704
unmodifiable · 513
windowClosing( ) · 704, 771
unsupported methods, in the Java 2
windowed applications · 700
containers · 516
Windows Explorer, running Java
UnsupportedOperationException · 516
programs from · 705
upcasting · 47, 291, 312, 660; and interface
· 353; inner classes and upcasting · 368
wrapper, dealing with the immutability of
primitive wrapper classes · 1047
write( ) · 581
yield( ) · 860
writeBytes( ) · 600
writeChars( ) · 600
writeDouble( ) · 600
writeExternal( ) · 620
writeObject( ) · 614; with Serializable · 627
Writer · 581, 589, 590, 869, 913
zero extension · 147
ZipEntry · 610
ZipInputStream · 606
ZipOutputStream · 606
XOR · 146
XP, Extreme Programming · 88
for in-depth details
and the date and location
of the next
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Thinking in C: Foundations for Java & C++ CD ROM
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This CD is provided as a supplement to the book "Thinking in Java 2nd
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Thinking in C: Foundations for Java & C++
Multimedia Seminar-on-CD ROM
©2000 MindView, Inc. All rights reserved.
The CD ROM packaged with this book is a multimedia seminar consisting
of synchronized slides and audio lectures. The goal of this seminar is to
introduce you to the aspects of C that are necessary for you to move on to
C++ or Java, leaving out the unpleasant parts that C programmers must
deal with on a day-to-day basis but that the C++ and Java languages steer
you away from. The CD also contains this book in HTML form along with
the source code for the book.
This CD ROM will work with Windows (with a sound system). However,
you must:
1. Install the most recent version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Because of the features provided on the CD, it will NOT work
with Netscape Navigator. The Internet Explorer software
for Windows 9X/NT is included on the CD.
2. Install Microsoft's Windows Media Player. The Media Player
software for Windows 9X/NT is included on the CD.
You can also go to
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer and
follow the instructions or links there to download and install the
Media Player for your particular platform.
3. At this point you should be able to play the lectures on the CD.
Using the Internet Explorer Web browser, open the file
Install.html that you'll find on the CD. This will introduce you
to the CD and provide further instructions about the use of the
Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction to Objects:The progress of abstraction, An object has an interface
  2. Everything is an Object:You manipulate objects with references, Your first Java program
  3. Controlling Program Flow:Using Java operators, Execution control, true and false
  4. Initialization & Cleanup:Method overloading, Member initialization
  5. Hiding the Implementation:the library unit, Java access specifiers, Interface and implementation
  6. Reusing Classes:Composition syntax, Combining composition and inheritance
  7. Polymorphism:Upcasting revisited, The twist, Designing with inheritance
  8. Interfaces & Inner Classes:Extending an interface with inheritance, Inner class identifiers
  9. Holding Your Objects:Container disadvantage, List functionality, Map functionality
  10. Error Handling with Exceptions:Basic exceptions, Catching an exception
  11. The Java I/O System:The File class, Compression, Object serialization, Tokenizing input
  12. Run-time Type Identification:The need for RTTI, A class method extractor
  13. Creating Windows & Applets:Applet restrictions, Running applets from the command line
  14. Multiple Threads:Responsive user interfaces, Sharing limited resources, Runnable revisited
  15. Distributed Computing:Network programming, Servlets, CORBA, Enterprise JavaBeans
  16. A: Passing & Returning Objects:Aliasing, Making local copies, Cloning objects
  17. B: The Java Native Interface (JNI):Calling a native method, the JNIEnv argument
  18. Java Programming Guidelines:Design, Implementation
  19. Resources:Software, Books, My own list of books
  20. Index