

Chapter - 4
C. M. Janet
Fundamental to the success of materials science and technology is the availability of
high-quality materials exhibiting specific tailor-made properties together with an
appropriate shape and microstructure. Solution based methods especially water based
mathods offer numerous advantages. Cheap and easy to handle precursors, low cost,
simple equipments, low energy input and the eco-friendly nature are few of them.
Moreover they allow the easy tailoring of synthesis parameters throughout the whole
process, which may be exploited to achieve a more precise control of composition, shape
and size of the resulting material. Since the synthesis route determines the properties of
the material, the preparation method chosen is very important when designing materials
for specific applications. Wet chemical routes for the synthesis of nanostructures are a
valuable alternative to conventional processing and gas phase synthesis, with known
commercial applications. Solvothermal methods and hydrothermal methods are
extensively used in the synthesis of materials of novel shape and properties. The majority
of the metal organic frameworks reported to date have been synthesized using solution
based methods under bench-top conditions (20-80 °C, 1 atm). Hydrothermal synthesis
especially has the attraction that it favors the condensation of M-OH into M-O-M bonds,
allowing the preparation of materials with multidimensional metal-oxygen frameworks
[1]. Recognizing that most metal salts are preferentially soluble in polar solvents, for
example, water, and that the opposite is true for many organic reactants, utilizing a higher
temperature and biphasic solvothermal method appears advantageous for synthesizing
many classes of hybrid materials. Reaction at the interface of two immiscible solvents is
a common technique for crystallizing compounds at low to moderate temperatures (<100
°C) and is commonly used to prepare hybrid inorganic-organic materials, in addition to
other products. The use of biphasic solvothermal synthesis has a number of attractions
over conventional hydro-/solvothermal methods. The basic concept that underlies in wet
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
chemical methods or solvothermal methods are the principles of solubility. Hence, it is
important to have a clear understanding of the fundamentals of solubility to that its use in
synthetic procedures.
A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. One of the substances is
called a solvent (a substance in which other substance or substances are dissolved). The
substances dissolved in a solvent are called solutes. A solution can exist in a solid, liquid
or gas form depending on mixed substances and external conditions such as temperature
and pressure. According to a chemists' perspective solubility can be understood as a
maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent at so called equilibrium. In
chemistry, equilibrium is a state where reactants and products reach a balance which
means that no more solute can be dissolved in the solvent in the set conditions
(temperature, pressure). Such a solution is called a saturated solution. There are two
groups of substances in case of which solubility measure cannot be applied. These are
miscible and immiscible substances. Some solvents, like water and alcohol, can be mixed
together and create a homogenous phase in any proportion. A solubility measure cannot
be applied to such two substances. Such substances are called miscible. On the other hand
if two substances cannot be mixed together (like water and oil), they are called
immiscible [2].
In the process of dissolving, molecules of the solute are inserted into a solvent and
surrounded by its molecules. For this process to take place, molecular bonds between
molecules of solute as well as that of solvent have to be disrupted. Both of these require
energy. For example when sugar dissolves in water, new bonds between sugar and water
are created. During this process energy is given off. The amount of this energy is
sufficient to break bonds between molecules of sugar and between molecules of water.
This example is relevant to any solute and solvent. If the bonds between the solvent and
solute are too strong and there is not enough energy provided to break them while
dissolving, the solute will not dissolve. The same energy rule can be applied to salts. Salts
composed of positive and negative ions which are bound together by the force of
attraction of their opposite charges. In cases where energy needed to break their ionic
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
bonds is lower, the dissolution of salts can take place only if the sufficient energy is given
off by an interaction of the ions with solvent.
Salts that are considered to be soluble are Group I and ammonium (NH4+)
compounds, nitrates, acetates, chlorides, bromides and iodides (except: silver (Ag+), lead
(II) (Pb2+), mercury (I) (Hg2
), copper (Cu+) halides) and sulphates (except: Silver
(Ag+), lead (Pb2+), barium (II) (Ba2+), strontium (II) (Sr2+) and calcium(II) (Ca2+) ). Those
which are insoluble are carbonates except Group I, ammonium (NH4+) and uranyl
compounds, sulfites except Group I and NH4+ compounds, phosphates except Group I
and NH4+ compounds, hydroxides and oxides except Group I, NH4+, barium (Ba2+),
strontium (Sr2+) and thallium (Tl+) and sulfides except Group I, Group II and NH4+
compounds. The solubility principle that holds well in the case of organic compounds is
"Like dissolves like".
Solubility product constant is a simplified equilibrium constant (Ksp) defined for
equilibrium between a solid and its respective ions in a solution. Its value indicates the
degree to which a compound dissociates in water. The higher the solubility product
constant, the more soluble the compound is. The expression for Ksp for a salt is the
product of the concentrations of the ions, with each concentration raised to a power equal
to the coefficient of that ion in the balanced equation for the solubility equilibrium.
Solubility product constants are used to describe saturated solutions of ionic compounds
of relatively low solubility. A saturated solution is in a state of dynamic equilibrium
between the dissolved, dissociated, ionic compound and the undissolved solid. For Silver
chloride Kc is given in the following equation.
------------------ (1)
Where [Ag+] and [Cl-] reperesent concentrations of ions of Ag+ and Cl- and [AgCl] is a
value representing the amount of moles in a liter of solid AgCl. [AgCl] is a constant and
therefore, the equation can be written as
Kc [AgCl] = [Ag+] [Cl-]
--------------------- (2)
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
The product of equilibrium concentartions of Ag+ and Cl- is equal to a constant. This
constant is called as solubility product constant or Ksp [3].
3.1 Significance of Le Chatelier's Principle in Solubility Concept
Once a system has reached equilibrium, the relative concentrations or pressures of the
species in the reaction do not change. However, if you disturb the system in some way,
the equilibrium will adjust until a new equilibrium is established. Le Chatelier's principle
states that "If a system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in temperature, pressure,
or the concentration of one of the components, the system will shift its equilibrium
position so as to counteract the effect of the disturbance". The ionic product (IP) is
simply a measure of the ions present in the solvent. This may sound trivial but, in fact, it
is not always straightforward and the concept opens up a number of interesting features
of how salts behave in solution. The product of the soluble ions of a salt in solution is
called the ionic product. The solubility product (Ksp) is the ionic product when the
system is in equilibrium. When the ionic product exceeds the solubility product,
precipitation will happen according to the Le Chatelier's principle. From equation (2) this
can be understood. Any kind of precipitation is thus governed by the Lechatlier principle.
One of the day to day significance of ionic and solubility products are that they are the
demineralisation and stability. Addition of a common ion affects the ionic product. This
has important implications in the mouth since the concentration of calcium and phosphate
ions in saliva and plaque fluid can be influenced by external factors. Solubility principles
in the case of gases are quite different from that of solids and liquids. As the materials of
interest are mostly in solid state the solubility principles of gases are not dealt here.
3.2 Temperature and Pressure Effects on Solubility
Heat + Solid sugar + Water = Dissolved sugar ------------ (3)
The equation (3) represents two processes: dissolution going left to right, and
crystallization going right to left. When the sugar crystals are dissolving at exactly the
same rate that sugar is crystallizing out of solution, the system is at equilibrium. The
balance between dissolution and crystallization can be changed by changing the
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
temperature of the solution. Adding heat will favor dissolution. Cooling the solution will
favor crystallization.
The temperature dependence of solubility is also usually explained using Le Chatelier's
principle. Le Chatelier's principle predicts that heating the solution mixture will shift the
equilibrium in favor of dissolution, to remove the added heat. This explains why sugar is
more soluble in hot water than in cold. The solubility of a substance is its concentration
in a saturated solution. Substances with solubilities much less than 1 g/100 mL of solvent
are usually considered insoluble. The solubility is sometimes called "equilibrium
solubility" because the rates at which solute dissolves and is deposited out of solution are
equal at this concentration.
The solubility of solutes is dependent on temperature. When a solid dissolves in a
liquid, a change in the physical state of the solid analogous to melting takes place. Heat is
required to break the bonds holding the molecules in the solid together. At the same time,
heat is given off during the formation of new solute-solvent bonds.
(a) Decrease in Solubility with Temperature:
If the heat given off in the dissolving process is greater than the heat required to break
apart the solid, the net dissolving reaction is exothermic (energy given off). The addition
of more heat (increases temperature) inhibits the dissolving reaction since excess heat is
already being produced by the reaction. This situation is not very common where an
increase in temperature produces a decrease in solubility.
(b) Increase in solubility with Temperature
If the heat given off in the dissolving reaction is less than the heat required to break apart
the solid, the net dissolving reaction is endothermic (energy required). The addition of
more heat facilitates the dissolving reaction by providing energy to break bonds in the
solid. This is the most common situation where an increase in temperature produces an
increase in solubility for solids.
The use of first-aid instant cold packs is an application of this solubility principle. A
salt such as ammonium nitrate is dissolved in water after a sharp blow breaks the
containers for each. The dissolving reaction is endothermic - requires heat. Therefore the
heat is drawn from the surroundings, the pack feels cold. The Fig. 4.1 represents the
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
effect of temperature on the solubility of three different salts. Solubility of nitrate salt of
K is more compared to that of chlorides as the temperature increases.
Fig. 4.1. Temperature dependence of solubility of different salts (ref. 2)
Phase transitions such as sublimation, deposition, melting, solidification, vaporization,
and condensation are heterogeneous equilibria, so are the formation of crystals from a
saturated solution, because a solid and its solution are separated phases. The equilibrium
constants for saturated solution and solid formation (precipitate) are already defined as
solubility product, Ksp. For unsaturated and supersaturated solutions, the system is not at
equilibrium, and ion products, Qsp, which have the same expression as Ksp is used.
An oversaturated solution becomes a saturated solution by forming a solid to reduce
the dissolved material. The crystals formed are called a precipitate. Often, however, a
precipitate is formed when two clear solutions are mixed. For example, when a silver
nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution are mixed, silver chloride crystals AgCl(s)
(a precipitate) are formed. Na+ and NO3- are by-stander ions.
Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) AgCl(s) (precipitate)
Silver chloride is one of the few chloride that has a limited solubility. A precipitate is also
formed when sodium carbonate is added to a sample of hard water,
Ca2+(aq) + CO32-(aq) CaCO3(s) (precipitate).
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
4.1 Solubility Products, Ksp, and Ion Products Qsp
Formations of precipitates are chemical equilibria phenomena, and we usually write these
heterogeneous equilibrium in the following manner, and call the equilibrium constants
solubility products, Ksp. If the solution is not saturated, no precipitate will form. In this
case, the product is called the ion product, Qsp.
4.2 Qsp, Ksp and Saturation
For some substances, formation of a solid or crystallization does not occur automatically
whenever a solution is saturated. These substances have a tendency to form oversaturated
solutions. For example, syrup and honey are oversaturated sugar solutions, containing
other substances such as citric acids. For oversaturated solutions, Qsp is greater than Ksp.
When a seed crystal is provided or formed, a precipitate will form immediately due to
equilibrium of requiring Qsp to approach Ksp.
Sodium acetate trihydrate, NaCH3COO.3H2O, when heated to 370 K will become a
liquid. The sodium acetate is said to be dissolved in its own water of crystallization. The
substance stays as a liquid when cooled to room temperature or even below 273 K. As
soon as a seed crystal is present, crystallization occur rapidly. In such a process, heat is
released, and the liquid feels warm. Thus, the relationship among Qsp, Ksp and saturation
is given below [3]:
Qsp < Ksp Unsaturated solution
Qsp = Ksp Saturated solution
Qsp > Ksp Oversaturated solution
For the formation of nanoparticles by homogeneous nucleation, a supersaturation of
growth species must be created. A reduction in temperature of an equilibrium mixture,
such as saturated solution would lead to supersaturation. Formation of metal quantum
dots in glass matrix by annealing at moderate temperatures is a good example of this
approach. Another method is to generate a supersaturation through in situ chemical
reactions by converting highly soluble chemicals into less soluble chemicals. For
example semiconductor nanoparticles are commonly produced by pyrolysis of
organometallic precursors. Nanoparticles can be synthesized through homogeneous
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
nucleation in three mediums: liquid, gas and solid: however, the fundamentals of
nucleation and subsequent growth processes are essentially the same. Before discussing
the detailed approaches for the synthesis of uniformly sized monodispersed nanoparticles,
it is essential to review the fundamentals of homogeneous nucleation and subsequent
growth [4].
5.1 Fundamentals of Homogeneous Nucleation
When concentration of a solute in a solvent exceeds its equilibrium solubility or when
temperature decreases below the phase transformation point, a new phase appears. A
solution with solute exceeding the solubility or supersaturation possesses a high Gibbs
free energy. The overall energy of the system will be reduced by segregating solute from
the solution.
Fig. 4. 2. Nucleation and subsequent growth (ref. 4)
When the concentration of a solute increases as a function of time no nucleation would
occur even above the equilibrium solubility. Nucleation occurs only when the
supersaturation reaches a certain value above the solubility. Homogeneous nucleation is
important for the formation of particles of uniform size and shape.
5.2 Examples of Nucleation
Pure water freezes at -42 ° C rather than at its freezing temperature of 0 ° C if no crystal
nuclei, such as dust particles, are present to form an ice nucleus. Presence of cloud
condensation nuclei is important in meteorology because they are often in short supply in
the upper atmosphere.
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
Fig. 4.3. Nucleation of carbon dioxide bubbles around a finger (ref. 5)
Nucleation in boiling can occur in the bulk liquid if the pressure is reduced so that the
liquid becomes superheated with respect to the pressure-dependent boiling point. More
often nucleation occurs on the heating surface, at nucleation sites. Typically, nucleation
sites are tiny crevices where free gas-liquid surface is maintained or spots on the heating
surface with lower wetting properties. Substantial superheating of a liquid can be
achieved after the liquid is de-gassed and if the heating surfaces are clean, smooth and
made of materials well wetted by the liquid. The creation of a nucleus implies the
formation of an interface at the boundaries of the new phase. Some energy is consumed
to form this interface, based on the surface energy of each phase. If a hypothetical
nucleus is too small, the energy that would be released by forming its volume is not
enough to create its surface, and nucleation does not proceed. The critical nucleus size
can be denoted by its radius, and it is when r=r* (or r critical) that the nucleation proceeds
Crystal formation is made up of three phases: nucleation, growth, and cessation of
growth. During nucleation, the slowest and most difficult phase in crystal growth, the
smallest crystal capable of growth forms. The barrier to formation of these smallest
crystals results from differences in the stability between molecules at the core and those
on the surface of the crystal. During nucleation, the average stability of a molecule in a
crystal is very low because the attraction between the molecule and the crystal is often
less than that between the molecule and the solvent. Thus, it is significantly easier to
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
successfully stimulate the birth of a crystal by introducing a smaller crystal (seeding) than
by merely supersaturating a solution. Once nucleation has been accomplished, the growth
phase of crystal formation begins, a phase characterized by the addition of molecules to
the existing crystal. Two opposing forces impact this process: enthalpy and entropy.
Growth of a crystal reduces the entropy (a measure of randomness) of the system because
a molecule free in solution has greater entropy than one tethered to a crystal's growing
surface. Although entropy favors dissolution of crystals, it is energetically favorable for a
molecule to be added to a crystal. Above a critical saturation point, enthalpy overcomes
entropy, and crystal formation can occur.
6.1 Crystal Kinks and Ledges
In addition to temperature and concentration, the geometry of a growing crystal's surface
influences growth. Imagine a spherical molecule approaching a planar surface of a
crystal. In this case, the addition of the molecule is not energetically favorable because
there is only one point of contact. Next, consider a spherical molecule approaching a
"ledge" surface of a crystal. In this case, the addition of the molecule is more
energetically favorable because the molecule is stabilized by two points of contact at
which intermolecular forces hold the molecule to the crystal. In the third case, the "kink"
structure provides three points of contact. The kink structure is the ideal surface geometry
for crystal growth. Because kinks are sparse on a crystal's surface, the addition of even a
small amount of impurities that effectively clog the kink sites is capable of killing crystal
growth. In order for crystal growth to be maintained, "ledges" or kinks must remain
available for molecules to be added to the crystal. At one point in the field of crystal
research, scientists observed that nucleation occurs too quickly to be explained solely by
the addition of molecules to a planar crystal surface. As a result, the spiral dislocation
(SD) theory arose, stating that molecules are added to the surface of a crystal in a manner
resulting in the creation of new ledges or kinks so that crystal growth can continue. With
the development of atomic force microscopy (AFM) for physically detecting changes in
depth on the atomic scale, it was possible to study changes associated with a ledge on a
crystal. To observe crystal formation, the lab uses an atomic force microscope to gather
data on the movement of ledges as organic crystals grow and dissolve. This method
allows the investigator to observe the rate and geometry of ledge movement at various
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
concentrations of solute and in the presence of impurities. It was noticed that dissolution
is not exactly the opposite of growth. During dissolution, the ledges are smooth and
regular, while they are rough and irregular during growth. Although there are several
theories on how the irregularity may be conducive to crystal growth, the differences have
not been fully explained.
6.2 Practical Significance of Solubility and Crystal Growth
Understanding the growth and dissolution of crystals is valuable in a variety of contexts.
Crystallization is an effective and economical purification process, and, in some cases
where substances cannot be purified by distillation, it is the only practical method. More
importantly, approximately eighty percent of all pharmaceutical agents are pure
crystalline solids. Understanding the dissolution of a particular crystalline drug could
allow chemists to alter the drug's dissolution rate. Moreover, understanding the
conditions of crystallization may allow chemists to predict whether drugs crystallize
within the body. In 2004, the journal Heart reported a case of a large crystal forming in
the heart of woman given a continuous dose of a drug for ventricular tachycardia. A
better understanding of this drug's crystallization could have prevented the incident.
Clearly, much of this research is not yet crystal-clear.
Solution based synthetic strategies involve mainly sol gel process, hydrothermal
synthesis, solvothermal synthesis and reduction in solution. Among which solvothermal
synthesis and hydrothermal synthesis are discussed in detail in the present chapter.
7.1 Solvothermal Synthesis
Solvothermal synthesis utilizes a solvent under pressures and temperatures above its
critical point to increase the solubility of solid and to speed up reaction between solids.
Most materials can be made soluble in proper solvent by heating and pressuring the
system close to its critical point. This method allows the easy control on the solubility of
a solute. And it leads to lower super saturation state which is necessary for the
precipitation to happen. The reaction set-up used for solvothermal synthesis is given in
Fig. 4.4.
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
Fig. 4.4. Solvthermal synthesis set-up (ref. 6)
7.1.1 Synthesis of Semiconductor Chalcogenides
In general, semiconductor chalcogenides of different sizes and shapes are prepared using
solvothermal synthesis. In our laboratory we have synthesized CdS nanostructures
especially nanorods through solvothermal synthesis using a solid precursor CdC2O4. The
reagent used to precipitate CdS was (NH4)2S. The reaction observed was represented in
the equation 6. Here the solvent used was ethylene glycol and the reaction temperature
was 60 °C and the reaction was carried under a constant flow of an inert gas [7].
CdC2O4 + (NH4)2S
CdS + (NH4)2C2O4
---------- (6)
CdC2O4 is an insoluble solid and (NH4)2S was liquid. But the solvothermal synthesis at
low temperatures allowed in this case a slow replacement reaction of the ligand forming
the nanostructures of CdS. The TEM images of the CdS nanorods are given in the Fig.
4.5. By changing the solvents, temperature and the precursor variety of sizes and shapes
can be produced through this method. When ethylene diamine is used the material formed
was also found to be nanorods with high aspect ratio. But, when pyridine was used CdS
nanoparticles are only formed.
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
Fig. 4.5. TEM image of CdS prepared from CdC2O4 using solvothermal method in
ethylene glycol (ref. 7)
Fig. 4.6. TEM image of CdS prepared from CdC2O4 using solvothermal method in
ethylene diamine and pyridine (ref. 6)
7.1.2 Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles
Pt and Pd nanoparticles were synthesized by microwave-assisted solvothermal method.
The only difference is the heating source is microwave. PVP with an average molecular
weight of 40'000 was used as a capping agent in the experiments. H2PtCl6, and
Palladium(II)2,4-pentanedionate were used as metal precursors. PVP was dissolved in
methanol or ethanol and then the metal salts were added. The reactants were heated for
60 min at 90 ºC when methanol was used as a reducing agent and at 120 ºC when
ethanol was used as a reducing agent for 60 min under microwave irradiation [8].
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
Fig. 4.7. TEM images of the obtained Pt and Pd nanoparticles under
microwave-assisted solvothermal conditions (ref. 8).
7.1.3 Synthesis of Metal Nitrides and Oxides
In another approach single source precursors of halides of Al, Ga and In were prepared
with urea complexation and further solvothermal synthesis at higher temperatures
resulted in the formation of the respective nitrides. These nitrides are of special relevance
in photovoltaic applications [9].
Fig. 4.8. TEM images of (a) AlN (b) GaN (c) AlN nanowires formed during solvothermal
synthesis (ref. 9).
A new and facile route was developed by Suib et al., to manipulate the growth of
hierarchically ordered Mn2O3 architectures via a solvothermal approach. Various solvents
are employed to control the product morphologies and structures. Mn2O3 with unique
cuboctahedral, truncated-octahedral, and octahedral shapes are obtained. In a typical
synthesis Mn(NO3)2 was dissolved in an organic solvent followed by a vigorous stirring
at room temperature for half an hour in a Teflon liner. Then the Teflon liner was
transferred and sealed in an autoclave for solvothermal treatment at 120 °C for 20 h. A
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
variety of different solvents was used to investigate the effect of solvents on the
morphology of the resultant Mn2O3. In order to investigate the development of Mn2O3
crystals, the reactions were also conducted at different temperatures using ethanol as the
solvent. FESEM images of the Mn2O3 synthesized in different solvents and for different
duration are given in Fig. 4.9 and Fig. 4.10 respectively. The images indicate the shape
evolution of Mn2O3 polyhedra. Mn2O3 is used in catalytic as well as electrocatalytic
applications [10].
Fig. 4.9. FESEM images of products synthesized in different
solvents: (a) ethanol, (b) 1-butanol, (c) 2-butanol, and (d) acetone (ref. 10).
Fig. 4.10. FESEM images of products synthesized under different
reaction periods (a) 1.5 h, (b) 2 h, and (c) 3 h (ref. 10).
7.2 Hydrothermal Synthesis
Hydrothermal synthesis as the name indicates the solvent is always water. If liquid water
is placed in an open container, its temperature cannot be raised above 100 °C. But, if
water is heated in a sealed container, it can be heated to temperatures above 100 °C
which means that supercritical properties of the water can be utilized under this
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
condition. The advantages of inducing supercritical behavior in hydrothermal synthesis
are that it will provide a single phase behavior and give enhanced permeability, mass
transport capability and dissolving capacities. Hydrothermal synthesis can be defined as a
method of synthesis of single crystals which depends on the solubility of minerals in hot
water under high pressure. Hydrothermal synthesis is a century old synthetic strategy and
it was used for the synthesis of minerals in general. From 80's hydrothermal method was
utilized extensively for newer material synthesis. Advantages of hydrothermal synthesis
are in this method no post-heat treatment is needed and hence agglomeration will be less.
After preparation no milling is required which will reduce impurities. Any complex
chemical compositions can be synthesized by using this method. Particle size or shapes
can be controlled in this approach. It can induce self assembly leading to newer and
complex architectures of materials and the precursors used are relatively cheap raw
materials. And hydrothermal method crystal growth includes the ability to create
crystalline phases which are not stable at the melting point. Also, materials which have a
high vapour pressure near their melting points can be grown by the hydrothermal method.
The method is also particularly suitable for the growth of large good-quality crystals
while maintaining good control over their composition. Disadvantages of the method
include the need of expensive autoclaves, good quality seeds of a fair size and the
impossibility of observing the crystal as it grows. Fig. 4.11 shows the reaction set-up for
hydrothermal synthesis. The pressure generated inside the reactor can be read from the
pressure gauge.
Fig. 4.11. Hydrothermal reactor set-up (ref. 6)
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
7.2.1 Synthesis of Oxides and Mixed Oxides
Barium titanate (BaTiO3) perovskite is widely used in electronic industry in multilayered
ceramic capacitors due to its high dielectric constant. Hydrothermal synthesis route is
promising due to homogeneity, exact stoichiometry and spherical morphology of BT
powders obtained by this synthesis method at low temperature (<200 °C). Using
commercially available titania as Ti precursor (Degussa P-25) and Barium hydroxide
precursor in the Ba: Ti = 1:1 ratio at a temperature as low as 120 °C for 48 h yielded
BaTiO3 crystals [11]. The SEM image of BaTiO3 prepared is given in Fig. 4.12.
Fig. 4.12. SEM image of BaTiO3 crystals (ref. 11).
Alkali treatment of commercially available TiO2 (Degussa p-25) in hydrothermal
conditions (130 °C) will result in the formation of nanotubes of TiO2. These tubes
obtained on further hydrothermal treatment at a high temperature of around 175 °C will
yield nanorods of TiO2 [12]. Thus hydrothermal synthesis provides a route to play around
different morphologies of the same material by simply changing the temperature.
Hydrothermal treatment of zinc chloride hydrazene hydrate at 140 ºC for 12 h
resulted in the formation of flower like microrod bundles. The solution phase is
accelerating the process of self assembly through a dissolution-recrystallization-
decompositiongrowth process [13]. The chemical reactions are represented in the
following equations. ZnO has variety of applications in photonics and optics.
ZnCl2 + 2N2H4
ZnCl2(N2H4)2 ..................(1)
Zn2+ + 2NH3. H2O
Zn(OH)2+ 2NH4+ ................(2)
ZnO + H2O ......................(3)
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
Fig. 4.13. FE-SEM images of (a) precursor ZnCl2(N2H4)2 obtained at room temperature
(b) ZnO samples obtained at 140 °C and 12 h (ref. 13).
7.2.2 Synthesis of Noble Metal Architectures through Hydrothermal Synthesis
Polymer protected (PDDA-poly (diallyl dimethylammonium) chloride) noble-metal
(including silver, platinum, palladium, and gold) nanostructures in the absence of any
seeds and surfactants can be synthesized using hydrothermal method in which PDDA, an
ordinary and water-soluble polyelectrolyte, acts as both a reducing and a stabilizing
nanopolyhedrons, and Au nanoplates are obtained. In typical synthesis, PDDA along with
the respective precursors such as AgNO3 (170 °C for 16 h), H2PtCl6 (140 °C for 40 h),
H2PdCl4 (190 °C for 40 h) and HAuCl4 (170 °C for 12 h) at specific pH was used [14].
Fig. 4.14. Typical SEM and TEM images of the PDDA-protected (a) Ag nanocubes (b) Pt
nanopolyhedrons (c) Pd nanopolyhedrons and (d) Au nanoplates (ref. 14).
Synthetic Strategies in Chemistry
Apart from metals and metal oxides hydrothermal synthesis method is used in the
preparation of zeolites and mesoporous materials. This method was also found to be
effective in the synthesis of different carbons such as nanotubes, fullerene and diamond
7.2.2 Synthesis of Polymeric Materials through Hydrothermal Synthesis
Polyaniline (PANI) mesostructures have been synthesized under hydrothermal
conditions. The mesostructures show different forms - fibers, dendrite fibers, textured
plates, featureless plates, and spheres [16]. In a typical synthesis, a complex of
FeCl3·6H2O and methyl orange in hydrochloric acid aqueous solution (pH = 4.0) was
stirred and transferred to an autoclave with aniline monomer and kept at 120 ◦C for 24 h.
The material collected was found to be PANI nanotubes [17]. The formation mechanism
and the TEM images of the tubes formed are given in Scheme 1 and Fig. 4.15. A fibrillar
complex of FeCl3 and methyl orange (MO) acting as reactive selfdegraded templates in
hydrothermal conditions was the driving force for the growth of nanotubes. MO, which
contains a hydrophilic group (­SO-3), possesses an anionic characteristic when dissolved
in water. It could dimerize at a particular concentration to form higher oligomers. When
aniline monomer was added into the solution, polymerization occurred on the surface of
MO where the oxidant FeCl3 was adsorbed and MO itself degraded automatically during
the polymerization process.
Synthesis of Materials Based on Solubility Principle
Fig. 4.15. TEM of products with pH of electrolyte (4.0) Synthesis conditions:
temperature, 120 C; FeCl3, 1.5 mmol; MO, 0.075 mmol; aniline, 1.5 mmol (ref. 17).
The solubility of a material is having a major role while designing the synthetic strategy
of any new materials. Solution phase synthesis always assisted the self assembly and
gradual growth of the crystals of a variety of materials ranging from metals, metal oxides,
chalcogenides, polymers, zeolites and carbon materials. Easy tailoring of the morphology
and properties can be achieved if solubility concepts are suitably exploited in new
material synthesis. Solution based chemistry is always important because ultimate utility
of materials is going to be in any form of life chemistry which is fully based on aqueous
systems. Drug delivery materials, materials in food processing and preservation,
medicines and cosmetics are much trivial cases where the solubility concepts are
extremely important. Hence, immense care should be taken while designing materials for
day today applications through solution chemistry.
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