
Requirements, Business Analysis, Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, and Design:Software Requirements

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Requirements, Business
Analysis, Architecture, Enterprise
Architecture, and Design
Before any code can be created for a software application, it is neces-
sary to define the features, scope, structure, and user interfaces that
will be developed. It is also necessary to define the methods of delivery
of those features, and the platforms on which the application will oper-
ate. In addition, targets and goals for the application must be defined
in terms of performance, security, reliability, and a number of other
topics. These various issues are spread among a number of documents
and plans that include requirements, business analysis, architecture,
and design. Each of these can be subset into several topical segments
and subdocuments.
Although a number of templates and models exist for each kind of
document, no methods have proven to be totally successful. Even after
more than 60 years of software, a number of common problems still
occur for almost all major software applications:
1. Requirements grow and change at rates in excess of 1 percent per
calendar month.
2. Few applications include greater than 80 percent of user require-
ments in the first release.
3. Some requirements are dangerous or "toxic" and should not be
Chapter Seven
4. Some applications are overstuffed with extraneous features no one
asked for.
5. Most software applications are riddled with security vulnerabilities.
6. Errors in requirements and design cause many high-severity
7. Effective methods such as requirement and design inspections are
seldom used.
8. Standard, reusable requirements and designs are not widely
9. Mining legacy applications for "lost" business requirements seldom
10. The volume of paper documents may be too large for human under-
These ten problems are endemic to the software industry. Unlike the
design of physical structures such as aircraft, boats, buildings, or medi-
cal equipment, software does not utilize effective and proven design
methods and standard document formats. In other words, if a reader
picks up the requirements or specifications for two different software
applications, the contents and format are likely to be very different.
These differences make validation difficult because without standard
and common structures, there are far too many variations to allow easy
editing or error identification. Automated verification of requirements
and design are theoretically possible, but beyond the state of the art as
of 2009. Formal inspections of requirements and other documents are
effective, but of course manual inspections are slower than automated
There are also numerous "languages" for representing requirement
and design features. These include use-cases, user stories, decision
tables, fishbone diagrams, state-change diagrams, entity-relationship
diagrams, executable English, normal English, the unified modeling
language (UML), and perhaps 30 other flavors of graphical representa-
tion (flowcharts, Nassi-Schneiderman charts, data-flow diagrams, HIPO
diagrams, etc.). For quality requirements, there are also special dia-
grams associated with quality function deployment (QFD).
The existence of so many representation techniques indicates that
no perfect representation method has yet been developed. If any one of
these methods were clearly superior to the others, then no doubt it would
become a de facto standard used for all software projects. So far as can
be determined, no representation method is used by more than perhaps
10 percent of software applications. In fact, most software applications
utilize multiple representation methods because none is fully adequate
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
for all business and technical purposes. Therefore, combinations of text
and graphical representations in the form of use-cases, flowcharts, and
other diagrams are the most common approach.
In this chapter, we will be dealing with some of the many variations in
methods for handling software requirements, business analysis, archi-
tecture, and design.
Software Requirements
If software engineering is to become a true profession rather than an art
form, software engineers have a responsibility to help customers define
requirements in a thorough and effective manner.
It is the job of a professional software engineer to insist on effective
requirements methods such as joint application design (JAD), quality
function deployment (QFD), and requirements inspections. It is also the
responsibility of software engineers to alert clients to any potentially
harmful requirements.
Far too often the literature on software requirements is passive and
makes the incorrect assumption that users will be 100 percent effec-
tive in identifying requirements. This is a dangerous assumption. User
requirements are never complete and they are often wrong. For a soft-
ware project to succeed, requirements need to be gathered and analyzed
in a professional manner, and software engineering is the profession
that should know how to do this well.
It should be the responsibility of the software engineers to insist that
proper requirements methods be used. These include data mining of
legacy applications, joint application design (JAD), quality function
deployment (QFD), prototypes, and requirements inspections. Another
method that benefits requirements such as embedded users (as with
Agile development). Use-cases might also be recommended.
The users of software applications are not software engineers and
cannot be expected to know optimal ways of expressing and analyzing
requirements. Ensuring that requirements collection and analysis are
at state-of-the-art levels devolves to the software engineering team.
Today in 2009, almost half of all major applications are replacements
for aging legacy applications, some of which have been in use for more
than 25 years. Unfortunately, legacy applications seldom have current
specifications or requirements documents available.
Due to the lack of available information about the features and func-
tions of the prior legacy application, a new form of requirements analy-
sis is coming into being. This new form starts by data mining of the
legacy application in order to extract business rules and algorithms. As
it happens, data mining can also be used to gather data for sizing, in
terms of both function points and code statements.
Chapter Seven
Structure and Contents of Software
Software requirements obviously describe the key features and functions
that a software application will contain. But requirements specifica-
tions also serve other business purposes. For example, the requirements
should also discuss any limits or constraints on the software, such as
performance criteria, reliability criteria, security criteria, and the like.
The costs and schedules of building software applications are strongly
influenced by the size of the application in terms of the total require-
ments set that will be implemented. Therefore, requirements are the
primary basis of ascertaining software size.
By fortunate coincidence, the structure of the function point metric
is a good match to the fundamental issues that should be included in
software requirements. In chronological order, these seven fundamen-
tal topics should be explored as part of the requirements gathering
1. The outputs that should be produced by the application
2. The inputs that will enter the software application
3. The logical files that must be maintained by the application
4. The entities and relationships that will be in the logical files of the
5. The inquiry types that can be used with the application
6. The interfaces between the application and other systems
7. Key algorithms that must be present in the application
Five of these seven topics are the basic elements of the International
Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) function point metric.
The fourth topic, "entities and relationships," is part of the British
Mark II function point metric and the newer COSMIC function point.
The seventh topic, "algorithms," is a standard factor of the feature
point metric, which added a count of algorithms to the five basic func-
tion point elements used by IFPUG.
The similarity between the topics that need to be examined when
gathering requirements and those used by the functional metrics makes
the derivation of function point totals during requirements a fairly
straightforward task. In fact, automated creation of function point size
from requirements has been accomplished experimentally, although this
is not yet commonplace.
However, 30 additional topics also need to be explored and decided
during the requirements phase. Some of these are nonfunctional require-
ments, and some are business requirements needed to determine whether
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
funding should be provided for the application. These additional topics
1. The size of the application in function points and source code
2. The schedule of the application from requirements to delivery
3. The staffing of the development team, including key specialists
4. The cost of the application by activity and also in terms of cost per
function point
5. The business value of the application and return on investment
6. The nonfinancial value, such as competitive advantages and cus-
tomer loyalty
7. The major risks facing the application, that is, termination, delays,
overruns, and so on
8. The features of competitive applications by business rivals
9. The method of delivery, such as SOA, SaaS, disks, downloads, and
so on
10. The supply chain of the application, or related applications upstream
or downstream
11. The legacy requirements derived from older applications being
12. The laws and regulations that impact the application (i.e., tax laws;
privacy, etc.)
13. The quality levels in terms of defects, reliability, and ease of use
14. The error-handling features in case of user errors or power outages,
and so on
15. The warranty terms of the application and responses to warranty
16. The hardware platform(s) on which the application will operate
17. The software platform(s), such as operating systems and databases
18. The nationalization criteria, or the number of foreign language
19. The security criteria for the application and its companion databases
20. The performance criteria, if any, for the application
21. The training requirements or form of tutorial materials that may
be needed
Chapter Seven
22. The installation procedures for starting and initializing the applica-
23. The reuse criteria for the application in terms of both reused mate-
rials going into the application and also whether features of the
application may be aimed at subsequent reuse by downstream
24. The use cases or major tasks users are expected to be able to per-
form via the application
25. The control flow or sequence of information moving through the
26. Possible future requirements for follow-on releases
27. The hazard levels of any requirements that might be potentially
28. The life expectancy of the application in terms of service life once
29. The projected total cost of ownership (TCO) of the application
30. The release frequency for new features and repairs (annually,
monthly, etc.)
The seven primary topics and the 30 supplemental topics are not the
only items that need to be examined during requirements, but none of
these should be omitted, since they can all significantly affect software
Most of these 37 topics are needed for many different kinds of appli-
cations: commercial packages, in-house applications, outsource applica-
tions, defense projects, systems software, and embedded applications.
Statistical Analysis of Software
From analyzing thousands of software applications in hundreds of compa-
nies, the author has noted some basic facts about software requirements.
As software applications grow larger, the volume of software require-
ments also grows larger. However, the growth in requirements cannot
keep pace with the growth of the software itself. As a result, the larger
the application, the less complete the requirements are.
The fact that software requirements are incomplete for large soft-
ware applications leads to the phenomenon of continuous requirements
change at rates between 1 percent and 3 percent per calendar month.
Requirements may contain hundreds of bugs or defects. These are
difficult to remove via testing, but can be found by means of formal
requirement inspections.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Requirements are translated into designs, and designs are translated
into code. A study by the author at IBM found that at each translation
point, 10 percent to 15 percent of the requirements do not make it down-
stream into the next stage, at least initially.
In addition to creeping requirements instituted by users, which pre-
sumably have some business value, a surprising number of changes
are added by developers, without any formal requirements or even any
apparent need on the part of users. For some applications, more than
7 percent of the delivered functions were added by the developers, some-
times without the users even being aware of them. The topic of sponta-
neous and unsolicited change is seldom discussed in the requirements
literature. (When developers were asked why they did this, the most
common response was "I thought it might be useful.")
In aggregate, about 15 percent of initial user requirements are miss-
ing from the formal requirements documents and show up as creeping
requirements later on. At each translation point from requirements to
some other deliverable such as design or code, about 10 percent of the
requirements accidentally drop out and have to be added back in later
or in subsequent releases. As mentioned, developers spontaneously add
features without any user requirements asking for them, and sometimes
even without the knowledge of the users. Perhaps 7 percent of delivered
features are in the form of unsolicited developer-added features that
lack any customer requirements, although some of these may turn out
to be useful. In addition to unplanned growth and unplanned loss of
requirements, some requirements are toxic or harmful, while many may
contain errors ranging from high severity to low severity.
In theory, some kinds of requirements such as executable English
could use static analysis or some form of automated validation, but to
date this approach is experimental.
Some software requirements may be toxic or cause serious harm if
they are not removed. A prime example of a toxic requirement is the
famous Y2K problem. Another example of a toxic requirement is the file-
handling protocol of the Quicken financial application. If backup files
are opened instead of being restored, then data integrity can be lost.
A very common toxic requirement in many applications is the failure to
accommodate people with three names. Yet another toxic requirement is
the poor error-handling routines in many software applications, which
have become the preferred route for virus and spyware infections. The
bottom line is that the traditional definition of quality as "conformance
to requirements" is not safe because of the presence of so many serious
toxic requirements.
At this point it is interesting to look at information about the size of
software requirements, and also about the numbers of bugs or defects
that might be in software requirements.
Chapter Seven
Requirements Pages per Function Point
Table 7-1 shows the approximate size of software requirements in terms
of pages per function point. The metric used is that of the International
Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), counting rules version 4.2. Five
different requirement "languages" are shown in Table 7-1.
Note that for Table 7-1 and the other tables in this chapter, no data
is available for "user stories" for applications in the 10,000 to 100,000­
function point range. This is because the Agile methods are not used
for such large applications, or at least have not reported any results to
benchmark organizations.
The most important fact that Table 7-1 reveals is that the size of
requirements peaks at about 1000 function points. For large applica-
tions, the volume of paper documents would grow too large to read if
100 percent of requirements were documented.
Table 7-2 extends the results from Table 7-1 and shows the approximate
total quantity of pages in the requirements for each of the five methods.
As can be seen, large systems have an enormous volume of pages for
requirements, and yet they are not complete. In fact, if requirements were
100 percent complete for a large application in the 100,000­function point
size range, it would take more than 2500 days, or almost seven years, to
read them! It is obvious that such a mass of paper is unmanageable.
Table 7-3 extends the logic derived from Table 7-2 and shows the
approximate completeness of software requirements.
Requirement Pages Produced by Application Size
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Requirements Completeness by Software Size
As can be seen from Table 7-3, completeness of requirements declines
as software size goes up. This explains why creeping requirements are
endemic within the software industry. It is doubtful if any requirement
method or language could really reach 100 percent for large applications.
Table 7-4 shows the approximate numbers of requirements defects
per function point observed in applications of various sizes, using vari-
ous languages.
While the size of software requirement specifications goes down as
application size goes up, the same is not true for requirements bugs or
defects. The larger the application, the more requirement bugs there
are likely to be.
However, note that these tables show only approximate average
results. Many defect prevention methods such as joint application
design (JAD), prototypes, and participation in formal inspections can
lower these typical results by more than 60 percent.
Table 7-5 extends the results of Table 7-4 and shows the approximate
numbers of requirements defects that are likely to occur by application
size. For large applications, the numbers are alarming and cry out for
using state-of-the-art defect prevention and removal methods.
Note that these defects are of all severity levels. Only a small fraction
would generate serious problems. But with thousands of latent defects in
requirements, it is obvious that formal inspections and other methods of
Requirements Defects per Function Point
Chapter Seven
Requirements Defects by Application Size
requirement defect removal should be standard practices for all applica-
tions larger than 1000 function points.
Because the numbers in Table 7-5 are so large and alarming, Table 7-6
shows only the most serious or "toxic" defects that are likely to occur.
The defects shown in Table 7-6 are harmful problems such as the
Y2K problem that cause problems for users and that trigger expensive
repairs when they finally surface and are identified.
The bottom line is that requirements cannot be complete for large
applications above 10,000 function points. At least they never have been
In addition, there will be requirements defects, and a fraction of
requirements defects will cause serious harm. Much more study is
needed of requirements defects, defect prevention, and defect removal.
One topic requiring additional study is how many people are involved
in the requirements process. Customers have "assignment scopes" of
about 5000 function points. That reflects the normal quantity of soft-
ware features that one user knows well enough to define what is needed.
The range of user knowledge runs from about 1000 function points up
to perhaps 10,000 function points.
The assignment scope of systems or business analysts is larger, and
runs up to about 50,000 function points, although average amounts are
perhaps 15,000 function points.
Toxic Requirements that Cause Serious Harm
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
These typical assignment scopes mean that for a large system in the
50,000­function point range, about ten customers will need to be inter-
viewed by one systems analyst. In other words, the ratio of business
analysts to customers is about 1-to-10.
These ratios have implications for the Agile approach of embedding
users in development teams. Since most Agile projects are small and fewer
than 1500 function points, a single user can suffice to express most of the
requirements. However, for large applications, more users are necessary.
Another topic that needs more work is the rate at which requirements
can be gathered and analyzed. If you assume a typical joint application
design (JAD) session contains four user representatives and two busi-
ness analysts, they can usually discuss and document requirements at
a rate of perhaps 1000 function points per day. It should be noted that
requirements specifications average perhaps 0.5 page per function point
using English text, and perhaps 0.75 page using the UML.
A single user embedded within an Agile development team can
explain requirements at a rate of perhaps 200 function points per day.
User stories are compact and average about 0.3 page per function point.
However, they are not complete, so verbal interchange between the user
and the development team is an integral part of Agile requirements.
Creating Taxonomies of Reusable
Software Requirements
For purposes of benchmarks, feature analysis, and statistical analysis
of productivity and quality, it is useful to record basic information about
software applications. Surprisingly, the software industry does not have
a standard taxonomy that allows applications to be uniquely identified.
To fill this gap, the author has developed a taxonomy that allows soft-
ware applications to be analyzed statistically with little ambiguity.
For identifying software for statistical purposes and for studying soft-
ware requirements by industry, it is useful to know certain basic facts
such as the country of origin and the industry. To record these facts,
standard codes can be used:
Country code
1 (United States)
Region code
06 (California)
City code
408 (San Jose)
Industry code
1569 (Telecommunications)
CMMI level
3 (Controlled and repeatable)
Starting date
Plan completion date
True completion date
These codes are from telephone area codes, ISO codes, and the North
American Industry Classification (NAIC) codes of the Department
Chapter Seven
of Commerce. They do not affect the sizing algorithms of the invention,
but provide valuable information for benchmarks and international
economic studies. This is because software costs vary widely by country,
geographic region, and industry. For historical data to be meaningful,
it is desirable to record all of the factors that influence costs, schedules,
requirements, and other factors.
The entry for "CMMI level" refers to the famous Capability Maturity
Model Integration developed by the Software Engineering Institute
After location and industry identification, the taxonomy consists of
seven topics:
1. Project nature
2. Project scope
3. Project class
4. Project type
5. Problem complexity
6. Code complexity
7. Data complexity
In comparing one software project against another, it is important to
know exactly what kinds of software applications are being compared.
This is not as easy as it sounds. The industry has long lacked a standard
taxonomy of software projects that can be used to identify projects in a
clear and unambiguous fashion.
By means of multiple-choice questions, the taxonomy shown here
condenses more than 35 million variations down to a small number of
numeric data items that can easily be used for statistical analysis. The
main purpose of a taxonomy is to provide fundamental structures that
improve the ability to do research and analysis.
The taxonomy shown here has been in continuous use since 1984. The
taxonomy is explained in several of the author's prior books, including
Estimating Software Costs (McGraw-Hill, 2007) and Applied Software
Measurement (McGraw-Hill, 2008), as well as in older editions of the
same books and also in monographs. The taxonomy is also embedded
in software estimating tools designed by the author. The elements of
the taxonomy follow:
1. New program development
2. Enhancement (new functions added to existing software)
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
3. Maintenance (defect repair to existing software)
4. Conversion or adaptation (migration to new platform)
5. Reengineering (re-implementing a legacy application)
6. Package modification (revising purchased software)
1. Algorithm
2. Subroutine
3. Module
4. Reusable module
5. Disposable prototype
6. Evolutionary prototype
7. Subprogram
8. Stand-alone program
9. Component of a system
10. Release of a system (other than the initial release)
11. New departmental system (initial release)
12. New corporate system (initial release)
13. New enterprise system (initial release)
14. New national system (initial release)
15. New global system (initial release)
1. Personal program, for private use
2. Personal program, to be used by others
3. Academic program, developed in an academic environment
4. Internal program, for use at a single location
5. Internal program, for use at multiple locations
6. Internal program, for use on an intranet
7. Internal program, developed by external contractor
8. Internal program, with functions used via time sharing
9. Internal program, using military specifications
10. External program, to be put in public domain
Chapter Seven
11. External program, to be placed on the Internet
12. External program, leased to users
13. External program, bundled with hardware
14. External program, unbundled and marketed commercially
15. External program, developed under commercial contract
16. External program, developed under government contract
17. External program, developed under military contract
1. Nonprocedural (generated, query, spreadsheet)
2. Batch application
3. Web application
4. Interactive application
5. Interactive GUI applications program
6. Batch database applications program
7. Interactive database applications program
8. Client/server applications program
9. Computer game
10. Scientific or mathematical program
11. Expert system
12. Systems or support program, including "middleware"
13. Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
14. Communications or telecommunications program
15. Process-control program
16. Trusted system
17. Embedded or real-time program
18. Graphics, animation, or image-processing program
19. Multimedia program
20. Robotics, or mechanical automation program
21. Artificial intelligence program
22. Neural net program
23. Hybrid project (multiple types)
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
1. No calculations or only simple algorithms
2. Majority of simple algorithms and simple calculations
3. Majority of simple algorithms plus a few of average complexity
4. Algorithms and calculations of both simple and average complexity
5. Algorithms and calculations of average complexity
6. A few difficult algorithms mixed with average and simple
7. More difficult algorithms than average or simple
8. A large majority of difficult and complex algorithms
9. Difficult algorithms and some that are extremely complex
10. All algorithms and calculations extremely complex
1. Most "programming" done with buttons or pull-down controls
2. Simple nonprocedural code (generated, database, spreadsheet)
3. Simple plus average nonprocedural code
4. Built with program skeletons and reusable modules
5. Average structure with small modules and simple paths
6. Well structured, but some complex paths or modules
7. Some complex modules, paths, and links between segments
8. Above average complexity, paths, and links between segments
9. Majority of paths and modules are large and complex
10. Extremely complex structure with difficult links and large modules
1. No permanent data or files required by application
2. Only one simple file required, with few data interactions
3. One or two files, simple data, and little complexity
4. Several data elements, but simple data relationships
5. Multiple files and data interactions of normal complexity
6. Multiple files with some complex data elements and interactions
7. Multiple files, complex data elements and data interactions
Chapter Seven
8. Multiple files, majority of complex data elements and interactions
9. Multiple files, complex data elements, many data interactions
10. Numerous complex files, data elements, and complex interactions
As most commonly used for either measurement or sizing, users will pro-
vide a series of integer values to the factors of the taxonomy, as follows:
Although integer values are used for nature, scope, class, and type,
up to two decimal places can be used for the three complexity factors.
Thus, permissible values might also be
The combination of numeric responses to the taxonomy provides
a unique "pattern" that facilitates sizing, estimating, measurement,
benchmarks, and statistical analysis of features and requirements. The
taxonomy makes it easy to predict the outcome of a future project by
examining the results of older projects that have identical or similar
patterns using the taxonomy. As it happens, applications with identical
patterns are usually of the same size in terms of function points (but
not source code) and often have similar results.
Not only are applications that share common patterns close to the
same size, but they also tend to have very similar feature sets and to
have implemented very similar requirements. Therefore, placing an
application on a taxonomy such as the one described here could be a
step toward creating families of reusable requirements that can serve
dozens or even hundreds of applications. The same taxonomy can assist
in assembling the feature sets for systems using the service-oriented
architecture (SOA).
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
When demographic information is included, all the factors in the tax-
onomy are as follows:
1 (United States)
06 (California)
408 (San Jose)
1569 (Telecommunications)
3 (Controlled and repeatable)
4.25 (Calendar months)
1000 (Function points)
200 (Function points)
300 (Function points)
1500 (Function points)
52,000 (Logical statements)
10,400 (Logical statements)
15,600 (Logical statements)
62,400 (Logical statements)
65 (Java)
65 (Java)
1 (New application)
8 (Stand-alone application)
11 (Expert system)
15 (External, unbundled)
5.25 (Mixed, but high complexity)
6.50 (Mixed, but high complexity)
2.45 (Low complexity)
The taxonomy provides an unambiguous pattern that can be used
both for classifying historical data and for sizing and estimating soft-
ware projects. This is because software applications that share the same
pattern also tend to be of the same size when measured using IFPUG
function point metrics.
When applications that share the same pattern have differences in
productivity or quality, that indicates differences in the effectiveness of
methods or differences in the abilities of the development team. In any
case, the taxonomy makes statistical analysis more reliable because it
prevents "apples to oranges" comparisons.
Software applications will not be of the same size using lines of code
(LOC) metrics due to the fact that there are more than 700 programming
languages in existence. Also, a majority of software applications are coded
in more than one programming language.
Chapter Seven
Software applications of the same size may vary widely in costs and
schedules for development due to the varying skills of the develop-
ment teams, the programming languages used, the development tools
and methods utilized, and also the industry and geographic location
of the developing organization. Although size is a required starting
point for estimating software applications, it is not the only informa-
tion needed.
The taxonomy can be used well before an application has started its
requirements. Since the taxonomy contains information that should be
among the very first topics known about a future application, it is pos-
sible to use the taxonomy months before requirements are finished and
even some time before they begin.
It is also possible to use the taxonomy on legacy applications that
have been in existence for many years. It is often useful to know the
function point totals of such applications, but normal counting of func-
tion points may not be feasible since the requirements and specifications
are seldom updated and may not be available.
The taxonomy can also be used with commercial software, and indeed
with any form of software, including classified military applications
where there is sufficient public or private knowledge of the application
to assign values to the taxonomy tables.
In theory, the taxonomy could be extended to include other interest-
ing topics such as development methods, programming languages, tools,
defect removal, and many others. However, two problems make this
extension difficult:
1. New languages, tools, and methods occur every month, so there is
no stability.
2. A majority of applications use multiple languages, methods, and
However, to show what an extended taxonomy might look like, follow-
ing is an example of the basic taxonomy extended to include develop-
ment methods:
1 (United States)
06 (California)
408 (San Jose)
1569 (Telecommunications)
3 (Controlled and repeatable)
4.25 (Calendar months)
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
1000 (Function points)
200 (Function points)
300 (Function points)
1500 (Function points)
52,000 (Logical statements)
10,400 (Logical statements)
15,600 (Logical statements)
62,400 (Logical statements)
65 (Java)
65 (Java)
1 (New application)
8 (Stand-alone application)
11 (Expert system)
15 (External; unbundled)
5.25 (Mixed but high complexity)
6.50 (Mixed but high complexity)
2.45 (Low complexity)
1 (IFPUG function points)
3 (KnowledgePlan)
2 (Automated insight)
0 (Not used)
1 (Used)
0 (Not used)
1 (Joint application design)
5 (Hybrid: Use-cases, English)
1 (QFD)
1 (Formal SQA involvement)
3 (Team Software Process)
1 (Used)
1 (Used)
0 (Not used)
1 (Used)
0 (Not used)
IV & V
0 (Not used)
0 (Not used)
1 (Used)
1 (Used)
1 (Used)
1 (Used)
1 (Used)
Chapter Seven
0 (Not used)
0 (Not used)
1 (Used)
1 (Used)
Although the basic taxonomy has been in continuous use since 1984,
the extended taxonomy that shows tools, languages, and methods is
hypothetical. It is included because such an extended taxonomy would
facilitate estimates, benchmark analysis, statistical studies, and mul-
tiple regression analysis to show the effectiveness of various methods
and practices.
By converting millions of alternatives into numeric data by means
of multiple-choice questions, taxonomies facilitate statistical analysis.
Also, various "patterns" among the alternatives can easily be evaluated
in terms of improving or degrading productivity and quality, or explor-
ing reusable requirements. The software industry should invest more
energy into development of useful taxonomies along the lines used by
other sciences such as biology, linguistics, physics, and chemistry.
Software Requirements Methods
and Practices
There are numerous variations in how software requirements are col-
lected, analyzed, and converted into software. Following are descriptions
and some results noted for a number of common variations. They are
discussed in alphabetical order.
An interesting idea that has
Agile requirements with embedded users
emerged from the Agile methods is that of a full-time user representa-
tive as part of the development team. The role of these embedded users
is to provide the requirements for new applications in fairly small doses
that can immediately be implemented and put to use. Typically, seg-
ments between 5 percent and 10 percent of the total requirements are
defined and built during each "sprint." This is equivalent to 40 to 200
function points per sprint.
This method of full-time users has proven to be effective for small
applications where one person can actually express the needs of all
users. It is not effective for applications such as Microsoft Office with
millions of users, because no one can speak for the needs of all users.
Neither is this method effective for certain kinds of embedded applica-
tions such as fuel-injection controls.
Including users with development teams is an innovative approach that
works well once the limits are understood. See also "Focus Groups," "Data
Mining for Legacy Requirements," and "Joint Application Design (JAD)."
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Changes taking place in requirements after a
Creeping requirements
formal requirements phase is a normal occurrence. Surprisingly, many
applications are not effective in dealing with requirements changes.
Creeping requirements are calculated by measuring the function point
total for an application at the end of the requirements phase, and then
doing another function point count when the application is delivered,
including all requirements that surfaced after the requirements phase.
This form of measurement indicates creeping requirements grow at
about 2 percent per calendar month during the subsequent design phase
and perhaps 1 percent per calendar month during much of the coding
phase. After the midpoint of the coding phase, requirements changes
are redirected into future releases.
Typical growth patterns for a "normal" application of 1500 function
points would be in the range of 30 function points of creeping require-
ments per month during design and 15 function points of growth per
month during coding. Since design should last two months and coding
eight months, total growth in terms of creeping requirements would be
60 function points during design and 120 function points during coding,
or 180 function points in all. Thus, the application with 1500 function
points defined at the end of the requirements phase would be delivered
as an application of 1680 function points.
Note that larger applications with longer schedules obviously have
much larger totals of requirements creep.
Considering the same application in an Agile context, each sprint
might include 150 to 250 function points. The total size at delivery would
still be about 1680 function points, but the application is developed in
The most effective way to deal with requirements creep is to use
methods that reduce unplanned creep and also to use methods that
validate changes. Joint Application Design (JAD), executable English,
and prototypes slow down creep. Requirements inspections and change
control boards can validate changes. The Agile method of embedding
users with developers increases creep up to 10 percent per month, but
this is benign because the Agile teams are geared up for such growth.
There are several problems associated with creeping requirements
outside of the Agile domain: (1) they have higher defect potentials than
original requirements; (2) they cause schedule delays and cost over-
runs; (3) they are frequent causes of litigation for applications developed
under contract or for outsourced applications.
Data mining for legacy requirements As of 2009, more than half of "new"
applications are replacements for aging legacy software applications.
Some of these legacy applications may have been in continuous use for
more than 25 years. Unfortunately, the software industry is lax in keeping
Chapter Seven
requirements and design documents up to date, so for a majority of legacy
applications, there is no easy way to find out what requirements need to
be transferred to the new replacement.
However, some automated tools can examine the source code of legacy
applications and extract latent requirements embedded in the code.
These hidden requirements can be assembled for use in the replace-
ment application. They can also be used to calculate the size of the
legacy application in terms of function points, and thereby can assist
in estimating the new replacement application. Latent requirements
can also be extracted manually using formal code inspections, but this
is much slower than automated data mining.
Executable English Since many business rules can be expressed in terms
of English (or other natural languages), it makes sense to attempt to
automate a formal dialect of English that facilitates requirements anal-
ysis. This is not a new idea, since COBOL was intended to have similar
capabilities. An organization called Internet Business Logic, headed by
Dr. Adrian Walker, has such a dialect available and automation to sup-
port it. Examples and downloads are available to try out the method.
The information on executable English occurs in several web sites, but
the Microsoft Development Network is perhaps the best known. The
URL is http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-uslibrary/cc169602.aspx.
However, additional study and data would be useful. Some unan-
swered questions exist about using executable English for "toxic"
requirements such as the Y2K problem. There are no intrinsic barriers
to expressing harmful requirements in executable English. Also, there
are no side-by-side comparisons in terms of requirements costs, require-
ments defects, or requirement productivity rates between executable
English and other methods. Finally, hybrid approaches to use a com-
bination of executable English with other methods have not yet been
fully examined.
In theory, it would be possible to run static analysis tools against
requirements specifications written in executable English, assuming
that the static analysis tools had parsers available. If so, finding logical
problems and omissions in executable English might add value to static
analysis tools such as Coverity, KlocWorks, XTRAN, and the like.
Automatic error detection in requirements and design created from
executable English would help to eliminate serious classes of error that
have long been difficult to deal with: incomplete and toxic requirements. A
future merger of static analysis and executable English holds many inter-
esting prospects for improving the quality of requirements analysis.
Focus groups A focus group is an assembly of customers who are asked
to participate in group discussions about the features and functions of
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
new products. Focus groups usually range from perhaps 5 to more than
25 participants based on the demographic needs of the potential prod-
uct. Focus groups may offer suggestions or even use working models
and prototypes.
Focus groups have proven to be effective for products that are aimed
at a mixture of diverse interests and many possible kinds of use. Focus
groups are older than software and are frequently used for electronic
devices, appliances, and other manufactured objects.
In a software context, focus groups are most effective for commercial
software applications aimed at hundreds or thousands of users, where
diversity is part of the application goals.
Functional and nonfunctional requirements Software requirements come
in two flavors: functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements.
The term functional requirement is defined as a specific feature that a
user wants to have included in a software application. Functional require-
ments add bulk to software applications, and in general every functional
requirement can be measured in terms of function point metrics.
Nonfunctional requirements are defined as constraints or limits users
care about with software applications, such as performance or reliabil-
ity. Nonfunctional requirements may require work to achieve, but usu-
ally don't add size to the application.
The concept of joint application design
Joint application design (JAD)
originated in IBM Toronto as a method for gathering the requirements
for financial applications. The normal method of carrying out JAD is
for a group of stakeholders or users to meet face-to-face with a group of
software architects and designers in a formal setting with a moderator.
The JAD sessions use standard requirement checklists to ensure that
all relevant topics are covered. Often JAD meetings take place in off-site
facilities. Between three and ten users meet with a group of between
three and ten software architects and designers in a typical JAD event.
The meetings usually run from 2 days to more than 15 days, based on
the size of the application under discussion.
JAD sessions have more than 35 years of empirical data and rank as
one of the most effective methods for gathering requirements for large
applications. Use of JAD can lower creeping requirements levels down
to perhaps one-half percent per month.
Pattern matching As noted previously in the section of this chapter deal-
ing with taxonomies, many applications are quite similar in terms of
functional requirements. For example, consultants who work with many
companies within industries such as finance, insurance, health care,
and manufacturing quickly realize that every company within specific
Chapter Seven
industries has the same kinds of software applications. Indeed, the
similarity of applications within industries is what caused the creation
of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools such as those marketed
by SAP, Oracle, BAAN, and others.
However, as of 2009, the software industry lacks effective methods
for identifying and reusing specific functional requirements between
applications. To identify patterns and similarities, it would be desirable
to have all functions expressed in standard fashions, and also to have a
full taxonomy of major software features.
It would be possible for various kinds of static analysis tools to identify
common patterns among multiple applications, and this would facilitate
reuse of common features and functions. But so long as requirements
are expressed using more than 30 flavors of graphical representation
coupled with free-style English, automated pattern matching is difficult
or impossible.
By definition, a software prototype is a partial model of a
possible software application, but stripped down to a few key functions
and algorithms. As a general rule, prototypes are about 10 percent of
the size of completed applications. The reason for the small size of proto-
types is that they are intended to be developed quickly. For example, a 10
percent prototype of a 10,000­function point application would amount
to 1000 function points, which is fairly difficult to develop quickly.
The optimal size of applications where prototypes give the best results
is around 1000 function points. A 10 percent prototype would be only
100 function points, which can be developed quickly.
Prototypes come in two flavors, disposable and evolutionary. As the
name implies, a disposable prototype can be discarded once it has served
its purpose. On the other hand, an evolutionary prototype will add more
features and gradually evolve into a finished product.
Of the two flavors, disposable prototypes are safer. The shortcuts and
poor quality control associated with evolutionary prototypes may lead
to downstream security flaws, quality problems, and performance prob-
lems with evolutionary prototypes.
Prototypes of both flavors are very successful in reducing creeping
requirements. As a rule of thumb, requirements creep for applications
that use prototypes is less than one-half percent per calendar month, or
less than half the creep of similar applications without prototypes.
Like many effective quality control
Quality function deployment (QFD)
approaches, QFD originated in Japan. QFD was apparently first used
circa 1972 by Mitsubishi for the quality requirements of a large ocean-
going tanker. QFD is sometimes called "house of quality" because the
QFD diagrams resemble a house with a peaked roof.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Although QFD originated for manufactured products, it has been
used with software. Primarily QFD is used for embedded and systems
software, such as aircraft and medical instruments. It is also used by
computer companies such as Hewlett-Packard and IBM for both soft-
ware and hardware products.
There are a number of books and reports on QFD. Since learning
to use QFD and successfully deploying takes more than a week, addi-
tional information is needed before starting a QFD program. A nonprofit
QFD institute exists and is one source of additional data. As with the
Six Sigma approach, QFD borrows some topics from martial arts and
uses a "belt" system to indicate training levels. As with Six Sigma and
many martial arts, a black belt is the highest level of achievement. (Of
course, true martial arts practitioners object to this approach on the
grounds that earning a black belt in a martial art takes years of train-
ing and practice. Earning a black belt in Six Sigma or QFD takes only
a few months of training and requires very little in the way of hands-on
The topic of requirements engineering is a
Requirements engineering
fairly new subset of software engineering. Requirements engineering
attempts to add rigor to requirements gathering and analysis by using
formal methods of elicitation, analysis, and also by creating models
of the application and validating the requirements. That being said,
requirements engineering is still evolving and is not yet a fully formed
Requirements engineering is most likely to be used for systems and
embedded software that operates fairly complex physical devices. The
reason is that systems and embedded software needs much more rigor
and better quality to operate successfully than any other kinds of
While empirical data on requirements engineering is sparse in 2009,
anecdotal evidence suggests that applications using requirements engi-
neering methods tend to have somewhat lower levels of requirements
defects and somewhat higher levels of requirements defect removal
efficiency than similar applications with more casual requirements
methods. However, organizations using requirements engineering also
tend to be at or above level 3 on the CMMI, which by itself could explain
the improvements.
Requirements engineering is synergistic with formal methods such
as the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and the UML approach. It is
also synergistic with the Team Software Process (TSP). Requirements
engineering is not normally used with Agile projects because the rigor
is antithetical to the Agile approach. It would not be easy to perform
formal requirements engineering analysis on short user stories.
Chapter Seven
Requirement inspections Formal inspections of software deliverables
such as requirements originated within IBM in the early 1970s.
Inspections are approaching 40 years of continued usage and remain
one of the most effective defect removal methods with the highest levels
of defect removal efficiency. Formal inspections can top 85 percent in
defect removal efficiency and seldom drop below 65 percent. By contrast,
most forms of testing are below 35 percent in defect removal efficiency
levels and seldom top 50 percent. Inspections are also good for defect
prevention, since participants spontaneously avoid the same kinds of
defects that the inspections find.
Inspections are team activities with well-defined roles for the mod-
erator, the recorder, the inspectors, and the person whose work is being
inspected. Substantial data and books exist on the topic of inspections.
A new nonsoftware inspection organization was created in 2009, in place
of the former Software Inspection and Review Organization (SIRO)
group from the 1980s.
Once a specific requirement is defined, it
Requirements traceability
must be included in design documents and source code as well. Test
cases must also be created to ensure that the requirement has been
correctly implemented. Training materials and user reference materials
will probably have to be created to explain how to use the requirement.
"Requirements traceability" refers to methods that allow requirements
to be backtracked from other deliverables such as code and test cases.
In theory, traceability in both forward and backward directions is pos-
sible if each explicit requirement is assigned a unique identifier or serial
number. Once assigned, the same number is used in specifications, code,
test cases, and other deliverables where the same requirement is used.
Traceability is often performed via a matrix where every requirement
is listed on one axis, and every document or code segment that contains
the requirement is listed on the other access. The intersection of the two
axes indicates that the requirement was either present or not.
In theory, traceability is straightforward, but in practice, require-
ments traceability is complex and difficult, although a number of auto-
mated tools exist that can ease the problems.
Traceability is most often used for defense applications, systems soft-
ware, and embedded software, because these applications often have
serious legal and liability issues associated with them. Traceability is
also important for information technology applications in the wake of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which enforces penalties for poor governance
of financial software constructed by Fortune 500 companies.
However, traceability is seldom used for web applications, entertain-
ing software, applets for devices such as iPhone, and for software that
is developed for internal use within a single company.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Much of the literature on requirements traceability deals with trace-
ability problems, which are numerous and severe. In spite of more than
100 tools that assert that they can help in performing requirements
traceability, effective traceability remains troublesome and imperfect.
If reusable requirements will be used in multiple applications, it
is obvious that traceability will need to encompass cross-application
traces as well as single-application traces. This implies a need for 3-D
traceability matrixes.
Many software applications perform very
Reusable requirements
similar functions within an industry. For example, insurance claims
processing is very similar from company to company. Order process-
ing and invoicing are very similar within hundreds of companies and
thousands of applications. Almost all applications need functions for
error handling.
In theory, at least 60 percent to 75 percent of any business application
could probably be created from standard reusable parts, assuming those
parts are certified to high levels of reliability and are readily available.
Unfortunately, what is lacking is an effective catalog of reusable mate-
rials that include reusable requirements, design, code, interfaces, and
test cases. Obviously, common features also need to be traceable back
to their original origins, in case of errors or recalls.
Some catalogs of reusable functions are within specific domains such
as defense and avionics software, and these are samples of what is
needed. However, there is no overall industrywide catalog available
circa 2009.
As it happens, the taxonomy discussed earlier in this chapter could be
extended downwards to describe individual or specific reusable require-
ments or features. This is because almost every function or feature pro-
vided by software applications needs to supply similar services and to
perform similar actions. The topics that would compose a taxonomy of
reusable functions would probably include
1. The origin of the function
2. The creation date of the function
3. The version number of the function
4. The certification level of the function
5. The business purpose of the function
6. The name of the feature
7. The traceability serial number of the function
8. The programming language of the function
9. The links to the function's reusable test cases
Chapter Seven
10. The links to the function's reusable documentation
11. The links to related functions
12. The inputs to the function
13. The outputs from the function
14. The messages passed by the function
15. The messages received by the function
16. The entities and relationships within the function
17. The logical files used by the function
18. The inquiry types that can be made of the function
19. The interfaces with other functions if other than messages
20. The error-handling methods of the function
21. The security methods of the function
22. The algorithms that the function performs
Reusable requirements would obviously extend requirements trace-
ability into another dimension. Not only would requirements have to
be traced backwards from the code in a specific application, but if many
applications contain the same reusable function, then cross-application
traceability would also be needed. This would necessitate using 3-D
As the global recession inten-
Security requirements deployment (SRD)
sifies, attacks on software applications in the form of worms, viruses,
spyware, keystroke loggers, and denial of service attacks are increasing
daily. Most software engineers and most quality assurance personnel
are not adequately trained in security control techniques to be fully
effective. Most software application customers and users are almost
The idea of security requirements deployment (SRD), which is being
introduced in this book, is to apply the same rigor to security require-
ments as quality function deployment (QFD) applies to quality require-
ments. However, there is an additional factor that must be addressed
for SRD to be effective. It is necessary to bring in at least one top-gun
security expert to meet with the development team and the user repre-
sentatives during the SRD planning sessions.
The topics that are to be addressed during SRD planning sessions
include conventional protection methods such as physical security
and avoiding the most common security vulnerabilities. However, the
urgency of the situation calls for more advanced methods that can actu-
ally improve the resistance of source code to outside attack. This implies
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
getting up to speed with capability logic, restricting permissions, and
using languages such as E that create attack-resistant code. Adopting
methods such as those used by the Google Caja approach. The word
Caja is Spanish for "box" and refers to methods developed by Google
for encapsulating JavaScript and HTML to prevent outside agents from
attacking or modifying them.
In addition, SRD sessions should discuss security inspections, using
static-analysis tools that are optimized to find security flaws, and intro-
ducing special security test stages. It may also be relevant to consider
the employment of "ethical hackers" to attempt to penetrate or gain
access to confidential information or seize control of software.
The seriousness of software security flaws in today's world requires
immediate and urgent solutions. A firewall combined with antivirus
software and antispyware software is no longer sufficient to provide
real protection. In the modern world, the attacks no longer come from
malicious amateurs, but some come from well-funded and well-trained
foreign governments and from very well-funded organized crime syn-
The UML modeling language is an
Unified modeling language (UML)
integral part of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) that is now owned
by IBM. The history of the UML as a merger of the concepts of Grady
Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobsen is well known among the
software community. The UML and its predecessors were originally
aimed at supporting object-oriented requirements and design, but can
actually support almost any form of software.
The UML is a rich and complex set of graphic notations that encom-
pass not only requirements but also architecture, database design, and
other software artifacts. In fact, UML 2.0 includes 13 different kinds of
diagram. As a result of the richness of the UML constructs, there is a
very lengthy learning curve associated with the UML.
As of 2009, scores of commercial tools can facilitate UML diagram
construction and management. UML diagrams can easily be inspected
using standard protocols for requirements and design inspections.
However, it would also be useful to have some form of automated con-
sistency and validity checking tools. What comes to mind would be a
kind of superset of static analysis capabilities.
For reusable requirements and reusable features that are likely to be
utilized by multiple applications, it would be useful to have some kind
of a pattern-matching intelligent agent that could scour UML diagrams
and extract similar patterns.
UML is not a panacea, but the Object Management Group (OMG) is
continuously working to add useful features and eliminate troublesome
elements. Therefore, UML is likely to expand in usefulness in the future.
Chapter Seven
UML diagrams are normal inputs to standard function point analysis.
In theory, it is possible to develop a tool that would automatically create
function point totals from parsing various UML diagrams. In fact, such
experimental tools have been constructed.
The meta-language underneath UML is amenable to static analysis
and other forms of automatic verification. Test suites might also be con-
structed from the UML meta-language. Finally, size in terms of function
points might be calculated using the meta-language.
Use-cases The concept of use-cases originated with Ivar Jacobsen, who
is also one of the pioneers working the UML. Although use-cases are
associated with the UML, they are also popular as a stand-alone method
of gathering requirements. Use-cases are aimed squarely at functional
requirements and provide an interesting visual representation of how
users invoke, modify, control, and eventually terminate actions by soft-
ware applications. The application itself is treated as a black box, and
use-cases concentrate on how users interact with it to accomplish busi-
ness functions.
Use-cases have introduced some interesting abstractions into soft-
ware requirements analysis, such as "actors" and "roles." These focus
attention on essential topics and tend to lead analysts and customers
in fruitful directions.
A number of templates provide assistance in thinking through a
sequence of user interactions with software. These templates usually
include topics such as "goals," "actors," "preconditions," and "triggers,"
among others.
As with other features of the UML, many commercial tools are
available for drawing and managing use-cases. Use-cases are also
amenable to formal requirements and design inspections, and can
be used to predict application size via function point analysis. In
general, use-cases are among the easiest requirements artifacts for
inspection, because the visual representation makes it easy to exam-
ine assumptions.
Use-cases are also used in the context of joint application design
(JAD) and are sometimes created on-the-fly during JAD sessions.
The Agile methods aim at creating running code as fast as
User stories
possible, and the Agile community feels that the massive paper docu-
ment sets associated with the UML and sometimes with use-cases are
barriers to progress rather than effective solutions. As a result, the
Agile community has developed a flexible and fast method of gathering
requirements termed user stories. One unique feature of user stories is
that they are closely coupled with test cases; in fact, the test cases and
the user stories are developed concurrently.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
To keep the user stories concise and in keeping with the Agile philoso-
phy of minimizing paper documents, the stories are usually written on
3" × 5" cards rather than standard office paper. Many user stories are
only a single sentence, or perhaps a few sentences. An example of such
a short user story might be, "I want to withdraw cash from an ATM."
However, this means that complicated transactions may take dozens of
cards, with each card defining only a single step in the entire process.
While use-cases can be inputs to function point analysis, their concise-
ness and lack of detail is one of the reasons why function point analysis
is not used very often for Agile applications. In fact, an alternative to
user stories would be to base function point analysis on the associated
test cases, which of necessity must be more complete.
It is a good thing that test cases and user stories are created concur-
rently, because formal inspections of user stories would not find many
defects, since the stories are so abbreviated. However, inspections of the
test cases created with the user stories are of potential value.
Another issue with user stories is their longevity. Once the initial
release of an application goes to customers, development of the second
and future releases may pass to other development teams or be out-
sourced. How do these follow-on groups know what requirements are in
the first release? In other words, are user stories a practical way of trans-
mitting knowledge about requirement over a 10- to 20-year period?
Some Agile organizations use a metric called story points for estima-
tion. However, there are no large benchmark collections that use story
points. In addition, it is not possible to compare projects whose require-
ments are derived from story points against similar projects that used
other methods such as UML or use-cases.
It is theoretically possible to convert story points into function points,
but a better method would be for Agile projects to use one of the high-
speed function point sizing methods. Having function points available
would allow side-by-side comparisons with other projects and would
permit Agile projects to submit data to standard benchmark collections
such as that of the International Software Benchmarking Standards
Group (ISBSG).
Summary of Software Requirements
Circa 2009
Even after 60 years of software development, methods for gathering
and analyzing user requirements continue to be troublesome. Creeping
requirements still occur, as do requirements errors and also toxic require-
ments. Requirement inspections are an effective antidote to these prob-
lems, but occur for less than 5 percent of U.S. software projects and even
fewer on a global basis.
Chapter Seven
Research into an extended taxonomy for specific features and spe-
cific requirements would be valuable to the industry because such a
taxonomy would allow similar requirements to be compared and evalu-
ated from multiple applications. This is because applications that share
the same "pattern" on the taxonomy usually have similar features and
similar requirements.
Also valuable would be elevating the methods of static analysis so
that they operated on requirements. Additional research on data mining
to extract hidden requirements from source code would be an adjunct
to using static analysis on requirements, as would automatic derivation
of function point totals.
The eventual goal of requirements engineering should be to create
catalogs of standard reusable requirements and associated test and
tutorial materials. In theory, more than 50 percent and perhaps more
than 75 percent of the features in software applications could eventually
come from certified reusable materials.
Business Analysis
The phrase "business analysis" is very similar to the older phrase "sys-
tems analysis." Many corporations employ business analysis specialists
who serve as a liaison between the software engineering community and
the operating units of the company.
Because of their role as liaison between the technical and business
communities, business analysts are involved very early and are key
participants even before requirements elicitation starts.
Business analysts continue to be involved during the design and early
part of the coding phases, due to having to analyze and deal with creep-
ing requirements that do not taper off until well into the coding phase.
After that, additional requirements are shunted into future releases.
The roles of the business analysts are to aid in requirements elicita-
tion, and to ensure that both the information technology side and the
customer or stakeholder side communicate clearly and effectively.
The background and training for business analysis specialists is
somewhat ambiguous as of 2009. Many are former systems analysts,
software engineers, or quality assurance specialists who wanted broader
There is a nonprofit International Institute of Business Analysis
(IIBA) that maintains a Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK)
library with substantial volumes of information.
Because business analysts have backgrounds in both software and
business topics, they are in a good position to facilitate requirements
elicitation and requirements analysis. For example, business analysts
are often moderators at joint application design (JAD) sessions.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Business analysts can also participate in requirement inspections,
quality function deployment (QFD), and other activities that either col-
lect requirements or analyze them and explain their meaning to the
software community.
Some visible gaps in the roles of business analysts often require other
kinds of specialists. To illustrate a few of these gaps:
1. Sizing and estimating software projects
2. Scope management of software projects
3. Risk analysis of software projects
4. Tracking and monitoring the progress of software projects
5. Quality control of software projects
6. Security analysis and protection of software projects
The reason for the assertion that these areas represent "gaps" is
because problems are very common in all six areas regardless of whether
business analysis is part of the requirements process.
Business analysts should know a great deal about corporate and enter-
prise software issues. In fact, the roles of business analysts and the roles
of enterprise architects, to be discussed later in this chapter, overlap.
In the future it would be useful to have a full and complete description
of the roles played by business analysts, architects, enterprise archi-
tects, scope managers, and project office managers, because they all
have some common responsibilities.
One useful service that business analysts could provide for their
employers is to collect and summarize benchmark data from a variety
of sources. In fact, in 30 kinds of software benchmarks, early knowl-
edge during the requirements phase would be useful. The 30 forms of
benchmark include
1. Portfolio benchmarks
2. Industry benchmarks (banks, insurance, defense, etc.)
3. International benchmarks (U.S., UK, Japan, China, etc.)
4. Application class benchmarks (embedded, systems, IT, etc.)
5. Application size benchmarks (1, 10, 100, 1000, function points, etc.)
6. Requirements creep benchmarks (monthly rates of change)
7. Data center and operations benchmarks (availability, MTTF, etc.)
8. Data quality benchmarks
9. Database volume benchmarks
10. Staffing and specialization benchmarks
Chapter Seven
11. Staff turnover and attrition benchmarks
12. Staff compensation benchmarks
13. Organization structure benchmarks (matrix, small team, Agile, etc.)
14. Development productivity benchmarks
15. Software quality benchmarks
16. Software security benchmarks (cost of prevention, recovery, etc.)
17. Maintenance and support benchmarks
18. Legacy renovation benchmarks
19. Total cost of ownership (TCO) benchmarks
20. Cost of quality (COQ) benchmarks
21. Customer satisfaction benchmarks
22. Methodology benchmarks (Agile, RUP, TSP, etc.)
23. Tool usage benchmarks (project management, static analysis, etc.)
24. Reusability benchmarks (volumes of various reusable deliverables)
25. Software usage benchmarks (by occupation, by function)
26. Outsource benchmarks
27. Schedule slip benchmarks
28. Cost overrun benchmarks
29. Project failure benchmarks (from litigation records)
30. Litigation cost benchmarks
Business analysts are not the only personnel who should be familiar
with such benchmark data, but due to their central and important role
early in application development, business analysts are in a key position
so the more they know, the more valuable their work becomes.
The assignment scope of business analysts runs between 1500 and
50,000 function points. That means that an approximate ratio of busi-
ness analysts to ordinary software engineers would range from about 1
to 10 up to perhaps 1 to 25. The ratio of business analysts to customers
runs from about 1 to 10 up to perhaps 1 to 50.
Software Architecture
In essence, software architecture is concerned with seven topics:
1. The overall structure of a software application
2. The structure of the data used by the software application
3. The interfaces between a software application and the world outside
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
4. The decomposition of the application into functional components
5. The linkage or transmission of information among the functional
6. The performance attributes associated with the structure
7. The security attributes associated with the structure
There are other associated topics, but these seven seem to be the
fundamental topics of concern.
The roles of both software architects and enterprise architects have
been evolving in recent years and will continue to evolve as new topics
such as cloud computing, service-oriented architecture (SOA), and vir-
tualization become more widespread.
The importance of software architecture resembles the importance of
the architecture of houses and buildings: the larger the structure, the
more important good architecture becomes.
By coincidence, the size of a physical building measured in terms of
"square feet" and the size of a software application measured in terms
of "function points" share identical patterns when it comes to the impor-
tance or value of good architecture. Table 7-7 illustrates how architec-
ture goes up in value with physical size.
Using the information shown in Table 7-7, a small iPhone applet with
a size of perhaps 5 function points, or 250 Java statements can be suc-
cessfully implemented without any formal architecture at all, other than
the developer's private knowledge of the value of structured code.
However, a very large system in the size range of Vista, Oracle, SAP,
and the like will probably not even be possible without very good archi-
tecture and a number of architectural specialists. These massive applica-
tions top 100,000 function points, or more than 5 million statements in a
language such as Java (probably more than 15 million in actuality).
Both software architecture and the architecture of buildings are con-
cerned largely with structural issues. However, software architecture
is even more complicated than building architecture because software
Value of Architecture Increases with Structural Size
Size in Square Feet or
Size in Function Points
Importance of Architecture
Not possible and not needed
Not needed
Minimal need for architecture
Architecture useful
Architecture important
Architecture critical
Chapter Seven
applications are not static once they are constructed. They grow con-
tinuously at about 8 percent per year as new features are added. This
is much faster than buildings grow once complete. Also, software appli-
cations have no value unless they are operating. When they operate,
software applications have a very dynamic structure that can change
rapidly due to calls and features that open up and are modified during
execution. Therefore, software architects have to deal with dynamic
and performance-related issues that building architects only encounter
occasionally for structures such as drawbridges and transit systems.
Another significant difference between building architecture and soft-
ware architecture is in the area of security. Of course, for some buildings
such as the Pentagon and CIA headquarters, security is a top architec-
tural concern, but security is not usually a major architectural issue for
ordinary homes and small office buildings.
For software, applications security is becoming increasingly important
for all size levels. As the recession continues, security will become even
more important because threats are becoming much more sophisticated.
The recent success of the conflicker worm, which affected more than
1.9 million computers, including some in "secure" government agencies
in early 2009, provides an urgent wakeup call to the increasing impor-
tance of security as an architectural issue for software.
As software engineering gradually evolves from a craft to an engineer-
ing field, the importance of architecture will continue to grow. One reason
for this is because software architectural styles are rapidly evolving.
Returning to the analogy of the architecture of buildings, various
chronological periods are sometimes characterized by the dominant
form of architecture employed. There are also regional differences.
Thus, many histories of architecture in the United States include dis-
cussions of the "Queen Anne" style, the "General Grant Gothic" style,
the "Southern Antebellum" style, the "English Tudor" style, the "Frank
Lloyd Wright" style, and dozens more.
Software engineering is not yet old enough to have formal histories
of the evolution of architectural styles, but they are changing at least
as rapidly as the architecture of homes and buildings.
One useful but missing piece of information from software bench-
marks would be a description or taxonomy of the architecture that was
used for applications. This would facilitate analysis of topics such as
quality levels and security vulnerabilities associated with various soft-
ware architectures.
When applications were small and averaged less than 1000 function
points in size, as they did in until the late 1960s, software architecture
was not a topic of interest. Edsger Dijkstra and David Parnas first dis-
cussed software architecture as a topic of importance circa 1968. Later
pioneers such as Mary Shaw and David Garlan continued to stress
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
that software architecture was a critical factor for the success of large
The reason for the increasing importance of architecture was because
of four factors:
1. Software applications were growing rapidly and exceeding 10,000
function points or 1 million source code statements. Today in 2009,
sizes may be greater than ten times larger yet again.
2. The volume of data used by software applications has been growing
even faster than software itself. The number of automated records
increased from thousands to millions to billions and continues to
increase. No doubt trillions of records are just over the horizon.
3. Database and data organization schemas have been evolving as fast
or faster than software architectural schemas.
4. Software applications were no longer operating all by themselves
on one computer.
When large software applications began to be divided into compo-
nents that could operate in parallel, or operate on separate computers
at the same time, architecture became a very important topic.
Software applications that ran alone on a single computer were con-
sidered to have a "monolithic" architecture. One of the significant depar-
tures from this model was to have some of the functions executing on a
host computer (often a mainframe) while other functions operated on
personal computers. This method of decomposition was called client-
server architecture.
In the 1980s and even more in the 1990s, many other architectural
approaches emerged. They included but were not limited to event-driven
architecture, three-tier architecture (presentation layer, business logic
layer, and database layer), N-tier architecture with even more layers,
peer-to-peer architecture, model-driven architecture, and of course the
more recent pattern-based architecture, service-oriented architecture
(SOA), soon followed by cloud computing.
At the same time that software architectures were expanding and
evolving, data structures and data volumes were expanding and evolv-
ing. Hierarchical data structures were joined by relational data struc-
tures and also row-oriented data, column-oriented data, object-oriented
data, and a number of others.
Obviously, software architects need to consider the join between the
structure of software itself and optimal data organizations to accom-
plish the purpose of the application. These are not trivial choices, and
both experience and special knowledge are required.
Successfully choosing and designing applications using any of these
more recent forms of software and data architecture became a job that
Chapter Seven
required special training and considerable experience. As a result, many
large companies such as IBM and Microsoft created new job descriptions
and new job titles such as "architect" and "senior architect."
As the positions of architect began to appear in large companies, sev-
eral associations emerged so that architects could share information
and gain access to the latest thinking. One of these is the International
Association of Software Architects (IASA), and another is the World
Wide Institute of Software Architects (WWISA). There are also special-
ized journals such as the Microsoft Architecture Journal dealing with
architectural topics.
As of 2009, the weight of evidence supports the hypothesis that large
companies that build large software applications should employ profes-
sional software architects. That can be considered a best practice.
An interesting question is how many architects does a company need?
The normal assignment scope for an architect ranges between 5000 and
about 100,000 function points. This means that an application of 10,000
function points will need at least one architect. However, a massive
application of 150,000 function points might need at least two archi-
tects. Total employment of architects even in large companies such as
IBM or Microsoft is probably less than 100 architects out of perhaps
50,000 total software engineers.
However, the evolution of specific architectural styles is far too rapid,
and the criteria for evaluating architectures is far too hazy to state that
using a specific form of architecture for a specific application is a good
choice, a questionable choice, or a potentially disastrous choice.
It should be recalled that hundreds of companies jumped onto the
client-server bandwagon in the 1980s, only to discover that complexity
levels were so high and implementation so difficult that quality and
reliability sometime dropped to unusable levels.
As of 2009, service-oriented architecture is attracting a huge amount
of coverage in the literature and many early converts. But will SOA
prove to be a truly successful architectural advance, or only a quantum
leap in complexity without too many benefits? Unfortunately, there are
not yet enough completed SOA applications to be sure that this theo-
retically useful architecture will live up to the promises that are being
made on its behalf. (Recall that SOA applications are not downloaded
into individual computers, but operate remotely from web hosts. This of
course requires high bandwidths and transmission speed to be effective.
No one has considered whether there is enough bandwidth available if
there are thousands of SOA applications attempting to serve millions
of clients at the same time.)
Another form of advanced architecture with huge claims is that of cloud
computing. With this architecture, applications are segmented so that
they can run concurrently on literally hundreds of remote computers.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
This raises questions of safety and security given the rather poor security
protocols that might be found in a cloud computing environment.
The bottom line for architecture as of 2009 is that it is evolving so
rapidly that it is worthwhile to employ professional software archi-
tects who can stay current with the evolution of software architectural
But selecting a specific architecture for a specific application is not
a clear-cut choice with only one correct answer. The choice needs to
be made by the architects assigned to the application, based on their
knowledge of both architectural principles and also on their knowledge
of the purpose and features of the application in question.
Enterprise Architecture
The need for enterprise architecture has grown progressively more
important over the past 30 years, due in large part to the way comput-
ers and software became embedded in corporate operations.
In the late 1960s, when mainframe computers first began to be applied
to business problems, their capabilities were somewhat primitive and
limited. As a result, early business applications tended to be very local,
to operate on a specific computer in a specific data center, and to serve
only a limited number of users in a single business unit.
Corporations have multiple operating units, including manufacturing,
marketing, sales, finance, human resources, and a number of others.
Large corporations also have multiple business and manufacturing sites
scattered through multiple cities and states.
When computers and software first became business tools, it was a
common practice for each operating unit to have its own data center and
to develop its own software. Often there was little or no communication
between operating units as to the features, interfaces, or data that the
applications were automating.
By the 1980s, large corporations had developed hundreds or even
thousands of software applications, the majority of which served only
narrow and local purposes. When corporate officers such as the CEO
needed consolidated information from across all business units, time-
consuming and expensive work was necessary to extract data from vari-
ous applications and produce consolidated reports.
This awkward situation triggered the emergence of enterprise architec-
ture as a key discipline to bring data processing consistency across mul-
tiple operating units. The same situation also triggered the emergence of
an important commercial software market: enterprise resource planning
(ERP). The basic concept of ERP applications is that individual applica-
tions are so hard to link together that it would be cheaper to replace all
of them with a single large system that could serve all operating units
Chapter Seven
at the same time, and to store data in a consistent format that served
corporate and unit needs simultaneously.
From about 2000 onward, numerous instances of corporate fraud and
severe accounting errors such as demonstrated by Enron have added
another dimension to enterprise architecture. Enterprise architects are
also key players in software governance, or ensuring that financial data
is accurate and that corporate officers take responsibility for its accu-
racy under threat of severe penalties.
The main difference between architecture as discussed in the previ-
ous section and enterprise architecture is the scope of responsibility.
Normally, architects work on individual applications, which might range
from 10,000 to more than 100,000 function points. Enterprise architects
work on corporate portfolios, which may range from about 2 million
function points to more than 20 million function points in aggregate
size. Corporate portfolios for large companies such as Microsoft, IBM,
or Lockheed contain thousands of applications.
Yet another aspect of enterprise architecture is the fact that large
corporations create and use many different kinds of software: conven-
tional information technology applications, web applications, embedded
applications, and systems software. Some of these applications are built
by in-house personnel; some are outsourced; some come from commer-
cial vendors; some are open-source applications; and some come from
mergers and acquisitions with other companies. In addition, any large
corporation today in 2009 must also interface with the computer sys-
tems of other corporations and also with government agencies such as
taxation and workers compensation.
The most difficult part of enterprise architecture is probably that
of dealing with joining two software portfolios as a result of a merger
or acquisition. Usually, at least 80 percent of the applications in both
companies perform similar functions, but they may use different data
structures, have different interface methods, and have different internal
Combining portfolios from two different companies in the wake of a
merger is one of the most difficult tasks faced by enterprise architects,
by architects, by business analysts, and by all other software engineer-
ing personnel.
Yet another set of concerns studied by enterprise architects are the
communication methods among disparate business units and also the
databases and repositories they develop and maintain.
In addition, enterprise architects are also concerned with a host of
technology issues including but not limited to hardware platforms, soft-
ware operating systems, open-source software, COTS packages from
external vendors, and emerging topics such as cloud computing and
service-oriented architecture that are not yet fully deployed.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Enterprise architecture has the same relationship to architecture
that urban planning has to building architecture. With building archi-
tecture, an architect is concerned primarily with a single building. But
urban planners need to be concerned about thousands of buildings at
the same time. Urban planners need to think about what kinds of infra-
structure will be needed to support various sectors such as residential,
commercial, industrial, and so forth.
Table 7-8 shows the importance of enterprise architecture with
increasing numbers of applications owned by the enterprise.
Table 7-8 brings up an interesting question: How many enterprise
architects are needed in a large company? Because this is a fairly new
occupation, there is no definitive answer. However, given the complexity
of the situation, a corporation probably needs one enterprise architect
for about every 1000 significant applications in their portfolio. Thus, if
a company has 5000 applications in their portfolio, they may need five
enterprise architects.
Expressed another way, the assignment scope of an enterprise archi-
tect runs from 500,000 up to more than 2 million function points.
For a large corporation such as IBM, Microsoft, or Unisys, a full port-
folio might include
3,000 in-house information technology applications
1,500 web-based applications
1,000 tools (project management, testing, etc.)
3,500 commercial applications from other companies (ERP, HR, etc.)
2,000 commercial applications sold to other companies
2,500 systems-software applications
500 embedded applications (security, AC, etc.)
250 open-source applications
14,250 total applications
Assuming this total quantity of applications, then about 15 enterprise
architects are likely to be employed.
Value of Enterprise Architecture Increases with Applications
Number of Applications
Owned by Enterprise
Importance of Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise architecture not needed
Enterprise architecture useful
Enterprise architecture important
Enterprise architecture very important
Enterprise architecture critical
Enterprise architecture critical but very difficult to achieve
Chapter Seven
These disparate applications will probably operate on more than a
dozen hardware platforms and encompass at least half a dozen operat-
ing systems. In other words, the software world of a large corporation
is a smorgasbord of diverse applications, platforms, data file structures,
communication channels, and other problem areas.
As of 2009, the roles of enterprise architects are evolving under the
impact of service-oriented architecture (SOA), cloud computing, the
explosion of open-source applications, and also under the emerging cri-
teria for more accurate financial reports mandated by Sarbanes-Oxley
The global recession will also have a significant but unpredictable
impact on enterprise architecture. There are no models or guidelines
for what happens to enterprise architecture during periods of massive
layoffs, closures of business units, abandonment of unfinished applica-
tions, and reduced numbers of development and maintenance personnel.
In fact, there is some risk that enterprise architects themselves may be
among those who are laid off, because their work is not always perceived
as having a direct impact on corporate bottom lines.
Several nonprofit associations support the enterprise architecture
domain. One of these is the Association of Enterprise Architects (AEA),
whose web site is aeaasociation.org.
Another is the awkwardly named Association of Open Group Enterprise
Architects (AOGEA), whose web site is AOGEA.org. This organization
and its awkward name are due to a merger between the Open Group
organization and the Global Enterprise Architecture Organization
(GEAO). The merged group asserts that it has become the largest asso-
ciation of architects in the world.
There is also a journal for enterprise architects, The Journal of
Enterprise Architecture (JEA), published by the Association of Enterprise
It is difficult to find information about the specific plans of enterprise
architects for corporations, because their work is usually proprietary
and not made available to the public. However, many units of the federal
government and most state governments do publish or make available
information about their enterprise architectures. The Department of
Defense is the world's largest user of computer software and is attempt-
ing to develop a new and improved enterprise architecture.
The huge increases in hacking, worms, viruses, and denial of service
attacks are obviously topics of great concern to enterprise architects.
However, security requires special skills, which are rare today, so exter-
nal consultants on security are needed to buttress the work of enterprise
architects until they can catch up.
In terms of best practices, organizations that own more than about 500
software applications should employ at least one enterprise architect.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Large corporations with more than 5000 software applications may need
five, as noted before using ratios of applications to enterprise architects.
The roles played by enterprise architects in specific companies vary
widely, and it is hard to pin down best practices. Obviously, increasing
data sharing among operating units would be a best practice. Eliminating
redundant applications and pruning portfolios of aging and unwieldy
legacy applications would be another best practice. Other roles, which
may or may not be viewed as best practices, might include changing the
ratios of COTS applications to in-house software, and perhaps partici-
pating in the selection and deployment of enterprise resource planning
(ERP) applications. No doubt the work of enterprise architecture will
continue to evolve with technical and business changes.
Software Design
Suppose you were asked by the CEO of your company to examine the
most recent 250 applications developed internally and to identify can-
didate features for creating a library of reusable designs, code, and test
cases. How could this assignment be carried out?
This would not be an easy assignment given the state of the art of
software design circa 2009. About 75 of the smaller applications below
1000 function points would probably have used Agile development and
expressed their designs via user stories perhaps augmented by other
representation methods. User stories are useful enough for individual
applications, but not necessarily useful for identifying common patterns
across multiple applications.
About 50 of the larger business applications above 5000 function
points would have used more formal design methods; probably the UML
with the requirements being elicited via joint application design (JAD).
While the UML does capture individual patterns, the large volume of
UML diagrams and their many flavors means that scanning through
UML for a sample of 50 applications, trying to identify common features,
would not be easy or rapid.
An automated tool such as a static analysis tool might parse the meta-
language underlying UML and identify common patterns, but this is
not readily done circa 2009.
About 25 of the scientific or engineering applications would have used
state-change diagrams, modeling languages such as LePus3, Express,
and probably quality function deployment (QFD) with "house of quality"
diagrams and various architectural meta-language models.
The remaining 100 of the applications might have utilized a wide
variety of methods including but not limited to use-cases, the UML,
Nassi-Schneiderman charts, Jackson design, flowcharts, decision tables,
data-flow diagrams, HIPO diagrams, and probably more as well. Some of
Chapter Seven
these define patterns, but they are not easy to scan for a sample of 100
In summary, the 250 most recent applications might have used more
than 50 different design languages and methodologies, which, for the most
part, are not easily translatable from one to another. Neither are they
amenable to automatic verification and error-checking.
As a result of the large variety of fairly incompatible design repre-
sentations used on the sample of 250 applications in the same company,
there is no easy way to pick out features or patterns that are common
among several applications using design documents. This makes it dif-
ficult to identify candidate features for a library of reusable materials.
Since all of the applications are complete and operating, it might be
possible to identify the patterns by means of static-analysis tools on the
source code itself, assuming that all of these applications are written
in C, C++, Java, or any of the approximately 25 languages where static
analysis operates.
Since some of the design methods have underlying meta-languages,
static analysis is theoretically possible, but most static analysis tools
support programming languages and not meta-languages as of 2009.
It would also be possible to look for patterns using one or more of the
legacy renovation tools that parse source code and to display the code
in a fashion that makes maintenance and modification easy.
Yet another possibility would be to use some of the more sophisticated
complexity analysis tools that examine source code and to calculate
cyclomatic and essential complexity and also to identify code patterns.
The bottom line is that as of 2009, it is easier to find and identify
patterns in code than it is to identify patterns in design. This is not the
way it should be. Design methods should be amenable to automated
analysis in order to detect defects and also to look for patterns of reus-
able elements.
Another issue with software design is that software design errors are
the second most numerous form of software error. Design errors aver-
age about 1.25 bugs or mistakes per function point, while code averages
about 1.75 bugs per function point.
Since design documentation runs between one page and two pages per
function point, the implication is that essentially every page of a design
specification has at least one bug or error. This is why design inspections
are so powerful and effective in reducing software design problems.
Given that the typical error density in software design remains high
whether the representation method consists of use-cases, the UML,
flowcharts, or any of the other 50 or so representation methods, there is
insufficient data to select any current design methods as a best practice.
What is more useful, perhaps, is to consider the fundamental topics that
need to be part of software designs.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Software Design Views
When considered objectively, software design is a subset of the more
general topic of knowledge representation. That brings up important
questions as to what kinds of knowledge need to be represented when
designing a software application. It also brings up questions as to what
languages or forms of representation are best for the various topics that
are part of software designs.
Because software is not readily visible and also has dynamic attri-
butes, it is somewhat more difficult to enumerate the topics of software
that need to be represented than it might be for a static physical object
such as a building. Eight general topics are needed to represent software
1. The external view of software features visible to users and derived
from explicit user requirements. The external view includes screen
images, report formats, and responses to user actions as might occur
with embedded software. This view might identify features that are
shared with other applications and hence potentially reusable. This
view also should deal with error-handling for user errors. This view
will also discuss the various hardware and software platforms on
which the application will operate, and also the various countries
and national languages that will be supported. This view is fairly
concise and seems to average between 0.5 and 1.0 page per function
2. The algorithm view of the mathematical formulas or algorithms
contained in the application. These might be straightforward calcu-
lations such as currency conversions or very complex formulas such
as those associated with quantum mechanics. In any case, the major
algorithms need to be represented and explained prior to encoding
them. This view is very concise and averages below 0.25 page per
function point.
3. The structural view of software applications includes components
and modules and how they are joined together to form a complete
application. This view includes the sequence or concurrency with
which these modules will execute. Calls or interfaces to external
applications are also part of the structural view. This view might
also show modules or features that are reused from external sources
or custom-built for a specific application. Classes and inheritance
using object-oriented methods would also be shown in the struc-
tural view. This is the most verbose view and runs between 1.0 and
2.0 pages per function point.
4. The data view includes the kinds of information created, used, or
manipulated by the software application. This view includes facts
Chapter Seven
about the data such as whether it consists of business information,
symbols, sensor-based information, images, sounds, or something
else. For example, the embedded software inside a cochlear implant
converts external audio information into electrical signals. Because
as of 2009, there is no "data point" metric or any other metric for
expressing the size of databases, repositories, and data warehouses,
there is no effective way to express the size or volume of data used
by software.
5. The attribute view or nonfunctional goals and targets for the appli-
cation once it is deployed. These attributes can include performance
in terms of execution speed, reliability in terms of mean time to
failure (MTTF), quality in terms of delivered defects, and a number
of other attributes as well. This view is also very concise and usually
requires less than three pages no matter how large the application
itself is.
6. The security view or how the application will defend itself against
viruses, worms, search bots, denial of service attacks, and other
attempts to either interfere with the operation of the software or
steal information used by the software. This view is new circa 2009,
but quickly needs to become a standard feature of software applica-
tion design and especially so for financial applications, health-care
applications, and any application that deals with valuable or classi-
fied information. This view is too new to have any size information
available as of 2009. However, it will probably turn out to be fairly
7. The pattern view, or the combinations of the other views that are
likely to occur in multiple software applications, and hence are
candidates for reuse. Typical patterns with reuse potential will
contain similar external features, similar algorithms, and similar
data structures. Class libraries and inheritance of object-oriented
software may also be part of software patterns. This view seems to
require about 0.1 to 0.4 page per function point to describe specific
patterns, with the size being based on the reusable feature being
8. The logistical view records certain historical facts about software
applications that are often lost or difficult to find. These logistical
topics include the date the application was first started, the loca-
tions and companies involved in construction, and information on
the methods, tools, and practices used in construction. Application
size in terms of both function points and logical code statements
would be included in the logistical view, along with the various lan-
guages utilized. Since applications continue to grow, the logistical
view should identify creeping requirements and then later growth
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
over multiple releases. The logistical view also includes the sources of
reusable materials for the application. The logistical view is intended
to aid in benchmarking. The logistical view would also be useful
for multiple regression analysis to demonstrate the effectiveness of
methods such as Agile or TSP. Part of the logistical view would be
the placement of the application on a formal taxonomy, such as the
one discussed earlier in this chapter. This view is usually less than
ten pages, regardless of the size of the application itself.
When all of the eight views are summed together, the average size is
about 3.0 pages per function point, and the range runs from less than
1.5 pages per function point to more than 6.0 pages per function point.
From the fairly large sizes associated with software design, it is easy
to understand why the creation of paper documents can cost more than
the source code for large applications. It is also easy to understand why
some of the Agile concepts are in reaction to the large volumes and high
costs of normal software design practices.
Given the multiple views that need to be captured during software
design, it is obvious that no single language or representation method
can deal with all eight kinds of view. Therefore, software design must
utilize multiple methods of representing knowledge:
Natural language text can be used for defining the attribute view,
the logistics view, and for some of the external views. Special forms
of natural language such as "executable English" may also be used.
Images may be needed for some aspects of the external view, such as
typical screens or samples of outputs.
Mathematical formulas or other forms of scientific notations are
needed for the algorithm view.
Symbols and diagrams are needed for the structural view. Because
of the dynamic nature of software, some form of animation would be
preferable to static views. With animation, performance can be mod-
eled during design.
Since automation for verification purposes would be somewhat dif-
ficult across multiple representation methods, it would be desirable and
useful if the major views could be mapped into a single meta-language.
Obviously, most of the views eventually get mapped into source code,
but by the time the code is complete, it is too late to verify and validate
the design.
Whether a generalized design meta-language is based on some form of
Backus-Naur notation, a definite clause grammar (DCG), or something
else, it should have the property of being analyzed automatically for
verification and validation purposes. Taking verification and validation
Chapter Seven
one step further, it might also be possible to generate a suite of test cases
from the analysis of the meta-language.
The bottom line on software design circa 2009 is that some of the 50 or
so representation methods are effective for individual applications. But
none are effective for pattern analysis and identification of candidates
for reusable features.
Summary and Conclusions
The creation of various paper representations of software applica-
tions before the code itself is created has long been troublesome for the
software engineering domain. Errors and mistakes are found in every
form of paper description of software. Translation from requirements to
design and from design to code always manages to leave some features
behind, and often manages to add features that no one asked for.
The cost of producing paper documents is often greater than the cost
of the source code itself. While paper documents can be inspected for
errors, and inspections are quite effective, it is very difficult to carry
out automated verification and validation of either text documents or
graphic design documents.
In total software requirements, analysis, architecture, and design
contribute to about 60 percent of all software bugs or defects and accu-
mulate between 30 percent and 40 percent of software costs. Indeed, the
three top cost elements of large software applications are
1. Finding and fixing bugs (many of which originate in paper docu-
2. Producing paper documents including requirements, architecture,
and design
3. Creating the source code itself
Because paper documents are simultaneously more defective and more
expensive than source code itself, there is a continuing need for software
engineering researchers to pay more attention to both the error content
of paper documents and also to the economic costs of paperwork.
Hopefully, future studies will enable software patterns to be more
easily found and will also permit more effective validation of require-
ments and design by automated means.
As of 2009, formal inspection of requirements, architecture, and
design is the most effective known way of eliminating defects in these
important documents. But inspections are somewhat slow and costly.
However, neither static analysis nor testing is fully capable of finding
and removing requirements and design errors, so manual inspections
are critical activities.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Readings and References
Note: Software requirements, business analysis, architecture, enterprise
architecture, and design collectively have more than 500 book titles and
thousands of journal articles in print. Yet in spite of the huge volume
of published information, these areas of software engineering continue
to be troublesome and erratic. The titles shown here represent only a
small sample of the available literature.
The Cost and Quality Associated
with Software Paperwork
Beck, Kent. Test-Driven Development. Boston, MA: Addison Wesley, 2002.
Cohen, Lou. Quality Function Deployment--How to Make QFD Work for You. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.
Cohn, Mike. Agile Estimating and Planning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR,
Garmus, David and David Herron. Function Point Analysis--Measurement Practices for
Successful Software Projects. Boston, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001.
Garmus, David and David Herron. Measuring the Software Process: A Practical Guide
to Functional Measurement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.
Gilb, Tom and Dorothy Graham. Software Inspections. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley,
Glass, R.L. Software Runaways: Lessons Learned from Massive Software Project
Failures. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
Harris, Michael, David Herron, and Stacia Iwanicki. The Business Value of IT:
Managing Risks, Optimizing Performance, and Measuring Results. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press (Auerbach), 2008.
Humphrey, Watts. Managing the Software Process. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1989.
Jones, Capers. Assessment and Control of Software Risks. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1994.
Jones, Capers. Estimating Software Costs. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Jones, Capers. Patterns of Software System Failure and Success. Boston, MA:
International Thomson Computer Press, 1995.
Jones, Capers. Software Assessments, Benchmarks, and Best Practices. Boston, MA:
Addison Wesley Longman, 2000.
Jones, Capers. "Software Project Management Practices: Failure Versus Success."
CrossTalk, Vol. 19, No. 6 (June 2006): 4­8.
Jones, Capers. "Why Flawed Software Projects are not Cancelled in Time." Cutter IT
Journal, Vol. 10, No. 12 (December 2003): 12­17.
Kan, Stephen H. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Second Edition.
Boston, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 2003.
McConnell, Steve. Software Estimating: Demystifying the Black Art. Redmond, WA:
Microsoft Press, 2006.
Radice, Ronald A. High Quality Low Cost Software Inspections. Andover, MA:
Paradoxicon Publishing, 2002.
Roetzheim, William H., and Reyna A. Beasley. Best Practices in Software Cost and
Schedule Estimation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
Strassmann, Paul. Governance of Information Management: The Concept of an
Information Constitution, Second Edition. (eBook). Stamford, CT: Information
Economics Press, 2004.
Strassmann, Paul. Information Payoff. Stamford, CT: Information Economics Press, 1985.
Strassmann, Paul. Information Productivity. Stamford, CT: Information Economics
Press, 1999.
Strassmann, Paul. The Squandered Computer. Stamford, CT: Information Economics
Press, 1997.
Chapter Seven
Wiegers, Karl E. Peer Reviews in Software--A Practical Guide. Boston: Addison Wesley
Longman, 2002.
Yourdon, Ed. Death March--The Complete Software Developer's Guide to Surviving
"Mission Impossible" Projects. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 1997.
Software Requirements
Artow, J. & I. Neustadt. UML and the Unified Process. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2000.
Booch, Grady, Ivar Jacobsen, and James Rumbaugh. The Unified Modeling Language
User Guide, Second Edition. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2005.
Cockburn, Alistair. Writing Effective Use Cases. Boston: Addison Wesley. 2000.
Cohn, Mike. User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development. Boston: Addison
Wesley, 2004.
Fernandini, Patricia L. A Requirements Pattern. Succeeding in the Internet Economy.
Boston: Addison Wesley, 2002.
Gottesidner, Ellen. The Software Requirements Memory Jogger. Salem, NH: Goal QPC
Inc., 2005.
Inmon, William H., John Zachman, and Jonathan G. Geiger. Data Stores, Data
Warehousing, and the Zachman Framework. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.
Orr, Ken. Structured Requirements Definition. Topeka, KS: Ken Orr and Associates,
Inc., 1981.
Robertson, Suzanne and James Robertson. Mastering the Requirements Process, Second
Edition. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2006.
Wiegers, Karl E. Software Requirements, Second Edition. Bellevue, WA: Microsoft Press,
Wiegers, Karl E. More About Software Requirements: Thorny Issues and Practical
Advice. Bellevue, WA: Microsoft Press, 2000.
Software Business Analysis
Carkenord, Barbara A. Seven Steps to Mastering Business Analysis. Ft. Lauderdale, FL:
J. Ross Publishing, 2008.
Haas, Kathleen B. Getting it Right: Business Requirements Analysis Tools and
Techniques. Vienna, VA: Management Concepts. 2007.
Software Architecture
Bass, Len, Paul Clements, and Rick Kazman. Software Architecture in Practice. Boston:
Addison Wesley, 1997.
Marks, Eric and Michael Bell. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): A Planning and
Implementation Guide for Business and Technology. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
Reekie, John and Rohan McAdam. A Software Architecture Primer. Angophora Press, 2006.
Shaw, Mary and David Garlan. Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging
Discipline. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.
Taylor, R.N., N. Medvidovic, E.M. Dashofy. Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory,
and Practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009.
Warnier, Jean-Dominique. Logical Construction of Systems. London: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1978.
Enterprise Architecture
Bernard, Scott. An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture, Second Edition. Philadelphia,
PA: Auerbach Publications, 2008.
Fowler, Martin. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Boston, MA: Addison
Wesley, 2007.
Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, and Design
Lankhorst, Marc. Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modeling, Communication, and
Analysis. Cologne, DE: Springer, 2005.
Spewak, Steven H. Enterprise Architecture Planning: Developing a Blueprint for Data,
Applications, and Technology. Hoboken, NSJ: Wiley, 1993.
Software Design
Ambler, S. Process Patterns--Building Large-Scale Systems Using Object Technology.
Cambridge University Press, SIGS Books, 1998.
Berger, Arnold S. Embedded Systems Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools, and
Techniques. Burlington, MA:CMP Books. 2001.
Gamma, Erich, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. Design Patterns:
Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Design. Boston: Addison Wesley, 1995.
Martin, James & Carma McClure. Diagramming Techniques for Analysts and
Programmers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1985.
Shalloway, Alan & James Trott. Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on
Object-Oriented Design, Second Edition. Boston, MA: Addison Wesley Professional,
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