
Data Profiling

<< Extracting Data Using Wizard
Slide 1
Virtual University of Pakistan
Data Transformation &
Lab lec: 5
Ahsan Abdullah
Assoc. Prof. & Head
Center for Agro-Informatics Research
National University of Computers & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Email: ahsan101@yahoo.com
Slide 2
Why Correct Before Transform?
· One is an obvious reason, other not so
· If SQL Package encounters an error, it roll
backs all transactions.
· Sometimes the error reporting is
After completion of data profiling for Lahore campus data, we are required to correct the records
in the error table. After corrections the corresponding records in the actual table are required to be
updated. The methodology to correct the exception table is dependent on the following factors:
Number of records corrupted
If the number of corrupted records are very large in number then we need to update it through
SQL Queries or some other automated way, otherwise, if they are less in number then they can be
updated through inspection or manual checking.
Type of corruption or error
If the dates are missing we must need to consult golden copy. If gender is missing we are not
required to consult golden copy. In many cases name can help us in identifying the gender of the
Slide 3
How to Correct the Exception Table?
· How to correct the exception table?
· It depends upon the factors like
­ Number of records corrupted
­ Type of corruption or error
­ Educated guess
­ Using golden copy
After completion of data profiling for Lahore campus data, we are required to correct the records
in the error table. After corrections the corresponding records in the actual table are required to be
updated. The methodology to correct the exception table is dependent on the following factors:
·  Number of records corrupted
If the number of corrupted records are very large in number then we need to update it through
SQL Queries or some other automated way, otherwise, if they are less in number then they can be
updated through inspection or manual checking.
·  Type of corruption or error
If the dates are missing we must need to consult golden copy. If gender is missing we are not
required to consult golden copy. Name can help us in identifying the gender of the person.
Slide 4
Exception Table: Correcting Gender
· A mechanism can be formulated to correct gender
· Use a standard gender guide
· Create another table "Gender guide" with
columns Name and Gender
· Copy distinct first names to "Gender guide"
· Manually put the gender of all names in "Gender
· Transform St_Name in Exception such that first
name gets separated and stored in another
· Make a join of Exception table and Gender guide
to fill missing gender
If for very large number of records gender is missing, it would become impossible for us to
manually check each and every individual's name and identify the gender. In such cases we can
formulate a mechanism to correct gender. We can either use a standard gender guide or create a
new table Gender_guide. Gender_guide contains only two columns name and gender. Populate
Gender_guide table by a query for selecting all distinct first names from student table. Then
manually placing their gender.
This table can serve us as guide by telli ng what can be the gender against this particular name.
For example if we have hundred students in our database with first name equal to `Muhammed'.
Then in our Gender_guide table we will have just one entry `Muhammed' and we will manually
set the gender as `Male' against `Muhammed'.
Now to fill missing genders in exception table we will just do a inner join on Error table and
Gender_guide table. We will get the gender against matching names.
Slide 5
Exception Table: Correct Gender
· Manually fill the Gender
The slide shows an interesting case. We can update gender easily against names like Sara that
clearly identifies that the student is female. But there may be certain names that are common for
males and females like Shamim, Khursheed, etc. In the slide we can see a name Noor Haque,
doesn't conveying the gender. It may be male and female as well. So, for such case at this stage
we can use `N', but these cases can only be resolved through consulting golden copy. This
conversion i.e. N needs to be reflected in meta data.
Slide 6
Exception Table: Correct Gender
Fill Rows Manually
In For Lahore campus we have only 187
missing values so we can fill 187 rows
manually just by inspection of names.
· How about same values (or more) for other
three campus?
· Cant fill hundreds of gender values by hand!
In this particular case of Lahore campus we have only 187 missing values so we can fill 187
rows manually just by inspection of names.
Slide 7
Exception Table: Correction of Date of Birth
· Correct inconsistent formats
Exception WHERE
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Jan-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Feb-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Mar-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Apr-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-May-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Jun-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Jul-__') AND
Now we need to correct the inconsistencies in date formats. First select all dates with inconsistent
formats. The following query can do this for us
Exception WHERE
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Jan-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Feb-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Mar-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Apr-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-May-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Jun-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Jul -__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Aug -__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Sep-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Oct-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Nov-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Dec-__') AND
([Date of Birth] <> '') AND
([Date of Birth] IS NOT NULL)
Slide 8
Exception Table: Correction of Date of Birth
Query Result
Fix Manually?
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Aug-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Sep-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Oct-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Nov-__') AND
([Date of Birth] NOT LIKE '%_-Dec-__') AND
([Date of Birth] <> '') AND
([Date of Birth] IS NOT NULL)  Manual Correction
Jul or Jan
golden copy
The slide shows the results of the above query. We can see that first incorrect date is 22-Jal-75.
This error can not be corrected until and unless we do not consult golden copy. Remaining two
errors can be corrected without consulting golden copy.
Slide 9
Exception Table: Correction of Date of Birth
Query Result
Why 1/1/00?
· For missing values consult golden copy
· When golden copy is unavailable replace
with a global value 1/1/50
[Date of Birth] = '1 -Jan-50'
([Date of Birth] LIKE '') OR
([Date of Birth] IS NULL)
There are some nulls and empty strings in Date of Birth. We can not put in values without
consulting golden copy. So for the time being we can use a standard value like 1/1/1900 or
1/1/1950 etc., again a meta data entry. Later on these values can be replaced with original values
after consulting golden copy.
Slide 10
Exception Table: Updating Corrections
· Formulate mechanisms to correct all
columns in exception table
· At the end of this step "Correction of
exception table" all records should become
· Then take a join of Exception table and
Student table to get all correct data in
student table
· Finally Transform the records in Student
table and put into another table
Student_Info table
Its up to the designer what met hodology he/she designs to correct the exception table. The goal is
to correct all records in exception table up to a certain level. Hundred percent correction is not
possible to achieve because of errors in golden copy. After correction of exception table we need
to take a join of exception table and student table so that all records of student table can be
updated with the values in exception table. After this exercise student table should be clean up to
a variable level.
After the cleansing of all records it is the time to transform records and put them into another
table named as `Student_Info'.
Slide 11
Student_Info Table
· Student_Info table
­ Standard names and order of the columns
­ Standard data types
· Database for each campus contains exactly
same table `Student_Info'
­ Same names of columns
­ Same order of columns
­ Same data types
· Finally we will glue Student_Info tables from
each campus to get single source
After correcting student table we need another table to store all records after applying
transformations. To serve t his purpose we create another table Student_Info. The most important
thing about this table is that it contains the names and data types of columns that are suggested in
data profiling. For example, data type for dates columns (birth date and registration date) is
DateTime, therefore, in Student_Info table we set data types for these columns dateTime at the
time of creation. Same is the case with all other columns.
Student_Info table does not contain any column against row_id as this column was just added for
cleansing purposes. Another important point is that Student_Info table may contain more or less
columns as compared to Student table. Like in Peshawar campus we do not have the column
Gender but Student_Info table for Peshawar campus does contain it. This column can be filled by
joining with the table Gender_guide we created earlier to find the missing genders.
Same query of create table is used to create table Student_Info in the databases of each campus,
so that exactly the same table can be creat ed in all databases, with same names and same order of
columns. After transformations and completion of Student_Info table we will just glue four tables
(student_Info table, one from each campus) to get a single standardized table. As we know that
in each campus order of columns in student table is different whereas order of columns in
Student_Info table across each campus is same. Its mean with in a database, like
Islamabad_Campus, order of columns in both tables Student and Student_Info differ. We need to
apply `copy column transformation' so that this different order of columns would not create any
problem at the time of loading Student_Info table.
Slide 12
· Now  we  will  apply  all  suggested
transformations and store the transformed
records in a new table Student_Info
· Transformations  are  applied  through  a
package that would be developed through
DTS Designer
While data profiling we have suggested certain transformations on each column. Now it is the
time to apply all transformations on Student table and finally put all transformed records to
student_info table. To apply transformations we need to develop a package though DTS designer
because wizard can not provide us enough functionality to design a package with complex
Slide 13
DTS Designer
· Open a new package in DTS Designer
To open a new package in DTS Designer. Right click the local packages and select `New
Package'. As a result DTS Designer interface would open.
Slide 14
Establish Connections
· Drag SQL Server Connection to Design Area
On the left side a small pane window shows all the available connections that can be established
through SQL Server. At this stage our source is Student table in Lahore_Campus SQL database.
Therefore, for source connection we click at the SQL Server icon and drag it to the desing area.
Slide 15
Set Connection properties
· Drag SQL Server Connection to Design Area
· Source and destination database is same
i.e. Lahore_Campus
As soon as we place the connection icon to the design area another dialog window opens and
provides us the way to set the properties of theconnection. First of all it asks us whether we want
to create a new connection or we want to use any other connection that was created before in the
same package. If we want to use any existing connection we can select existing connection but
here we want to create a new connection. Name the new connection as Source. Similar to source
we need to create another SQL Server connection for destination table that is `Student_Info'. In
properties of connection we are required to specify the name of destination database as well.
Slide 16
Transformation task
· Select transformation task from Task
· Drag it to design area, mouse Cursor will
guide you through tool tips
After creating both source and destination connections we need to select the task to be performed
between source and destination. All available task can be found on the left pane window `Task' in
form of icons. The task is transformation and is represented by the icon we can see highlighted in
the slide. Click the transformation task icon and drag it to the design area. First click in the source
connection and then click on the destination connection.
Slide 17
Transformation link
· On selection of source and destination for
transformation task we can see a
transformation link between source and
As soon as destination connection is clicked a task link appears between both connections. To set
the properties and details of transformations (detail means what transformation needs to be
applied) we need to double click the transformation link.
Slide 18
Transformation Task Properties
· On double click the transformation link,
transformation task property dialog box
would open with following 5 tabs
· We will use first 3 tabs only
Double clicking the transformation link opens a dialog box with five tabs.
Source tab let us define the source table.
Destination tab let us define the destination table. In this case both will be the same.
Transformation tab let us define the type of transformations to be applied between source
and destination.
Rest of the two tabs Lookup and Options will not be used by us. As all the task required to be
done can be completed by these three tabs.
Slide 19
Transformation Task Properties:
· First tab is source, select source table or
write query whatsoever is the requirement
· In this case source table is student
The slide shows the dialog under source tab. If we want to extract data from source database
through some query then we may specify query by selecting the radio option `SQL Query'. On
the other hand, if we want to copy all columns of a table or a view then we may specify it through
drop down menu after selecting the first radio option Table/View. The drop down menu shows all
tables and views available in the database specified while setting the properties of the connection.
In this case source table is student.
Slide 20
Transformation Task Properties:
· Second tab is destination, select destination
table which in this case is Student_Info
Second tab is for specifying the destination table if it exi sts. Otherwise, if destination table does
not exist then we may create it through Create button on the right of drop down menu. In our
case destination table Student_Info has been created earlier, therefore, at this stage we just need
to select the Student_Info table from the drop down menu.
Slide 21
Transformation Task Properties:
· Press third tab transformation
· Designer tries to map source destination
column automatically
· Drop all mappings if Designer asks you
through a dialog to delete all mappings
Now comes the most important tab Transformation. As soon as transformation tab is clicked
designer tries to map the source and destination table columns automatically on the base of
resemblances in the names. For example, if we have a column SID in source and a column SID in
destination then designer tries to map these two columns. A dialog box appears and ask weather
we want optimizer mappings remained there or we want to drop all mappings and create these
mappings manually. We prefer to go for later option and drop all automatic mappings because
optimizer does not transform genders (from 0/1 to M/F) or names etc.
Slide 22
Transformation Properties:
Transformation Mappings
· Delete all mappings
The slides show the mappings done by designer itself, delete all of these mappings.
Slide 23
Student ID Transformation
· Delete all auto mappings
· Select SID from both source and destination
and Click new
To create new mappings first of all we need to select the source column from source list box and
then destination column from destination list box. When both gets highlighted as shown in the
slide then press the New button. The slide shows highlighted SID column from both Source and
destination list box. In both tables the first column is SID.
Slide 24
Student ID Transformation: Copy Col.
· Select Copy column Transformation from
the list appears on pressing `New' button
On pressing the new button, following list box appears showing all available forms of
transformations. Select Copy Column transformation and press OK.
Slide 25
Student ID Transformation: Naming
· Then name the transformation like
SID_to_SID and press OK at the foot of
dialog box
After selecting the type of transformation needs to be applied we are required to assign name to
this transformation like SID_to_SID. For this transformation we are not required to set the
properties as it is the simplest form of transformation just copy from source to destination. The
only difference is the size of variable. At source it was varchar[250] whereas at destination it is
varchar[10]. Such transformations are done automatically by SQL Server, does not need to
specify in properties.
Slide 26
Student ID Transformation:
Link Display
· On each successful transformation a link
appears between source and destination
participating columns
On each successful transformation a link appears between source and destination participating
columns. To modify the properties of transformation we are just need to double click the link and
the same properties dialog box would appear.
Slide 27
Sttudentt IID Transfformattiion::
S uden  D Trans orma on
Execu on
·· On pressiing
on ttoollbar package wiillll be
On press ng
on oo bar package w  be
execu ed
On each successful transformation a link appears between source and destination participating
columns. To modify the properties of transformation we are just need to double click the link and
the same properties dialog box would appear. .
Slide 28
Student Name Transformation: 1: M
· St_Name is transformed into three names
­ First_Name
­ Last_Name
­ Student_Name (Contains remaining name)
After SID we are required to transform St_Name. It is one to many transformation that is required
to be specified through script. In this case is source column is just one `St_Name' and the
destination columns are three `First_Name', `Last_Name', & `Student_Name'. We are required to
create three new transformations,
St_Name to First_Name
St_Name to Last_Name
St_Name to Student_Name
First of all select St_Name from source list box and First_Name from destination list box. When
both of the columns get highli ghted press the new button.
Slide 29
Student Name Transformation:
Using Script
· Select St_Name from source and
First_Name from destination click new
· Select ActiveX Script
transformation from
the menu appeared on
pressing new
As we are required to write script to transform St_Name into First_Name therefore select Active -
X Script.
Slide 30
Student Name Transformation: Naming
· Name the transformation and click
Name the transformation and press `Properties' to write script.
Slide 31
Name Transformation: AX properts.
· Such an interface allows you to write VB
Script to transform Student name to First
Slide shows the interface within the designer to write and test scripts that are written for
transformation. Language dropdown menu on the extreme left corner allow us to select options
available for scripting the transformation. As we are using VB scripts therefore make sure that
VB Script should be selected in the dropdown menu.
Slide 32
Student Name Transformation:
Script Interface
· On Left Bottom corner of the dialog window
you can see the following menu
· Use test button to test the script
On the extreme left corner of the scripting interface dialog we can see six options as shown in the
slide. We can save our scripts, we can browse them later on, we can parse them for syntax errors,
we can undo last move, we can auto generate simple copy column script and we can test our
scripts on actual column of database table. To verify the correctness of the script we can use Test
option. Test option runs the script on the actual column and shows the first hundred values as an
Slide 33
Student Name Transformation:
Transformation Script
· Following Script allows you to transform
Student name to first name
The slide shows the script that has been written to transform St_Name from source table to
First_Name of destination. If you do not know VB Script you can also use same script with
correct column names.
Slide 34
Slide 80
Sttudent Name Transformation:
S udent Name Trans
·· Outtputt off the test run
Ou pu o the
·· Workiing ffine
Work ng ine
The slide shows the output of the test run of given script on Lahore_Campus database. We can
see all first names are separated from the actual full names. This is the desired transformation for
Slide 35
Student Name Transformation:
Last Name
· Select St_Name again from source
and Last_Name from destination,
press new
· Now write Script to separate Last
name from student name
Now we will separate the last name from the names of the students. To create this type of
transformation we are required to selectSt_Name from source list box and Last_Name from the
destination list box and press New button.
Slide 36
Student Name Transformation:
Last Name-Script
· Student name to last name transformation
The slide shows VB Script for separating last name from full name of the student.
Slide 37
Student Name Transformation:
1:M Visulaization
· Transformation looks like as follows
After creating all of the transformations
St_Name to First_Name
St_Name to Last_Name
St_Name to Student_Name
Link for one to many transformations looks like the one shown in the slide.
Slide 38
Father's Name Transformation
· Apply similar transformations to
­ Father_First_Name
­ Father_Last_Name
­ Father_Name (stores rest of the name)
We need to apply similar one to many transformation to father name column.
Slide 39
Gender Transformation
· Select Gender from both source and
destination columns and press new
Now we need to create another transformation for standardizing the conventions to store gender
that is M for male and F for female. Select Gender from both source and destination and press
Slide 40
Gender Transformation:
Script Interface
· Select ActiveX Script from the menu
· Select `Properties ' from
the dialog box following
this menu
Again select ActiveX script.
Slide 41
Gender Transformation:
· Write following script
The slide shows the activeX script to standardize the gender convention.
Slide 42
Gender Transformation:
Test Script
· Test the script
Test run shows that the script is working fine.
Slide 43
Address Transformation
· Here in this case we consider Address
transformation at very coarser level
· Separate city name from remaining address
· This transformation resembles with
Last_Name transformation
Now comes to another common example of one to many transformation that is Address
transformations. For real life purposes we usuallly break address into many columns like house #,
Street #, City, State, Region etc. It depends on the requirements of the users and customers. For
the given example we will break the address into two column City and remaining address. This
example resembles to the separation of last name from student full name because in all records
city is the last part of the address. So we can use the same script with certain modification of
column names.
Slide 44
Date Transformation
· Select DoB from destination and [Date of
Birth] from source and press new
Now we need to transform the date of birth column. Select DoB from destination and [Date of
Birth] from source and press New. Select Date Time String transformation from the list of
available transformations.
Slide 45
Date Transformation:
Set Properties
· Select Date Time String Transformation
from the menu and then set `Properties' as
In the properties of Date Time String transformation we can see the dialog box as shown in the
slide. In this dialog box we can see two dropdown combo boxes with title Date Format. In first
combo box select or manually specify (through typing) the format of the date in the source
column. In the second box select the format for destination and click ok .
Slide 46
Remaining Transformations
· Similarly perform remaining transformations
­ Registration status
· Valid values are
­ `A' for admission
­ `T' for transfer
­ Degree status
· Valid values are
­ `C' for complete
­ `I' for incomplete
Similarly perform remaining transformations including Registration Status and Degree Status .
You can generate scripts for them easily by performing little modifications in gender
transformation script.
Slide 47
· After transformation there comes an issue
of data standardization
· As the data is inconsistent due to desperate
sources therefore we need to standardized
data to make it useful for analysis
· We will perform following three
­ Name standardization
­ Address standardization
­ Last degree standardization
By this time all transformations are completed. Now we are required to standardize data. Like we
can see in the name column that there are a lot of inconsistencies in names due to variations in
spellings. We can find many variations in spellings of same name like Mohd., Mohammed,
Muhammed, Mohamad, etc.. For meaning full analysis we must have standardized data in our
columns because computer can not recognize that Mohd. Khalid and Mohammad Khalid is the
same name. Same is the case with the names of cities. Some people use abbreviations in
addresses while some others like to write full names e.g. Lahore or Lhr. In this example we will
perform standardization for Names, Addresses and Last degree.
Slide 48
Name Standardization
· Name is transformed into following three
­ First name (First_Name)
­ Second name (Student_Name)
­ Last name (Last_Name )
· We will devise a simple strategy to
standardized name that can later be
followed by any other column (city / last
There are no fixed strategies to standardize the columns. Again it depends on the project designer
what methodology he/she devises. We can devise a simple methodology that can later be used for
other columns as well.
Slide 49
Name Standardization: Step-1
· Create a new table `SNames' with two
This methodology some what looks like the one we used to fill the missing gender information of
students. Create a new table with two columns `Name' and `Standardized_Names'.
Slide 50
Name Standardization: Step-2
· Use Data Import/Export Wizard to put
Distinct values of names from Student_Info
to SNames
Create a new package through wizard to put the distinct names of the students from Student_Info
table. Select second radio option that is use a query to specify the data to transfer. Write a query
to select distinct names from Student_Info table.
Slide 51
Name Standardization: Step-3
· Write following query
Select Distinct First_Name From
Student_Info order by First_Name
· As a result all distinct names in ascending
order would be inserted in SName table
· Manually write standardized spellings of
names in Standardized_Names column
Following query can serve the purpose of selecting distinct names from Student_Info table and
loading them to SName table in ascending order.
Select Distinct First_Name From Student_Info order by First_Name;
Load all names to Name column of the SName table and against each name write its standardized
spellings in Standardized_Names column manually.
Slide 52
Name Standardization: Step 4
· Update First_Name in Student_Info table by
running  a  join  between  two  tables
Student_Info and SNames on the column
First_Name and Name
The slide shows a screen shot of SNames table. We can update all first names in Student_Info
table just by joining it with SName on the column First_Name (Student_Info) and Name
Table of Contents:
  1. Need of Data Warehousing
  2. Why a DWH, Warehousing
  3. The Basic Concept of Data Warehousing
  4. Classical SDLC and DWH SDLC, CLDS, Online Transaction Processing
  5. Types of Data Warehouses: Financial, Telecommunication, Insurance, Human Resource
  6. Normalization: Anomalies, 1NF, 2NF, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  7. De-Normalization: Balance between Normalization and De-Normalization
  8. DeNormalization Techniques: Splitting Tables, Horizontal splitting, Vertical Splitting, Pre-Joining Tables, Adding Redundant Columns, Derived Attributes
  9. Issues of De-Normalization: Storage, Performance, Maintenance, Ease-of-use
  10. Online Analytical Processing OLAP: DWH and OLAP, OLTP
  11. OLAP Implementations: MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP, DOLAP
  12. ROLAP: Relational Database, ROLAP cube, Issues
  13. Dimensional Modeling DM: ER modeling, The Paradox, ER vs. DM,
  14. Process of Dimensional Modeling: Four Step: Choose Business Process, Grain, Facts, Dimensions
  15. Issues of Dimensional Modeling: Additive vs Non-Additive facts, Classification of Aggregation Functions
  16. Extract Transform Load ETL: ETL Cycle, Processing, Data Extraction, Data Transformation
  17. Issues of ETL: Diversity in source systems and platforms
  18. Issues of ETL: legacy data, Web scrapping, data quality, ETL vs ELT
  19. ETL Detail: Data Cleansing: data scrubbing, Dirty Data, Lexical Errors, Irregularities, Integrity Constraint Violation, Duplication
  20. Data Duplication Elimination and BSN Method: Record linkage, Merge, purge, Entity reconciliation, List washing and data cleansing
  21. Introduction to Data Quality Management: Intrinsic, Realistic, Orr’s Laws of Data Quality, TQM
  22. DQM: Quantifying Data Quality: Free-of-error, Completeness, Consistency, Ratios
  23. Total DQM: TDQM in a DWH, Data Quality Management Process
  24. Need for Speed: Parallelism: Scalability, Terminology, Parallelization OLTP Vs DSS
  25. Need for Speed: Hardware Techniques: Data Parallelism Concept
  26. Conventional Indexing Techniques: Concept, Goals, Dense Index, Sparse Index
  27. Special Indexing Techniques: Inverted, Bit map, Cluster, Join indexes
  28. Join Techniques: Nested loop, Sort Merge, Hash based join
  29. Data mining (DM): Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDD
  31. Data Structures, types of Data Mining, Min-Max Distance, One-way, K-Means Clustering
  32. DWH Lifecycle: Data-Driven, Goal-Driven, User-Driven Methodologies
  33. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  34. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  35. DWH Life Cycle: Pitfalls, Mistakes, Tips
  36. Course Project
  37. Contents of Project Reports
  38. Case Study: Agri-Data Warehouse
  39. Web Warehousing: Drawbacks of traditional web sear ches, web search, Web traffic record: Log files
  40. Web Warehousing: Issues, Time-contiguous Log Entries, Transient Cookies, SSL, session ID Ping-pong, Persistent Cookies
  41. Data Transfer Service (DTS)
  42. Lab Data Set: Multi -Campus University
  43. Extracting Data Using Wizard
  44. Data Profiling