
Characters:Escape Sequences, Multibyte Characters, Wide-Character Encoding

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Chapter 3. Characters
Character Sets (page 9) · Character Sets and Locales (page 10) · Escape Sequences
(page 10) · Numeric Escape Sequences (page 11) · Trigraphs (page 11) · Multibyte
Characters (page 12) · Wide-Character Encoding (page 13)
Characters play a central role in Standard C. You represent a C program as one or
more source files. The translator reads a source file as a text stream consisting of
characters that you can read when you display the stream on a terminal screen or
produce hard copy with a printer. You often manipulate text when a C program
executes. The program might produce a text stream that people can read, or it
might read a text stream entered by someone typing at a keyboard or from a file
modified using a text editor. This document describes the characters that you use
to write C source files and that you manipulate as streams when executing C
Character Sets
When you write a program, you express C source files as text lines (page 17)
containing characters from the source character set. When a program executes in
the target environment, it uses characters from the target character set. These
character sets are related, but need not have the same encoding or all the same
Every character set contains a distinct code value for each character in the basic C
character set. A character set can also contain additional characters with other code
values. For example:
v The character constant 'x' becomes the value of the code for the character
corresponding to x in the target character set.
v The string literal "xyz" becomes a sequence of character constants stored in
successive bytes of memory, followed by a byte containing the value zero:
{'x', 'y', 'z', '\0'}
A string literal is one way to specify a null-terminated string, an array of zero or
more bytes followed by a byte containing the value zero.
Visible graphic characters in the basic C character set:
Additional graphic characters in the basic C character set:
leave blank space
signal an alert (BELl)
back one position (BackSpace)
to top of page (Form Feed)
to start of next line (NewLine)
to start of this line (Carriage Return)
to next Horizontal Tab stop
to next Vertical Tab stop
The code value zero is reserved for the null character which is always in the target
character set. Code values for the basic C character set are positive when stored in
an object of type char. Code values for the digits are contiguous, with increasing
value. For example, '0' + 5 equals '5'. Code values for any two letters are not
necessarily contiguous.
Character Sets and Locales
An implementation can support multiple locales, each with a different character
set. A locale summarizes conventions peculiar to a given culture, such as how to
format dates or how to sort names. To change locales and, therefore, target
character sets while the program is running, use the function setlocale. The
translator encodes character constants and string literals for the "C" locale, which
is the locale in effect at program startup.
Escape Sequences
Within character constants and string literals, you can write a variety of escape
sequences. Each escape sequence determines the code value for a single character.
You use escape sequences to represent character codes:
v you cannot otherwise write (such as \n)
v that can be difficult to read properly (such as \t)
v that might change value in different target character sets (such as \a)
v that must not change in value among different target environments (such as \0)
An escape sequence takes the form shown in the diagram.
Mnemonic escape sequences help you remember the characters they represent:
Escape Sequence
Standard C++ Library
Numeric Escape Sequences
You can also write numeric escape sequences using either octal or hexadecimal
digits. An octal escape sequence takes one of the forms:
\d or \dd or \ddd
The escape sequence yields a code value that is the numeric value of the 1-, 2-, or
3-digit octal number following the backslash (\). Each d can be any digit in the
range 0-7.
A hexadecimal escape sequence takes one of the forms:
\xh or \xhh or ...
The escape sequence yields a code value that is the numeric value of the
arbitrary-length hexadecimal number following the backslash (\). Each h can be
any decimal digit 0-9, or any of the letters a-f or A-F. The letters represent the
digit values 10-15, where either a or A has the value 10.
A numeric escape sequence terminates with the first character that does not fit the
digit pattern. Here are some examples:
v You can write the null character (page 10) as '\0'.
v You can write a newline character (NL) within a string literal by writing:
"hi\n" which becomes the array {'h', 'i', '\n', 0}
v You can write a string literal that begins with a specific numeric value:
"\3abc" which becomes the array {3, 'a', 'b', 'c', 0}
v You can write a string literal that contains the hexadecimal escape sequence \xF
followed by the digit 3 by writing two string literals:
"\xF" "3" which becomes the array {0xF, '3', 0}
A trigraph is a sequence of three characters that begins with two question marks
(??). You use trigraphs to write C source files with a character set that does not
contain convenient graphic representations for some punctuation characters. (The
resultant C source file is not necessarily more readable, but it is unambiguous.)
The list of all defined trigraphs is:
These are the only trigraphs. The translator does not alter any other sequence that
begins with two question marks.
For example, the expression statements:
printf("Case ??=3 is done??/n");
printf("You said what????/n");
are equivalent to:
Chapter 3. Characters
printf("Case #3 is done\n");
printf("You said what??\n");
The translator replaces each trigraph with its equivalent single character
representation in an early phase of translation (page 50). You can always treat a
trigraph as a single source character.
Multibyte Characters
A source character set or target character set can also contain multibyte characters
(sequences of one or more bytes). Each sequence represents a single character in
the extended character set. You use multibyte characters to represent large sets of
characters, such as Kanji. A multibyte character can be a one-byte sequence that is
a character from the basic C character set (page 9), an additional one-byte sequence
that is implementation defined, or an additional sequence of two or more bytes
that is implementation defined.
Any multibyte encoding that contains sequences of two or more bytes depends, for
its interpretation between bytes, on a conversion state determined by bytes earlier
in the sequence of characters. In the initial conversion state if the byte
immediately following matches one of the characters in the basic C character set,
the byte must represent that character.
For example, the EUC encoding is a superset of ASCII. A byte value in the interval
[0xA1, 0xFE] is the first of a two-byte sequence (whose second byte value is in the
interval [0x80, 0xFF]). All other byte values are one-byte sequences. Since all
members of the basic C character set (page 9) have byte values in the range [0x00,
0x7F] in ASCII, EUC meets the requirements for a multibyte encoding in Standard
C. Such a sequence is not in the initial conversion state immediately after a byte
value in the interval [0xA1, 0xFe]. It is ill-formed if a second byte value is not in
the interval [0x80, 0xFF].
Multibyte characters can also have a state-dependent encoding. How you interpret
a byte in such an encoding depends on a conversion state that involves both a
parse state, as before, and a shift state, determined by bytes earlier in the sequence
of characters. The initial shift state, at the beginning of a new multibyte character,
is also the initial conversion state. A subsequent shift sequence can determine an
alternate shift state, after which all byte sequences (including one-byte sequences)
can have a different interpretation. A byte containing the value zero, however,
always represents the null character (page 10). It cannot occur as any of the bytes
of another multibyte character.
For example, the JIS encoding is another superset of ASCII. In the initial shift
state, each byte represents a single character, except for two three-byte shift
v The three-byte sequence "\x1B$B" shifts to two-byte mode. Subsequently, two
successive bytes (both with values in the range [0x21, 0x7E]) constitute a single
multibyte character.
v The three-byte sequence "\x1B(B" shifts back to the initial shift state.
JIS also meets the requirements for a multibyte encoding in Standard C. Such a
sequence is not in the initial conversion state when partway through a three-byte
shift sequence or when in two-byte mode.
Standard C++ Library
(Amendment 1 adds the type mbstate_t, which describes an object that can store a
conversion state. It also relaxes the above rules for generalized multibyte characters
(page 18), which describe the encoding rules for a broad range of wide streams
(page 18).)
You can write multibyte characters in C source text as part of a comment, a
character constant, a string literal, or a filename in an include (page 50) directive.
How such characters print is implementation defined. Each sequence of multibyte
characters that you write must begin and end in the initial shift state. The program
can also include multibyte characters in null-terminated (page 9) C strings used by
several library functions, including the format strings (page 31) for printf and
scanf. Each such character string must begin and end in the initial shift state.
Wide-Character Encoding
Each character in the extended character set also has an integer representation,
called a wide-character encoding. Each extended character has a unique
wide-character value. The value zero always corresponds to the null wide
character. The type definition wchar_t specifies the integer type that represents
wide characters.
You write a wide-character constant as L'mbc', where mbc represents a single
multibyte character. You write a wide-character string literal as L"mbs", where mbs
represents a sequence of zero or more multibyte characters. The wide-character
string literal L"xyz" becomes a sequence of wide-character constants stored in
successive bytes of memory, followed by a null wide character:
{L'x', L'y', L'z', L'\0'}
The following library functions help you convert between the multibyte and
wide-character representations of extended characters: btowc, mblen, mbrlen,
mbrtowc, mbsrtowcs, mbstowcs, mbtowc, wcrtomb, wcsrtombs, wcstombs, wctob,
and wctomb.
The macro MB_LEN_MAX specifies the length of the longest possible multibyte
sequence required to represent a single character defined by the implementation
across supported locales. And the macro MB_CUR_MAX specifies the length of the
longest possible multibyte sequence required to represent a single character
defined for the current locale.
For example, the string literal (page 9) "hello" becomes an array of six char:
{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 0}
while the wide-character string literal L"hello" becomes an array of six integers of
type wchar_t:
{L'h', L'e', L'l', L'l', L'o', 0}
Chapter 3. Characters
Standard C++ Library